package edu.isi.karma.imp.json; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import edu.isi.karma.controller.command.selection.SuperSelectionManager; import edu.isi.karma.rep.ColumnMetadata.DataStructure; import edu.isi.karma.rep.HNode; import edu.isi.karma.rep.HNode.HNodeType; import edu.isi.karma.rep.HNodePath; import edu.isi.karma.rep.HTable; import edu.isi.karma.rep.Node; import edu.isi.karma.rep.RepFactory; import edu.isi.karma.rep.Row; import edu.isi.karma.rep.Table; import edu.isi.karma.rep.Worksheet; public class JsonImportValues { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonImportValues.class); private int maxNumLines; private int numObjects; private RepFactory factory; private Worksheet worksheet; private JSONArray columnsJson; private Map<String, Boolean> columnsCache = new HashMap<>(); public JsonImportValues(int maxNumLines, int numObjects, RepFactory factory, Worksheet worksheet, JSONArray columnsJson) { this.maxNumLines = maxNumLines; this.numObjects = numObjects; this.factory = factory; this.worksheet = worksheet; this.columnsJson = columnsJson; } public void addObjectElement(String key, Object value, HTable headers, Row row) throws JSONException { HNode hNode = addHNode(headers, key, DataStructure.OBJECT, factory, worksheet); String hNodeId = hNode.getId(); if (value instanceof String) { if (((String) value).isEmpty() && hNode.hasNestedTable()) { addEmptyRow(row.getNode(hNodeId).getNestedTable(), hNode); } row.setValue(hNodeId, (String) value, factory); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { row.setValue(hNodeId, value.toString(), factory); } else if (value instanceof Double) { row.setValue(hNodeId, value.toString(), factory); } else if (value instanceof Long) { row.setValue(hNodeId, value.toString(), factory); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { row.setValue(hNodeId, value.toString(), factory); } else if (value instanceof JSONObject) { if (maxNumLines <= 0 || numObjects < maxNumLines) { HTable nestedHTable = addNestedHTable(hNode, key, row); Table nestedTable = row.getNode(hNodeId).getNestedTable(); addKeysAndValues((JSONObject) value, nestedHTable, nestedTable); } } else if (value instanceof JSONArray) { if (maxNumLines <= 0 || numObjects < maxNumLines) { HTable nestedHTable = addNestedHTable(hNode, key, row); Table nestedTable = row.getNode(hNodeId).getNestedTable(); JSONArray a = (JSONArray) value; for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) { addListElement(a.get(i), nestedHTable, nestedTable); } } } else if (value == JSONObject.NULL) { // Ignore } else { throw new Error("Cannot handle " + key + ": " + value + " yet."); } } public void addObjectElement(String key, JSONTokener token, HTable headers, Row row) throws JSONException { HNode hNode = addHNode(headers, key, DataStructure.OBJECT, factory, worksheet); String hNodeId = hNode == null ? null : hNode.getId(); char c = token.nextClean(); if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) return; if (c != '{' && c != '[') { token.back(); Object tokenObj = token.nextValue(); String value; if(tokenObj == null || tokenObj == JSONObject.NULL) value = ""; else value = tokenObj.toString(); if (value.isEmpty() && hNode != null && hNode.hasNestedTable()) { addEmptyRow(row.getNode(hNodeId).getNestedTable(), hNode); } if (hNodeId != null) row.setValue(hNodeId, value, factory); } else if (c == '{') { if (maxNumLines <= 0 || numObjects < maxNumLines) { if (hNode != null) { HTable nestedHTable = addNestedHTable(hNode, key, row); Table nestedTable = row.getNode(hNodeId).getNestedTable(); addKeysAndValues(token, nestedHTable, nestedTable); } else addKeysAndValues(token, null, null); } } else if (c == '[') { if (maxNumLines <= 0 || numObjects < maxNumLines) { if (hNode != null) { HTable nestedHTable = addNestedHTable(hNode, key, row); Table nestedTable = row.getNode(hNodeId).getNestedTable(); addListElement(token, nestedHTable, nestedTable); } else addListElement(token, null, null); } } else { throw new Error("Cannot handle " + key + " yet."); } } public void addEmptyRow(Table nestedTable, HNode hNode) { HTable headersNestedTable = hNode.getNestedTable(); Row emptyRow = nestedTable.addRow(factory); numObjects++; if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) return; for (HNode nestedHNode : headersNestedTable.getHNodes()) { if (nestedHNode.hasNestedTable()) { addEmptyRow(emptyRow.getNode(nestedHNode.getId()) .getNestedTable(), nestedHNode); } else { emptyRow.setValue(nestedHNode.getId(), "", factory); } } } public void addKeysAndValues(JSONObject object, HTable nestedHTable, Table nestedTable) throws JSONException { if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) return; Row nestedRow = nestedTable.addRow(factory); numObjects++; // if(maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) // return; Iterator<String> it = getSortedKeysIterator(object); while (it.hasNext()) { String nestedKey =; addObjectElement(nestedKey, object.get(nestedKey), nestedHTable, nestedRow); } } public void addKeysAndValues(JSONTokener token, HTable nestedHTable, Table nestedTable) throws JSONException { if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) return; Row nestedRow = null; if (nestedTable != null) { nestedRow = nestedTable.addRow(factory); numObjects++; } // if(maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) // return; char c = token.nextClean(); while (c != '}') { if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) break; token.back(); Object key = token.nextValue(); char t = token.nextClean(); if (t != ':') throw new JSONException("Parse JSON object error"); addObjectElement((String)key, token, nestedHTable, nestedRow); if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) break; c = token.nextClean(); if (c != ',' && c != '}') throw new JSONException("Parse JSON object error"); if (c == ',') { c = token.nextClean(); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Iterator<String> getSortedKeysIterator(JSONObject object) { List<String> keys = IteratorUtils.toList(object.keys()); Collections.sort(keys); Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator(); return it; } public void addListElement(Object listValue, HTable headers, Table dataTable) throws JSONException { if(JSONObject.NULL.equals(listValue)) { listValue = ""; } if (listValue instanceof JSONObject) { if (maxNumLines <= 0 || numObjects < maxNumLines) { Row row = dataTable.addRow(factory); numObjects++; JSONObject o = (JSONObject) listValue; Iterator<String> it = getSortedKeysIterator(o); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; addObjectElement(key, o.get(key), headers, row); } } } else if (isPrimitiveValue(listValue)) { HNode hNode = addHNode(headers, HTable.VALUES_COLUMN, DataStructure.PRIMITIVE, factory, worksheet); String hNodeId = hNode.getId(); Row row = dataTable.addRow(factory); numObjects++; // TODO, conserve the types of the primitive types. String value = ""; if (listValue instanceof String || listValue instanceof Boolean) { value = listValue.toString(); } else if (listValue instanceof Double) { value = Double.toString((Double) listValue); } else if (listValue instanceof Integer) { value = Integer.toString((Integer) listValue); } else if (listValue instanceof Long) { value = Long.toString((Long) listValue); } else { // Pedro 2012/09/14 logger.error("Unexpected value in JSON array:" + listValue.toString()); } row.setValue(hNodeId, value, factory); } else if (listValue instanceof JSONArray) { if (maxNumLines <= 0 || numObjects < maxNumLines) { HNode hNode = addHNode(headers, "nested array", DataStructure.COLLECTION, factory, worksheet); String hNodeId = hNode.getId(); Row row = dataTable.addRow(factory); numObjects++; if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) return; HTable nestedHTable = addNestedHTable(hNode, "nested array values", row); Table nestedTable = row.getNode(hNodeId).getNestedTable(); JSONArray a = (JSONArray) listValue; for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) { addListElement(a.get(i), nestedHTable, nestedTable); } } } else { logger.error("Cannot handle whatever case is not covered by the if statements. Sorry"); logger.error(listValue.toString()); } } public void addListElement(JSONTokener token, HTable headers, Table dataTable) throws JSONException { char c = token.nextClean(); while (c != ']') { if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) break; if (c != '{' && c != '[') { token.back(); HNode hNode = addHNode(headers, HTable.VALUES_COLUMN, DataStructure.PRIMITIVE, factory, worksheet); String hNodeId = hNode == null ? null : hNode.getId(); String value = token.nextValue().toString(); if (hNodeId != null) { Row row = dataTable.addRow(factory); numObjects++; row.setValue(hNodeId, value, factory); } } else if (c == '{') { if (maxNumLines <= 0 || numObjects < maxNumLines) { if (headers != null && dataTable != null) numObjects++; addKeysAndValues(token, headers, dataTable); } } else if (c == '[') { if (maxNumLines <= 0 || numObjects < maxNumLines) { HNode hNode = addHNode(headers, "nested array", DataStructure.COLLECTION, factory, worksheet); String hNodeId = hNode == null ? null : hNode.getId(); if (hNodeId != null) { Row row = dataTable.addRow(factory); numObjects++; if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) return; HTable nestedHTable = addNestedHTable(hNode, "nested array values", row); Table nestedTable = row.getNode(hNodeId).getNestedTable(); addListElement(token, nestedHTable, nestedTable); } else addListElement(token, null, null); } } else if (c != ','){ logger.error("Cannot handle whatever case is not covered by the if statements. Sorry."); } if (maxNumLines > 0 && numObjects >= maxNumLines) break; c = token.nextClean(); if (c != ',' && c != ']') throw new JSONException("Parse JSON array error"); if (c == ',') { c = token.nextClean(); } } } public boolean isPrimitiveValue(Object value) { return value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Double || value instanceof Long; } public HTable addNestedHTable(HNode hNode, String key, Row row) { HTable ht = hNode.getNestedTable(); if (ht == null) { ht = hNode.addNestedTable(createNestedTableName(key), worksheet, factory); // Check for all the nodes that have value and nested tables Collection<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); worksheet.getDataTable().collectNodes( hNode.getHNodePath(factory), nodes, SuperSelectionManager.DEFAULT_SELECTION); for (Node node : nodes) { if (node.getBelongsToRow() == row) break; // Add an empty row for each nested table that does not have any // row if (node.getNestedTable().getNumRows() == 0) { addEmptyRow(node.getNestedTable(), hNode); } } } return ht; } public HNode addHNode(HTable headers, String key, DataStructure dataStructure, RepFactory factory, Worksheet worksheet) { if (headers == null) return null; HNode hn = headers.getHNodeFromColumnName(key); if (hn == null && isVisible(headers, key, factory)) { hn = headers.addHNode(key, HNodeType.Regular, worksheet, factory); Worksheet ws = worksheet; ws.getMetadataContainer().getColumnMetadata().addColumnDataStructure(hn.getId(), dataStructure); } return hn; } public String createNestedTableName(String key) { return "Table for " + key; } private boolean isVisible(HTable headers, String key, RepFactory factory) { if (columnsJson == null) return true; HNode hn = headers.getParentHNode(); if (hn != null) { HNodePath hPath = hn.getHNodePath(factory); String path = hPath.toColumnNamePath() + "/" + key; Boolean b = columnsCache.get(path); if (b != null) return b; HNode first = null; JSONArray t = columnsJson; JSONObject tree = null; while (first != hn) { first = hPath.getFirst(); tree = getCorrespondingObject(t, first.getColumnName()); if (tree == null || !tree.has("children")) { columnsCache.put(path, true); return true; } t = tree.getJSONArray("children"); hPath = hPath.getRest(); } if (tree == null || !tree.has("children")) { columnsCache.put(path, true); return true; } JSONObject obj = getCorrespondingObject(tree.getJSONArray("children"), key); if (obj == null || !obj.has(key)) { columnsCache.put(path, true); return true; } b = obj.getBoolean(key); columnsCache.put(path, b); return b; } else { Boolean b = columnsCache.get(key); if (b != null) return b; JSONObject obj = getCorrespondingObject(columnsJson, key); if (obj == null || !obj.has(key)) { columnsCache.put(key, true); return true; } b = obj.getBoolean(key); columnsCache.put(key, b); return b; } } private JSONObject getCorrespondingObject(JSONArray array, String colName) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i); if (obj.has(colName)) return obj; } return null; } public int getNumberOfObjectsImported() { return numObjects; } }