/* * Copyright 2003-2010 Tufts University Licensed under the * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package tufts.vue; import tufts.vue.gui.GUI; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.*; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.*; /** * @deprecated - this class has been replaced by GUI.DefaultMetalTheme & GUI.OceanMetalTheme * move this class to a backup location: it a bunch of useful example swing theme code */ public class VueTheme extends javax.swing.plaf.metal.DefaultMetalTheme { private final Color VueColor; private final Color ToolbarColor; // these are gray in Metal Default Theme private final ColorUIResource VueSecondary1; private final ColorUIResource VueSecondary2; private final ColorUIResource VueSecondary3; private static VueTheme Singleton; public static VueTheme getTheme(Color toolbarColor) { if (Singleton == null) Singleton = new VueTheme(toolbarColor); return Singleton; } public static VueTheme getTheme() { if (Singleton == null) throw new IllegalStateException("getTheme(macAquaLAF) must be called first time"); return Singleton; } protected VueTheme() { this(Color.red); } VueTheme(Color toolbarColor) { //org.apache.log4j.NDC.push("VueTheme"); //VUE.Log.debug("constructed."); if (DEBUG.INIT) new Throwable("VueTheme created").printStackTrace(); ToolbarColor = toolbarColor; VueColor = new ColorUIResource(VueResources.getColor("menubarColor")); VueSecondary1 = new ColorUIResource(VueColor.darker().darker()); VueSecondary2 = new ColorUIResource(VueColor.darker()); VueSecondary3 = new ColorUIResource(VueColor); /* if (GUI.isMacAqua()) { //VUE.Log.debug("Mac Aqua"); if (GUI.isMacBrushedMetal()) { //VUE.Log.debug("Mac Aqua Brush Metal Look"); ToolbarColor = SystemColor.window; } else ToolbarColor = SystemColor.control; } */ //org.apache.log4j.NDC.pop(); } protected FontUIResource fontMedium = new FontUIResource("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12); protected FontUIResource fontSmall = new FontUIResource("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 11); protected FontUIResource fontTiny = new FontUIResource("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 8); protected FontUIResource fontControl = new FontUIResource("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12); //private FontUIResource fontWindowTitle = new FontUIResource(FixedFont); //private FontUIResource fontSubText = new FontUIResource(FONT_TINY); private Color FocusColor = new ColorUIResource(Color.red); // these are gray in Metal Default Theme //private static ColorUIResource VueSecondary1 = new ColorUIResource(VueColor.darker().darker()); //private static ColorUIResource VueSecondary2 = new ColorUIResource(VueColor.darker()); //private static ColorUIResource VueSecondary3 = new ColorUIResource(VueColor); //private Color VueLowContrast = new ColorUIResource(VueUtil.factorColor(VueColor, 0.95)); private Color TestColor1 = new ColorUIResource(Color.red); private Color TestColor2 = new ColorUIResource(Color.green); private Color TestColor3 = new ColorUIResource(Color.blue); public String getName() { return super.getName() + " (VUE)"; } protected FontUIResource getSmallFont() { return fontSmall; } //public static Color getVueColor() { return VueUtil.isMacAquaLookAndFeel() ? SystemColor.control : VueColor; } /** @deprecated */ public static Color getToolbarColor() { return GUI.getToolbarColor(); /* if (VueUtil.isMacAquaLookAndFeel()) { if (isMacMetalLAF()) // FYI/BUG: Mac OS X 10.4+ Java 1.5: applying SystemColor.window is no longer // working for some components (e.g., palette button menu's (a JPopupMenu)) return SystemColor.window; else return SystemColor.control; } else return ToolbarColor; */ } /** Sets the background to getToolBarColor() */ /** @deprecated */ public static void applyToolbarColor(Component c) { //c.setBackground(Color.gray); c.setBackground(getToolbarColor()); /* if (VueUtil.isMacAquaLookAndFeel()) { //if (DEBUG.Enabled) System.out.println("MAC AQUA: skipping toolbar application to " + c); // as of Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger), we need to set this explicitly //c.setBackground(getToolbarColor()); c.setBackground(Color.red); } else { //if (DEBUG.Enabled) System.out.println("*** APPLYING TOOLBAR COLOR TO: " + c); c.setBackground(getToolbarColor()); } */ } /** @deprecated */ public static Color getVueColor() { return Singleton.VueColor; } //public static Color getVueColor() { return Color.red; } /** @deprecated */ public FontUIResource getMenuTextFont() { return fontMedium; } /** @deprecated */ public FontUIResource getUserTextFont() { return fontSmall; } // controls: labels, buttons, tabs, tables, etc. /** @deprecated */ public FontUIResource getControlTextFont() { return fontControl; } //public FontUIResource getWindowTitleFont() { return fontWindowTitle; } // internal frames? //public FontUIResource getSubTextFont() { return fontSubText; } // accelerator names protected ColorUIResource getSecondary1() { return Singleton.VueSecondary1; } protected ColorUIResource getSecondary2() { return Singleton.VueSecondary2; } protected ColorUIResource getSecondary3() { return Singleton.VueSecondary3; } //protected ColorUIResource getPrimary1() { return TestColor1; } //protected ColorUIResource getPrimary2() { return TestColor2; } //protected ColorUIResource getPrimary3() { return TestColor3; } //public ColorUIResource getFocusColor() { return FocusColor; } //public ColorUIResource getMenuBackground() { // return new ColorUIResource(Color.green); //} /** This tweaks the background color of unselected tabs in the tabbed pane, * and completely turns off painting any kind of focus indicator. */ public static class VueTabbedPaneUI extends MetalTabbedPaneUI { public static ComponentUI createUI( JComponent x ) { if (DEBUG.INIT) System.out.println("Creating VueTabbedPaneUI"); return new VueTabbedPaneUI(); } protected void paintFocusIndicator(Graphics g, int tabPlacement, Rectangle[] rects, int tabIndex, Rectangle iconRect, Rectangle textRect, boolean isSelected) {} protected void paintTabBackground( Graphics g, int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean isSelected ) { int slantWidth = h / 2; if ( isSelected ) { g.setColor( selectColor ); } else { //g.setColor( tabPane.getBackgroundAt( tabIndex ) ); Color c = tabPane.getBackgroundAt( tabIndex ); // for now, allow toolbar color as optional tabbed bg, but all others override if (Singleton.ToolbarColor.equals(c)) g.setColor(c); else g.setColor(Singleton.VueSecondary2); } switch ( tabPlacement ) { case LEFT: g.fillRect( x + 5, y + 1, w - 5, h - 1); g.fillRect( x + 2, y + 4, 3, h - 4 ); break; case BOTTOM: g.fillRect( x + 2, y, w - 2, h - 4 ); g.fillRect( x + 5, y + (h - 1) - 3, w - 5, 3 ); break; case RIGHT: g.fillRect( x + 1, y + 1, w - 5, h - 1); g.fillRect( x + (w - 1) - 3, y + 5, 3, h - 5 ); break; case TOP: default: g.fillRect( x + 4, y + 2, (w - 1) - 3, (h - 1) - 1 ); g.fillRect( x + 2, y + 5, 2, h - 5 ); } } } public void addCustomEntriesToTable(UIDefaults table) { table.put("ComboBox.background", Color.white); table.put("Button.font", getSmallFont()); table.put("Label.font", getSmallFont()); table.put("TitledBorder.font", fontMedium.deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); table.put("TabbedPaneUI", "tufts.vue.VueTheme$VueTabbedPaneUI"); //table.put("TabbedPane.focus", VueSecondary3); // annoying focus border: same as selected hides //table.put("TabbedPane.focus", VueLowContrast); // annoying focus border: same as selected hides // From BasicLookAndFeel: //table.put("TabbedPane.selected", Color.white); // selected tab fill & content border //table.put("TabbedPane.foreground", Color.green); // text color //table.put("TabbedPane.background", Color.red); // ??? //table.put("TabbedPane.highlight", Color.red); //table.put("TabbedPane.light", Color.green); // edge border //table.put("TabbedPane.shadow", Color.red); / /??? //table.put("TabbedPane.darkShadow", Color.green); // edge border // from MetalLookAndFeel: //table.put("TabbedPane.tabAreaBackground", Color.red); // ??? //table.put("TabbedPane.selectHighlight", Color.red); // edge border //new Throwable("addCustomEntriesToTable " + table).printStackTrace(); /* //------------------------------------------------------- // from java.