/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 University of Southern California * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This code was developed by the Information Integration Group as part * of the Karma project at the Information Sciences Institute of the * University of Southern California. For more information, publications, * and related projects, please see: http://www.isi.edu/integration ******************************************************************************/ package edu.isi.karma.model.serialization; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.NodeIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.Namespaces; import edu.isi.karma.modeling.Prefixes; import edu.isi.karma.rep.alignment.Label; import edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Argument; import edu.isi.karma.rep.model.ArgumentType; import edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Atom; import edu.isi.karma.rep.model.ClassAtom; import edu.isi.karma.rep.model.IndividualPropertyAtom; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.Attribute; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.AttributeRequirement; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.IOType; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.Source; import edu.isi.karma.rep.sources.WebService; import edu.isi.karma.webserver.ContextParametersRegistry; import edu.isi.karma.webserver.ServletContextParameterMap; import edu.isi.karma.webserver.ServletContextParameterMap.ContextParameter; public class WebServiceLoader extends SourceLoader { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebServiceLoader.class); private static WebServiceLoader instance = null; private final int DEFAULT_SERVICE_RESULTS_SIZE = 10; protected WebServiceLoader() { // Exists only to defeat instantiation. } //TODO make this not static! public static WebServiceLoader getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new WebServiceLoader(); } return instance; } @Override public WebService getSourceByUri(String uri) { Model m = Repository.Instance().getNamedModel(uri); if (m == null) return null; WebService service = importSourceFromJenaModel(m); return service; } @Override public void deleteSourceByUri(String uri) { Repository.Instance().clearNamedModel(uri); String service_id = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, uri.length() - 1); //TODO this is not the right way to get the context parameters ServletContextParameterMap contextParameters = ContextParametersRegistry.getInstance().getDefault(); String dir = contextParameters.getParameterValue(ContextParameter.USER_DIRECTORY_PATH) + Repository.Instance().SERVICE_REPOSITORY_REL_DIR; String fileName = service_id + Repository.Instance().getFileExtension(Repository.Instance().LANG); File f = new File(dir + fileName); try { if (f.exists()) { if (!f.delete()) logger.debug("The file " + fileName + " cannot be deleted from " + dir); else logger.debug("The file " + fileName + " has been deleted from " + dir); } else logger.debug("The file " + fileName + " does not exist in " + dir); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.debug("cannot delete the file " + fileName + " from " + dir + " because " + t.getMessage()); } } /** * returns the service id, name, address of all services in the repository * @param serviceLimit: maximum number of results, null value means all the services * @return */ @Override public List<Source> getSourcesAbstractInfo(Integer serviceLimit) { List<Source> serviceList = new ArrayList<>(); Model model = Repository.Instance().getModel(); String service_id; String service_name = ""; String service_address = ""; // Create a new query String queryString = "PREFIX " + Prefixes.KARMA + ": <" + Namespaces.KARMA + "> \n" + "PREFIX " + Prefixes.HRESTS + ": <" + Namespaces.HRESTS + "> \n" + "SELECT ?s ?name ?address \n" + "WHERE { \n" + " ?s a " + Prefixes.KARMA + ":Service . \n" + " OPTIONAL {?s " + Prefixes.HRESTS + ":hasAddress ?address .} \n" + " OPTIONAL {?s " + Prefixes.KARMA + ":hasName ?name .} \n" + " } \n"; if (serviceLimit != null) { if (serviceLimit.intValue() < 0) serviceLimit = DEFAULT_SERVICE_RESULTS_SIZE; queryString += "LIMIT " + String.valueOf(serviceLimit.intValue() + "\n"); } logger.debug("query= \n" + queryString); Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString); // Execute the query and obtain results QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model); try { ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect() ; if (!results.hasNext()) logger.info("query does not return any answer."); // ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query) ; for ( ; results.hasNext() ; ) { QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution() ; RDFNode s = soln.get("s") ; // Get a result variable by name. RDFNode name = soln.get("name") ; // Get a result variable by name. RDFNode address = soln.get("address") ; // Get a result variable by name. if (s == null) { logger.info("service id is null."); continue; } String service_uri = s.toString(); service_id = service_uri.substring(service_uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, service_uri.length() - 1); logger.debug("service uri: " + service_uri); logger.debug("service id: " + service_id); if (name != null && name.isLiteral()) service_name = name.asLiteral().getString(); logger.debug("service name: " + service_name); if (address != null && address.isLiteral()) service_address = address.asLiteral().getString(); logger.debug("service address: " + service_address); if (service_id.trim().length() > 0) serviceList.add(new WebService(service_id, service_name, service_address)); else logger.info("length of service id is zero."); } return serviceList; } catch (Exception e) { logger.info(e.getMessage()); return null; } finally { qexec.close() ; } } /** * returns all the services in the repository along with their complete information * probably this method is not useful since fetching all the services with their complete * information takes long time. * @return */ @Override public List<Source> getSourcesDetailedInfo(Integer serviceLimit) { List<Source> serviceList = getSourcesAbstractInfo(serviceLimit); List<Source> serviceListCompleteInfo = new ArrayList<>(); for (Source s : serviceList) { serviceListCompleteInfo.add(getSourceByUri(s.getUri())); } return serviceListCompleteInfo; } public WebService getServiceByAddress(String address) { String uri = getServiceUriByServiceAddress(address); Model m = Repository.Instance().getNamedModel(uri); if (m == null) return null; WebService service = importSourceFromJenaModel(m); return service; } public void deleteServiceByAddress(String address) { String uri = getServiceUriByServiceAddress(address); Repository.Instance().clearNamedModel(uri); } private String getServiceUriByServiceAddress(String address) { Model model = Repository.Instance().getModel(); // Create a new query String queryString = "PREFIX " + Prefixes.KARMA + ": <" + Namespaces.KARMA + "> \n" + "PREFIX " + Prefixes.HRESTS + ": <" + Namespaces.HRESTS + "> \n" + "SELECT ?s \n" + "WHERE { \n" + " ?s a " + Prefixes.KARMA + ":Service . \n" + " ?s " + Prefixes.HRESTS + ":hasAddress \"" + address + "\"^^hrests:URITemplate . \n" + " } \n"; logger.debug(queryString); Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString); // Execute the query and obtain results QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model); try { ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect() ; if (!results.hasNext()) logger.info("query does not return any answer."); // ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query) ; String serviceURI = ""; for ( ; results.hasNext() ; ) { QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution() ; RDFNode x = soln.get("s") ; // Get a result variable by name. serviceURI = x.toString(); logger.info("Service with id " + x.toString() + " has been found with the address " + address); break; } return serviceURI; } catch (Exception e) { logger.info("Exception in finding a service with the address " + address + " in service repository."); return null; } finally { qexec.close() ; } } /** * Searches the repository to find the services that the semantic model parameter is contained in * their input model. * @param semanticModel The input model whose pattern will be searched in the repository * @return a hashmap of all found services and a mapping from the found service parameters to the model parameters. * This help us later to how to join the model's corresponding source and the matched service */ public Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> getServicesByInputPattern(edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model semanticModel, Integer serviceLimit) { if (semanticModel == null || semanticModel.getAtoms() == null || semanticModel.getAtoms().isEmpty()) { logger.info("The input model is nul or it does not have any atom"); return null; } Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> servicesAndMappings = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Map<String, String>> serviceIdsAndMappings = semanticModel.findInServiceInputs(Repository.Instance().getModel(), serviceLimit); if (serviceIdsAndMappings == null) return null; for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> stringMapEntry : serviceIdsAndMappings.entrySet()) { Model m = Repository.Instance().getNamedModel(stringMapEntry.getKey()); if (m != null) servicesAndMappings.put(importSourceFromJenaModel(m), stringMapEntry.getValue()); } return servicesAndMappings; } /** * Searches the repository to find the services that the semantic model parameter is contained in * their output model. * @param semanticModel The input model whose pattern will be searched in the repository * @return a hashmap of all found services and a mapping from the found service parameters to the model parameters. * This help us later to how to join the model's corresponding source and the matched service */ public Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> getServicesByOutputPattern(edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model semanticModel, Integer serviceLimit) { if (semanticModel == null || semanticModel.getAtoms() == null || semanticModel.getAtoms().isEmpty()) { logger.info("The input model is nul or it does not have any atom"); return null; } Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> servicesAndMappings = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Map<String, String>> serviceIdsAndMappings = semanticModel.findInServiceOutputs(Repository.Instance().getModel(), serviceLimit); if (serviceIdsAndMappings == null) return