package org.apache.commons.logging.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.slf4j.impl.JDK14LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger; public class SerializationTest extends TestCase { ObjectInputStream ois; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos; public SerializationTest(String name) { super(name); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); super.setUp(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); oos.close(); } public void verify() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis); Log resuscitatedLog = (Log) ois.readObject(); // tests that the "private transient Logger logger" field is non-null resuscitatedLog.debug(""); resuscitatedLog.isDebugEnabled(); } public void testSLF4JLog() throws Exception { JDK14LoggerFactory factory = new JDK14LoggerFactory(); SLF4JLog log = new SLF4JLog(factory.getLogger("x")); oos.writeObject(log); verify(); } public void testSmoke() throws Exception { Log log = LogFactory.getLog("testing"); oos.writeObject(log); verify(); } public void testLocationAware() throws Exception { JDK14LoggerFactory factory = new JDK14LoggerFactory(); SLF4JLocationAwareLog log = new SLF4JLocationAwareLog( (LocationAwareLogger) factory.getLogger("x")); oos.writeObject(log); verify(); } }