/* * Copyright 2003-2010 Tufts University Licensed under the * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package tufts.vue.action; import tufts.Util; import tufts.vue.VueUtil; import tufts.vue.VUE; import tufts.vue.UrlAuthentication; import tufts.vue.LWMap; import tufts.vue.VueFileFilter; import tufts.vue.VueResources; import tufts.vue.XMLUnmarshalListener; import tufts.vue.DEBUG; import tufts.vue.gui.VueFileChooser; import org.exolab.castor.xml.Marshaller; import org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalListener; import org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller; import org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalListener; import org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException; import org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException; import org.exolab.castor.mapping.Mapping; import org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import edu.tufts.vue.preferences.PreferencesManager; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.ListCellRenderer; import javax.swing.plaf.FileChooserUI; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URI; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.awt.Component; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; /** * A class which defines utility methods for any of the action class. * Most of this code is for save/restore persistence thru castor XML. * * @version $Revision: 1.142 $ / $Date: 2010-02-03 19:13:45 $ / $Author: mike $ * @author Daisuke Fujiwara * @author Scott Fraize */ public class ActionUtil { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger Log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(ActionUtil.class); private final static String XML_MAPPING_CURRENT_VERSION_ID = VueResources.getString("mapping.lw.current_version"); private final static URL XML_MAPPING_DEFAULT = VueResources.getURL("mapping.lw.version_" + XML_MAPPING_CURRENT_VERSION_ID); private final static URL XML_MAPPING_UNVERSIONED = VueResources.getURL("mapping.lw.version_none"); private final static URL XML_MAPPING_OLD_RESOURCES =VueResources.getURL("mapping.lw.version_resource_fix"); private final static String VUE_COMMENT_START = "<!-- Do Not Remove:"; private final static String OUTPUT_ENCODING = "US-ASCII"; private final static String DEFAULT_WINDOWS_ENCODING = "windows-1252"; // (a.k.a Cp1252) for reading pre ASCII enforced save files from Windows private final static String DEFAULT_MAC_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; // "MacRoman" not supported on Windows platform /** * Our default is to always read with an input encoding of UTF-8, even if the XML * was written with a US-ASCII encoding. This is because pure ascii will translate * fine through UTF-8, but in case it winds up being that the XML was written out my * the marshaller with a UTF-8 encoding, we're covered. (tho maybe with extremely * save files with platform specific encodings, (e.g, MacRoman or * windows-1255/Cp1255) we'll lose a special char here or there, such as left-quote * and right-quote). */ private final static String DEFAULT_INPUT_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; // safest default input encoding // Note: the encoding format of the incoming file will normally either be UTF-8 for // older VUE save files, or US-ASCII for newer files. In any case, the encoding is // indicated in the <?xml> tag at the top of the file, and castor handles adjusting // for it. If we want to write UTF-8 files, we have to be sure the stream that's // created to write the file is created with the same encoding, or we sometimes get // problems, depending on the platform. We always READ (unmarshall) via a UTF-8 // stream, no matter what, as US-ASCII will pass through a UTF-8 stream untouched, // and it will handle UTF-8 if that turns out to be the encoding. public ActionUtil() {} /**A static method which displays a file chooser for the user to choose which file to save into. It returns the selected file or null if the process didn't complete*/ protected static VueFileChooser saveChooser = null; public static File selectFile(String title, final String fileType) { File picked = null; saveChooser = VueFileChooser.getVueFileChooser(); saveChooser.setDialogTitle(title); saveChooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); //chooser.set if (fileType != null && !fileType.equals("export")) saveChooser.setFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(fileType)); else if (fileType != null && fileType.equals("export")) { saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.JPEG_DESCRIPTION)); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.PNG_DESCRIPTION)); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.SVG_DESCRIPTION)); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.IMS_DESCRIPTION)); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.IMAGEMAP_DESCRIPTION)); // chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.ZIP_DESCRIPTION)); } else { VueFileFilter defaultFilter = new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.VUE_DESCRIPTION); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(defaultFilter); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.VPK_DESCRIPTION)); //SIMILE chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.SIMILE_DESCRIPTION)); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.IMAGEMAP_DESCRIPTION)); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter("PDF")); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.JPEG_DESCRIPTION)); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.PNG_DESCRIPTION)); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.SVG_DESCRIPTION)); //chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter("html")); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter("RDF")); saveChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.IMS_DESCRIPTION)); // chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(VueFileFilter.ZIP_DESCRIPTION)); //chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new VueFileFilter("HTML Outline", "htm")); saveChooser.setFileFilter(defaultFilter); } saveChooser.