package tufts.vue; /* * * * Created on October 8, 2008, 1:01 PM * * Copyright 2003-2010 Tufts University Licensed under the * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import edu.tufts.vue.mbs.AlchemyAnalyzer; import edu.tufts.vue.layout.*; import edu.tufts.vue.mbs.AnalyzerResult; import edu.tufts.vue.mbs.LWComponentAnalyzer; import edu.tufts.vue.mbs.OpenCalaisAnalyzer; import edu.tufts.vue.mbs.YahooAnalyzer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import javax.swing.Action; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookiePolicy; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.osid.repository.Asset; import org.osid.repository.AssetIterator; import org.osid.repository.RepositoryException; import; import; import tufts.Util; import tufts.vue.Actions.LWCAction; import tufts.vue.gui.GUI; import tufts.vue.gui.Widget; import tufts.vue.VueUtil; import edu.tufts.vue.ontology.OntType; import edu.tufts.vue.metadata.MetadataList; import edu.tufts.vue.metadata.VueMetadataElement; import edu.tufts.vue.preferences.implementations.ShowAgainDialog; import edu.tufts.vue.ui.DefaultQueryEditor; // contains layout actions. based on ArrangeAction. The default layout is random layout public class AnalyzerAction extends Actions.LWCAction { private boolean firstTime = true; private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger Log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(AnalyzerAction.class); private LWComponentAnalyzer analyzer = null; private AnalyzerAction(LWComponentAnalyzer analyzer, String name,KeyStroke keyStroke) { super(name,keyStroke); this.analyzer = analyzer; } // boolean mayModifySelection() { return true; } boolean mayModifySelection() { return true; } boolean enabledFor(LWSelection s) { return (s.size() == 1 && s.first() instanceof LWNode); // todo: a have capability check (free-layout? !isLaidOut() ?) } private final static int maxLabelLineLength =30; private static final Color[] ValueNodeDataColors = VueResources.getColorArray("node.dataValue.color.cycle"); public static void addResultsToMap(List<Resource> resourceList,LWComponent centerComponent, int colorSelection) { //*** MAP BASED SEARCHING *** //Equivalent of the are you feeling lucky feature where //we are going to grab a bunch of results and add them right to the map. final int RESULTS_TO_ADD=10; int size = resourceList.size(); // VUE.getSelection().clear(); // VUE.getSelection().add(mCenterComponent); LWMap active = VUE.getActiveMap(); java.util.List<LWComponent> comps = new ArrayList<LWComponent>(); for (int p=0; p < RESULTS_TO_ADD && p<size; p++) { //System.out.println(resourceList.get(p).toString()); Resource r = (Resource)resourceList.get(p); tufts.vue.LWNode node = new tufts.vue.LWNode(r.getTitle()); node.setFillColor(ValueNodeDataColors[colorSelection%10]); node.setResource(r); String label = node.getLabel(); label = Util.formatLines(label, maxLabelLineLength); node.setLabel(label); comps.add(node); node.layout(); node.setLocation(centerComponent.getLocation()); LWLink link = new LWLink(centerComponent,node); comps.add(link); link.layout(); } active.addChildren(comps); // VUE.getSelection().setTo(comps,"search results");; VUE.getSelection().setTo(centerComponent); LWSelection selection = VUE.getSelection(); LWContainer.bringToFront(selection); } public void act(LWComponent c) { //if (VUE.getDRBrowser().getDataSourceViewer().mMapBasedSearchThreads.size() > 0) //{ //System.out.println("SEARCH ALREADY RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!"); // return; //} //Set the wait cursor here clear it when there's no threads left in the mbs. GUI.activateWaitCursor(); //figure out if anything is checked int selectionCount = DefaultQueryEditor.getSelectedRepositoryCount(); if (selectionCount == 0) { final ShowAgainDialog sad = new ShowAgainDialog(VUE.getApplicationFrame(),"noResourceSelected",VueResources.local("noResourceSelected.title"),"OK",null); JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,1)); String label = Util.formatLines(VueResources.local("noResourceSelected.message"),30); JLabel vLabel = new JLabel(label); if(Util.isMacPlatform()){ panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(425,25)); panel.setSize(new Dimension(425,25)); panel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(425,25)); }else{ panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(425,25)); } panel.add(vLabel); sad.setContentPanel(panel); VueUtil.centerOnScreen(sad); if (sad.showAgain()) { sad.setVisible(true); sad.setVisible(false); sad.dispose(); GUI.clearWaitCursor(); return; } } // List<AnalyzerResult> list = analyzer.analyze(c); // Iterator<AnalyzerResult> i = list.iterator(); VUE.getActiveViewer().getSelection().clear(); //System.out.println("BLAH"); boolean hasResults = false; String query = ""; final int MAX_TERMS=1; int termCount = 0; /* while (i.hasNext() && termCount < MAX_TERMS) { hasResults = true; AnalyzerResult l =; if (l !