package org.testng.internal; /** * Describes a property * * @author Cedric Beust, May 2, 2004 * */ public class TestNGProperty { private String m_commandLineName = null; private String m_name = null; private String m_documentation = null; private String m_default = null; public TestNGProperty(String clName, String name, String doc, String def) { init(clName, name, doc, def); } public TestNGProperty(String name, String doc, String def) { init(name, name, doc, def); } private void init(String clName, String name, String doc, String def) { m_commandLineName = clName; m_name = name; m_documentation = doc; m_default = def; } /** * @return Returns the default. */ public String getDefault() { return m_default; } /** * @return Returns the documentation. */ public String getDocumentation() { return m_documentation; } /** * @return Returns the name. */ public String getName() { return m_name; } public String getCommandLineName() { return m_commandLineName; } }