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent arg0) { if (arg0.getPropertyName() == VueFileChooser.FILE_FILTER_CHANGED_PROPERTY) { adjustExtension(); } } }); adjustExtension(); int option = saveChooser.showSaveDialog(VUE.getDialogParentAsFrame());//, VueResources.getString("dialog.save.title")); if (option == VueFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { picked = saveChooser.getSelectedFile(); String fileName = picked.getAbsolutePath(); /** * 2009-10-16 There was a bug in here that sliced up the filename, I think removing this block * of code should fix the issue. If you had a name like Object.Generic-Tufts, VUE would get * all confused and put files in the wrong directory or make a file called Object the filename * slicing seemed unnecessary. -MK * */ String extension = ((VueFileFilter)saveChooser.getFileFilter()).getExtensions()[0]; //if it isn't a file name with the right extension if (!picked.getName().endsWith("." + extension)) { fileName += "." + extension; picked = new File(fileName); } if (picked.exists()) { int n = VueUtil.confirm(null, VueResources.getString("replaceFile.text") + " \'" + picked.getName() + "\'", VueResources.getString("replaceFile.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if (n == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION){ picked = null; saveChooser.showDialog(VUE.getDialogParentAsFrame(), VueResources.getString("dialog.save.title")); } } if (picked != null) VueUtil.setCurrentDirectoryPath(picked.getParent()); } return picked; } private final static void adjustExtension() { BasicFileChooserUI ui = (BasicFileChooserUI)saveChooser.getUI(); String name =ui.getFileName(); String baseName = null; String extension = ((VueFileFilter)saveChooser.getFileFilter()).getExtensions()[0]; if (name == null || (name !=null && name.length() <1)) baseName = VUE.getActiveMap().getLabel(); else baseName = name; if (name == null || (name !=null && name.length() <1)) { if (baseName.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) baseName = VUE.getActiveMap().getLabel().substring(0, baseName.lastIndexOf(".")); } else { if (baseName.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) baseName = baseName.substring(0, baseName.lastIndexOf(".")); } String curDir = saveChooser.getCurrentDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); File f = new File(curDir+File.separator + baseName + "." + extension); if (f.exists()) baseName = baseName + "-copy"+"."+extension; else baseName = baseName + "." + extension; ActionUtil.saveChooser.setSelectedFile(new File(baseName)); } /**A static method which displays a file chooser for the user to choose which file to open. It returns the selected file or null if the process didn't complete TODO BUG: do not allow more than one dialog open at a time -- two "Ctrl-O" in quick succession will open two open file dialogs. */ public static File openFile(String title, String extension) { File file = null; VueFileChooser chooser = VueFileChooser.getVueFileChooser(); int option = chooser.showOpenDialog(VUE.getDialogParent()); if (option == VueFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { final File chooserFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (chooserFile == null) return null; final String fileName; final String chosenPath = chooserFile.getAbsolutePath(); // if they type a file name w/out an extension if (chooserFile.getName().lastIndexOf('.') < 0) fileName = chosenPath + "." + extension; else fileName = chosenPath; file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists()) { VueUtil.setCurrentDirectoryPath(chooser.getSelectedFile().getParent()); } else { File dir = new File(chosenPath); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { //System.out.println("chdir " + chosenPath); VueUtil.setCurrentDirectoryPath(chosenPath); } else { Log.debug("File '" + chosenPath + "' " + file + " can't be found."); tufts.vue.VueUtil.alert(chooser, VueResources.getString("actionutil.filenotfound.error")+" "+ file, VueResources.getString("actionutil.filenotfound.error")); } file = null; } } return file; } /**A static method which displays a file chooser for the user to choose which file to open. It returns the selected file or null if the process didn't complete TODO BUG: do not allow more than one dialog open at a time -- two "Ctrl-O" in quick succession will open two open file dialogs. */ public static File[] openMultipleFiles(String title, String extension) { File file = null; VueFileChooser chooser = VueFileChooser.getVueFileChooser(); chooser.setDialogTitle(title); chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true); chooser.setFileFilter(new VueFileFilter(extension)); int option = chooser.showOpenDialog(VUE.getDialogParent()); if (option == VueFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { final File[] chooserFile = chooser.getSelectedFiles(); if (chooserFile == null) return null; final String fileName; if (chooserFile.length == 1) { //this scenario can only happen if there's only 1 file in the array... final String chosenPath = chooserFile[0].getAbsolutePath(); // if they type a file name w/out an extension if (chooserFile[0].getName().lastIndexOf('.') < 0) fileName = chosenPath + "." + extension; else fileName = chosenPath; chooserFile[0] = new File(fileName); if (chooserFile[0].exists()) { VueUtil.setCurrentDirectoryPath(chooser.getSelectedFile().getParent()); } else { File dir = new File(chosenPath); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { //System.out.println("chdir " + chosenPath); VueUtil.setCurrentDirectoryPath(chosenPath); } else { Log.debug("File '" + chosenPath + "' " + file + " can't be found."); tufts.vue.VueUtil.alert(chooser, VueResources.getString("actionutil.filenotfound.error")+" "+ file, VueResources.getString("actionutil.filenotfound.error")); } chooserFile[0] = null; } } return chooserFile; } return null; } /** * Return the current mapping used for saving new VUE data. */ public static Mapping getDefaultMapping() { Object result = _loadMapping(XML_MAPPING_DEFAULT); if (result instanceof Exception) { VueUtil.alert(null, VueResources.getString("dialog.mappingfile.message") + "\n"+ VueResources.getString("dialog.mappingurl.message") + XML_MAPPING_DEFAULT + "\n" + result, VueResources.getString("dialog.mappingfile.title"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return (Mapping) result; } public static Unmarshaller getDefaultUnmarshaller() throws org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException { return getDefaultUnmarshaller(null, "(unknown source)"); } public static Unmarshaller getDefaultUnmarshaller(String sourceName) throws org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException { return getDefaultUnmarshaller(null, sourceName); } /** * Return the default unmarshaller for VUE data, which includes an installed * unmarshall listener, which is required for the proper restoration of VUE objects. */ public static Unmarshaller getDefaultUnmarshaller(Mapping mapping, String sourceName) throws org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException { if (mapping == null) mapping = getDefaultMapping(); // todo: can cache this with it's mapping set (tho need to cache by mapping, // as we still have different mapping files for old versions of the VUE save file) Unmarshaller unmarshaller = new Unmarshaller(); unmarshaller.setIgnoreExtraAttributes(true); unmarshaller.setIgnoreExtraElements(true); unmarshaller.setValidation(false); unmarshaller.setObjectFactory(new XMLObjectFactory(sourceName)); //unmarshaller.setWhitespacePreserve(true); // doesn't affect elements! (e.g. <notes> foo bar </notes>) // HOWEVER: castor 0.9.7 now automatically encodes/decodes white space for attributes... unmarshaller.