package net.minecraft.server; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; public class PacketPlayOutScoreboardTeam implements Packet<PacketListenerPlayOut> { private String a = ""; private String b = ""; private String c = ""; private String d = ""; private String e; private String f; private int g; private final Collection<String> h; private int i; private int j; public PacketPlayOutScoreboardTeam() { this.e = ScoreboardTeamBase.EnumNameTagVisibility.ALWAYS.e; this.f = ScoreboardTeamBase.EnumTeamPush.ALWAYS.e; this.g = -1; this.h = Lists.newArrayList(); } public PacketPlayOutScoreboardTeam(ScoreboardTeam scoreboardteam, int i) { this.e = ScoreboardTeamBase.EnumNameTagVisibility.ALWAYS.e; this.f = ScoreboardTeamBase.EnumTeamPush.ALWAYS.e; this.g = -1; this.h = Lists.newArrayList(); this.a = scoreboardteam.getName(); this.i = i; if (i == 0 || i == 2) { this.b = scoreboardteam.getDisplayName(); this.c = scoreboardteam.getPrefix(); this.d = scoreboardteam.getSuffix(); this.j = scoreboardteam.packOptionData(); this.e = scoreboardteam.getNameTagVisibility().e; this.f = scoreboardteam.getCollisionRule().e; this.g = scoreboardteam.m().b(); } if (i == 0) { this.h.addAll(scoreboardteam.getPlayerNameSet()); } } public PacketPlayOutScoreboardTeam(ScoreboardTeam scoreboardteam, Collection<String> collection, int i) { this.e = ScoreboardTeamBase.EnumNameTagVisibility.ALWAYS.e; this.f = ScoreboardTeamBase.EnumTeamPush.ALWAYS.e; this.g = -1; this.h = Lists.newArrayList(); if (i != 3 && i != 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method must be join or leave for player constructor"); } else if (collection != null && !collection.isEmpty()) { this.i = i; this.a = scoreboardteam.getName(); this.h.addAll(collection); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Players cannot be null/empty"); } } @Override public void a(PacketDataSerializer packetdataserializer) throws IOException { this.a = packetdataserializer.e(16); this.i = packetdataserializer.readByte(); if (this.i == 0 || this.i == 2) { this.b = packetdataserializer.e(32); this.c = packetdataserializer.e(16); this.d = packetdataserializer.e(16); this.j = packetdataserializer.readByte(); this.e = packetdataserializer.e(32); this.f = packetdataserializer.e(32); this.g = packetdataserializer.readByte(); } if (this.i == 0 || this.i == 3 || this.i == 4) { int i = packetdataserializer.g(); for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { this.h.add(packetdataserializer.e(40)); } } } @Override public void b(PacketDataSerializer packetdataserializer) throws IOException { packetdataserializer.a(this.a); packetdataserializer.writeByte(this.i); if (this.i == 0 || this.i == 2) { packetdataserializer.a(this.b); packetdataserializer.a(this.c); packetdataserializer.a(this.d); packetdataserializer.writeByte(this.j); packetdataserializer.a(this.e); packetdataserializer.a(!com.destroystokyo.paper.PaperConfig.enablePlayerCollisions ? "never" : this.f); // Paper packetdataserializer.writeByte(this.g); } if (this.i == 0 || this.i == 3 || this.i == 4) { packetdataserializer.d(this.h.size()); Iterator iterator = this.h.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); packetdataserializer.a(s); } } } @Override public void a(PacketListenerPlayOut packetlistenerplayout) { packetlistenerplayout.a(this); } }