package org.testng; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.testng.collections.Lists; import org.testng.internal.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.CharacterIterator; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * TestNG settings: * <ul> * <li>classfileset (inner)</li> * <li>classfilesetref (attribute)</li> * <li>xmlfileset (inner)</li> * <li>xmlfilesetref (attribute)</li> * <li>enableAssert (attribute)</li> * <li>excludedGroups (attribute)</li> * <li>groups (attribute)</li> * <li>junit (attribute)</li> * <li>listener (attribute)</li> * <li>outputdir (attribute)</li> * <li>parallel (attribute)</li> * <li>reporter (attribute)</li> * <li>sourcedir (attribute)</li> * <li>sourcedirref (attribute)</li> * <li>suitename (attribute)</li> * <li>suiterunnerclass (attribute)</li> * <li>target (attribute)</li> * <li>testjar (attribute)</li> * <li>testname (attribute)</li> * <li>threadcount (attribute)</li> * <li>dataproviderthreadcount (attribute)</li> * <li>verbose (attribute)</li> * <li>testrunfactory (attribute)</li> * <li>configFailurepolicy (attribute)</li> * * </ul> * * Ant settings: * <ul> * <li>classpath (inner)</li> * <li>classpathref (attribute)</li> * <li>jvm (attribute)</li> * <li>workingDir (attribute)</li> * <li>env (inner)</li> * <li>sysproperty (inner)</li> * <li>propertyset (inner)</li> * <li>jvmarg (inner)</li> * <li>timeout (attribute)</li> * <li>haltonfailure (attribute)</li> * <li>onHaltTarget (attribute)</li> * <li>failureProperty (attribute)</li> * <li>haltonFSP (attribute)</li> * <li>FSPproperty (attribute)</li> * <li>haltonskipped (attribute)</li> * <li>skippedProperty (attribute)</li> * <li>testRunnerFactory (attribute)</li> * </ul> * * Debug information: * <ul> * <li>dumpCommand (boolean)</li> * <li>dumpEnv (boolean)</li> * <li>dumpSys (boolean)</li> * </ul> * * @author <a href="">Alexandru Popescu</a> * @author Cedric Beust */ public class TestNGAntTask extends Task { protected CommandlineJava m_javaCommand; protected List<FileSet> m_xmlFilesets= Lists.newArrayList(); protected List<FileSet> m_classFilesets= Lists.newArrayList(); protected File m_outputDir; protected File m_testjar; protected File m_workingDir; private Integer m_timeout; protected Boolean m_isJUnit; private List<String> m_listeners= Lists.newArrayList(); private String m_objectFactory; protected String m_testRunnerFactory; private boolean m_delegateCommandSystemProperties = false; protected Environment m_environment= new Environment(); /** The suite runner name (defaults to TestNG.class.getName(). */ protected String m_mainClass = TestNG.class.getName(); /** True if the temporary file created by the Ant Task for command line parameters * to TestNG should be preserved after execution. */ protected boolean m_dump; private boolean m_dumpEnv; private boolean m_dumpSys; protected boolean m_assertEnabled= true; protected boolean m_haltOnFailure; protected String m_onHaltTarget; protected String m_failurePropertyName; protected boolean m_haltOnSkipped; protected String m_skippedPropertyName; protected boolean m_haltOnFSP; protected String m_fspPropertyName; protected String m_includedGroups; protected String m_excludedGroups; protected String m_parallelMode; protected String m_threadCount; protected String m_dataproviderthreadCount; protected String m_configFailurePolicy; public String m_useDefaultListeners; private String m_suiteName="Ant suite"; private String m_testName="Ant test"; private Boolean m_skipFailedInvocationCounts; private String m_methods; /** * The list of report listeners added via <reporter> sub-element of the Ant task */ private List<ReporterConfig> reporterConfigs = Lists.newArrayList(); private String m_testNames = ""; public void setParallel(String parallel) { m_parallelMode= parallel; } public void setThreadCount(String threadCount) { m_threadCount= threadCount; } public void setDataProviderThreadCount(String dataproviderthreadCount) { m_dataproviderthreadCount = dataproviderthreadCount; } public void setUseDefaultListeners(String f) { m_useDefaultListeners= f; } // Ant task settings public void setHaltonfailure(boolean value) { m_haltOnFailure= value; } public void setOnHaltTarget(String targetName) { m_onHaltTarget= targetName; } public void setFailureProperty(String propertyName) { m_failurePropertyName= propertyName; } public void setHaltonskipped(boolean value) { m_haltOnSkipped= value; } public void setSkippedProperty(String propertyName) { m_skippedPropertyName= propertyName; } public void setHaltonFSP(boolean value) { m_haltOnFSP= value; } public void setFSPProperty(String propertyName) { m_fspPropertyName= propertyName; } public void setDelegateCommandSystemProperties(boolean value){ m_delegateCommandSystemProperties = value; } /** * Sets the flag to log the command line. When verbose is set to true * the command line