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter(System.err)); // todo: deprecated; now uses commons-logging if (DEBUG.XML) unmarshaller.setDebug(true); unmarshaller.setUnmarshalListener(new MapUnmarshalHandler(sourceName, "DEFAULT("+sourceName + ")")); unmarshaller.setMapping(mapping); if (DEBUG.CASTOR || DEBUG.XML || DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("got default unmarshaller for mapping " + mapping + " source " + sourceName); return unmarshaller; } private static Mapping getMapping(URL mappingSource) { if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("Fetching mapping: " + mappingSource); Object result = _loadMapping(mappingSource); if (result instanceof Mapping) return (Mapping) result; else return null; } private static HashMap LoadedMappings = new HashMap(); /** return's a Mapping if successful, or an Exception if not. * Results are cached (if load was successful) for future calls.*/ private static Object _loadMapping(URL mappingSource) //throws java.io.IOException //, org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException { if (!DEBUG.CASTOR && LoadedMappings.containsKey(mappingSource)) return (Mapping) LoadedMappings.get(mappingSource); Mapping mapping = new Mapping(); if (DEBUG.IO || DEBUG.INIT) Log.debug("Loading mapping " + mappingSource + "..."); try { mapping.loadMapping(mappingSource); } catch (Exception e) { // MappingException or IOException e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Failed to load mapping " + mappingSource); return e; } if (DEBUG.IO || DEBUG.INIT) Log.debug("Loaded mapping " + mappingSource); LoadedMappings.put(mappingSource, mapping); return mapping; } public static class VueMarshalListener implements MarshalListener { public boolean preMarshal(Object o) { //if (true||DEBUG.XML) Log.debug("VML pre: " + Util.tags(o)); //if (o instanceof tufts.vue.Resource) try { // TODO: create a ConditionalMarshalling interface for embedding this logic // in the client classes so it's not kept here. // Note that ALL objects pass through here. String key = null; if (o.getClass() == tufts.vue.PropertyEntry.class) // is final class key = ((tufts.vue.PropertyEntry)o).getEntryKey(); if (key != null && tufts.vue.Resource.isRuntimePropertyKey(key)) { if (DEBUG.XML) Log.debug(" no-marshal " + Util.tags(o)); return false; } else { if (DEBUG.XML) Log.debug("marshalling " + Util.tags(o)); return true; } } catch (Throwable t) { Util.printStackTrace(t, "Marshalling condition failure on " + o); } return true; } public void postMarshal(Object o) { //if (true||DEBUG.XML) Log.debug("VML post: " + Util.tags(o)); } } /* * This method checks whether a file can be safely saved and opened by castor * @param map the map whose save compatiblity needs to be tested * @returrn true if compatible to castor save, false otherwise */ public static boolean isCastorCompatible(LWMap map) { try { File tempFile = File.createTempFile("vueTest","vue"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); marshallMap(tempFile,map); unmarshallMap(tempFile); return true; } catch(Throwable t) { tufts.vue.VueUtil.alert(VueResources.getString("actionutil.filesave.error") + t, VueResources.getString("actionutil.filesave.title")); Log.error("Testing save: "+map+";"+t); Util.printStackTrace(t); } return false; } private static class WrappedMarshallException extends RuntimeException { WrappedMarshallException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } /**A static method which creates an appropriate marshaller and marshal the active map*/ public static void marshallMap(File file) { marshallMap(file, tufts.vue.VUE.getActiveMap()); } /** * Marshall the given map to XML and write it out to the given file. */ public static void marshallMap(File targetFile, LWMap map) { File tmpFile = null; try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile(targetFile.getName() + "$new", ".vue", targetFile.getParentFile()); if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("created new tmp file " + tmpFile); doMarshallMap(targetFile, tmpFile, map); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof WrappedMarshallException) t = t.getCause(); Log.error("marshalling: " + map + "; to " + tmpFile + "; destination: " + targetFile, t); // until everyone has chance to update their code // to handle the exceptions, wrap this in a runtime exception. throw new RuntimeException(t); } //if (DEBUG.EnableD) Log.debug(" if (targetFile.exists()) { File backup = null; try { final String backupName = String.format(".~%s", targetFile.getName()); //if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug(String.format("creating backup named [%s]", backupName)); backup = new File(targetFile.getParent(), backupName); if (backup.delete()) // Required on Win32 or rename will fail Log.info(" deleted prior backup: " + backup); Log.info("renaming old to backup: " + backup); if (!targetFile.renameTo(backup)) Log.warn("failed to make backup of " + targetFile); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.warn("backup failed: " + backup, t); } } Log.info("renaming new to target: " + targetFile); // if (targetFile.delete()) // Required on Win32 or rename will fail // Log.warn("deleted prior save file: " + targetFile); if (!tmpFile.renameTo(targetFile)) { Log.error("Failed to rename temp file " + tmpFile + "; to target file: " + targetFile); //Object obj[] = {tmpFile,targetFile}; // VueResources.getFormatMessage(obj, pattern) VueUtil.alert(String.format(Locale.getDefault(),VueResources.getString("actionutil.rename.error"), tmpFile, targetFile), VueResources.getString("actionutil.rename.title")); } } private static void doMarshallMap(final File targetFile, final File tmpFile, final LWMap map) throws java.io.IOException, org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException, org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException { final String path = tmpFile.