package org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.server.NBTTagList; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.bukkit.Color; import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect; import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect.Type; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.DelegateDeserialization; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftMetaItem.ItemMetaKey.Specific; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftMetaItem.ItemMetaKey.Specific.To; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftMetaItem.SerializableMeta; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.CraftMagicNumbers; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkMeta; import; import; @DelegateDeserialization(SerializableMeta.class) class CraftMetaFirework extends CraftMetaItem implements FireworkMeta { /* "Fireworks", "Explosion", "Explosions", "Flight", "Type", "Trail", "Flicker", "Colors", "FadeColors"; Fireworks - Compound: Fireworks -- Byte: Flight -- List: Explosions --- Compound: Explosion ---- IntArray: Colors ---- Byte: Type ---- Boolean: Trail ---- Boolean: Flicker ---- IntArray: FadeColors */ @Specific(To.NBT) static final ItemMetaKey FIREWORKS = new ItemMetaKey("Fireworks"); static final ItemMetaKey FLIGHT = new ItemMetaKey("Flight", "power"); static final ItemMetaKey EXPLOSIONS = new ItemMetaKey("Explosions", "firework-effects"); @Specific(To.NBT) static final ItemMetaKey EXPLOSION_COLORS = new ItemMetaKey("Colors"); @Specific(To.NBT) static final ItemMetaKey EXPLOSION_TYPE = new ItemMetaKey("Type"); @Specific(To.NBT) static final ItemMetaKey EXPLOSION_TRAIL = new ItemMetaKey("Trail"); @Specific(To.NBT) static final ItemMetaKey EXPLOSION_FLICKER = new ItemMetaKey("Flicker"); @Specific(To.NBT) static final ItemMetaKey EXPLOSION_FADE = new ItemMetaKey("FadeColors"); private List<FireworkEffect> effects; private int power; CraftMetaFirework(CraftMetaItem meta) { super(meta); if (!(meta instanceof CraftMetaFirework)) { return; } CraftMetaFirework that = (CraftMetaFirework) meta; this.power = that.power; if (that.hasEffects()) { this.effects = new ArrayList<FireworkEffect>(that.effects); } } CraftMetaFirework(NBTTagCompound tag) { super(tag); if (!tag.hasKey(FIREWORKS.NBT)) { return; } NBTTagCompound fireworks = tag.getCompound(FIREWORKS.NBT); power = 0xff & fireworks.getByte(FLIGHT.NBT); if (!fireworks.hasKey(EXPLOSIONS.NBT)) { return; } NBTTagList fireworkEffects = fireworks.getList(EXPLOSIONS.NBT, CraftMagicNumbers.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); List<FireworkEffect> effects = this.effects = new ArrayList<FireworkEffect>(fireworkEffects.size()); for (int i = 0; i < fireworkEffects.size(); i++) { effects.add(getEffect(fireworkEffects.get(i))); } } static FireworkEffect getEffect(NBTTagCompound explosion) { FireworkEffect.Builder effect = FireworkEffect.builder() .flicker(explosion.getBoolean(EXPLOSION_FLICKER.NBT)) .trail(explosion.getBoolean(EXPLOSION_TRAIL.NBT)) .with(getEffectType(0xff & explosion.getByte(EXPLOSION_TYPE.NBT))); for (int color : explosion.getIntArray(EXPLOSION_COLORS.NBT)) { effect.withColor(Color.fromRGB(color)); } for (int color : explosion.getIntArray(EXPLOSION_FADE.NBT)) { effect.withFade(Color.fromRGB(color)); } return; } static NBTTagCompound getExplosion(FireworkEffect effect) { NBTTagCompound explosion = new NBTTagCompound(); if (effect.hasFlicker()) { explosion.setBoolean(EXPLOSION_FLICKER.NBT, true); } if (effect.hasTrail()) { explosion.setBoolean(EXPLOSION_TRAIL.NBT, true); } addColors(explosion, EXPLOSION_COLORS, effect.getColors()); addColors(explosion, EXPLOSION_FADE, effect.getFadeColors()); explosion.setByte(EXPLOSION_TYPE.NBT, (byte) getNBT(effect.getType())); return explosion; } static int getNBT(Type type) { switch (type) { case BALL: return 0; case BALL_LARGE: return 1; case STAR: return 2; case CREEPER: return 3; case BURST: return 4; default: throw new IllegalStateException(type.toString()); // Spigot } } static Type getEffectType(int nbt) { switch (nbt) { case 0: return Type.BALL; case 1: return Type.BALL_LARGE; case 2: return Type.STAR; case 3: return Type.CREEPER; case 4: return Type.BURST; default: throw new IllegalStateException(Integer.toString(nbt)); // Spigot } } CraftMetaFirework(Map<String, Object> map) { super(map); Integer power = SerializableMeta.getObject(Integer.class, map, FLIGHT.BUKKIT, true); if (power != null) { setPower(power); } Iterable<?