parameters are stored in a temporary file stored * in the user's default temporary file directory. The file created is * prefixed with "testng". */ public void setDumpCommand(boolean verbose) { m_dump = verbose; } /** * Sets the flag to write on <code>System.out</code> the Ant * Environment properties. * * @param verbose <tt>true</tt> for printing */ public void setDumpEnv(boolean verbose) { m_dumpEnv= verbose; } /** * Sets te flag to write on <code>System.out</code> the system properties. * @param verbose <tt>true</tt> for dumping the info */ public void setDumpSys(boolean verbose) { m_dumpSys= verbose; } public void setEnableAssert(boolean flag) { m_assertEnabled= flag; } /** * The directory to invoke the VM in. * @param workingDir the directory to invoke the JVM from. */ public void setWorkingDir(File workingDir) { m_workingDir= workingDir; } /** * Sets a particular JVM to be used. Default is 'java' and is solved * by <code>Runtime.exec()</code>. * * @param jvm the new jvm */ public void setJvm(String jvm) { getJavaCommand().setVm(jvm); } /** * Set the timeout value (in milliseconds). * * <p>If the tests are running for more than this value, the tests * will be canceled. * * </p> * @param value the maximum time (in milliseconds) allowed before declaring the test as 'timed-out' */ public void setTimeout(Integer value) { m_timeout= value; } public Commandline.Argument createJvmarg() { return getJavaCommand().createVmArgument(); } public void addSysproperty(Environment.Variable sysp) { getJavaCommand().addSysproperty(sysp); } /** * Adds an environment variable; used when forking. */ public void addEnv(Environment.Variable var) { m_environment.addVariable(var); } /** * Adds path to classpath used for tests. * * @return reference to the classpath in the embedded java command line */ public Path createClasspath() { return getJavaCommand().createClasspath(getProject()).createPath(); } /** * Adds a path to the bootclasspath. * @return reference to the bootclasspath in the embedded java command line */ public Path createBootclasspath() { return getJavaCommand().createBootclasspath(getProject()).createPath(); } /** * Set the classpath to be used when running the Java class * * @param s an Ant Path object containing the classpath. */ public void setClasspath(Path s) { createClasspath().append(s); } /** * Classpath to use, by reference. * * @param r a reference to an existing classpath */ public void setClasspathRef(Reference r) { createClasspath().setRefid(r); } public void addXmlfileset(FileSet fs) { m_xmlFilesets.add(fs); } public void setXmlfilesetRef(Reference ref) { m_xmlFilesets.add(createFileSet(ref)); } public void addClassfileset(FileSet fs) { m_classFilesets.add(appendClassSelector(fs)); } public void setClassfilesetRef(Reference ref) { m_classFilesets.add(createFileSet(ref)); } public void setTestNames(String testNames) { m_testNames = testNames; } /** * Sets the suite runner class to invoke * @param s the name of the suite runner class */ public void setSuiteRunnerClass(String s) { m_mainClass= s; } /** * Sets the suite name * @param s the name of the suite */ public void setSuiteName(String s) { m_suiteName= s; } /** * Sets the test name * @param s the name of the test */ public void setTestName(String s) { m_testName= s; } // TestNG settings public void setJUnit(boolean value) { m_isJUnit= Boolean.valueOf(value); } /** * Sets the test output directory * @param dir the name of directory */ public void setOutputDir(File dir) { m_outputDir= dir; } /** * Sets the test jar * @param s the name of test jar */ public void setTestJar(File s) { m_testjar= s; } public void setGroups(String groups) { m_includedGroups= groups; } public void setExcludedGroups(String groups) { m_excludedGroups= groups; } private Integer m_verbose= null; private Integer m_suiteThreadPoolSize; public void setVerbose(Integer verbose) { m_verbose= verbose; } public void setReporter(String listener) { m_listeners.add(listener); } public void setObjectFactory(String className) { m_objectFactory = className; } public void setTestRunnerFactory(String testRunnerFactory) { m_testRunnerFactory = testRunnerFactory; } public void setSuiteThreadPoolSize(Integer n) { m_suiteThreadPoolSize = n; } /** * @deprecated Use "listeners" */ @Deprecated public void setListener(String listener) { m_listeners.add(listener); } public void setListeners(String listeners) { StringTokenizer st= new StringTokenizer(listeners, " ,"); while(st.hasMoreTokens()) { m_listeners.add(st.nextToken()); } } public void setConfigFailurePolicy(String failurePolicy) { m_configFailurePolicy = failurePolicy; } public void setMethods(String methods) { m_methods = methods; } /** * Launches TestNG in a new JVM. * * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void execute() throws BuildException { validateOptions(); CommandlineJava