=null && l.getValue() !=null) { //System.out.println(l.getRelevance() + " : " + l.getValue()); query += l.getValue().trim() + " "; termCount++; }*/ /* * MK - For testing purposes I was adding Nodes of the search terms to the map. * if (l.getValue() !=null && l.getValue().trim() != " " && !label.startsWith("Topic")) { LWNode node = new LWNode(label); VUE.getActiveMap().add(node); //VUE.getActiveViewer().getSelection().add(node); LWLink link = new LWLink(c,node); VUE.getActiveMap().add(link); VUE.getActiveViewer().getSelection().add(link); LayoutAction.random.act(VUE.getActiveViewer().getSelection()); }*/ // } //if (query.equals("")) query = c.getLabel(); //if (!hasResults) //{ // VueUtil.alert(VueResources.getString("dialog.analyzeerror.message"), VueResources.getString("dialog.analyzeerror.title")); //just use the label from the node, it didn't go right. //} VUE.getDRBrowser().getDataSourceViewer().queryEditor.setCriteria(query); VUE.getDRBrowser().getDataSourceViewer().mapBasedSearch(c); if (firstTime) { GUI.makeVisibleOnScreen(VUE.getDRBrowser()); firstTime = false; } return; } // random layout. scatters nodes at random // public static final AnalyzerAction yahoo = new AnalyzerAction(new YahooAnalyzer(),VueResources.getString("analyzeaction.yahoocontent"),null); public static final AnalyzerAction calais = new AnalyzerAction(new OpenCalaisAnalyzer(),VueResources.getString("analyzeaction.usingopencalais"),null); public static final AutoTaggerAction calaisAutoTagger = new AutoTaggerAction(new OpenCalaisAnalyzer(),VueResources.getString("analyzeaction.usingopencalais"),null); public static final SemanticMapAction calaisMapAction = new SemanticMapAction(new OpenCalaisAnalyzer(),VueResources.getString("analyzeaction.usingopencalais"),null); private static final LWComponentAnalyzer alchemyAnalyzer = new AlchemyAnalyzerAPIKeyGuarder(); private static final AnalyzerAction alchemy = new AnalyzerAction(alchemyAnalyzer,VueResources.getString("analyzeaction.usingalchemyapi"),null); private static final AutoTaggerAction alchemyAutoTagger = new AutoTaggerAction(alchemyAnalyzer,VueResources.getString("analyzeaction.usingalchemyapi"),null); private static final SemanticMapAction alchemyMapAction = new SemanticMapAction(alchemyAnalyzer,VueResources.getString("analyzeaction.usingalchemyapi"),null); public static final Action[] KEYWORDS_MENU_ACTIONS; public static final Action[] RESOURCES_ACTIONS; public static final Action[] WEB_ACTIONS; static { KEYWORDS_MENU_ACTIONS = new Action[2]; KEYWORDS_MENU_ACTIONS[0] = alchemyAutoTagger; KEYWORDS_MENU_ACTIONS[1] = calaisAutoTagger; RESOURCES_ACTIONS = new Action[2]; RESOURCES_ACTIONS[0] = alchemy; RESOURCES_ACTIONS[1] = calais; WEB_ACTIONS = new Action[2]; WEB_ACTIONS[0] = alchemyMapAction; WEB_ACTIONS[1] = calaisMapAction; } public static final Action luckyImageAction = new LWCAction(VueResources.getString("analyzeaction.luckyimage")) { public void act(LWComponent c) { JSONArray _ja; try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); GetMethod method = new GetMethod("" + URLEncoder.encode(c.getLabel())); method.getParams().setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY); client.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.USER_AGENT, "Visual Understanding Environment"); // Send GET request int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { System.err.println("Method failed: " + method.getStatusLine()); } InputStream rstream = null; // Get the response body rstream = method.getResponseBodyAsStream(); // Process the response from Yahoo! Web Services BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(rstream)); String jsonString = ""; String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { jsonString += line; } br.close(); // Construct a JSONObject from a source JSON text string. // A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs. Its external // form is a string wrapped in curly braces with colons between the names // and values, and commas between the values and names. // jsonString = jsonString.substring(14); // jsonString = jsonString.substring(0,jsonString.length()-1); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(jsonString); // A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values. Its