null; for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> stringMapEntry : serviceIdsAndMappings.entrySet()) { Model m = Repository.Instance().getNamedModel(stringMapEntry.getKey()); if (m != null) servicesAndMappings.put(importSourceFromJenaModel(m), stringMapEntry.getValue()); } return servicesAndMappings; } /** * Searches the repository to find the services whose input model is contained in the semantic model parameter. * Note that the services in the return list only include the operations that match the model parameter. * @param semanticModel The input model whose pattern will be searched in the repository * @return a hashmap of all found services and a mapping from the found service parameters to the model parameters. * This help us later to how to join the model's corresponding source and the matched service */ public Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> getServicesWithInputContainedInModel( edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model semanticModel, Integer serviceLimit) { List<Source> serviceList = getSourcesDetailedInfo(serviceLimit); Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> servicesAndMappings = new HashMap<>(); Model jenaModel = semanticModel.getJenaModel(); for (Source service : serviceList) { if (!(service instanceof WebService)) continue; edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model m = ((WebService)service).getInputModel(); if (m == null) continue; Map<String, Map<String, String>> serviceIdsAndMappings = m.findInJenaModel(jenaModel, null); if (serviceIdsAndMappings == null) continue; Iterator<String> itr = serviceIdsAndMappings.keySet().iterator(); if (itr.hasNext()) { String key = itr.next(); servicesAndMappings.put((WebService)service, serviceIdsAndMappings.get(key)); } } return servicesAndMappings; } /** * Searches the repository to find the services whose output model is contained in the semantic model parameter. * Note that the services in the return list only include the operations that match the model parameter. * @param semanticModel The input model whose pattern will be searched in the repository * @return a hashmap of all found services and a mapping from the found service parameters to the model parameters. * This help us later to how to join the model's corresponding source and the matched service */ public Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> getServicesWithOutputContainedInModel( edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model semanticModel, Integer serviceLimit) { List<Source> serviceList = getSourcesDetailedInfo(serviceLimit); Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> servicesAndMappings = new HashMap<>(); Model jenaModel = semanticModel.getJenaModel(); for (Source service : serviceList) { if (!(service instanceof WebService)) continue; edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model m = ((WebService)service).getOutputModel(); if (m == null) continue; Map<String, Map<String, String>> serviceIdsAndMappings = m.findInJenaModel(jenaModel, null); if (serviceIdsAndMappings == null) continue; Iterator<String> itr = serviceIdsAndMappings.keySet().iterator(); if (itr.hasNext()) { String key = itr.next(); servicesAndMappings.put((WebService)service, serviceIdsAndMappings.get(key)); } } return servicesAndMappings; } /** * From the service model, returns the service object * @param model * @return */ @Override public WebService importSourceFromJenaModel(Model model) { logger.debug("model size: " + model.getGraph().size()); String service_name = ""; String service_uri; String service_id; String service_address = ""; String service_method = ""; // service id service_uri = model.getNsPrefixURI(""); logger.debug("service uri: " + service_uri); // service local id service_id = service_uri.substring(service_uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, service_uri.length() - 1); logger.debug("service id: " + service_id); Property has_address_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.HRESTS + "hasAddress"); Property has_name_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasName"); Property has_method_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.HRESTS + "hasMethod"); Property has_input_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasInput"); Property has_output_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasOutput"); Resource service_resource = model.getResource(service_uri); NodeIterator nodeIterator; RDFNode node; // service name nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(service_resource, has_name_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isLiteral()) { service_name = node.asLiteral().getString(); logger.debug("service name: " + service_name); } else logger.debug("service does not have a name."); // service address nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(service_resource, has_address_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isLiteral()) { service_address = node.asLiteral().getString(); logger.debug("service address: " + service_address); } else logger.debug("service does not have an address."); // service method nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(service_resource, has_method_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isLiteral()) { service_method = node.asLiteral().getString(); logger.debug("service method: " + service_method); } else logger.debug("service does not have a method."); List<String> variables; List<Attribute> inputAttributes = null; List<Attribute> outputAttributes = null; edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model inputModel = null; edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model outputModel = null; // service variables variables = getVariables(model, service_resource); // service input nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(service_resource, has_input_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { inputAttributes = getAttributes(model, node.asResource(), IOType.INPUT); inputModel = getSemanticModel(model, node.asResource()); } else logger.debug("service does not have an input."); // service output nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(service_resource, has_output_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { outputAttributes = getAttributes(model, node.asResource(), IOType.OUTPUT ); outputModel = getSemanticModel(model, node.asResource()); } else logger.info("service does not have an output."); WebService service = new WebService(service_id, service_name, service_address); service.setMethod(service_method); service.setVariables(variables); service.setInputAttributes(inputAttributes); service.setOutputAttributes(outputAttributes); service.setInputModel(inputModel); service.setOutputModel(outputModel); return service; } private List<String> getVariables(Model model, Resource service_resource) { Property has_variable_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasVariable"); List<String> variables = new ArrayList<>(); NodeIterator nodeIterator; RDFNode node; // hasAttribute nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(service_resource, has_variable_property); while ( nodeIterator.hasNext()) { node = nodeIterator.next(); if (!node.isResource()) { logger.info("object of the hasAttribute property is not a resource."); continue; } variables.add(node.asResource().getLocalName()); } return variables; } private List<Attribute> getAttributes(Model model, Resource io_resource, String ioType) { Property has_attribute_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasAttribute"); Property has_mandatory_attribute_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasMandatoryAttribute"); Property has_optional_attribute_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasOptionalAttribute"); List<Attribute> attList = new ArrayList<>(); NodeIterator nodeIterator; RDFNode node; // hasAttribute nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(io_resource, has_attribute_property); while ( nodeIterator.hasNext()) { node = nodeIterator.next(); if (!node.isResource()) { logger.info("object of the hasAttribute property is not a resource."); continue; } attList.add(getAttribute(model, node.asResource(), ioType, AttributeRequirement.NONE)); } // hasMandatoryAttribute nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(io_resource, has_mandatory_attribute_property); while ( nodeIterator.hasNext()) { node = nodeIterator.next(); if (!node.isResource()) { logger.info("object of the hasMandatoryAttribute property is not a resource."); continue; } attList.add(getAttribute(model, node.asResource(), ioType, AttributeRequirement.MANDATORY)); } // hasOptionalAttribute nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(io_resource, has_optional_attribute_property); while ( nodeIterator.hasNext()) { node = nodeIterator.next(); if (!node.isResource()) { logger.info("object of the hasOptionalAttribute property is not a resource."); continue; } attList.add(getAttribute(model, node.asResource(), ioType, AttributeRequirement.OPTIONAL)); } return attList; } private Attribute getAttribute(Model model, Resource att_resource, String ioType, AttributeRequirement requirement) { String att_id; String att_name = ""; String att_groundedIn = ""; Property has_name_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasName"); Property is_gounded_in_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.HRESTS + "isGroundedIn"); // attribute id att_id = att_resource.getLocalName(); logger.debug("attribute id: " + att_id); NodeIterator nodeIterator; RDFNode node; // attribute name nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(att_resource, has_name_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isLiteral()) { att_name = node.asLiteral().getString(); logger.debug("attribute name: " + att_name); } else logger.debug("attribute does not have a name."); // attribute grounded In nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(att_resource, is_gounded_in_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isLiteral()) { att_groundedIn = node.asLiteral().getString(); logger.debug("attribute grounded in: " + att_groundedIn); } else logger.debug("attribute does not have agroundedIn value."); Attribute att; if (att_groundedIn.length() > 0) att = new Attribute(att_id, att_resource.getNameSpace(), att_name, ioType, requirement, att_groundedIn ); else att = new Attribute(att_id, att_resource.getNameSpace(), att_name, ioType, requirement); return att; } private edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model getSemanticModel(Model model, Resource io_resource) { Property has_model_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasModel"); Property has_atom_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.KARMA + "hasAtom"); NodeIterator nodeIterator; RDFNode modelNode; RDFNode atomNode; // hasModel nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(io_resource, has_model_property); if (!nodeIterator.hasNext() || !