package edu.isi.karma.research.modeling; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.jgrapht.graph.DirectedWeightedMultigraph; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.alignment.LinkIdFactory; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.alignment.NodeIdFactory; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.Params; import edu.isi.karma.rep.alignment.InternalNode; import edu.isi.karma.rep.alignment.Label; import edu.isi.karma.rep.alignment.LabeledLink; import edu.isi.karma.rep.alignment.Node; import edu.isi.karma.rep.alignment.ObjectPropertyLink; import edu.isi.karma.rep.alignment.ObjectPropertyType; public class PatternGenerator { List<Pattern> basicPatterns; private HashMap<String,List<Connection>> possibleConnections; private String outputDir; private VirtuosoConnector virtuosoConnector; enum Direction {IN , OUT, BOTH} private class Connection { String linkUri; String nodeUri; Direction direction; public Connection(String linkUri, String nodeUri, Direction direction) { this.linkUri = linkUri; this.nodeUri = nodeUri; this.direction = direction; } } public PatternGenerator(String inputDir, String outputDir, VirtuosoConnector vc) { this.basicPatterns = new LinkedList<Pattern>(); this.possibleConnections = new HashMap<String,List<Connection>>(); this.outputDir = outputDir; this.virtuosoConnector = vc; Map<String,Pattern> patternsLengthOne = PatternReader.importPatterns(inputDir, 1); if (patternsLengthOne != null) { this.basicPatterns.addAll(patternsLengthOne.values()); } this.computePossibleConnections(Direction.OUT); } public void computePossibleConnections(Direction direction) { for (Pattern p: this.basicPatterns) { DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink> g = p.getGraph(); if (g == null) continue; if (g.edgeSet().size() == 0 || g.edgeSet().size() > 1) continue; for (Node n : g.vertexSet()) { if (this.possibleConnections.get(n.getUri()) == null) { this.possibleConnections.put(n.getUri(), new LinkedList<Connection>()); } } } for (String s : this.possibleConnections.keySet()) { for (Pattern p: this.basicPatterns) { DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink> g = p.getGraph(); if (g == null) continue; if (g.edgeSet().size() == 0 || g.edgeSet().size() > 1) continue; LabeledLink l = g.edgeSet().iterator().next(); String sourceUri = l.getSource().getUri(); String targetUri = l.getTarget().getUri(); if (direction != Direction.IN && sourceUri.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { Connection c = new Connection(l.getUri(), l.getTarget().getUri(), Direction.OUT); this.possibleConnections.get(s).add(c); } else if (direction != Direction.OUT && targetUri.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { Connection c = new Connection(l.getUri(), l.getSource().getUri(), Direction.IN); this.possibleConnections.get(s).add(c); } } } } public Set<Node> getNodesWithUri(String uri, DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink> g) { Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>(); if (uri == null || g == null || g.vertexSet().isEmpty()) return nodes; for (Node n : g.vertexSet()) if (n.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase(uri)) nodes.add(n); return nodes; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Pattern> getPatterns(int length, int instanceLimit, boolean includeShorterPatterns, List<Pattern> seeds, int seedLength) { List<Pattern> results = new LinkedList<Pattern>(); if (length <= 0 || length < seedLength) { return results; } else if (length == seedLength) { return seeds; } else { List<Pattern> shorterPatterns = getPatterns(length-1, instanceLimit, includeShorterPatterns, seeds, seedLength); if (includeShorterPatterns && (length-1) > seedLength && shorterPatterns != null) results.addAll(shorterPatterns); for (Pattern p : shorterPatterns) { // try to connect patterns of length one to nodes of a pattern (join) DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink> g = p.getGraph(); if (g == null) continue; Node source, target; for (Node n : g.vertexSet()) { List<Connection> connections = this.possibleConnections.get(n.getUri()); if (connections == null || connections.size() == 0) continue; for (Connection c : connections) { NodeIdFactory nodeIdFactory = p.getNodeIdFactory().clone(); if (nodeIdFactory.lastIndexOf(c.nodeUri) == instanceLimit) continue; String newNodeId = nodeIdFactory.getNodeId(c.nodeUri); Node newNode = new InternalNode(newNodeId, new Label(c.nodeUri)); DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink> newG = (DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink>)g.clone(); newG.addVertex(newNode); if (c.direction == Direction.OUT) { source = n; target = newNode; } else { source = newNode; target = n; } String newLinkId = LinkIdFactory.getLinkId(c.linkUri, source.getId(), target.getId()); LabeledLink newLink = new ObjectPropertyLink(newLinkId, new Label(c.linkUri), ObjectPropertyType.None); newG.addEdge(source, target, newLink); Pattern newP = new Pattern(length, 0, newG, nodeIdFactory); results.add(newP); // add links to existing nodes in the pattern