package edu.isi.karma.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; public class JSONLDUtilSimple { private static JSONLDReducerComparatorSimple comparator; static { comparator = new JSONLDReducerComparatorSimple(); } private JSONLDUtilSimple() { } public static JSONObject mergeJSONObjects(String left, String right, Map<String, String> provenanceProperties) throws ParseException { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); return mergeJSONObjects((JSONObject)parser.parse(left), (JSONObject)parser.parse(right), provenanceProperties); } public static JSONObject mergeJSONObjects(Iterator<String> iterator) throws ParseException { return mergeJSONObjects(iterator, new HashMap<String, String>()); } public static JSONObject mergeJSONObjects(Iterator<String> iterator, Map<String, String> provenanceProperties) throws ParseException { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject accumulatorObject = new JSONObject(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { String value =; JSONObject object = (JSONObject)parser.parse(value); accumulatorObject = mergeJSONObjects(accumulatorObject, object, provenanceProperties); } return accumulatorObject; } public static JSONObject mergeJSONObjects(JSONObject left, JSONObject right, Map<String, String> provenanceProperties) { mergeJSONObjectsInner(left, right, provenanceProperties); return left; } private static boolean mergeJSONObjectsInner(JSONObject left, JSONObject right, Map<String, String> provenanceProperties) { boolean rightAdded = false; ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(right.keySet()); //Move provenance properties to the end of the list for(String provProp: provenanceProperties.keySet()) { if(names.contains(provProp)) { names.remove(provProp); names.add(provProp); } } for(Object rawName : names) { String name = (String) rawName; if(!left.containsKey(name)) { Object rightObj = right.get(name); left.put(name, rightObj); if(rightObj instanceof String) rightAdded = true; } else { Object leftObject = left.get(name); Object rightObject = right.get(name); if(leftObject instanceof JSONArray) { if(rightObject instanceof JSONArray) { rightAdded = rightAdded | mergeArrays(left, name, rightAdded, (JSONArray) leftObject, (JSONArray) rightObject, provenanceProperties); } else { JSONArray newRightArray = new JSONArray(); newRightArray.add(rightObject); rightAdded = rightAdded | mergeArrays(left, name, rightAdded, (JSONArray) leftObject, newRightArray, provenanceProperties); } } else { if(rightObject instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray newLeftArray = new JSONArray(); newLeftArray.add(leftObject); rightAdded = rightAdded | mergeArrays(left, name, rightAdded, newLeftArray, (JSONArray)rightObject, provenanceProperties); } else { JSONArray newLeftArray = new JSONArray(); JSONArray newRightArray = new JSONArray(); newLeftArray.add(leftObject); newRightArray.add(rightObject); rightAdded = rightAdded | mergeArrays(left, name, rightAdded, newLeftArray, newRightArray, provenanceProperties); } } } } return rightAdded; } protected static boolean mergeArrays(JSONObject left, String name, boolean newAdded, JSONArray leftArray, JSONArray rightArray, Map<String, String> provenanceProperties) { LinkedList<Object> newArrayBuilder = new LinkedList<Object>(); int leftIndex = 0; int rightIndex = 0; boolean rightAdded = false; boolean provenanceDateProperty = false; //If it is a provenance property and no new information is added, we do not need to add the property if(provenanceProperties.containsKey(name) && !newAdded) { String provType = provenanceProperties.get(name); if(provType == "date") { //For dates, we would like to min, max date provenanceDateProperty = true; } else { return false; } } while(leftIndex < leftArray.size() && rightIndex < rightArray.size() ) { int result =,rightArray.get(rightIndex)); if(result < 0) { newArrayBuilder.add(leftArray.get(leftIndex++)); } else if (result == 0) { Object tempLeft = leftArray.get(leftIndex++); Object tempRight = rightArray.get(rightIndex++); ObjectRightAdded mergedResultAdded = mergeStringsAndJSONObjects( tempLeft, tempRight, provenanceProperties); Object mergedResult = mergedResultAdded.object; rightAdded = rightAdded | mergedResultAdded.rightAdded; newArrayBuilder.add(mergedResult); } else { Object rightObj = rightArray.get(rightIndex++); newArrayBuilder.add(rightObj); if(rightObj instanceof String) rightAdded = true; } } while(leftIndex < leftArray.size()) { newArrayBuilder.add(leftArray.get(leftIndex++)); } while(rightIndex < rightArray.size()) { Object rightObj = rightArray.get(rightIndex++); newArrayBuilder.add(rightObj); if(rightObj instanceof String) rightAdded = true; } if(newArrayBuilder.size() > 1 || name.equals("a")) { JSONArray newArray = new JSONArray(); if(!provenanceDateProperty) { newArray.addAll(newArrayBuilder); } else { String min = null, max = null; for(Object obj : newArrayBuilder) { String s = obj.toString(); if(min == null || s.compareTo(min) < 0) min = s; if(max == null || s.compareTo(max) > 0) max = s; } newArray.add(min); if(min != max) newArray.add(max); } left.put(name, newArray); } else if(newArrayBuilder.size() == 1) { left.put(name, newArrayBuilder.get(0)); } return rightAdded; } private static ObjectRightAdded mergeStringsAndJSONObjects(Object tempLeft, Object tempRight, Map<String, String> provenanceProperties) { Object mergedResult = null; boolean rightAdded = false; if(tempLeft instanceof String && tempRight instanceof String) { mergedResult = tempLeft; } else if(tempLeft instanceof JSONObject && tempRight instanceof String) { mergedResult = tempLeft; } else if(tempLeft instanceof String && tempRight instanceof JSONObject) { mergedResult = tempRight; rightAdded = false; //We add right, but since its an object, the object will contain prov and we dont need to count it as merged } else if(tempLeft instanceof JSONObject && tempRight instanceof JSONObject) { // rightAdded = rightAdded | mergeJSONObjectsInner((JSONObject)tempLeft, (JSONObject)tempRight, provenanceProperties); mergeJSONObjectsInner((JSONObject)tempLeft, (JSONObject)tempRight, provenanceProperties); mergedResult = tempLeft; rightAdded = false; //We add right, but since its an object, the object will contain prov and we dont need to count it as merged } else { if (tempLeft instanceof String) { mergedResult = tempRight.toString(); if(tempRight instanceof String) rightAdded = true; } else { mergedResult = tempLeft.toString(); } } return new ObjectRightAdded(mergedResult, rightAdded); } private static class ObjectRightAdded { public Object object; public boolean rightAdded; public ObjectRightAdded(Object object, boolean rightAdded) { this.object = object; this.rightAdded = rightAdded; } } }