package tufts.macosx; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; public class Screen { private static NSWindow sFullScreen; public static void goBlack() { goBlack(getFullScreenWindow()); } public static void goBlack(NSWindow w) { w.setAlphaValue(1); w.orderFrontRegardless(); //w.orderFront(w); } public static void goClear() { getFullScreenWindow().setAlphaValue(0); } public static void fadeToBlack() { NSWindow w = getFullScreenWindow(); w.setAlphaValue(0); w.orderFront(w); cycleAlpha(0, 1); } public static void fadeFromBlack() { fadeFromBlack(getFullScreenWindow()); } public static void fadeFromBlack(NSWindow w) { goBlack(w); cycleAlpha(w, 1, 0); //w.close(); bus-eror! } private static void cycleAlpha(float start, float end) { cycleAlpha(getFullScreenWindow(), start, end, 32); } private static void cycleAlpha(NSWindow w, float start, float end) { cycleAlpha(w, start, end, 32); } private static void cycleAlpha(NSWindow w, float start, float end, final int steps) { System.out.println("cycleAlpha " + start + " -> " + end + " in " + steps + " steps"); float alpha; float delta = end - start; float inc = delta / steps; for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { alpha = start + inc * i; w.setAlphaValue(alpha); //System.out.println("alpha=" + alpha); //try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (Exception e) {} // give CPU a break } // if end value isn't 0, and you don't manuall close the window, // it will grab all mouse events, locking out everything below it! w.setAlphaValue(end); System.out.println("cycleAlpha complete"); } private static NSWindow getFullScreenWindow() { if (sFullScreen == null) { Dimension screen = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); sFullScreen = new NSWindow(new NSRect(0,0,screen.width,screen.height), 0, NSWindow.Buffered, true); sFullScreen.setBackgroundColor(NSColor.blackColor()); //sFullScreen.setBackgroundColor(NSColor.redColor()); sFullScreen.setLevel(NSWindow.ScreenSaverWindowLevel); // this allows it over the mac menu bar sFullScreen.setTitle("X"); } return sFullScreen; } private static void showColorPicker() { //NSColorPanel cp = new NSColorPanel(); NSColorPanel cp = NSColorPanel.sharedColorPanel(); cp.setShowsAlpha(true); cp.orderFront(cp); } public static NSWindow getMainWindow() { return NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow(); } public static NSMenu getMainMenu() { return NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainMenu(); } private static NSMenu firstMenu = null; private static NSMenu cloneMenu = null; public static void dumpMainMenu() { NSMenu m = getMainMenu(); dumpMenu(m); /* if (firstMenu == null) { firstMenu = m; try { cloneMenu = (NSMenu) m.clone(); dumpMenu(cloneMenu); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex); } NSApplication.sharedApplication().setMainMenu(cloneMenu); } */ //if (m != firstMenu) //NSApplication.sharedApplication().setMainMenu(cloneMenu); } public static void dumpMenu(NSMenu m) { System.out.println("Mac Main Menu: " + m + " visible="+m.menuBarVisible() + " hash=" + m.hashCode()); } private static NSWindow MainWindow = null; private static NSWindow FullWindow = null; public static void keepWindowsOnTop() { keepWindowsOnTop(null, false); } /** This method make's sure any visible windows are made as * children of the application main window, which keeps them * on top of it. As a side effect, this functionality on the * mac also moves the windows along with the main window * @param ensureWindow is for a window that may be in the * process of showing, and thus claim's not to be visible * yet, even tho it is. We make sure to process any window * with this title even it claims not to be visible. * * Not that making a window a child also brings it to the * front, if it's NOT already at the front, java will have * no idea the window is visible, and it won't be pretty. * * This code is very specific to the frame title used in VUE. */ public static void keepWindowsOnTop(String ensuredWindow, boolean fullScreen) { //dumpWindows(); NSApplication a = NSApplication.sharedApplication(); NSArray windows =; NSWindow w; // note that the only way at moment we can recognize the // main vue frame & full screen window is by title, // so be sure not to create any titles that start with // the below checked strings. (getMainWindow() is // returning a different object that the main vue frame) if (true ||MainWindow == null || FullWindow == null) { for (int i = 0; i < windows.count(); i++) { w = (NSWindow) windows.objectAtIndex(i); if (w.title().startsWith("VUE-FULL-WORKING")) FullWindow = w; else if (w.title().startsWith("VUE:")) MainWindow = w; } } for (int i = 0; i < windows.count(); i++) { w = (NSWindow) windows.objectAtIndex(i); if (w == MainWindow || w == FullWindow || w.title().startsWith("OLD-")) continue; // Ordering also forces the window visible! (and doesn't tell java, of course) // Even when checking if visible mac java impl is putting other frames them right back // behind as soon as the main frame gets activated... //if (w != MainWindow && MainWindow != null && w.isVisible()) { // todo: would be nice to bring forward the "Toolbar" from a dragged JToolBar, // but when we go full screen, it appears invisible (prob because it's a dialog // child of the vue frame, and it went invisible with it...) We can do this, // but VUE will have to help us specifically. if ((ensuredWindow != null && ensuredWindow.equals(w.title())) || (w.isVisible() && w.title().length() > 1)) { if (fullScreen && FullWindow != null) { System.out.println("ADDING AS CHILD OF FULL-SCREEN: #" + i + " [" + w.title() + "]"); FullWindow.addChildWindow(w, NSWindow.Above); } else { System.out.println("ADDING AS CHILD OF MAIN-WINDOW: #" + i + " [" + w.title() + "]"); MainWindow.addChildWindow(w, NSWindow.Above); } //w.orderFront(w); // causes some flashing } //if (w != MainWindow && MainWindow != null && w.isVisible()) // w.orderWindow(NSWindow.Above, MainWindow.windowNumber()); // Anothing above default level puts window over other apps //if (!w.title().startsWith("VUE")) //w.setLevel(NSWindow.FloatingWindowLevel); //w.setLevel(NSWindow.StatusWindowLevel); //w.setAlphaValue(0.75f); //w.orderFront(w); } // Having seen the below once, we're nulling just in case. // ObjCJava FATAL: // jobjc_lookupObjCObject(): returning garbage collected java ref for objc object of class NSWindow // ObjCJava Exit w = null; a = null; windows = null; } public static void dumpWindows() { NSApplication a = NSApplication.sharedApplication(); NSArray windows =; for (int i = 0; i < windows.count(); i++) { NSWindow w = (NSWindow) windows.objectAtIndex(i); System.out.println("Window #" + (i>9?"":" ") + i + ": " + " visible=" + w.isVisible() + (w.isVisible()?" ":"") + " [" + w.title() + "]\t" + w //+ " level=[" + w.level() + "] " //+ " " + w.getClass() // always NSWindow + " frame=" + w.frame() + " NSView=" + w.contentView() //+ " " w.contentView().getClass() // is always NSView ); } } public static void makeMainInvisible() { getMainWindow().setAlphaValue(0); } public static boolean isMainInvisible() { return getMainWindow().alphaValue() == 0; } public static void fadeUpMainWindow() { cycleAlpha(getMainWindow(), 0, 1); } public static void setMainAlpha(float alpha) { getMainWindow().setAlphaValue(alpha); } public static void main(String args[]) { Frame w = new Frame("invisible"); fadeToBlack(); if (args.length > 0); // leaves us in AWT event loop at end of main instead of exiting //goBlack(); showColorPicker(); NSOpenPanel.openPanel().orderFront(null); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e) {} NSWindow main = NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow(); System.out.println("mainWindow="+main); main.setBackgroundColor(NSColor.redColor()); main.setAlphaValue(0.5f); fadeFromBlack(); //try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) {} } public static void x_main(String args[]) { System.out.println("MacTest - Cocoa application & foundation classes"); Frame w = new Frame("Hello"); // if we don't create a Java frame or window of some kind first, we get the following // error (note that we don't even have to show it): /* Exception in thread "main" NSInternalInconsistencyException: Error (1002) creating CGSWindow at Method) at MacTest.main( */ final NSWindow nsw = new NSWindow(new NSRect(0,0,1600,1024), //NSWindow.TitledWindowMask + //NSWindow.ClosableWindowMask + //NSWindow.ResizableWindowMask + //NSWindow.MiniaturizableWindowMask + //NSWindow.TexturedBackgroundWindowMask + 0, NSWindow.Buffered, true); //; nsw.setTitle("My Apple Window"); //nsw.setAlphaValue(0.75f); //nsw.setBackgroundColor(NSColor.brownColor()); nsw.setBackgroundColor(NSColor.blackColor()); //nsw.setShowsResizeIndicator(true); nsw.setLevel(NSWindow.ScreenSaverWindowLevel); // this allows it over the mac menu bar nsw.setAlphaValue(0); nsw.orderFront(nsw); //nsw.orderFrontRegardless(); //nsw.display(); System.out.println("NSWindow=" + nsw); new Thread() { public void run() { // note that the mac conveniently does not return from the setAlphaValue // until it's been set and rendered onto the screen. (So this is too // fast for a small window w/out big delay, but if you maximize it, it's // smooth). final boolean cycle = false; boolean black = false; while (true) { if (cycle) { if (black) nsw.setBackgroundColor(NSColor.whiteColor()); else nsw.setBackgroundColor(NSColor.blackColor()); nsw.setAlphaValue(0); nsw.display(); // must call display for a background color change to take effect black = !black; } // for max effect, especially when fading to full white, take into // account that brightness sensitivity is non-linear -- e.g., // fade to white ramps too fast in the beginning. double alpha; for (alpha = 0.1; alpha <= 1; alpha += 0.02) { nsw.setAlphaValue((float)alpha); //try { sleep(10); } catch (Exception e) {} // give CPU a break } System.out.println("alpha="+(float)alpha); for (alpha = 1; alpha >= 0; alpha -= 0.02) { if (alpha < 0.01) alpha = 0; nsw.setAlphaValue((float)alpha); //try { sleep(10); } catch (Exception e) {} } System.out.println("alpha="+(float)alpha); if (!cycle) return; } } }.start(); } }