> effects = SerializableMeta.getObject(Iterable.class, map, EXPLOSIONS.BUKKIT, true); safelyAddEffects(effects); } @Override public boolean hasEffects() { return !(effects == null || effects.isEmpty()); } void safelyAddEffects(Iterable<?> collection) { if (collection == null || (collection instanceof Collection && ((Collection<?>) collection).isEmpty())) { return; } List<FireworkEffect> effects = this.effects; if (effects == null) { effects = this.effects = new ArrayList<FireworkEffect>(); } for (Object obj : collection) { if (obj instanceof FireworkEffect) { effects.add((FireworkEffect) obj); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(obj + " in " + collection + " is not a FireworkEffect"); } } } @Override void applyToItem(NBTTagCompound itemTag) { super.applyToItem(itemTag); if (isFireworkEmpty()) { return; } NBTTagCompound fireworks = itemTag.getCompound(FIREWORKS.NBT); itemTag.set(FIREWORKS.NBT, fireworks); if (hasEffects()) { NBTTagList effects = new NBTTagList(); for (FireworkEffect effect : this.effects) { effects.add(getExplosion(effect)); } if (effects.size() > 0) { fireworks.set(EXPLOSIONS.NBT, effects); } } if (hasPower()) { fireworks.setByte(FLIGHT.NBT, (byte) power); } } static void addColors(NBTTagCompound compound, ItemMetaKey key, List<Color> colors) { if (colors.isEmpty()) { return; } final int[] colorArray = new int[colors.size()]; int i = 0; for (Color color : colors) { colorArray[i++] = color.asRGB(); } compound.setIntArray(key.NBT, colorArray); } @Override boolean applicableTo(Material type) { switch(type) { case FIREWORK: return true; default: return false; } } @Override boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && isFireworkEmpty(); } boolean isFireworkEmpty() { return !(hasEffects() || hasPower()); } boolean hasPower() { return power != 0; } @Override boolean equalsCommon(CraftMetaItem meta) { if (!super.equalsCommon(meta)) { return false; } if (meta instanceof CraftMetaFirework) { CraftMetaFirework that = (CraftMetaFirework) meta; return (hasPower() ? that.hasPower() && this.power == that.power : !that.hasPower()) && (hasEffects() ? that.hasEffects() && this.effects.equals(that.effects) : !that.hasEffects()); } return true; } @Override boolean notUncommon(CraftMetaItem meta) { return super.notUncommon(meta) && (meta instanceof CraftMetaFirework || isFireworkEmpty()); } @Override int applyHash() { final int original; int hash = original = super.applyHash(); if (hasPower()) { hash = 61 * hash + power; } if (hasEffects()) { hash = 61 * hash + 13 * effects.hashCode(); } return hash != original ? CraftMetaFirework.class.hashCode() ^ hash : hash; } @Override Builder<String, Object> serialize(Builder<String, Object> builder) { super.serialize(builder); if (hasEffects()) { builder.put(EXPLOSIONS.BUKKIT, ImmutableList.copyOf(effects)); } if (hasPower()) { builder.put(FLIGHT.BUKKIT, power); } return builder; } @Override public CraftMetaFirework clone() { CraftMetaFirework meta = (CraftMetaFirework) super.clone(); if (this.effects != null) { meta.effects = new ArrayList<FireworkEffect>(this.effects); } return meta; } @Override public void addEffect(FireworkEffect effect) { Validate.notNull(effect, "Effect cannot be null"); if (this.effects == null) { this.effects = new ArrayList<FireworkEffect>(); } this.effects.add(effect); } @Override public void addEffects(FireworkEffect...effects) { Validate.notNull(effects, "Effects cannot be null"); if (effects.length == 0) { return; } List<FireworkEffect> list = this.effects; if (list == null) { list = this.effects = new ArrayList<FireworkEffect>(); } for (FireworkEffect effect : effects) { Validate.notNull(effect, "Effect cannot be null"); list.add(effect); } } @Override public void addEffects(Iterable<FireworkEffect> effects) { Validate.notNull(effects, "Effects cannot be null"); safelyAddEffects(effects); } @Override public List<FireworkEffect> getEffects() { return this.effects == null ? ImmutableList.<FireworkEffect>of() : ImmutableList.copyOf(this.effects); } @Override public int getEffectsSize() { return this.effects == null ? 0 : this.effects.size(); } @Override public void removeEffect(int index) { if (this.effects == null) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index + ", Size: 0"); } else { this.effects.remove(index); } } @Override public void clearEffects() { this.effects = null; } @Override public int getPower() { return this.power; } @Override public void setPower(int power) { Validate.isTrue(power >= 0, "Power cannot be less than zero: ", power); Validate.isTrue(power < 0x80, "Power cannot be more than 127: ", power); this.power = power; } }