/* * Copyright 2003-2010 Tufts University Licensed under the * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package tufts.oki.dr.fedora; public class DigitalRepositoryManager implements osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryManager { private osid.OsidOwner owner = null; private java.util.Map configuration = null; public osid.OsidOwner getOwner() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return this.owner; } public void updateOwner(osid.OsidOwner owner) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { this.owner = owner; } public void updateConfiguration(java.util.Map configuration) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { this.configuration = configuration; } public osid.dr.DigitalRepository createDigitalRepository(String displayName , String description , osid.shared.Type drType) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if ( (displayName == null) || (description == null) || (drType == null) ) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public void deleteDigitalRepository(osid.shared.Id drId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if (drId == null) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryIterator getDigitalRepositories() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector(); try { result.addElement(new DR("fedora.conf", "", "Tufts Digital Library", "", new java.net.URL("http","snowflake.lib.tufts.edu",8080,"fedora/"), "test", "test")); } catch (Throwable t) {} // insert code here to add elements to result vector return new DigitalRepositoryIterator(result); } public osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryIterator getDigitalRepositoriesByType(osid.shared.Type drType) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if (drType == null) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector(); // insert code here to add elements to result vector return new DigitalRepositoryIterator(result); } public osid.dr.DigitalRepository getDigitalRepository(osid.shared.Id drId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if (drId == null) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.dr.Asset getAsset(osid.shared.Id assetId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if (assetId == null) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.dr.Asset getAssetByDate(osid.shared.Id assetId , java.util.Calendar date) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if (assetId == null) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.shared.CalendarIterator getAssetDates(osid.shared.Id assetId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if (assetId == null) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector(); // insert code here to add elements to result vector try { return new CalendarIterator(result); } catch(osid.OsidException oex) { System.out.println(oex.getMessage()); throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.OPERATION_FAILED); } } public osid.dr.AssetIterator getAssets(osid.dr.DigitalRepository[] repositories , java.io.Serializable searchCriteria , osid.shared.Type searchType) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if ( (repositories == null) || (searchCriteria == null) ) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } // just call get assets on each dr java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector(); try { for (int i=0, length = repositories.length; i < length; i++) { osid.dr.AssetIterator assetIterator = repositories[i].getAssetsBySearch(searchCriteria,searchType); while (assetIterator.hasNext()) { result.addElement(assetIterator.next()); } } } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.OPERATION_FAILED); } return new AssetIterator(result); } public osid.shared.Id copyAsset(osid.dr.DigitalRepository dr , osid.shared.Id assetId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if ( (dr == null) || (assetId == null) ) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.shared.TypeIterator getDigitalRepositoryTypes() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { try { java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector(); result.addElement(new Type("dr","tufts.edu","fedora_image","")); return new TypeIterator(result); } catch (osid.OsidException oex) { System.out.println(oex.getMessage()); } throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.OPERATION_FAILED); } public void osidVersion_1_0() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { } /** <p>MIT O.K.I. SID Implementation License. <p> <b>Copyright and license statement:</b> </p> <p> Copyright © 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology <or copyright holder> </p> <p> This work is being provided by the copyright holder(s) subject to the terms of the O.K.I. SID Implementation License. By obtaining, using and/or copying this Work, you agree that you have read, understand, and will comply with the O.K.I. SID Implementation License. </p> <p> THE WORK IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, THE AUTHORS, OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE WORK. </p> <p> <b>O.K.I. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, THE AUTHORS, OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE WORK. </p> <p> The name and trademarks of copyright holder(s) and/or O.K.I. may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the Work without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in the Work and any associated documentation will at all times remain with the copyright holders. </p> <p> The export of software employing encryption technology may require a specific license from the United States Government. It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to obtain such a license before exporting this Work. </p> */ }