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel.java: //------------------------------------------------------- "TabbedPane.font", dialogPlain12, "TabbedPane.background", table.get("control"), "TabbedPane.foreground", table.get("controlText"), "TabbedPane.highlight", table.get("controlLtHighlight"), "TabbedPane.light", table.get("controlHighlight"), "TabbedPane.shadow", table.get("controlShadow"), "TabbedPane.darkShadow", table.get("controlDkShadow"), "TabbedPane.selected", null, "TabbedPane.focus", table.get("controlText"), "TabbedPane.textIconGap", four, "TabbedPane.tabInsets", tabbedPaneTabInsets, "TabbedPane.selectedTabPadInsets", tabbedPaneTabPadInsets, "TabbedPane.tabAreaInsets", tabbedPaneTabAreaInsets, "TabbedPane.contentBorderInsets", tabbedPaneContentBorderInsets, "TabbedPane.tabRunOverlay", new Integer(2), "ComboBox.font", sansSerifPlain12, "ComboBox.background", table.get("window"), "ComboBox.foreground", table.get("textText"), "ComboBox.buttonBackground", table.get("control"), "ComboBox.buttonShadow", table.get("controlShadow"), "ComboBox.buttonDarkShadow", table.get("controlDkShadow"), "ComboBox.buttonHighlight", table.get("controlLtHighlight"), "ComboBox.selectionBackground", table.get("textHighlight"), "ComboBox.selectionForeground", table.get("textHighlightText"), "ComboBox.disabledBackground", table.get("control"), "ComboBox.disabledForeground", table.get("textInactiveText"), "PopupMenu.font", dialogPlain12, "PopupMenu.background", table.get("menu"), "PopupMenu.foreground", table.get("menuText"), "PopupMenu.border", popupMenuBorder, //------------------------------------------------------- // from java.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel.java: //------------------------------------------------------- "TabbedPane.font", controlTextValue, "TabbedPane.tabAreaBackground", getControl(), "TabbedPane.background", getControlShadow(), "TabbedPane.light", getControl(), "TabbedPane.focus", getPrimaryControlDarkShadow(), "TabbedPane.selected", getControl(), "TabbedPane.selectHighlight", getControlHighlight(), "TabbedPane.tabAreaInsets", tabbedPaneTabAreaInsets, "TabbedPane.tabInsets", tabbedPaneTabInsets, "ComboBox.background", table.get("control"), "ComboBox.foreground", table.get("controlText"), "ComboBox.selectionBackground", getPrimaryControlShadow(), "ComboBox.selectionForeground", getControlTextColor(), "ComboBox.font", controlTextValue, */ //Color toolbarColor = VueResources.getColor("toolbar.background"); /* // these work table.put("Label.font", FONT_MEDIUM); table.put("Button.font", FONT_MEDIUM); table.put("Menu.font", FONT_MEDIUM); table.put("MenuItem.font", FONT_MEDIUM); table.put("TabbedPane.font", FONT_MEDIUM); table.put("CheckBox.font", FONT_MEDIUM); table.put("RadioButton.font", FONT_MEDIUM); table.put("ToggleButton.font", FONT_MEDIUM); */ /* // these work table.put("MenuBar.background", menuColor); table.put("MenuItem.background", menuColor); */ // This is doing nothing I can see: //table.put("Menu.background", Color.white); // This tweaks the bg, but the buttons all appear to paint their on bg, // so we only see a thin border of this: //table.put("PopupMenu.background", Color.white); // the rest of these are tests //table.put("ComboBox.foreground", Color.red); // this doesn't do anything I can see (it does in windows L&F, but not Metal) //if (debug) table.put("ComboBox.buttonBackground", Color.yellow); // Okay: this works to change selected bg -- the one thing we didn't want to change. //table.put("ComboBox.selectionBackground", Color.white); // Effect in Windows L&F, but not metal: //if (debug) table.put("ComboBox.buttonShadow", Color.green); // Effect in Windows L&F, but not metal: //if (debug) table.put("ComboBox.buttonDarkShadow", Color.red); // Affects tabs but not tab contents background, so looks broken: //table.put("TabbedPane.selected", toolbarColor); //table.put("TabbedPane.tabAreaBackground", Color.green); // Why, in metal, is the default window "gray" background color neither lightGray // nor equal to the SystemColor.control??? //table.put("TabbedPane.background", Color.blue); //table.put("TabbedPane.light", Color.orange); //table.put("TabbedPane.focus", Color.yellow); //table.put("TabbedPane.selected", Color.magenta); //table.put("TabbedPane.selectHighlight", Color.red); } }