package net.minecraft.server; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory; // CraftBukkit public class EntityFallingBlock extends Entity { private IBlockData block; public int ticksLived; public boolean dropItem = true; private boolean f; public boolean hurtEntities; private int fallHurtMax = 40; private float fallHurtAmount = 2.0F; public NBTTagCompound tileEntityData; protected static final DataWatcherObject<BlockPosition> d = DataWatcher.a(EntityFallingBlock.class, DataWatcherRegistry.j); public EntityFallingBlock(World world) { super(world); } public EntityFallingBlock(World world, double d0, double d1, double d2, IBlockData iblockdata) { super(world); this.block = iblockdata; this.i = true; this.setSize(0.98F, 0.98F); this.setPosition(d0, d1 + (double) ((1.0F - this.length) / 2.0F), d2); this.motX = 0.0D; this.motY = 0.0D; this.motZ = 0.0D; this.lastX = d0; this.lastY = d1; this.lastZ = d2; this.a(new BlockPosition(this)); } public void a(BlockPosition blockposition) { this.datawatcher.set(EntityFallingBlock.d, blockposition); } protected boolean playStepSound() { return false; } protected void i() { this.datawatcher.register(EntityFallingBlock.d, BlockPosition.ZERO); } public boolean isInteractable() { return !this.dead; } public void A_() { Block block = this.block.getBlock(); if (this.block.getMaterial() == Material.AIR) { this.die(); } else { this.lastX = this.locX; this.lastY = this.locY; this.lastZ = this.locZ; BlockPosition blockposition; if (this.ticksLived++ == 0) { blockposition = new BlockPosition(this); if ( == block && !CraftEventFactory.callEntityChangeBlockEvent(this, blockposition, Blocks.AIR, 0).isCancelled()) {; } else if (! { this.die(); return; } } if (!this.isNoGravity()) { this.motY -= 0.03999999910593033D; } this.move(EnumMoveType.SELF, this.motX, this.motY, this.motZ); // Paper start - Configurable EntityFallingBlock height nerf if ( != 0 && this.locY > { if (this.dropItem &&"doEntityDrops")) { this.a(new ItemStack(block, 1, block.getDropData(this.block)), 0.0F); } this.die(); } // Paper end this.motX *= 0.9800000190734863D; this.motY *= 0.9800000190734863D; this.motZ *= 0.9800000190734863D; if (! { blockposition = new BlockPosition(this); if (this.onGround) { IBlockData iblockdata =; if (!isOnGround()) { this.onGround = false; if ( return; // Paper } this.motX *= 0.699999988079071D; this.motZ *= 0.699999988079071D; this.motY *= -0.5D; if (iblockdata.getBlock() != Blocks.PISTON_EXTENSION) { this.die(); if (!this.f) { // CraftBukkit start if (, blockposition, true, EnumDirection.UP, (Entity) null) && !BlockFalling.i( { if (CraftEventFactory.callEntityChangeBlockEvent(this, blockposition, this.block.getBlock(), this.block.getBlock().toLegacyData(this.block)).isCancelled()) { return; }, this.block, 3); // CraftBukkit end if (block instanceof BlockFalling) { ((BlockFalling) block).a_(, blockposition); } if (this.tileEntityData != null && block instanceof ITileEntity) { TileEntity tileentity =; if (tileentity != null) { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = NBTTagCompound()); Iterator iterator = this.tileEntityData.c().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); NBTBase nbtbase = this.tileEntityData.get(s); if (!"x".equals(s) && !"y".equals(s) && !"z".equals(s)) { nbttagcompound.set(s, nbtbase.clone()); } } tileentity.a(nbttagcompound); tileentity.update(); } } } else if (this.dropItem &&"doEntityDrops")) { this.a(new ItemStack(block, 1, block.getDropData(this.block)), 0.0F); } } else if (block instanceof BlockFalling) { ((BlockFalling) block).b(, blockposition); } } } else if (this.ticksLived > 100 && ! && (blockposition.getY() < 1 || blockposition.getY() > 256) || this.ticksLived > 600) { if (this.dropItem &&"doEntityDrops")) { this.a(new ItemStack(block, 1, block.getDropData(this.block)), 0.0F); } this.die(); } } } } // Paper start private boolean isOnGround() { BlockPosition where = new BlockPosition(this.locX, this.locY - 0.009999999776482582D, this.locZ); boolean cannotMoveThrough = !BlockFalling.canMoveThrough(; if (! return cannotMoveThrough; if (cannotMoveThrough) { return true; } IBlockData blockData =; if (BlockFalling.canMoveThrough(blockData)) { return false; } List<AxisAlignedBB> list = new ArrayList<>(); addCollisions(blockData, getWorld(), where, this.getBoundingBox(), list, this); return list.size() > 0; } // OBFHELPER private void addCollisions(IBlockData blockData, World world, BlockPosition where, AxisAlignedBB collider, List<AxisAlignedBB> list, Entity entity) { blockData.a(world, where, collider, list, entity, false); } // Paper end public void e(float f, float f1) { Block block = this.block.getBlock(); if (this.hurtEntities) { int i = MathHelper.f(f - 1.0F); if (i > 0) { ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(, this.getBoundingBox())); boolean flag = block == Blocks.ANVIL; DamageSource damagesource = flag ? DamageSource.ANVIL : DamageSource.FALLING_BLOCK; Iterator iterator = arraylist.