external form is a // string wrapped in square brackets with commas between the values. // Get the JSONObject value associated with the search result key. jo = jo.getJSONObject("photos"); //System.out.println(jo.toString()); // Get the JSONArray value associated with the Result key _ja = jo.getJSONArray("photo"); // Get the number of search results in this set int resultCount = _ja.length(); //System.out.println("results: " + resultCount); java.util.Vector vector = new java.util.Vector(); for (int i=0; i < resultCount; i++) { JSONObject resultObject = _ja.getJSONObject(i); String id = null; String owner = null; String secret = null; String server = null; Integer farm = null; String title = null; id = (String)resultObject.getString("id"); owner = (String)resultObject.get("owner"); secret = (String)resultObject.getString("secret"); server = (String)resultObject.get("server"); farm = (Integer)resultObject.get("farm"); title = (String)resultObject.get("title"); String big = "http://farm" + farm + "" + server +"/" + id + "_" + secret +".jpg"; c.setResource(URLResource.create(new URL(big))); } } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return; } }; public static final Action[] ANALYZER_ACTIONS = { calais, }; public static void buildSubMenu(JMenu analyzeNodeMenu) { // analyzeNodeMenu.add(; // JMenu calaisMenu = new JMenu("Node Analysis"); analyzeNodeMenu.add(calais); analyzeNodeMenu.add(calaisAutoTagger); analyzeNodeMenu.add(calaisMapAction); analyzeNodeMenu.add(luckyImageAction); } static class SemanticMapAction extends Actions.LWCAction { // private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger Log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(AnalyzerAction.class); private LWComponentAnalyzer analyzer = null; private SemanticMapAction(LWComponentAnalyzer analyzer, String name,KeyStroke keyStroke) { super(name,keyStroke); this.analyzer = analyzer; } // boolean mayModifySelection() { return true; } public void act(LWComponent c) { try { GUI.activateWaitCursor(); //bags of components to add to map final java.util.List<LWComponent> subCatcomps = new ArrayList<LWComponent>(); java.util.List<LWComponent> categoryComps = new ArrayList<LWComponent>(); //Analyze the resource and get a multimap of types and values Multimap<String,AnalyzerResult> list = null; try{ list = analyzer.analyzeResource(c); } catch(Exception e) { VueUtil.alert(VueResources.getString("dialog.semanticmaperror.message"), VueResources.getString("dialog.analyzeerror.title")); e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (list.isEmpty()) { VueUtil.alert(VueResources.getString("dialog.semanticmaperror.noresults"), VueResources.getString("dialog.analyzeerror.title")); return; } Color joinNodeColor = new Color(8,119,192); Color leafNodeColor = new Color(157,219,83); Iterator<String> categoryIterator = list.keySet().iterator(); boolean hasResults = false; HashMap<LWNode,Collection> categoryChildren = new HashMap<LWNode,Collection>(); while (categoryIterator.hasNext()) { String key =; //Make a node for the key connect it to the central node. //TODO Collection al = list.get(key); tufts.vue.LWNode node = new tufts.vue.LWNode(key); node.setLocation(c.getLocation()); tufts.vue.LWLink link = new tufts.vue.LWLink(c,node); if (al.size() > 0) { // node.setFillColor(new Color()) node.setFillColor(joinNodeColor); link.mStrokeStyle.setTo(LWComponent.StrokeStyle.DASHED); categoryComps.add(node); categoryComps.add(link); categoryChildren.put(node, al); } } final LWMap active = VUE.getActiveMap(); active.addChildren(categoryComps);; int layerIx = 0; while( categoryChildren != null ) { HashMap<LWNode,Collection> newCategoryChildren = null; HashMap<String,LWNode> newTypeHash = null; Iterator nodeIterator = categoryChildren.keySet().iterator(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { subCatcomps.clear(); LWNode joinNode = (LWNode); Collection subCategories = categoryChildren.get(joinNode); Iterator subCatIt = subCategories.iterator(); while (subCatIt.hasNext()) { AnalyzerResult res = (AnalyzerResult); if( res.getSubtypes() == null || res.getSubtypes().size() <= layerIx ) { tufts.vue.LWNode node = new tufts.vue.LWNode(res.getValue()); MetadataList mlist = new MetadataList(); double rel = res.getRelevance(); if (rel < 0.25) mlist.add("relevance", "Low"); else if (rel > 0.25 && rel < 0.50) mlist.add("relevance", "Medium"); else if (rel > 0.50 && rel < 0.75) mlist.add("relevance", "High"); else