package edu.tufts.vue.layout; import java.util.*; import tufts.vue.LWComponent; import tufts.vue.LWLink; import tufts.vue.LWMap; import tufts.vue.LWNode; import tufts.vue.LWSelection; public class HierarchicalLayout2 extends HierarchicalLayout { protected boolean mInverted; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected static final org.apache.log4j.Logger Log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(HierarchicalLayout2.class); protected static final boolean DEBUG_LOCAL = false; public HierarchicalLayout2() { this(false); } public HierarchicalLayout2(boolean inverted) { mInverted = inverted; } public void layout(LWSelection selection) throws Exception { HashMap<String, LWNode> processedNodes = new HashMap<String, LWNode>(); Iterator<LWComponent> iter = selection.iterator(); // Layout the children and parents of each selected node. The selected nodes // themselves are not moved. If more than one node in a connected graph is selected, // the first one encountered in the selection iterator will be the one around which the // graph is layed out. while (iter.hasNext()) { LWComponent comp =; if (comp instanceof LWNode && !comp.isManagedLocation() && (processedNodes.get(comp.getID()) == null)) { LWNode node = (LWNode)comp; if (DEBUG_LOCAL) {"Laying out node " + node.getLabel() + "."); } Vector<LWNode> nodes = new Vector<LWNode>(); HierarchyLayer nodeLayer = new HierarchyLayer(node); nodes.add(node); findChildrenAndParents(nodes, nodeLayer, processedNodes); if (DEBUG_LOCAL) { nodeLayer.printLayers(); } layoutLayers(node, nodeLayer); nodes.removeAllElements(); nodeLayer.removeAllElements(); } } processedNodes.clear(); } protected void findChildrenAndParents(Vector<LWNode> nodes, HierarchyLayer layer, HashMap<String, LWNode> processedNodes) { for (LWNode node : nodes) { List<LWLink> links = node.getLinks(); Iterator<LWLink> linkIter = links.iterator(); Vector<LWNode> children = new Vector<LWNode>(), parents = new Vector<LWNode>(); processedNodes.put(node.getID(), node); // Find the node's children (nodes that point to it) and parents (nodes that it points to). while (linkIter.hasNext()) { LWLink link =; LWComponent head = link.getHead(), tail = link.getTail(); int arrowState = link.getArrowState(); LWNode child = null, parent = null; // If the link has one arrow, the arrow points to the child. If the link has zero // or two arrows, consider the node on the other end of the link to be the child. if (node.equals(head)) { if (tail instanceof LWNode) { if (arrowState == LWLink.ARROW_HEAD) { parent = (LWNode)tail; } else { child = (LWNode)tail; } } } else if (node.equals(tail)) { if (head instanceof LWNode) { if (arrowState == LWLink.ARROW_TAIL) { parent = (LWNode)head; } else { child = (LWNode)head; } } } if (child != null) { String childID = child.getID(); if (processedNodes.get(childID) == null) { processedNodes.put(childID, child); children.add(child); if (DEBUG_LOCAL) { + " has child " + child.getLabel() + "."); } } } else if (parent != null) { String parentID = parent.getID(); if (processedNodes.get(parentID) == null) { processedNodes.put(parentID, parent); parents.add(parent); if (DEBUG_LOCAL) { + " has parent " + parent.getLabel() + "."); } } } } // Add the children and parents to their respective layers before recursing to the // higher and lower layers so that siblings are next to each other and aren't // interspersed with their cousins. layer.addChildNodes(children); layer.addParentNodes(parents); findChildrenAndParents(children, layer.getChildLayer(), processedNodes); findChildrenAndParents(parents, layer.getParentLayer(), processedNodes); children.removeAllElements(); parents.removeAllElements(); } } protected void layoutLayers(LWNode node, HierarchyLayer layer) { // Arrange nodes in the layer which includes the selected node. // The selected node will be left in its current location. // The other nodes in this layer will be placed to the selected node's right. float