cmd = getJavaCommand(); cmd.setClassname(m_mainClass); List<String> argv= Lists.newArrayList(); if (null != m_isJUnit) { if(m_isJUnit.booleanValue()) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.JUNIT); } } if (null != m_skipFailedInvocationCounts) { if(m_skipFailedInvocationCounts.booleanValue()) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.SKIP_FAILED_INVOCATION_COUNTS); } } if (m_delegateCommandSystemProperties) { delegateCommandSystemProperties(); } if(null != m_verbose) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.LOG); argv.add(m_verbose.toString()); } if(m_assertEnabled) { cmd.createVmArgument().setValue("-ea"); } if(m_useDefaultListeners != null) { String useDefaultListeners = "false"; if ("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(m_useDefaultListeners) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(m_useDefaultListeners)) { useDefaultListeners = "true"; } argv.add(CommandLineArgs.USE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS); argv.add(useDefaultListeners); } if((null != m_outputDir)) { if(!m_outputDir.exists()) { m_outputDir.mkdirs(); } if(m_outputDir.isDirectory()) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); argv.add(m_outputDir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { throw new BuildException("Output directory is not a directory: " + m_outputDir); } } if((null != m_testjar) && m_testjar.isFile()) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.TEST_JAR); argv.add(m_testjar.getAbsolutePath()); } if((null != m_includedGroups) && !"".equals(m_includedGroups)) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.GROUPS); argv.add(m_includedGroups); } if((null != m_excludedGroups) && !"".equals(m_excludedGroups)) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.EXCLUDED_GROUPS); argv.add(m_excludedGroups); } if (m_classFilesets.size() > 0) { List<String> files = fileset(m_classFilesets); if (files.size() > 0) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.TEST_CLASS); StringBuffer testClasses = new StringBuffer(); for (String file : files) { testClasses.append(file); testClasses.append(','); } testClasses.setLength(testClasses.length() - 1); argv.add(testClasses.toString()); } } if(m_listeners != null && m_listeners.size() > 0) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.LISTENER); StringBuffer listeners= new StringBuffer(); for(int i= 0; i < m_listeners.size(); i++) { listeners.append(m_listeners.get(i)); if(i < m_listeners.size() - 1) listeners.append(';'); } argv.add(listeners.toString()); } if(m_objectFactory != null) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.OBJECT_FACTORY); argv.add(m_objectFactory); } if (m_testRunnerFactory != null) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.TEST_RUNNER_FACTORY); argv.add(m_testRunnerFactory); } if(m_parallelMode != null) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.PARALLEL); argv.add(m_parallelMode); } if (m_configFailurePolicy != null) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.CONFIG_FAILURE_POLICY); argv.add(m_configFailurePolicy); } if(m_threadCount != null) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.THREAD_COUNT); argv.add(m_threadCount); } if(m_dataproviderthreadCount != null) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.DATA_PROVIDER_THREAD_COUNT); argv.add(m_dataproviderthreadCount); } if(!"".equals(m_suiteName)) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.SUITE_NAME); argv.add(m_suiteName); } if(!"".equals(m_testName)) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.TEST_NAME); argv.add(m_testName); } if (! Utils.isStringEmpty(m_testNames)) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.TEST_NAMES); argv.add(m_testNames); } if (! Utils.isStringEmpty(m_methods)) { argv.add("-methods"); argv.add(m_methods); } if (!reporterConfigs.isEmpty()) { for (ReporterConfig reporterConfig : reporterConfigs) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.REPORTER); argv.add(reporterConfig.serialize()); } } if (m_suiteThreadPoolSize != null) { argv.add(CommandLineArgs.SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE); argv.add(m_suiteThreadPoolSize.toString()); } if(m_xmlFilesets.size() > 0) { for(String file : fileset(m_xmlFilesets)) { argv.add(file); } } String fileName= ""; FileWriter fw= null; BufferedWriter bw= null; try { File f= File.createTempFile("testng", ""); fileName= f.getAbsolutePath(); // If the user asked to see the command, preserve the file if(!m_dump) { f.deleteOnExit(); } fw= new FileWriter(f); bw= new BufferedWriter(fw); for(String arg : argv) { bw.write(arg); bw.newLine(); } bw.flush(); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if(bw != null) { bw.close(); } if(fw != null) { fw.close(); } } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } printDebugInfo(fileName); createClasspath().setLocation(findJar()); cmd.createArgument().setValue("@" + fileName); ExecuteWatchdog