/* * Copyright 2003-2010 Tufts University Licensed under the * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package tufts.oki.dr.fedora; /* * FedoraObject.java * * Created on May 6, 2003, 1:57 PM * Model Updated Feb 5, 2004. The model was cahnged to support any implementation of Fedora 1.1 * It supports Diseminator view of the the object */ /** * * @author akumar03 */ import osid.dr.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.Iterator; // these classses are required for soap implementation of import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import fedora.server.types.gen.*; import fedora.server.utilities.DateUtility; //axis files import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.*; import org.apache.axis.types.NonNegativeInteger; import org.apache.axis.client.Service; import org.apache.axis.client.Call; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; import java.rmi.RemoteException ; public class FedoraObject implements osid.dr.Asset{ private PID pid; private osid.shared.Type assetType; private String location; private java.util.Vector infoStructures = new java.util.Vector(); private DR dr; private String displayName; private String description ="Fedora Repository"; private String content = ""; // private BehaviorIterator behaviorIterator; java.util.Vector infoRecordVector = new java.util.Vector(); java.util.Vector infoStructureVector = new java.util.Vector(); java.util.Vector mandatoryInfoStructureVector = new java.util.Vector(); private java.util.Calendar effectiveDate = null; private java.util.Calendar expirationDate = null; private java.util.Properties ppt; /** Creates a new instance of FedoraObject */ public FedoraObject() { } public FedoraObject(osid.shared.Id id){ this.pid = (PID)id; } public FedoraObject(osid.shared.Id id, DR dr) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException{ this(id); this.dr = dr; } public FedoraObject(DR dr,String displayName,osid.shared.Type assetType) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException,osid.shared.SharedException{ } public FedoraObject(DR dr, String id, String displayName,osid.shared.Type assetType) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException,osid.shared.SharedException{ this.dr = dr; this.displayName = displayName; this.assetType = assetType; this.pid = new PID(id); // inforecords are not added toe BDEFs and BMECHs if(!(assetType.getKeyword().equals("fedora:BDEF") || assetType.getKeyword().equals("fedora:BMECH"))) infoRecordVector = FedoraSoapFactory.getDissemintionInfoRecords(id,((FedoraObjectAssetType) assetType).getDissemiationInfoStructure(),dr); infoRecordVector.add(VUEInfoStructure.createVUEInfoRecord(id,(VUEInfoStructure)((FedoraObjectAssetType) assetType).getVUEInfoStructure(), dr,pid,(FedoraObjectAssetType) assetType)); } //this method is for viewing objects in vue. will be gone soon. // set-get methods. public void setLocation(String location) { this.location = location; } public String getLocation() { return this.location; } public void setPID(String pid) throws osid.shared.SharedException{ this.pid = new PID(pid) ; } public PID getPID() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return this.pid; } public DR getDR() { return this.dr; } public void setDR(DR dr) { this.dr = dr; } /** Add an Asset to this Asset. * @param osid.shared.Id assetId * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public void addAsset(osid.shared.Id assetId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } /** Add the specified InfoStructure and all the related InfoRecords from the specified asset. * @param osid.shared.Id assetId * @param osid.shared.Id infoStructureId * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public void copyInfoStructure(osid.shared.Id assetId, osid.shared.Id infoStructureId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } /** Create a new Asset InfoRecord of the specified InfoStructure. The implementation of this method sets the Id for the new object. * @param osid.shared.Id infoStructureId * @return InfoRecord * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure or if the InfoStructure is unknown or not defined by this Asset's AssetType. */ public osid.dr.InfoRecord createInfoRecord(osid.shared.Id infoStructureId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } /** Delete an InfoRecord. If the specified InfoRecord has content that is inherited by other InfoRecords, those * @param osid.shared.Id infoRecordId * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public void deleteInfoRecord(osid.shared.Id infoRecordId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } /** Description_getAssetTypes=Get the AssetType of this Asset. AssetTypes are used to categorize Assets. * @return osid.shared.Type * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public osid.shared.Type getAssetType() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return assetType; } /** Get all the Assets in this Asset. Iterators return a set, one at a time. The Iterator's hasNext method returns true if there are additional objects available; false otherwise. The Iterator's next method returns the next object. * @return AssetIterator The order of the objects returned by the Iterator is not guaranteed. * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public osid.dr.AssetIterator getAssets() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return new FedoraObjectIterator(new java.util.Vector()); } /** Get an Asset's content. This method can be a convenience if one is not interested in all the structure of the InfoRecords. * @return java.io.Serializable * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public java.io.Serializable getContent() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { osid.dr.InfoRecordIterator iri = getInfoRecords(); while (iri.hasNext()) { osid.dr.InfoRecord ir = iri.next(); if (ir.getInfoStructure().getDisplayName().equals("VUE Specific Data")) { osid.dr.InfoFieldIterator ifi = ir.getInfoFields(); while (ifi.hasNext()) { osid.dr.InfoField ifield = ifi.next(); if (ifield.getInfoPart().getDisplayName().equals("VUEDefaultViewInfoPart")) { return ifield.getValue(); } } } } return null; } /** Get the description for this Asset. * @return String the name * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public String getDescription() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return description; } /** Get the DigitalRepository in which this Asset resides. This is set by the DigitalRepository's createAsset method. * @return DigitalRepository * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public osid.shared.Id getDigitalRepository() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return dr.getId(); } /** Get the name for this Asset. * @return String the name * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public String getDisplayName() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return displayName; } /** Get the Unique Id for this Asset. * @return osid.shared.Id Unique Id this is usually set by a create method's implementation * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public