(modelNode = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { logger.info("There is no model resource."); return null; } edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model semanticModel = new edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model(modelNode.asResource().getLocalName()); List<Atom> atoms = new ArrayList<>(); // hasAtom nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(modelNode.asResource(), has_atom_property); while ( nodeIterator.hasNext()) { atomNode = nodeIterator.next(); if (!atomNode.isResource()) { logger.info("object of the hasAtom property is not a resource."); continue; } atoms.add(getAtom(model, atomNode.asResource())); } semanticModel.setAtoms(atoms); return semanticModel; } private Atom getAtom(Model model, Resource atom_resource) { Property rdf_type = model.getProperty(Namespaces.RDF + "type"); NodeIterator nodeIterator; RDFNode node; String classAtomUri = Namespaces.SWRL + "ClassAtom"; String propertyAtomUri = Namespaces.SWRL + "IndividualPropertyAtom"; // atom type nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(atom_resource, rdf_type); if (!nodeIterator.hasNext() || !(node = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { logger.info("The atom type is not specified."); return null; } if (node.asResource().getURI().equalsIgnoreCase(classAtomUri)) { logger.debug("The atom is a ClassAtom"); return getClassAtom(model, atom_resource); } else if (node.asResource().getURI().equalsIgnoreCase(propertyAtomUri)) { logger.debug("The atom is an IndividualPropertyAtom"); return getPropertyAtom(model, atom_resource); } return null; } private ClassAtom getClassAtom(Model model, Resource atom_resource) { String predicateUri; String predicatePrefix; String predicateNs; String argument1Id; String argument1Type = null; Resource attribute = ResourceFactory.createResource(Namespaces.KARMA + "Attribute"); Resource variable = ResourceFactory.createResource(Namespaces.SWRL + "Variable"); Property class_predicate_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.SWRL + "classPredicate"); Property argument1_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.SWRL + "argument1"); NodeIterator nodeIterator; RDFNode node; // atom class predicate nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(atom_resource, class_predicate_property); if (!nodeIterator.hasNext() || !(node = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { logger.info("The class predicate resource is not specified."); return null; } predicateUri = node.asResource().getURI(); logger.debug("The atom predicate is: " + predicateUri); predicateNs = node.asResource().getNameSpace(); predicatePrefix = model.getNsURIPrefix(predicateNs); // atom argument1 nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(atom_resource, argument1_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { argument1Id = node.asResource().getLocalName(); logger.debug("The atom argument1 is: " + argument1Id); if (isInstanceOfTheClass(node.asResource(), attribute)) argument1Type = ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE; else if (isInstanceOfTheClass(node.asResource(), variable)) argument1Type = ArgumentType.VARIABLE; } else { logger.info("atom does not have an argument1."); return null; } Label predicateName = new Label(predicateUri, predicateNs, predicatePrefix); Argument arg1 = new Argument(argument1Id, argument1Id, argument1Type); ClassAtom classAtom = new ClassAtom(predicateName, arg1); return classAtom; } private IndividualPropertyAtom getPropertyAtom(Model model, Resource atom_resource) { String predicateUri; String predicatePrefix; String predicateNs; String argument1Id; String argument2Id; String argument1Type = null; String argument2Type = null; Resource attribute = ResourceFactory.createResource(Namespaces.KARMA + "Attribute"); Resource variable = ResourceFactory.createResource(Namespaces.SWRL + "Variable"); Property property_predicate_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.SWRL + "propertyPredicate"); Property argument1_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.SWRL + "argument1"); Property argument2_property = model.getProperty(Namespaces.SWRL + "argument2"); NodeIterator nodeIterator; RDFNode node; // atom class predicate nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(atom_resource, property_predicate_property); if (!nodeIterator.hasNext() || !