Set<Node> nodesInPatternWithSameURI = this.getNodesWithUri(c.nodeUri, g); for (Node existingNode : nodesInPatternWithSameURI) { if (c.direction == Direction.OUT) { source = n; target = existingNode; } else { source = existingNode; target = n; } newLinkId = LinkIdFactory.getLinkId(c.linkUri, source.getId(), target.getId()); newLink = new ObjectPropertyLink(newLinkId, new Label(c.linkUri), ObjectPropertyType.None); if (g.containsEdge(newLink)) continue; newG = (DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink>)g.clone(); newG.addEdge(source, target, newLink); newP = new Pattern(length, 0, newG, p.getNodeIdFactory().clone()); results.add(newP); } } } } System.out.println("***** " + "patterns with length " + length + " *****"); results = getValidPatterns(results); printPatterns(length, results); return results; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Pattern> getPatterns(int length, int instanceLimit, boolean includeShorterPatterns) { List<Pattern> results = new LinkedList<Pattern>(); if (length <= 0) { return results; } else if (length == 1) { results = this.basicPatterns; } else { List<Pattern> shorterPatterns = getPatterns(length-1, instanceLimit, includeShorterPatterns); if (includeShorterPatterns && shorterPatterns != null) results.addAll(shorterPatterns); for (Pattern p : shorterPatterns) { // try to connect patterns of length one to nodes of a pattern (join) DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink> g = p.getGraph(); if (g == null) continue; Node source, target; for (Node n : g.vertexSet()) { List<Connection> connections = this.possibleConnections.get(n.getUri()); if (connections == null || connections.size() == 0) continue; for (Connection c : connections) { NodeIdFactory nodeIdFactory = p.getNodeIdFactory().clone(); if (nodeIdFactory.lastIndexOf(c.nodeUri) == instanceLimit) continue; String newNodeId = nodeIdFactory.getNodeId(c.nodeUri); Node newNode = new InternalNode(newNodeId, new Label(c.nodeUri)); DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink> newG = (DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink>)g.clone(); newG.addVertex(newNode); if (c.direction == Direction.OUT) { source = n; target = newNode; } else { source = newNode; target = n; } String newLinkId = LinkIdFactory.getLinkId(c.linkUri, source.getId(), target.getId()); LabeledLink newLink = new ObjectPropertyLink(newLinkId, new Label(c.linkUri), ObjectPropertyType.None); newG.addEdge(source, target, newLink); Pattern newP = new Pattern(length, 0, newG, nodeIdFactory); results.add(newP); // add links to existing nodes in the pattern Set<Node> nodesInPatternWithSameURI = this.getNodesWithUri(c.nodeUri, g); for (Node existingNode : nodesInPatternWithSameURI) { if (c.direction == Direction.OUT) { source = n; target = existingNode; } else { source = existingNode; target = n; } newLinkId = LinkIdFactory.getLinkId(c.linkUri, source.getId(), target.getId()); newLink = new ObjectPropertyLink(newLinkId, new Label(c.linkUri), ObjectPropertyType.None); if (g.containsEdge(newLink)) continue; newG = (DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink>)g.clone(); newG.addEdge(source, target, newLink); newP = new Pattern(length, 0, newG, p.getNodeIdFactory().clone()); results.add(newP); } } } } } System.out.println("***** " + "patterns with length " + length + " *****"); results = getValidPatterns(results); printPatterns(length, results); return results; } private void printPatterns(int length, List<Pattern> patterns) { File outRootDir = new File(outputDir); if (outRootDir.exists() && outRootDir.isDirectory()) { String outPath = outRootDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + length; File outDir = new File(outPath); if (outDir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(outDir); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } if (!outDir.mkdir()) { System.out.println("could not create the diretcory: " + outPath); return; } String filename; for (Pattern p : patterns) { filename = outPath + "/" + p.getId() + ".json"; try { p.writeJson(filename); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private List<Pattern> getValidPatterns(List<Pattern> patterns) { List<Pattern> distinctPatterns, validPatterns; System.out.println("number of patterns before removing duplicates: " + patterns.size()); distinctPatterns = removeDuplicates(patterns); System.out.println("number of patterns after removing duplicates: " + distinctPatterns.size()); validPatterns = getPatternCount(distinctPatterns); System.out.println("number of existing patterns in the data: " + validPatterns.size()); return validPatterns; } private List<Pattern> removeDuplicates(List<Pattern> patterns) { List<Pattern> results = new LinkedList<Pattern>(); if (patterns == null || patterns.isEmpty()) return results; HashSet<Integer> hashTable = new HashSet<Integer>(); int hash; for (Pattern p :patterns) { hash = p.getLabel().hashCode(); if (hashTable.contains(hash)) continue; hashTable.add(hash); results.add(p); } // Collections.sort(patterns, new PatternLabelComparator()); // for (int i = 0; i < patterns.size(); i++) { // if (i > 0 && patterns.get(i).getLabel().equalsIgnoreCase(patterns.get(i-1).getLabel())) // continue; // results.add(patterns.get(i)); // } return results; } private List<Pattern> getPatternCount(List<Pattern> patterns) { List<Pattern> results = new LinkedList<Pattern>(); if (patterns == null || patterns.isEmpty()) return results; if (this.virtuosoConnector == null) return results; VirtuosoManager vm = new VirtuosoManager(this.virtuosoConnector); RepositoryConnection con; try { con = vm.getConnection(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return results; } int count; int patternNumber = 1; for (Pattern p : patterns) { // System.out.println(p.toSparql(this.virtuosoConnector.getGraphIRI())); count = vm.getPatternCount(con, p.toSparql(this.virtuosoConnector.getGraphIRI())); if (count != 0) { p.setFrequency(count); results.add(p); } System.out.println("pattern " + patternNumber++ + "/" + patterns.size() + ", length: " + p.getLength() + ", count: " + count); if (patternNumber % 5000 == 0) { System.out.println("getting new connection ..."); try { vm.closeConnection(con); } catch (RepositoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { con = vm.getConnection(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } try { vm.closeConnection(con); } catch (RepositoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return results; } return results; } private static void prunePatterns() throws IOException { int length = 5; int matches = 0; Node domain, source, target; String lodDSName = "ds29"; // String lodDSName = "saam"; // String lodDSName = "musicbrainz"; boolean chain = false; boolean timespan = false; boolean duplicate = false; boolean removeUris = false; boolean twoAggregatedCHOs = true; File f = new File(Params.SOURCE_DIR); File[] files = f.listFiles(); String sourcename, filename; List<String> removeUriList = new LinkedList<String>(); removeUriList.add(""); removeUriList.add(""); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (lodDSName.equals("ds29")) { File file = files[i]; filename = file.getName(); System.out.println("processing " + filename + " ..."); sourcename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")); } else { System.out.println("processing " + lodDSName + " ..."); sourcename = lodDSName; i = files.length; } matches = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= length; j++) { System.out.println("reading patterns with length " + j); File f1 = new File(Params.LOD_DIR + sourcename + "/" + Params.PATTERNS_OUTPUT_DIR + "/" + j); File[] patternFiles = f1.listFiles(); if (files != null) for (File f2 : patternFiles) { Pattern p = Pattern.readJson(f2.getAbsolutePath()); if (chain) { for (Node n : p.getGraph().vertexSet()) { if (p.getGraph().outDegreeOf(n) > 1) { matches++; // System.out.println(p.getPrintStr()); // if (!f2.delete()) // System.out.println("error in deleting the file " + f2.getAbsolutePath()); break; } } } if (twoAggregatedCHOs) { boolean existAggregatedCHO = false; for (LabeledLink l : p.getGraph().edgeSet()) { source = l.getSource(); target = l.getTarget(); if (!existAggregatedCHO && target.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase("") && l.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { existAggregatedCHO = true; } else if (target.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase("") && l.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { matches ++; // System.out.println(p.getPrintStr()); if (!f2.delete()) System.out.println("error in deleting the file " + f2.getAbsolutePath()); } } } if (timespan) { domain = null; for (LabeledLink l : p.getGraph().edgeSet()) { source = l.getSource(); target = l.getTarget(); if (target.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { if (domain == null) { domain = source; } else if (source.equals(domain)) { matches ++; // System.out.println(p.getPrintStr()); // if (!f2.delete()) // System.out.println("error in deleting the file " + f2.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } if (removeUris) { for (Node n : p.getGraph().vertexSet()) { for (String uri : removeUriList) { if (n.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase(uri)) { matches++; // System.out.println(p.getPrintStr()); if (!f2.delete()) System.out.println("error in deleting the file " + f2.getAbsolutePath()); break; } } } } boolean visited = false; if (duplicate) { for (Node n : p.getGraph().vertexSet()) { if (!visited && n.getUri().equals("")) { visited = true; } else if (n.getUri().equals("")) { matches++; // System.out.println(p.getPrintStr()); // if (!f2.delete()) // System.out.println("error in deleting the file " + f2.getAbsolutePath()); break; } } } } } System.out.println(matches); } } private static void generatePatternsFromSeeds() throws IOException { int length = 5; int seedLength = 4; int instanceLimit = 2; boolean includeShorterPatterns = false; String instance = ""; int port = 1140; // int port = 1300; String username = "dba"; String password = "dba"; int queryTimeout = 1; String sourcename = "musicbrainz"; String patternInputDirStr = Params.LOD_DIR + sourcename + "/" + Params.PATTERNS_INPUT_DIR; String patternOutputDirStr = Params.LOD_DIR + sourcename + "/" + Params.PATTERNS_OUTPUT_DIR; VirtuosoConnector vc = new VirtuosoConnector(instance, port, username, password); vc.