package com.github.jsonldjava.utils; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class JsonLdUrl { public String href = ""; public String protocol = ""; public String host = ""; public String auth = ""; public String user = ""; public String password = ""; public String hostname = ""; public String port = ""; public String relative = ""; public String path = ""; public String directory = ""; public String file = ""; public String query = ""; public String hash = ""; // things not populated by the regex (NOTE: i don't think it matters if // these are null or "" to start with) public String pathname = null; public String normalizedPath = null; public String authority = null; private static Pattern parser = Pattern .compile("^(?:([^:\\/?#]+):)?(?:\\/\\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\\/?#]*)(?::(\\d*))?))?((((?:[^?#\\/]*\\/)*)([^?#]*))(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)"); public static JsonLdUrl parse(String url) { final JsonLdUrl rval = new JsonLdUrl(); rval.href = url; final Matcher matcher = parser.matcher(url); if (matcher.matches()) { if ( != null) { rval.protocol =; } if ( != null) { =; } if ( != null) { rval.auth =; } if ( != null) { rval.user =; } if ( != null) { rval.password =; } if ( != null) { rval.hostname =; } if ( != null) { rval.port =; } if ( != null) { rval.relative =; } if ( != null) { rval.path =; } if ( != null) { =; } if ( != null) { rval.file =; } if ( != null) { rval.query =; } if ( != null) { rval.hash =; } // normalize to node.js API if (!"".equals( && "".equals(rval.path)) { rval.path = "/"; } rval.pathname = rval.path; parseAuthority(rval); rval.normalizedPath = removeDotSegments(rval.pathname, !"".equals(rval.authority)); if (!"".equals(rval.query)) { rval.path += "?" + rval.query; } if (!"".equals(rval.protocol)) { rval.protocol += ":"; } if (!"".equals(rval.hash)) { rval.hash = "#" + rval.hash; } return rval; } return rval; } /** * Removes dot segments from a JsonLdUrl path. * * @param path * the path to remove dot segments from. * @param hasAuthority * true if the JsonLdUrl has an authority, false if not. * @return The URL without the dot segments */ public static String removeDotSegments(String path, boolean hasAuthority) { String rval = ""; if (path.indexOf("/") == 0) { rval = "/"; } // RFC 3986 5.2.4 (reworked) final List<String> input = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(path.split("/"))); if (path.endsWith("/")) { // javascript .split includes a blank entry if the string ends with // the delimiter, java .split does not so we need to add it manually input.add(""); } final List<String> output = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) { if (".".equals(input.get(i)) || ("".equals(input.get(i)) && input.size() - i > 1)) { // input.remove(0); continue; } if ("..".equals(input.get(i))) { // input.remove(0); if (hasAuthority || (!output.isEmpty() && !"..".equals(output.get(output.size() - 1)))) { // [].pop() doesn't fail, to replicate this we need to check // that there is something to remove if (!output.isEmpty()) { output.remove(output.size() - 1); } } else { output.add(".."); } continue; } output.add(input.get(i)); // input.remove(0); } if (!output.isEmpty()) { rval += output.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < output.size(); i++) { rval += "/" + output.get(i); } } return rval; } public static String removeBase(Object baseobj, String iri) { if (baseobj == null) { return iri; } JsonLdUrl base; if (baseobj instanceof String) { base = JsonLdUrl.parse((String) baseobj); } else { base = (JsonLdUrl) baseobj; } // establish base root String root = ""; if (!"".equals(base.href)) { root += (base.protocol) + "//" + base.authority; } // support network-path reference with empty base else if (iri.indexOf("//") != 0) { root += "//"; } // IRI not relative to base if (iri.indexOf(root) != 0) { return iri; } // remove root from IRI and parse remainder final JsonLdUrl rel = JsonLdUrl.parse(iri.substring(root.length())); // remove path segments that match final List<String> baseSegments = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(base.normalizedPath .split("/"))); if (base.normalizedPath.endsWith("/")) { baseSegments.add(""); } final List<String> iriSegments = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(rel.normalizedPath .split("/"))); if (rel.normalizedPath.endsWith("/")) { iriSegments.add(""); } while (!baseSegments.isEmpty() && !iriSegments.isEmpty()) { if (!baseSegments.get(0).equals(iriSegments.get(0))) { break; } if (!baseSegments.isEmpty()) { baseSegments.remove(0); } if (!iriSegments.isEmpty()) { iriSegments.remove(0); } } // use '../' for each non-matching base segment String rval = ""; if (!baseSegments.isEmpty()) { // don't count the last segment if it isn't a path (doesn't end in // '/') // don't count empty first segment, it means base began with '/' if (!base.normalizedPath.endsWith("/") || "".equals(baseSegments.get(0))) { baseSegments.remove(baseSegments.size() - 1); } for (int i = 0; i < baseSegments.size(); ++i) { rval += "../"; } } // prepend remaining segments if (!iriSegments.isEmpty()) { rval += iriSegments.get(0); } for (int i = 1; i < iriSegments.size(); i++) { rval += "/" + iriSegments.get(i); } // add query and hash if (!"".equals(rel.query)) { rval += "?" + rel.query; } if (!"".equals(rel.hash)) { rval += rel.hash; } if ("".equals(rval)) { rval = "./"; } return rval; } public static String resolve(String baseUri, String pathToResolve) { // TODO: some input will need to be normalized to perform the expected // result with java // TODO: we can do this without using java URI! if (baseUri == null) { return pathToResolve; } if (pathToResolve == null || "".equals(pathToResolve.trim())) { return baseUri; } try { URI uri = new URI(baseUri); // query string parsing if (pathToResolve.startsWith("?")) { // drop fragment from uri if it has one if (uri.getFragment() != null) { uri = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), uri.getPath(), null, null); } // add query to the end manually (as URI.resolve does it wrong) return uri.toString() + pathToResolve; } uri = uri.resolve(pathToResolve); // java doesn't discard unnecessary dot segments String path = uri.getPath(); if (path != null) { path = JsonLdUrl.removeDotSegments(uri.getPath(), true); } return new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), path, uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment()).toString(); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { return null; } } /** * Parses the authority for the pre-parsed given JsonLdUrl. * * @param parsed * the pre-parsed JsonLdUrl. */ private static void parseAuthority(JsonLdUrl parsed) { // parse authority for unparsed relative network-path reference if (parsed.href.indexOf(":") == -1 && parsed.href.indexOf("//") == 0 && "".equals( { // must parse authority from pathname parsed.pathname = parsed.pathname.substring(2); final int idx = parsed.pathname.indexOf("/"); if (idx == -1) { parsed.authority = parsed.pathname; parsed.pathname = ""; } else { parsed.authority = parsed.pathname.substring(0, idx); parsed.pathname = parsed.pathname.substring(idx); } } else { // construct authority parsed.authority =; if (!"".equals(parsed.auth)) { parsed.authority = parsed.auth + "@" + parsed.authority; } } } }