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll("%20"," "); final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path); final OutputStreamWriter writer; FileDescriptor FD = null; try { FD = fos.getFD(); // getting the FileDescriptor is not required -- we just use it // for a final call to sync after we save to increase the likelyhood // of our save file actually making it to disk. } catch (Throwable t) { Log.warn("No FileDescriptor for " + path + "; failsafe sync will be skipped: " + t); } if (OUTPUT_ENCODING.equals("UTF-8") || OUTPUT_ENCODING.equals("UTF8")) { writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, OUTPUT_ENCODING); } else { // For the actual file writer we can use the default encoding because we're // marshalling specifically in US-ASCII. E.g., because we direct castor to // fully encode any special characters via setEncoding("US-ASCII"), we'll // only have ASCII chars to write anyway, and any default encoding will // handle that... writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); // below creates duplicate FOS, but may be better for debug? (MarshallException's can find file?) //if (FD == null) // writer = new FileWriter(path); //else // writer = new FileWriter(FD); } if (DEBUG.IO) { try { Log.debug(String.format("%s; %s; encoding: \"%s\", which will represent \"%s\" XML content", tmpFile, writer, writer.getEncoding(), OUTPUT_ENCODING)); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.warn(t); } } //======================================================= // Marshall the map to the tmp file: // --------------------------------- marshallMapToWriter(writer, map, targetFile, tmpFile); //======================================================= // Run a filesystem sync if we can just to be sure: Especially helpful on some // linux file systems, such as Ext3, which may not normally touch the disk for // another 5 seconds, or XFS/Ext4, which may take their own sweet time. // For more see: // https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/317781/comments/54 if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("flushing " + writer); writer.flush(); if (FD != null) { try { if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("syncing " + FD + "; for " + tmpFile); // just as backup -- must however be done before writer.close() FD.sync(); Log.info(" sync'd " + FD + "; for " + tmpFile); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.warn("after save to " + targetFile + "; sync failed: " + t); } } if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("closing " + writer); writer.close(); if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug(" closed " + writer); } /** * Marshall the given map to the given Writer without touching the map in any * way. */ static void marshallMapToWriter(final LWMap map, final Writer writer) throws java.io.IOException, org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException, org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException { marshallMapToWriter(writer, map, null, null); } /** * @param file - if null, map state is untouched, otherwise, map state is updated */ private static void marshallMapToWriter(final Writer writer, final LWMap map, final File targetFile, final File tmpFile) throws java.io.IOException, org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException, org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException { map.makeReadyForSaving(targetFile); Log.info("marshalling " + map + " to: " + tmpFile); Marshaller marshaller = null; String name = ""; if (targetFile != null) name = targetFile.getName(); else name = map.getLabel(); if (name == null) name = ""; final java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); final String today = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(date); String headerText = VueResources.getString("vue.version") + " concept-map (" + name + ") " + today; headerText = org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(headerText); writer.write("<!-- Tufts VUE " + headerText + " -->\n"); writer.write("<!-- Tufts VUE: http://vue.tufts.edu/ -->\n"); writer.write(VUE_COMMENT_START + " VUE mapping " + "@version(" + XML_MAPPING_CURRENT_VERSION_ID + ")" + " " + XML_MAPPING_DEFAULT + " -->\n"); writer.write(VUE_COMMENT_START + " Saved date " + date + " by " + VUE.getSystemProperty("user.name") + " on platform " + VUE.getSystemProperty("os.name") + " " + VUE.getSystemProperty("os.version") + " in JVM " + VUE.getSystemProperty("java.runtime.version") + " -->\n"); writer.write(VUE_COMMENT_START + " Saving version " + tufts.vue.Version.WhatString + " -->\n"); if (DEBUG.CASTOR || DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("Wrote VUE header to " + writer); marshaller = new Marshaller(writer); //marshaller.setDebug(DEBUG.CASTOR); marshaller.setEncoding(OUTPUT_ENCODING); // marshaller.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // marshal as document (default): make sure we add at top: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="<encoding>"?> marshaller.setMarshalAsDocument(true); marshaller.setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation("none"); marshaller.setMarshalListener(new VueMarshalListener()); // setting to "none" gets rid of all the spurious tags like these: // xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" //marshaller.setDoctype("foo", "bar"); // not in, must wait till we can run /* marshaller.setMarshalListener(new MarshalListener() { public boolean preMarshal(Object o) { System.out.println(" preMarshal " + o.getClass().getName() + " " + o); return true; } public void postMarshal(Object o) { System.out.println("postMarshal " + o.getClass().getName() + " " + o); } }); */ //marshaller.setRootElement("FOOBIE"); // overrides name of root element marshaller.setMapping(getDefaultMapping()); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // 2007-10-01 SMF -- turning off validation during marshalling now required // w/castor-, otherwise, for some unknown reason, LWLink's // with any connected endpoints cause validation exceptions when attempting to // save. E.g, from a map with one node and one link connected to it: // // ValidationException: The following exception occured while validating field: childList of class: // tufts.vue.LWMap: The object associated with IDREF "LWNode[2 "New Node" +415,+24 69x22]" of type // class tufts.vue.LWNode has no ID!; // - location of error: XPATH: /LW-MAP // The object associated with IDREF "LWNode[2 "New Node" +415,+24 69x22]" of type class tufts.vue.LWNode has no ID! // // Even tho the node's getID() is correctly returning "2" // marshaller.setValidation(false); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- marshaller.