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeout); PatternGenerator pg = new PatternGenerator(patternInputDirStr, patternOutputDirStr, vc); System.out.println("reading patterns with length " + seedLength); List<Pattern> seeds = new LinkedList<Pattern>(); File f = new File(patternOutputDirStr); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { File f1 = new File(f.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + seedLength); File[] files = f1.listFiles(); if (files != null) for (File f2 : files) { Pattern p = Pattern.readJson(f2.getAbsolutePath()); seeds.add(p); } } System.out.println("finished reading patterns."); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Pattern> patterns = pg.getPatterns(length, instanceLimit, includeShorterPatterns, seeds, seedLength); long patternGeneraionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("================================================================================"); System.out.println("time to generate patterns: " + (patternGeneraionTime - start)/1000F); System.out.println("number of possible patterns: " + patterns.size()); System.out.println("================================================================================"); } private static void generatePatterns() { int length = 5; int instanceLimit = 2; boolean includeShorterPatterns = false; String instance = ""; // int port = 1140; // int port = 1300; int port = 1500; String username = "dba"; String password = "dba"; String baseGraph = "http://weapon-lod/"; int queryTimeout = 5; String graphIRI; File f = new File(Params.SOURCE_DIR); File[] files = f.listFiles(); String sourcename, filename; String patternInputDirStr, patternOutputDirStr; // int i = 4; { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File file = files[i]; filename = file.getName(); System.out.println("processing " + filename + " ..."); sourcename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")); patternInputDirStr = Params.LOD_DIR + sourcename + "/" + Params.PATTERNS_INPUT_DIR; patternOutputDirStr = Params.LOD_DIR + sourcename + "/" + Params.PATTERNS_OUTPUT_DIR; File patternOutputDir = new File(patternOutputDirStr); if (!patternOutputDir.exists()) { patternOutputDir.mkdir(); } graphIRI = baseGraph + sourcename; VirtuosoConnector vc = new VirtuosoConnector(instance, port, username, password, graphIRI); vc.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeout); PatternGenerator pg = new PatternGenerator(patternInputDirStr, patternOutputDirStr, vc); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Pattern> patterns = pg.getPatterns(length, instanceLimit, includeShorterPatterns); long patternGeneraionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("================================================================================"); System.out.println("time to generate patterns: " + (patternGeneraionTime - start)/1000F); System.out.println("number of possible patterns: " + patterns.size()); System.out.println("================================================================================"); System.out.println("done with " + filename + "."); } } private static void generatePatterns2() { int length = 4; int instanceLimit = 2; boolean includeShorterPatterns = false; String instance = ""; int port = 1140; // int port = 1300; String username = "dba"; String password = "dba"; int queryTimeout = 1; String sourcename = "musicbrainz"; String patternInputDirStr, patternOutputDirStr; patternInputDirStr = Params.LOD_DIR + sourcename + "/" + Params.PATTERNS_INPUT_DIR; patternOutputDirStr = Params.LOD_DIR + sourcename + "/" + Params.PATTERNS_OUTPUT_DIR; File patternOutputDir = new File(patternOutputDirStr); if (!patternOutputDir.exists()) { patternOutputDir.mkdir(); } VirtuosoConnector vc = new VirtuosoConnector(instance, port, username, password, null); vc.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeout); PatternGenerator pg = new PatternGenerator(patternInputDirStr, patternOutputDirStr, vc); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Pattern> patterns = pg.getPatterns(length, instanceLimit, includeShorterPatterns); long patternGeneraionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("================================================================================"); System.out.println("time to generate patterns: " + (patternGeneraionTime - start)/1000F); System.out.println("number of possible patterns: " + patterns.size()); System.out.println("================================================================================"); System.out.println("done."); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { boolean generatePatternsFromSeeds = false; if (generatePatternsFromSeeds) generatePatternsFromSeeds(); else generatePatterns(); // two production URIs that have two time span //uri1: nodeID://b4981707 //uri2: nodeID://b4988056 // prunePatterns(); System.out.println("done."); } }