osid.shared.Id getId() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return pid; } /** Get all the InfoRecords for this Asset. Iterators return a set, one at a time. The Iterator's hasNext method returns true if there are additional objects available; false otherwise. The Iterator's next method returns the next object. * @return InfoRecordIterator The order of the objects returned by the Iterator is not guaranteed. * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public osid.dr.InfoRecordIterator getInfoRecords() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return new InfoRecordIterator(infoRecordVector); } /** Get all the InfoRecords of the specified InfoStructure for this Asset. Iterators return a set, one at a time. The Iterator's hasNext method returns true if there are additional objects available; false otherwise. The Iterator's next method returns the next object. * @param osid.shared.Id infoStructureId * @return InfoRecordIterator The order of the objects returned by the Iterator is not guaranteed. * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public osid.dr.InfoRecordIterator getInfoRecords(osid.shared.Id infoStructureId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { if (infoStructureId == null) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.NULL_ARGUMENT); } java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector(); for (int i = 0, size = infoRecordVector.size(); i < size; i++) { try { osid.dr.InfoRecord infoRecord = (osid.dr.InfoRecord) infoRecordVector.elementAt(i); if (infoStructureId.isEqual(infoRecord.getInfoStructure().getId())) { result.addElement(infoRecord); } } catch (osid.OsidException oex) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException.OPERATION_FAILED); } } return (osid.dr.InfoRecordIterator) (new InfoRecordIterator(result)); } /** Get all the InfoStructures for this Asset. InfoStructures are used to categorize information about Assets. Iterators return a set, one at a time. The Iterator's hasNext method returns true if there are additional objects available; false otherwise. The Iterator's next method returns the next object. * @return InfoStructureIterator The order of the objects returned by the Iterator is not guaranteed. * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public osid.dr.InfoStructureIterator getInfoStructures() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return (osid.dr.InfoStructureIterator) new InfoStructureIterator(infoStructures); } /** Add the specified InfoStructure and all the related InfoRecords from the specified asset. The current and future content of the specified InfoRecord is synchronized automatically. * @param osid.shared.Id assetId * @param osid.shared.Id infoStructureId * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public void inheritInfoStructure(osid.shared.Id assetId, osid.shared.Id infoStructureId) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } /** Remove an Asset to this Asset. This method does not delete the Asset from the DigitalRepository. * @param osid.shared.Id assetId * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public void removeAsset(osid.shared.Id assetId, boolean includeChildren) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } /** Update an Asset's content. * @param java.io.Serializable * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public void updateContent(java.io.Serializable content) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } /** Update the description for this Asset. * @param String description * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public void updateDescription(String description) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { this.description = description; } /** Update the name for this Asset. * @param String name * @throws DigitalRepositoryException if there is a general failure */ public void updateDisplayName(String displayName) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException("Display Name can't be updated"); } public void addObject(Object obj) { // System.out.print("ignored"+obj); //-- ignore } public String toString() { //try { return this.displayName; // }catch(osid.OsidException ex) { // return this.getClass().getName()+" has no Id set"; // } } public AssetIterator getAssets(osid.shared.Type assetType) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public InfoStructure getContentInfoStructure() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.dr.AssetIterator getAssetsByType(osid.shared.Type type) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { return getAssets(type); } public java.util.Calendar getEffectiveDate() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public java.util.Calendar getExpirationDate() throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.dr.InfoField getInfoField(osid.shared.Id id) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { Iterator i =infoRecordVector.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { InfoRecord infoRecord = (InfoRecord)i.next(); osid.dr.InfoFieldIterator infoFieldIterator = infoRecord.getInfoFields(); while(infoFieldIterator.hasNext()){ osid.dr.InfoField infoField = infoFieldIterator.next(); try { if(infoField.getId().isEqual(id)) return infoField; } catch (osid.shared.SharedException ex) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(ex.getMessage()); } } } return null; } public osid.dr.InfoFieldIterator getInfoFieldByPart(osid.shared.Id id) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public java.io.Serializable getInfoFieldValue(osid.shared.Id id) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.shared.SerializableObjectIterator getInfoFieldValueByPart(osid.shared.Id id) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public osid.dr.InfoRecord getInfoRecord(osid.shared.Id id) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { Iterator i = infoRecordVector.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { osid.dr.InfoRecord infoRecord = (InfoRecord)i.next(); try { if(infoRecord.getId().getIdString().equals(id.getIdString())) return infoRecord; } catch (osid.shared.SharedException ex) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(ex.getMessage()); } } return null; } public osid.dr.InfoRecordIterator getInfoRecordsByInfoStructure(osid.shared.Id id) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector(); Iterator i = infoRecordVector.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { osid.dr.InfoRecord infoRecord = (InfoRecord)i.next(); try { if(infoRecord.getInfoStructure().getId().getIdString().equals(id.getIdString())) result.add(infoRecord); } catch (osid.shared.SharedException ex) { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(ex.getMessage()); } } return new InfoRecordIterator(result); } public void updateEffectiveDate(java.util.Calendar calendar) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } public void updateExpirationDate(java.util.Calendar calendar) throws osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException { throw new osid.dr.DigitalRepositoryException(osid.OsidException.UNIMPLEMENTED); } /** * */ }