layerCenterX = node.getX() + (layer.getPaddedWidth() / 2), layerCenterY = node.getY() + (node.getHeight() / 2); layer.layout(layerCenterX, layerCenterY); // Arrange nodes in layers below (children); HierarchyLayer childLayer = layer.getChildLayer(); float childLayerCenterY = layerCenterY, previousLayerHeight = layer.getHeight(), invert = (mInverted ? -1 : 1); while (childLayer != null) { float childLayerHeight = childLayer.getHeight(); childLayerCenterY += invert * ((previousLayerHeight / 2) + (childLayerHeight / 2 ) + (2 * Math.min(previousLayerHeight, childLayerHeight))); childLayer.layout(layerCenterX, childLayerCenterY); childLayer = childLayer.getChildLayer(); previousLayerHeight = childLayerHeight; } // Arrange nodes in layers above (parents). HierarchyLayer parentLayer = layer.getParentLayer(); float parentLayerCenterY = layerCenterY; previousLayerHeight = layer.getHeight(); while (parentLayer != null) { float parentLayerHeight = parentLayer.getHeight(); parentLayerCenterY -= invert * ((previousLayerHeight / 2) + (parentLayerHeight / 2 ) + (2 * Math.min(previousLayerHeight, parentLayerHeight))); parentLayer.layout(layerCenterX, parentLayerCenterY); parentLayer = parentLayer.getParentLayer(); previousLayerHeight = parentLayerHeight; } } class HierarchyLayer { protected final float HORIZONTAL_PADDING_FRACTION = 2; HierarchyLayer mChildren = null, mParents = null; Vector<LWNode> mNodes = null; float mWidth = 0, mHeight = 0; public HierarchyLayer(LWNode node) { addNode(node); } public void addNode(LWNode node) { float nodeHeight = node.getHeight(); if (mNodes == null) { mNodes = new Vector<LWNode>(); } mNodes.add(node); mWidth += node.getWidth(); if (nodeHeight > mHeight) { mHeight = nodeHeight; } } public void addChildNode(LWNode child) { if (mChildren == null) { mChildren = new HierarchyLayer(child); mChildren.mParents = this; } else { mChildren.addNode(child); } } public void addParentNode(LWNode parent) { if (mParents == null) { mParents = new HierarchyLayer(parent); mParents.mChildren = this; } else { mParents.addNode(parent); } } public void addChildNodes(Vector<LWNode> children) { for (LWNode child : children) { addChildNode(child); } } public void addParentNodes(Vector<LWNode> parents) { for (LWNode parent : parents) { addParentNode(parent); } } public HierarchyLayer getChildLayer() { return mChildren; } public HierarchyLayer getParentLayer() { return mParents; } public HierarchyLayer getHighestLayer() { HierarchyLayer result = this; if (mParents != null) { result = mParents.getHighestLayer(); } return result; } public float getWidth() { return mWidth; } public float getPaddedWidth() { int nodeCount = mNodes.size(); float horizontalPadding = (mWidth / HORIZONTAL_PADDING_FRACTION) / nodeCount; return mWidth + (horizontalPadding * (nodeCount - 1)); } public float getHeight() { return mHeight; } public void removeAllElements() { getHighestLayer().removeAllElementsAndChildren(); } protected void removeAllElementsAndChildren() { if (mNodes != null) { mNodes.removeAllElements(); mNodes = null; } mParents = null; if (mChildren != null) { mChildren.removeAllElementsAndChildren(); mChildren = null; } } public void layout(float centerX, float centerY) { int nodeCount = mNodes.size(); float x = centerX - (getPaddedWidth() / 2), horizontalPadding = (mWidth / HORIZONTAL_PADDING_FRACTION) / nodeCount; for (LWNode node : mNodes) { float y = centerY - (node.getHeight() / 2); node.setLocation(x, y); x += node.getWidth() + horizontalPadding; } } public void printLayers() { getHighestLayer().printLayerAndChildren(1); } protected void printLayerAndChildren(int level) { System.out.print(level + " (width " + mWidth + ", height " + mHeight + "): "); for (int index = 0; index < mNodes.size(); index++) { if (index > 0) { System.out.print(", "); } System.out.print(mNodes.elementAt(index).getLabel()); } System.out.println(); if (mChildren != null) { mChildren.printLayerAndChildren(level + 1); } } } }