(node = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { logger.info("The property predicate resource is not specified."); return null; } predicateUri = node.asResource().getURI(); logger.debug("The atom predicate is: " + predicateUri); predicateNs = node.asResource().getNameSpace(); predicatePrefix = model.getNsURIPrefix(predicateNs); // atom argument1 nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(atom_resource, argument1_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { argument1Id = node.asResource().getLocalName(); logger.debug("The atom argument1 is: " + argument1Id); if (isInstanceOfTheClass(node.asResource(), attribute)) argument1Type = ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE; else if (isInstanceOfTheClass(node.asResource(), variable)) argument1Type = ArgumentType.VARIABLE; } else { logger.info("atom does not have an argument1."); return null; } // atom argument2 nodeIterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(atom_resource, argument2_property); if (nodeIterator.hasNext() && (node = nodeIterator.next()).isResource()) { argument2Id = node.asResource().getLocalName(); logger.debug("The atom argument2 is: " + argument2Id); if (isInstanceOfTheClass(node.asResource(), attribute)) argument2Type = ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE; else if (isInstanceOfTheClass(node.asResource(), variable)) argument2Type = ArgumentType.VARIABLE; } else { logger.info("atom does not have an argument2."); return null; } Label predicateName = new Label(predicateUri, predicateNs, predicatePrefix); Argument arg1 = new Argument(argument1Id, argument1Id, argument1Type); Argument arg2 = new Argument(argument2Id, argument2Id, argument2Type); IndividualPropertyAtom propertyAtom = new IndividualPropertyAtom(predicateName, arg1, arg2); return propertyAtom; } private boolean isInstanceOfTheClass(Resource resource, Resource class_resource) { Property type_property = ResourceFactory.createProperty(Namespaces.RDF + "type"); if (resource == null || !resource.isResource()) return true; if (resource.hasProperty(type_property, class_resource)) return true; else return false; } private static void testGetServiceByUri() { String uri = "http://isi.edu/integration/karma/services/CDA81BE4-DD77-E0D3-D033-FC771B2F4800#"; WebService service = WebServiceLoader.getInstance().getSourceByUri(uri); if (service != null) { // System.out.println(service.getInputModel().getSPARQLConstructQuery()); // System.out.println(service.getOutputModel().getSPARQLConstructQuery()); service.print(); } } private static void testGetServiceByAddress() { String address = "http://api.geonames.org/"; WebService service = WebServiceLoader.getInstance().getServiceByAddress(address); if (service != null) service.print(); } private static void testGetAllServices() { List<Source> serviceList = WebServiceLoader.getInstance().getSourcesDetailedInfo(null); for (Source s : serviceList) { if (s != null) s.print(); } } private static void testGetServicesByIOPattern() { edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model semanticModel = new edu.isi.karma.rep.model.Model(null); // String geonamesOntology = "http://www.geonames.org/ontology#"; // String wgs84Ontology = "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#"; String geoOntology = "http://isi.edu/ontologies/geo/current#"; Label featurePredicatName = new Label(geoOntology + "Feature", geoOntology, "geo"); Label latPredicatName = new Label(geoOntology + "lat", geoOntology, "geo"); Label lngPredicatName = new Label(geoOntology + "long", geoOntology, "geo"); ClassAtom c1 = new ClassAtom(featurePredicatName, new Argument("arg1", "arg1", ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE)); IndividualPropertyAtom p1 = new IndividualPropertyAtom(latPredicatName, new Argument("arg1", "arg1", ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE), new Argument("arg2", "arg2", ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE)); IndividualPropertyAtom p2 = new IndividualPropertyAtom(lngPredicatName, new Argument("arg1", "arg1", ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE), new Argument("arg3", "arg3", ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE)); // ClassAtom c2 = new ClassAtom(featurePredicatName, new Argument("arg2", "arg2", ArgumentType.ATTRIBUTE)); semanticModel.getAtoms().add(c1); // semanticModel.getAtoms().add(c2); semanticModel.getAtoms().add(p1); semanticModel.getAtoms().add(p2); Map<WebService, Map<String, String>> servicesAndMappings = WebServiceLoader.getInstance().getServicesWithInputContainedInModel(semanticModel, null); // getServicesByInputPattern(semanticModel, null); // Map<Service, Map<String, String>> servicesAndMappings = // getServicesByIOPattern(semanticModel, IOType.INPUT, null); if (servicesAndMappings == null) return; for (WebService s : servicesAndMappings.keySet()) { if (s != null) System.out.println((s.getUri())); //s.print(); } System.out.println("Mappings from matched source to model arguments:"); for (Map.Entry<WebService, Map<String, String>> webServiceMapEntry : servicesAndMappings.entrySet()) { System.out.println("Service: " + webServiceMapEntry.getKey().getId()); if (webServiceMapEntry.getValue() == null) continue; for (String str : webServiceMapEntry.getValue().keySet()) System.out.println(str + "-------" + webServiceMapEntry.getValue().get(str)); } } private static void testDeleteServiceByUri() { String uri = "http://isi.edu/integration/karma/services/3D579101-2596-2331-53A8-63F949D71C8F#"; WebServiceLoader.getInstance().deleteSourceByUri(uri); } public static void main(String[] args) { // ServiceBuilder.main(new String[0]); boolean test1 = true, test2 = false, test3 = false, test4 = false, test5 = false; if (test1) testGetServiceByUri(); if (test2) testGetServiceByAddress(); if (test3) testGetServicesByIOPattern(); if (test4) testGetAllServices(); if (test5) testDeleteServiceByUri(); } }