mlist.add("relevance", "Essential"); mlist.add("relevance score",(new Double(rel)).toString()); node.setMetadataList(mlist); if( res.getOntologies() != null ) { Iterator ontIt = res.getOntologies().iterator(); while( ontIt.hasNext()) { OntType ontType = new OntType(); ontType.setLabel((String); ontType.setBase(""); VueMetadataElement vme = new VueMetadataElement(); vme.setObject(ontType); node.getMetadataList().getMetadata().add(vme); } } tufts.vue.LWLink link = new tufts.vue.LWLink(joinNode,node); node.setLocation(joinNode.getLocation()); node.setFillColor(leafNodeColor); Font f = node.getFont(); Font derive = f.deriveFont(((float)(10+res.getCount()))); node.setFont(derive); link.setStrokeColor(getColorFromRelevance(res.getRelevance())); subCatcomps.add(node); subCatcomps.add(link); } else { if( newCategoryChildren == null ) { newCategoryChildren = new HashMap<LWNode,Collection>(); newTypeHash = new HashMap<String,LWNode>(); } String subtypeStr = (String)res.getSubtypes().get(layerIx); LWNode subtypeNode = newTypeHash.get(subtypeStr); if( subtypeNode == null ) { subtypeNode = new LWNode(subtypeStr); subtypeNode.setLocation(joinNode.getLocation()); tufts.vue.LWLink link = new tufts.vue.LWLink(joinNode,subtypeNode); subCatcomps.add(subtypeNode); subCatcomps.add(link); newTypeHash.put(subtypeStr,subtypeNode); newCategoryChildren.put(subtypeNode,new ArrayList()); } Collection subtypeCollection = newCategoryChildren.get(subtypeNode); subtypeCollection.add(res); } } active.addChildren(subCatcomps);; } layerIx++; categoryChildren = newCategoryChildren; } } finally { GUI.clearWaitCursor(); } } public Color getColorFromRelevance(double relevance) { /*if (relevance == 1.0) relevance=relevance-.01; double component = 255 - (255 * relevance); if (component < 0) component = 0; java.awt.Color c =null; try { c= new java.awt.Color((int)component,(int)component,(int)component); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) { return; }*/ return Color.gray; } } static class AutoTaggerAction extends Actions.LWCAction { // private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger Log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(AnalyzerAction.class); private LWComponentAnalyzer analyzer = null; private AutoTaggerAction(LWComponentAnalyzer analyzer, String name,KeyStroke keyStroke) { super(name,keyStroke); this.analyzer = analyzer; } // boolean mayModifySelection() { return true; } public void act(LWComponent c) { List<AnalyzerResult> list = analyzer.analyze(c,true); Iterator<AnalyzerResult> i = list.iterator(); VUE.getActiveViewer().getSelection().clear(); //System.out.println("BLAH"); boolean hasResults = false; while (i.hasNext()) { AnalyzerResult l =; if (c.getMetadataList().size() ==1 && c.getMetadataList().get(0).getValue().equals("")) c.getMetadataList().remove(0); if (l.getType()==null || (l.getType() !=null && l.getType().equals("NA"))) { if (l.getValue()!=null && l.getValue().trim() != "" && l.getValue().length() > 1) { hasResults = true; c.getMetadataList().add("none", l.getValue()); } } else { if (l.getValue()!=null && l.getValue().trim() != "" && l.getValue().length() > 1) { hasResults = true; c.getMetadataList().add(l.getType(), l.getValue()); } } } if (!hasResults) { VueUtil.alert(VueResources.getString("dialog.analyzeerror.message"), VueResources.getString("dialog.analyzeerror.title")); } VUE.getActiveViewer().selectionAdd(c); return; } } static private class AlchemyAnalyzerAPIKeyGuarder extends AlchemyAnalyzer { @Override public List<AnalyzerResult> analyze(LWComponent c, boolean tryFallback) { return (IsAlchemyAPIKeySet() || keyRequest()) ? super.analyze(c, tryFallback) : new java.util.ArrayList<AnalyzerResult>(); } @Override public List<AnalyzerResult> analyze(LWComponent c) { return (IsAlchemyAPIKeySet() || keyRequest()) ? super.analyze(c) : new java.util.ArrayList<AnalyzerResult>(); } @Override public Multimap<String, AnalyzerResult> analyzeResource(LWComponent c) throws Exception { if( !IsAlchemyAPIKeySet() ) keyRequest(); return super.analyzeResource(c); } private boolean keyRequest() { String key = (String)edu.tufts.vue.preferences.implementations.AlchemyAPIPreference.getInstance().getValue(); if( null == key || "".equals(key) ) { String title = VueResources.local("dialog.alchemyapikey.title"), lable = VueResources.local("dialog.alchemyapikey.label"); key = (String)VueUtil.input(VUE.getApplicationFrame(), lable, title, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null); if (null == key || key.length() <= 0) return false; } SetAlchemyAPIKey(key); return true; } } }