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter(System.err)); // todo: deprecated; now uses commons-logging // Make modifications to the map at the last minute, so any prior exceptions leave the map untouched. final int oldModelVersion = map.getModelVersion(); final File oldSaveFile = map.getFile(); if (targetFile != null) { map.setModelVersion(LWMap.getCurrentModelVersion()); // note that if this file is different from it's last save file, this // operation may cause any/all of the resources in the map to be // updated before returning. map.setFile(targetFile); } // map.addNode(new tufts.vue.LWNode("Hello "+((char)15)+((char)23))); //if (DEBUG.CASTOR || DEBUG.IO) System.out.println("Marshalling " + map + " ..."); Log.debug("marshalling " + map + " ..."); writer.flush(); //map.addNode(new tufts.vue.LWNode("Hello World:"+((char)11))); try { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // try the test map first // TODO: DOES NOT ACTUALLY DO A TEST WRITE FIRST // It will still completely blow away the user's map if there is any kind of error. // Was this ever tested? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- marshaller.marshal(map); writer.flush(); if (DEBUG.Enabled) Log.debug("marshalled " + map + " to " + writer + "; file=" + tmpFile); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error(tmpFile + "; " + map, t); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This was a poor choice of message. This describes just one of many, // many errors that may occur, and can be entirely misleading. // VueUtil.alert("The map contains characters that are not supported. Reverting to earlier saved version", //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VueUtil.alert(VueResources.getString("actionutil.filecorrupted.error")+"\n\n" + VueResources.getString("actionutil.filecorrupted.description")+"\n" + Util.formatLines(t.toString(), 80), VueResources.getString("actionutil.rename.title")); try { if (targetFile != null) { // revert map model version & save file map.setModelVersion(oldModelVersion); map.setFile(oldSaveFile); } } catch (Throwable tx) { VueUtil.alert(Util.formatLines(tx.toString(), 80), VueResources.getString("actionutil.internalsave.title")); Util.printStackTrace(tx); } finally { throw new WrappedMarshallException(t); } } if (tmpFile != null) { try { // should never fail, but if it does, the save itself has still worked map.markAsSaved(); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error(t); } try { Log.info("wrote " + map + " to " + tmpFile); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error("debug", t); } } } public static LWMap unmarshallMap(File file) throws IOException { return unmarshallMap(file, null); } /** Unmarshall a LWMap from the given file (XML map data) */ public static LWMap unmarshallMap(File file, MapUnmarshalHandler handler) throws IOException { if (file.isDirectory()) throw new MapException("is a directory, not a map file: " + file); if (!file.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException("does not exist"); if (file.length() == 0) throw new EmptyFileException(); return unmarshallMap(file.toURL(), handler); } private static class MapReader { final BufferedReader reader; final File file; MapReader(BufferedReader r, File f) { reader = r; file = f; } } private static MapReader getMapReaderForURL(URL url, String charsetEncoding, boolean allowRedirects) throws java.io.IOException { // Not sure if it's still worth paying attention to the encoding, but we do use // any special encoding (if found) from the map file just in case. All // current-day VUE maps should be in pure US-ASCII, so we could theoretically // ignore the encoding, but this may be needed for some very old maps. File file = tufts.vue.Resource.getLocalFileIfPresent(url); if (file != null && file.isDirectory()) throw new MapException("cannot open " + file + ": is directory"); Reader reader = null; try { if (file != null) { if (charsetEncoding != null) reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), charsetEncoding); else reader = new FileReader(file); // could default to UTF-8 } else { // No local file was found: it must have been a remote URL if (allowRedirects) { final URL redirectURL = tufts.vue.UrlAuthentication.getRedirectedUrl(url, 10); // number of redirects to follow url = redirectURL; file = new File(url.getFile()); // AK: Thanks for leaving the comments. // we need to open the redirect url // SMF 2008-04-08: Anoop's semantics as of 2008-03-12: we do NOT // open the redirect url for reading, we open the original. Not // sure if this was intended. // This would allow opening the redirect: // url = redirectURL; } if (charsetEncoding != null) reader = new InputStreamReader(UrlAuthentication.getAuthenticatedStream(url), charsetEncoding); else reader = new InputStreamReader(UrlAuthentication.getAuthenticatedStream(url)); // could default to UTF-8 } } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error("Could not get reader for: " + file + "; source url=" + url, t); } if (reader == null) { Log.error("No reader found for " + Util.tags(url)); throw new MapException("no reader found for: " + url); } Log.debug("got reader for " + Util.tags(url) + "; encoding=" + charsetEncoding + ": " + reader); return new MapReader(new BufferedReader(reader), file); // Anoop code as of 2008-03-12: // final InputStream urlStream; // final File file; // if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())){ // //FIX to deal with # problems in the filename // // System.out.println("URL: "+url); // file = new File(url.toString().substring(5)); // urlStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); // remove file:/ from the begining of the file // // urlStream = url.openStream(); // } else { // redirectedUrl = tufts.vue.UrlAuthentication.getRedirectedUrl(url,10); // number of redirects to follow // file = new File(redirectedUrl.getFile()); // urlStream = tufts.vue.UrlAuthentication.getAuthenticatedStream(url); // // urlStream = url.openStream(); // } // final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlStream, charsetEncoding)); // if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) { // File file = new File(url.getPath()); // if(url.toString().contains("#")) { // file = new File(url.getPath()+"#"+url.getRef()); // special case for dealing with # in filename // } // if (file.isDirectory()) // throw new MapException("is directory"); // reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); // } else { // reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(tufts.vue.UrlAuthentication.getAuthenticatedStream(url))); // //reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); // } } /** * Input encoding shouldn't matter for the bootstrap reading of the first few lines * of the file (as they should be all US_ASCII), tho using