package tufts.vue.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import java.awt.dnd.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.beans.*; import javax.activation.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class DnDTabbedPane extends JTabbedPane { private static final int LINEWIDTH = 3; private static final String NAME = "test"; private final GhostGlassPane glassPane = new GhostGlassPane(); private final Rectangle lineRect = new Rectangle(); private final Color lineColor = new Color(0, 100, 255); private int dragTabIndex = -1; private void clickArrowButton(String actionKey) { ActionMap map = getActionMap(); if(map != null) { Action action = map.get(actionKey); if (action != null && action.isEnabled()) { action.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, null, 0, 0)); } } } private static Rectangle rBackward = new Rectangle(); private static Rectangle rForward = new Rectangle(); private static int rwh = 20; private static int buttonsize = 30; //xxx magic number of scroll button size private void autoScrollTest(Point glassPt) { Rectangle r = getTabAreaBounds(); int tabPlacement = getTabPlacement(); if(tabPlacement==TOP || tabPlacement==BOTTOM) { rBackward.setBounds(r.x, r.y, rwh, r.height); rForward.setBounds(r.x+r.width-rwh-buttonsize, r.y, rwh+buttonsize, r.height); }else if(tabPlacement==LEFT || tabPlacement==RIGHT) { rBackward.setBounds(r.x, r.y, r.width, rwh); rForward.setBounds(r.x, r.y+r.height-rwh-buttonsize, r.width, rwh+buttonsize); } if(rBackward.contains(glassPt)) { //System.out.println(new java.util.Date() + "Backward"); clickArrowButton("scrollTabsBackwardAction"); }else if(rForward.contains(glassPt)) { //System.out.println(new java.util.Date() + "Forward"); clickArrowButton("scrollTabsForwardAction"); } } public DnDTabbedPane() { super(); final DragSourceListener dsl = new DragSourceListener() { public void dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent e) { e.getDragSourceContext().setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveDrop); } public void dragExit(DragSourceEvent e) { e.getDragSourceContext().setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveNoDrop); lineRect.setRect(0,0,0,0); glassPane.setPoint(new Point(-1000,-1000)); glassPane.repaint(); } public void dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent e) { Point glassPt = e.getLocation(); SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(glassPt, glassPane); int targetIdx = getTargetTabIndex(glassPt); //if(getTabAreaBounds().contains(tabPt) && targetIdx>=0 && if(getTabAreaBounds().contains(glassPt) && targetIdx>=0 && targetIdx!=dragTabIndex && targetIdx!=dragTabIndex+1) { e.getDragSourceContext().setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveDrop); glassPane.setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveDrop); }else{ e.getDragSourceContext().setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveNoDrop); glassPane.setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveNoDrop); } } public void dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent e) { lineRect.setRect(0,0,0,0); dragTabIndex = -1; glassPane.setVisible(false); if(hasGhost()) { glassPane.setVisible(false); glassPane.setImage(null); } } public void dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent e) {} }; final Transferable t = new Transferable() { private final DataFlavor FLAVOR = new DataFlavor(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType, NAME); public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) { return DnDTabbedPane.this; } public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() { DataFlavor[] f = new DataFlavor[1]; f[0] = this.FLAVOR; return f; } public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor flavor) { return flavor.getHumanPresentableName().equals(NAME); } }; final DragGestureListener dgl = new DragGestureListener() { public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent e) { if(getTabCount()<=1) return; Point tabPt = e.getDragOrigin(); dragTabIndex = indexAtLocation(tabPt.x, tabPt.y); //"disabled tab problem". if(dragTabIndex<0 || !isEnabledAt(dragTabIndex)) return; initGlassPane(e.getComponent(), e.getDragOrigin()); try{ e.startDrag(DragSource.DefaultMoveDrop, t, dsl); }catch(InvalidDnDOperationException idoe) { idoe.printStackTrace(); } } }; new DropTarget(glassPane, DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE, new CDropTargetListener(), true); new DragSource().createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(this, DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE, dgl); } class CDropTargetListener implements DropTargetListener{ public void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent e) { if(isDragAcceptable(e)) e.acceptDrag(e.getDropAction()); else e.rejectDrag(); } public void dragExit(DropTargetEvent e) {} public void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent e) {} private Point pt_ = new Point(); public void dragOver(final DropTargetDragEvent e) { Point pt = e.getLocation(); if(getTabPlacement()==JTabbedPane.TOP || getTabPlacement()==JTabbedPane.BOTTOM) { initTargetLeftRightLine(getTargetTabIndex(pt)); }else{ initTargetTopBottomLine(getTargetTabIndex(pt)); } if(hasGhost()) { glassPane.setPoint(pt); } if(!pt_.equals(pt)) glassPane.repaint(); pt_ = pt; autoScrollTest(pt); } public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent e) { if(isDropAcceptable(e)) { convertTab(dragTabIndex, getTargetTabIndex(e.getLocation())); e.dropComplete(true); }else{ e.dropComplete(false); } repaint(); } public boolean isDragAcceptable(DropTargetDragEvent e) { Transferable t = e.getTransferable(); if(t==null) return false; DataFlavor[] f = e.getCurrentDataFlavors(); if(t.isDataFlavorSupported(f[0]) && dragTabIndex>=0) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isDropAcceptable(DropTargetDropEvent e) { Transferable t = e.getTransferable(); if(t==null) return false; DataFlavor[] f = t.getTransferDataFlavors(); if(t.isDataFlavorSupported(f[0]) && dragTabIndex>=0) { return true; } return false; } } private boolean hasGhost = true; public void setPaintGhost(boolean flag) { hasGhost = flag; } public boolean hasGhost() { return hasGhost; } private boolean isPaintScrollArea = true; public void setPaintScrollArea(boolean flag) { isPaintScrollArea = flag; } public boolean isPaintScrollArea() { return isPaintScrollArea; } private int getTargetTabIndex(Point glassPt) { Point tabPt = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(glassPane, glassPt, DnDTabbedPane.this); boolean isTB = getTabPlacement()==JTabbedPane.TOP || getTabPlacement()==JTabbedPane.BOTTOM; for(int i=0;i<getTabCount();i++) { Rectangle r = getBoundsAt(i); if(isTB) r.setRect(r.x-r.width/2, r.y, r.width, r.height); else r.setRect(r.x, r.y-r.height/2, r.width, r.height); if(r.contains(tabPt)) return i; } Rectangle r = getBoundsAt(getTabCount()-1); if(isTB) r.setRect(r.x+r.width/2, r.y, r.width, r.height); else r.setRect(r.x, r.y+r.height/2, r.width, r.height); return r.contains(tabPt)?getTabCount():-1; } private void convertTab(int prev, int next) { if(next<0 || prev==next) { return; } Component cmp = getComponentAt(prev); // Component tab = getTabComponentAt(prev); String str = getTitleAt(prev); Icon icon = getIconAt(prev); String tip = getToolTipTextAt(prev); boolean flg = isEnabledAt(prev); int tgtindex = prev>next ? next : next-1; remove(prev); insertTab(str, icon, cmp, tip, tgtindex); setEnabledAt(tgtindex, flg); //When you drag'n'drop a disabled tab, it finishes enabled and selected. //pointed out by dlorde if(flg) setSelectedIndex(tgtindex); //I have a component in all tabs (jlabel with an X to close the tab) and when i move a tab the component disappear. //pointed out by Daniel Dario Morales Salas // setTabComponentAt(tgtindex, tab); } private void initTargetLeftRightLine(int next) { if(next<0 || dragTabIndex==next || next-dragTabIndex==1) { lineRect.setRect(0,0,0,0); }else if(next==0) { Rectangle r = SwingUtilities.convertRectangle(this, getBoundsAt(0), glassPane); lineRect.setRect(r.x-LINEWIDTH/2,r.y,LINEWIDTH,r.height); }else{ Rectangle r = SwingUtilities.convertRectangle(this, getBoundsAt(next-1), glassPane); lineRect.setRect(r.x+r.width-LINEWIDTH/2,r.y,LINEWIDTH,r.height); } } private void initTargetTopBottomLine(int next) { if(next<0 || dragTabIndex==next || next-dragTabIndex==1) { lineRect.setRect(0,0,0,0); }else if(next==0) { Rectangle r = SwingUtilities.convertRectangle(this, getBoundsAt(0), glassPane); lineRect.setRect(r.x,r.y-LINEWIDTH/2,r.width,LINEWIDTH); }else{ Rectangle r = SwingUtilities.convertRectangle(this, getBoundsAt(next-1), glassPane); lineRect.setRect(r.x,r.y+r.height-LINEWIDTH/2,r.width,LINEWIDTH); } } private void initGlassPane(Component c, Point tabPt) { getRootPane().setGlassPane(glassPane); if(hasGhost()) { Rectangle rect = getBoundsAt(dragTabIndex); BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(c.getWidth(), c.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics g = image.getGraphics(); c.paint(g); rect.x = rect.x<0?0:rect.x; rect.y = rect.y<0?0:rect.y; image = image.getSubimage(rect.x,rect.y,rect.width,rect.height); glassPane.setImage(image); } Point glassPt = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(c, tabPt, glassPane); glassPane.setPoint(glassPt); glassPane.setVisible(true); } private Rectangle getTabAreaBounds() { Rectangle tabbedRect = getBounds(); //pointed out by daryl. NullPointerException: i.e. addTab("Tab",null) //Rectangle compRect = getSelectedComponent().getBounds(); Component comp = getSelectedComponent(); int idx = 0; while(comp==null && idx<getTabCount()) comp = getComponentAt(idx++); Rectangle compRect = (comp==null)?new Rectangle():comp.getBounds(); int tabPlacement = getTabPlacement(); if(tabPlacement==TOP) { tabbedRect.height = tabbedRect.height - compRect.height; }else if(tabPlacement==BOTTOM) { tabbedRect.y = tabbedRect.y + compRect.y + compRect.height; tabbedRect.height = tabbedRect.height - compRect.height; }else if(tabPlacement==LEFT) { tabbedRect.width = tabbedRect.width - compRect.width; }else if(tabPlacement==RIGHT) { tabbedRect.x = tabbedRect.x + compRect.x + compRect.width; tabbedRect.width = tabbedRect.width - compRect.width; } tabbedRect.grow(2, 2); return tabbedRect; } class GhostGlassPane extends JPanel { private final AlphaComposite composite; private Point location = new Point(0, 0); private BufferedImage draggingGhost = null; public GhostGlassPane() { setOpaque(false); composite = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.5f); // //setCursor(null); } public void setImage(BufferedImage draggingGhost) { this.draggingGhost = draggingGhost; } public void setPoint(Point location) { this.location = location; } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setComposite(composite); if(isPaintScrollArea() && getTabLayoutPolicy()==SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT) { g2.setPaint(Color.RED); g2.fill(rBackward); g2.fill(rForward); } if(draggingGhost != null) { double xx = location.getX() - (draggingGhost.getWidth(this) /2d); double yy = location.getY() - (draggingGhost.getHeight(this)/2d); g2.drawImage(draggingGhost, (int)xx, (int)yy , null); } if(dragTabIndex>=0) { g2.setPaint(lineColor); g2.fill(lineRect); } } } }