package edu.isi.karma.controller.command; import; import java.util.List; import edu.isi.karma.controller.update.UpdateContainer; import edu.isi.karma.rep.IEntity; import edu.isi.karma.rep.Workspace; import edu.isi.karma.view.VWorkspace; /** * Class ICommand * * @since 01/23/2014 */ public interface ICommand extends IEntity { /** * @return the internal name of this command. Used to communicate between * the server and the browser. */ String getCommandName(); /** * @return the label shown in the user interface. */ String getTitle(); /** * @return a description of what the command does or did, if it was * executed. */ String getDescription(); /** * @return the type of this command. */ CommandType getCommandType(); UpdateContainer doIt(Workspace workspace) throws CommandException; UpdateContainer undoIt(Workspace workspace); boolean isExecuted(); void setExecuted(boolean isExecuted); boolean isSavedInHistory(); void saveInHistory(boolean flag); void generateJson(String prefix, PrintWriter pw, VWorkspace vWorkspace, HistoryType historyType); boolean hasTag(CommandTag tag); void addTag(CommandTag tag); String getInputParameterJson(); void setInputParameterJson(String inputParamJson); List<CommandTag> getTags(); CommandTag getTagFromPriority(); String getModel(); enum HistoryType { undo, redo, normal, lastRun } enum JsonKeys { commandId, title, description, commandType, historyType } enum CommandTag { Modeling, Transformation, Selection, SemanticType, Import, Other, IgnoreInBatch } }