DEFAULT_INPUT_ENCODING, * instead of null (which will get us the local platform default), would probably * make the most sense. We're leaving this as the default platform encoding (null) for now * only because it's been this way for a while... SMF 2008-04-08 */ private static final String BOOTSTRAP_ENCODING = null; public static LWMap unmarshallMap(java.net.URL url) throws IOException { return unmarshallMap(url, null); } public static LWMap unmarshallMap(java.net.URL url, MapUnmarshalHandler handler) throws IOException { // We scan for lines at top of file that are comments. If there are NO comment lines, the // file is of one of our original save formats that is not versioned, and that may need // special processing for the Resource class to Resource interface change over. If there // are comments, the version instance of the string "@version(##)" will set the version ID // to ##, and we'll use the mapping appropriate for that version of the save file. if (DEBUG.CASTOR || DEBUG.IO) { Log.debug("unmarshallMap: " + Util.tags(url)); //Util.printStackTrace("UM " + url); } final BufferedReader reader = getMapReaderForURL(url, BOOTSTRAP_ENCODING, false).reader; String firstNonCommentLine; String versionID = null; boolean savedOnWindowsPlatform = false; boolean savedOnMacPlatform = false; String guessedEncoding = null; Mapping mapping = null; // We need to skip past the comments to position the reader at the <?xml line for // unmarshalling to start. Also, we look at these comments to determine version of the // mapping to use, as well as if it's a pre VUE 1.5 (August 2006) save file, in which case // we must guess an encoding, and re-open the file using an InputStreamReader with the // proper encoding. String savingVersion = "unknown VUE version"; for (;;) { reader.mark(2048); // a single comment line can't be longer than this... String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { Log.error("Unexpected end-of-stream in [" + url + "]"); throw new java.io.IOException("end of stream in " + url); } if (DEBUG.CASTOR || DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("Scanning[" + line + "]"); if (line.startsWith("<!--") == false) { // we should have juadst hit thie "<?xml ..." line -- done with comments firstNonCommentLine = line; break; } if (line.startsWith(VUE_COMMENT_START + " Saved")) { // The "saved on platform" comments were never expected to be used functionally // (only for debug), so determining if the save file was written on a Windows box // it's not 100% reliable: e.g., if a user somehow had the name "platform Windows", // we would mistake this "saved by" for a "saved on", but we're just going to take // this risk -- this is just a workaround backward compat hack because castor // wasn't naming the real encoding in it's XML output (turns out it was always // puting UTF-8), even if it was using the default Windows encoding of // Cp1252/windows-1252. //if (DEBUG.IO) System.out.println("scanning for Windows platform..."); if (line.indexOf("platform Windows") > 0) { if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug(url + " was saved in the Windows environment"); savedOnWindowsPlatform = true; } else if (line.indexOf("platform Mac") > 0) { if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug(url + " was saved in the Mac environment"); savedOnMacPlatform = true; } } else if (line.startsWith(VUE_COMMENT_START + " Saving version")) { if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("Found saving version line: " + line); final int savingVersionIndex = line.indexOf("VUE"); if (savingVersionIndex > 0) { savingVersion = line.substring(line.indexOf("VUE"), line.length()); if (savingVersion.indexOf("-->") > 10) savingVersion = savingVersion.substring(0, savingVersion.indexOf("-->")); savingVersion = savingVersion.trim(); } else { Log.warn(url + ": unknown saving version XML comment [" + line + "]"); } if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("Saving version: [" + savingVersion + "]"); } // Scan the comment line for a version tag to base our mapping on: int idx; if ((idx = line.indexOf("@version(")) >= 0) { String s = line.substring(idx); //System.out.println("Found version start:" + s); int x = s.indexOf(')'); if (x > 0) { versionID = s.substring(9,x); if (DEBUG.CASTOR || DEBUG.IO) Log.debug(url + "; Found mapping version ID[" + versionID + "]"); if (versionID.equals(XML_MAPPING_CURRENT_VERSION_ID)) { mapping = getDefaultMapping(); } else { URL mappingURL = VueResources.getURL("mapping.lw.version_" + versionID); if (mappingURL == null) { Log.error("Failed to find mapping for version tag [" + versionID + "], attempting default."); mapping = getDefaultMapping(); } else { mapping = getMapping(mappingURL); } } } } } reader.close(); if (firstNonCommentLine.startsWith("<?xml")) { // Check to see if we need to use a non-default input encoding. // NOTE: We make sure we only attempt guessedEncoding if the given encoding is // the default input encoding: otherwise assume we're here recursively, // after already guessing at an encoding (otherwise, we'll loop, and blow stack) if (DEBUG.IO) Log.debug("XML head [" + firstNonCommentLine + "]"); if (firstNonCommentLine.indexOf("encoding=\"UTF-8\"") > 0) { boolean localEncoding = false; // If encoding is UTF-8, this a 2nd generation save file (mapping is // versioned, but not all US-ASCII encoding): the actual encoding is // unknown: make a guess as how to best handle it. This is our rule: if // we're on the SAME platform as the save file, assuming the local // encoding (assume it's the same user, on the same machine, and the // current default system encoding is the same one that was active when // the file was originally saved). If we're on a different platform, // assume a default encoding for that platform. if (Util.isWindowsPlatform()) { if (savedOnWindowsPlatform) { localEncoding = true; } else if (savedOnMacPlatform) guessedEncoding = DEFAULT_MAC_ENCODING; else guessedEncoding = DEFAULT_WINDOWS_ENCODING; } else if (Util.isMacPlatform()) { if (savedOnMacPlatform) localEncoding = true; else if (savedOnWindowsPlatform) guessedEncoding = DEFAULT_WINDOWS_ENCODING; else guessedEncoding = DEFAULT_MAC_ENCODING; } if (localEncoding) guessedEncoding = Util.getDefaultPlatformEncoding(); Log.info(url + "; assuming " + (localEncoding ? "LOCAL " : "PLATFORM DEFAULT ") + "\'" + guessedEncoding + "\' charset encoding"); // Note: doing this is a real tradeoff amongst bugs: any old save file // that had fancy unicode characters in UTF, such as something in a // japanese charset, will be screwed by this, so we optimizing for what // we think is the most likely case. if this becomes a real problem, we // could introduce a special convert dialog. Also, pre US-ASCII save // files could have different strings in them saved in many DIFFERENT // charsets (e.g., japanese, UTF, etc), and it's complete luck as to // when those charsets would each be properly handled. } } else { Log.warn("Missing XML header in [" + firstNonCommentLine + "]"); } boolean oldFormat = false; if (versionID == null && mapping == null) { oldFormat = true; Log.info(url + "; save file is of old pre-versioned type."); mapping = getMapping(XML_MAPPING_UNVERSIONED); } if (mapping == null) mapping = getDefaultMapping(); final String encoding = guessedEncoding == null ? DEFAULT_INPUT_ENCODING : guessedEncoding; return unmarshallMap(url, mapping, encoding, oldFormat, savingVersion, handler); } private static LWMap unmarshallMap(final java.net.URL url, Mapping mapping, String charsetEncoding, boolean allowOldFormat, String savingVersion, MapUnmarshalHandler mapHandler) //throws IOException, org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException throws IOException { LWMap map = null; Log.info("unmarshalling: " + url + "; charset=" + charsetEncoding); // TODO: now that we support opening maps via HTTP URL's, it's a bit obscene to // open the URL twice just to support old maps where we might need to detect the // encoding, then re-open the file with the proper encoding. We could // presumably have the MapReader keep an underlying buffered raw InputStream, // then create Reader's on top of that with different encodings to support this // more smoothly. SMF 2008-04-08 final MapReader mapReader = getMapReaderForURL(url, charsetEncoding, true); final BufferedReader reader = mapReader.reader; // Skip over comments to get to start of XML for (;;) { reader.mark(2048); // a single comment line can't be longer than this... String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { Log.error("Unexpected end-of-stream in [" + url + "]"); throw new java.io.IOException("end of stream in " + url); } if (line.startsWith("<!--") == false) { // we should have just hit thie "<?xml ..." line -- done with comments break; } if (DEBUG.META && (DEBUG.CASTOR || DEBUG.IO)) Log.debug("Skipping[" + line + "]"); } // Reset the reader to the start of the last line read, which should be the <?xml line, // which is what castor needs to see at start (it can't handle ignoring comments...) reader.reset(); final String sourceName = url.toString(); try { Unmarshaller unmarshaller = getDefaultUnmarshaller(mapping, sourceName); if (mapHandler == null) mapHandler = new MapUnmarshalHandler(url, tufts.vue.Resource.MANAGED_UNMARSHALLING); // managed is the default if (DEBUG.Enabled) Log.debug("unmarshal handler: " + mapHandler); unmarshaller.setUnmarshalListener(mapHandler); // unmarshall the map: try { map = (LWMap) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new InputSource(reader)); //} catch (org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException me) { } catch (org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException me) { //if (allowOldFormat && me.getMessage().endsWith("tufts.vue.Resource")) { //if (allowOldFormat && me.getMessage().indexOf("Unable to instantiate tufts.vue.Resource") >= 0) { // 2007-10-01 SMF: rev forward the special exception to check for once again in new castor version: castor- // TODO: 2009-03-25: upgraded to Castor release 1.3: the below message check may no longer work... if (allowOldFormat && me.getMessage() != null && me.getMessage().indexOf("tufts.vue.Resource can no longer be constructed") >= 0) { Log.warn("ActionUtil.unmarshallMap: " + me); Log.warn("Attempting specialized MapResource mapping for old format."); // NOTE: delicate recursion here: won't loop as long as we pass in a non-null mapping. return unmarshallMap(url, getMapping(XML_MAPPING_OLD_RESOURCES), charsetEncoding, false, savingVersion, mapHandler); } else throw me; } reader.close(); Log.info("unmarshalled: " + map); // The below three notify calls must be called in exact sequence (file, then version, then completed) mapHandler.notifyFile(map, mapReader.file); mapHandler.notifyVersionOfVueThatSavedMap(savingVersion); mapHandler.notifyUnmarshallingCompleted(); Log.debug("completed: " + map); } catch (Exception e) { tufts.Util.printStackTrace(e, "Exception restoring map from [" + url + "]: " + e.getClass().getName()); Log.info("map-as-is: " + Util.tags(map)); // presumably null map = null; throw new Error("Exception restoring map from [" + url + "]", e); } return map; } /** * This class is only there to provide something for the old mapping description for LWMergeMap to refer * to. XMLObjectFactory will turn it into an LWMap. For the re-mapping to work, it must be a subclass of LWMap. * Castor should never need to actuall instance or load this class. */ public static final class OLD_MERGE_MAP_STUB extends tufts.vue.LWMap {static{if(true)throw new Error("should-not-classload");}} } /** * This class serves as both an UnmarshalListener impl for VUE LWMap's and their components, * as well as a handles what to do to / with a map once it's been unmarshalled to get * it into it's final, completed state (e.g., in some cases, transformations may need to be performed). */ class MapUnmarshalHandler implements UnmarshalListener { public static final Object CONTEXT_NONE = "NONE"; private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger Log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(MapUnmarshalHandler.class); final Object source; final Object context; protected LWMap map; protected File file; MapUnmarshalHandler(Object source, Object context) { this.source = source; if (context == null) this.context = CONTEXT_NONE; else this.context = context; } /** This must be called first */ void notifyFile(final LWMap map, final File file) { this.map = map; this.file = file; map.setFile(file); // VUE-713: do this always // Note: LWMap.setFile sets the map label } /** This must be called in sequence after notifyFile */ void notifyVersionOfVueThatSavedMap(String savingVersion) { final String fileName = file.getName(); if (map.getModelVersion() > LWMap.getCurrentModelVersion()) { VueUtil.alert(String.format(Locale.getDefault(), VueResources.local("actionutil.notifyversion.message")+ "\n\n" + VueResources.local("actionutil.notifyversion.datamodel")+" \n", file, map.getModelVersion(), LWMap.getCurrentModelVersion()) + "\n"+VueResources.local("actionutil.notifyversion.savedversion") +"\n" + savingVersion + "\n"+VueResources.local("actionutil.notifyversion.currentversion") +"\n" + " " + VueResources.local("actionutil.notifyversion.vuebuilt") + " " + tufts.vue.Version.AllInfo + " (public