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entity entity = (Entity); CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = this; // CraftBukkit entity.damageEntity(damagesource, (float) Math.min(MathHelper.d((float) i * this.fallHurtAmount), this.fallHurtMax)); CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = null; // CraftBukkit } if (flag && (double) this.random.nextFloat() < 0.05000000074505806D + (double) i * 0.05D) { int j = ((Integer) this.block.get(BlockAnvil.DAMAGE)).intValue(); ++j; if (j > 2) { this.f = true; } else { this.block = this.block.set(BlockAnvil.DAMAGE, Integer.valueOf(j)); } } } } } public static void a(DataConverterManager dataconvertermanager) {} protected void b(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) { Block block = this.block != null ? this.block.getBlock() : Blocks.AIR; MinecraftKey minecraftkey = (MinecraftKey) Block.REGISTRY.b(block); nbttagcompound.setString("Block", minecraftkey == null ? "" : minecraftkey.toString()); nbttagcompound.setByte("Data", (byte) block.toLegacyData(this.block)); nbttagcompound.setInt("Time", this.ticksLived); nbttagcompound.setBoolean("DropItem", this.dropItem); nbttagcompound.setBoolean("HurtEntities", this.hurtEntities); nbttagcompound.setFloat("FallHurtAmount", this.fallHurtAmount); nbttagcompound.setInt("FallHurtMax", this.fallHurtMax); if (this.tileEntityData != null) { nbttagcompound.set("TileEntityData", this.tileEntityData); } } protected void a(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) { int i = nbttagcompound.getByte("Data") & 255; if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType("Block", 8)) { this.block = Block.getByName(nbttagcompound.getString("Block")).fromLegacyData(i); } else if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType("TileID", 99)) { this.block = Block.getById(nbttagcompound.getInt("TileID")).fromLegacyData(i); } else { this.block = Block.getById(nbttagcompound.getByte("Tile") & 255).fromLegacyData(i); } // Paper start - Block FallingBlocks with Command Blocks // Check mappings on update - dc = "repeating_command_block" - dd = "chain_command_block" final Block b = this.block.getBlock(); if ( && (b == Blocks.COMMAND_BLOCK || b == Blocks.dc || b == Blocks.dd)) { this.block = Blocks.STONE.getBlockData(); } // Paper end this.ticksLived = nbttagcompound.getInt("Time"); Block block = this.block.getBlock(); if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType("HurtEntities", 99)) { this.hurtEntities = nbttagcompound.getBoolean("HurtEntities"); this.fallHurtAmount = nbttagcompound.getFloat("FallHurtAmount"); this.fallHurtMax = nbttagcompound.getInt("FallHurtMax"); } else if (block == Blocks.ANVIL) { this.hurtEntities = true; } if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType("DropItem", 99)) { this.dropItem = nbttagcompound.getBoolean("DropItem"); } if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType("TileEntityData", 10)) { this.tileEntityData = nbttagcompound.getCompound("TileEntityData"); } if (block == null || block.getBlockData().getMaterial() == Material.AIR) { this.block = Blocks.SAND.getBlockData(); } // Paper start - Try and load origin location from the old NBT tags for backwards compatibility if (nbttagcompound.hasKey("SourceLoc_x")) { int srcX = nbttagcompound.getInt("SourceLoc_x"); int srcY = nbttagcompound.getInt("SourceLoc_y"); int srcZ = nbttagcompound.getInt("SourceLoc_z"); origin = new org.bukkit.Location(world.getWorld(), srcX, srcY, srcZ); } // Paper end } public void a(boolean flag) { this.hurtEntities = flag; } public void appendEntityCrashDetails(CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails) { super.appendEntityCrashDetails(crashreportsystemdetails); if (this.block != null) { Block block = this.block.getBlock(); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Immitating block ID", (Object) Integer.valueOf(Block.getId(block))); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Immitating block data", (Object) Integer.valueOf(block.toLegacyData(this.block))); } } @Nullable public IBlockData getBlock() { return this.block; } public boolean bu() { return true; } // Paper start - Old TNT cannon behaviors @Override public double getDistance(double d0, double d1, double d2) { if (!world.paperConfig.oldCannonBehaviors) return super.getDistance(d0, d1, d2); double newX = this.locX - d0; double newY = this.locY + this.getHeadHeight() - d1; double newZ = this.locZ - d2; return (double) MathHelper.sqrt(newX * newX + newY * newY + newZ * newZ); } // Paper end }