v" + VueResources.local("vue.version") + ")" + "\n" + "\n"+VueResources.local("actionutil.notifyversion.displaymap") + "\n"+VueResources.local("actionutil.notifyversion.corruptmap") , String.format(Locale.getDefault(),VueResources.local("actionutil.notifyversion.versionwarning"), fileName)); map.setLabel(fileName + " (as available)"); // Skip setting the file: this will force save-as if they try to save. } else { // VUE-713: don't do this conditionallly // // This setFile also sets the label name, so it appears as a modification in the map. // // So be sure to do completeXMLRestore last, as it will reset the modification count. // if (map.getModelVersion() < 1) { // map.setLabel(file.getName()); // // force save as for old maps as they will no longer work in old stable versions of VUE (1.5 & prior) // // if they're saved in this new version of VUE. // } else { // map.setFile(file); // } if (DEBUG.DATA && DEBUG.META) map.setLabel("|" + map.getModelVersion() + "| " + map.getLabel()); } Log.debug("label-set: " + map); } /** This must be called last */ void notifyUnmarshallingCompleted() { // note that map.setFile should normally have been completed before this is called map.completeXMLRestore(context); } /** @see org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalListener */ public void initialized(Object o) { if (DEBUG.XML && DEBUG.META) Log.debug(" initialized: " + Util.tags(o)); if (o instanceof XMLUnmarshalListener) { try { ((XMLUnmarshalListener)o).XML_initialized(context); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error(this, t); } } } /** @see org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalListener */ public void attributesProcessed(Object o) { if (DEBUG.XML && DEBUG.META) Log.debug(" attributes: " + Util.tags(o)); } /** @see org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalListener */ public void unmarshalled(Object o) { if (DEBUG.XML && DEBUG.META) Log.debug("unmarshalled: " + Util.tags(o)); if (o instanceof XMLUnmarshalListener) { try { ((XMLUnmarshalListener)o).XML_completed(context); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error(this, t); } } } /** @see org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalListener */ public void fieldAdded(String name, Object parent, Object child) { if (DEBUG.XML) { //final String field = "child[" + Util.TERM_YELLOW + name + Util.TERM_CLEAR + "] "; //final String field = Util.TERM_YELLOW + name + Util.TERM_CLEAR + ": "; final String field = Util.tag(parent) + "/" + Util.TERM_YELLOW + name + Util.TERM_CLEAR + " = "; if (DEBUG.META) { Log.debug(" fieldAdded: parent: " + Util.tags(parent) + " " + field + Util.tags(child) + "\n"); //System.out.println("VUL fieldAdded: parent: " + parent.getClass().getName() + "\t" + tos(parent) + "\n" //+ " new child: " + child.getClass().getName() + " \"" + name + "\" " + tos(child) + "\n"); } else { if (child instanceof String) Log.debug(field + Util.TERM_RED + '"' + child + '"' + Util.TERM_CLEAR); else Log.debug(field + Util.TERM_PURPLE + Util.tags(child) + Util.TERM_CLEAR); //Log.debug(field + Util.tags(child)); } } if (parent instanceof XMLUnmarshalListener) { try { ((XMLUnmarshalListener)parent).XML_fieldAdded(context, name, child); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error(this, t); } } if (child instanceof XMLUnmarshalListener) { try { ((XMLUnmarshalListener)child).XML_addNotify(context, name, parent); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error(this, t); } } } public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[" + context + "; " + source + "]"; } // // exception trapping toString in case the object isn't initialized enough // // for it's toString to work... // private String tos(Object o) { // if (o == null) // return "<null-object>"; // String s = o.getClass().getName() + " "; // //String s = null; // String txt = null; // try { // txt = o.toString(); // if ( // } catch (Throwable t) { // txt = t.toString(); // // "[" + t.toString() + "]"; // } // return s; // } } final class XMLObjectFactory extends org.exolab.castor.util.DefaultObjectFactory { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger Log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(XMLObjectFactory.class); final Object source; XMLObjectFactory(Object source) { this.source = source; if (DEBUG.Enabled) Log.debug("new " + Util.tags(this) + "; " + source); } @Override public Object createInstance(Class type, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { //System.err.println("VOF0 ASKED FOR " + type + " args=" + args); Log.info("*** ASKED FOR " + type + " args=" + args); // apparently never called return this.createInstance(type, null, null); } @Override public Object createInstance(Class type) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { //System.err.println("VOF1 ASKED FOR " + type); Log.info("*** ASKED FOR " + type); // apparently never called return this.createInstance(type, null, null); } @Override public Object createInstance(final Class _type, final Class[] argTypes, final Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { final Class type; if (_type == ActionUtil.OLD_MERGE_MAP_STUB.class) { type = tufts.vue.LWMap.class; } // else if (_type == tufts.vue.MapResource.class || _type == tufts.vue.CabinetResource.class) // type = tufts.vue.URLResource.class; else type = _type; if (_type != type) Log.info("request for instance of " + _type.getName() + " yields: " + type); //System.err.println("VOF ASKED FOR " + type + " argTypes=" + argTypes); //Object o = super.createInstance(type); final Object o = type.newInstance(); if (DEBUG.Enabled) { if ((DEBUG.IO && DEBUG.META) || DEBUG.XML || DEBUG.CASTOR || (DEBUG.RESOURCE && DEBUG.META && o instanceof tufts.vue.Resource)) { // Do not use Util.tags(o) or allow toString to be called on object -- unmarshalling can fail // if there are side-effects (!!!) due to calling it -- this happened at one point with an // instance of FavoritesDataSource. Util.tag(o) is fine tho. Log.debug("+= " + Util.tag(o)); } } return o; } } class MapException extends IOException { public MapException(String s) { super(s); } } class EmptyFileException extends IOException { EmptyFileException() { super("Empty file (zero length); no VUE data here"); } } class PaddedCellRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer { public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, // value to display int index, // cell index boolean iss, // is selected boolean chf) // cell has focus? { super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, iss, chf); setText(((VueFileFilter)value).getDescription()); this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1, 5, 1, 1)); return this; } }