watchdog= createWatchdog(); boolean wasKilled= false; int exitValue= executeAsForked(cmd, watchdog); if(null != watchdog) { wasKilled= watchdog.killedProcess(); } actOnResult(exitValue, wasKilled); } private void delegateCommandSystemProperties() { // Iterate over command-line args and pass them through as sysproperty // exclude any built-in properties that start with "ant." for (Object propKey : getProject().getUserProperties().keySet()) { String propName = (String) propKey; String propVal = getProject().getUserProperty(propName); if (propName.startsWith("ant.")) { log("Excluding ant property: " + propName + ": " + propVal, Project.MSG_DEBUG); } else { log("Including user property: " + propName + ": " + propVal, Project.MSG_DEBUG); Environment.Variable var = new Environment.Variable(); var.setKey(propName); var.setValue(propVal); addSysproperty(var); } } } private void printDebugInfo(String fileName) { if(m_dumpSys) { System.out.println("* SYSTEM PROPERTIES *"); Properties props= System.getProperties(); Enumeration en= props.propertyNames(); while(en.hasMoreElements()) { String key= (String) en.nextElement(); System.out.println(key + ": " + props.getProperty(key)); } System.out.println(""); } if(m_dumpEnv) { String[] vars= m_environment.getVariables(); if(null != vars && vars.length > 0) { System.out.println("* ENVIRONMENT *"); for(String v: vars) { System.out.println(v); } System.out.println(""); } } if(m_dump) { dumpCommand(fileName); } } private void ppp(String string) { System.out.println("[TestNGAntTask] " + string); } protected void actOnResult(int exitValue, boolean wasKilled) { if(exitValue == -1) { executeHaltTarget(exitValue); throw new BuildException("an error occured when running TestNG tests"); } if((exitValue & TestNG.HAS_NO_TEST) == TestNG.HAS_NO_TEST) { if(m_haltOnFailure) { executeHaltTarget(exitValue); throw new BuildException("No tests were run"); } else { if(null != m_failurePropertyName) { getProject().setNewProperty(m_failurePropertyName, "true"); } log("TestNG haven't found any tests to be run", Project.MSG_DEBUG); } } boolean failed= ((exitValue & TestNG.HAS_FAILURE) == TestNG.HAS_FAILURE) || wasKilled; if(failed) { final String msg= wasKilled ? "The tests timed out and were killed." : "The tests failed."; if(m_haltOnFailure) { executeHaltTarget(exitValue); throw new BuildException(msg); } else { if(null != m_failurePropertyName) { getProject().setNewProperty(m_failurePropertyName, "true"); } log(msg, Project.MSG_INFO); } } if((exitValue & TestNG.HAS_SKIPPED) == TestNG.HAS_SKIPPED) { if(m_haltOnSkipped) { executeHaltTarget(exitValue); throw new BuildException("There are TestNG SKIPPED tests"); } else { if(null != m_skippedPropertyName) { getProject().setNewProperty(m_skippedPropertyName, "true"); } log("There are TestNG SKIPPED tests", Project.MSG_DEBUG); } } if((exitValue & TestNG.HAS_FSP) == TestNG.HAS_FSP) { if(m_haltOnFSP) { executeHaltTarget(exitValue); throw new BuildException("There are TestNG FAILED WITHIN SUCCESS PERCENTAGE tests"); } else { if(null != m_fspPropertyName) { getProject().setNewProperty(m_fspPropertyName, "true"); } log("There are TestNG FAILED WITHIN SUCCESS PERCENTAGE tests", Project.MSG_DEBUG); } } } /** Executes the target, if any, that user designates executing before failing the test */ private void executeHaltTarget(int exitValue) { if(m_onHaltTarget != null) { if(m_outputDir != null) { getProject().setProperty("testng.outputdir", m_outputDir.getAbsolutePath()); } getProject().setProperty("testng.returncode", String.valueOf(exitValue)); Target t= (Target) getProject().getTargets().get(m_onHaltTarget); if(t != null) { t.execute(); } } } /** * Executes the command line as a new process. * * @param cmd the command to execute * @param watchdog * @return the exit status of the subprocess or INVALID. */ protected int executeAsForked(CommandlineJava cmd, ExecuteWatchdog watchdog) { Execute execute= new Execute(new LogStreamHandler(this, Project.MSG_INFO, Project.MSG_WARN), watchdog); execute.setCommandline(cmd.getCommandline()); execute.setAntRun(getProject()); if(m_workingDir != null) { if(m_workingDir.exists() && m_workingDir.isDirectory()) { execute.setWorkingDirectory(m_workingDir); } else { log("Ignoring invalid working directory : " + m_workingDir, Project.MSG_WARN); } } String[] environment= m_environment.getVariables(); if(null != environment) { for(String envEntry : environment) { log("Setting environment variable: " + envEntry, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } } execute.setEnvironment(environment); log(cmd.describeCommand(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); int retVal; try { retVal= execute.execute(); } catch(IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Process fork failed.", e, getLocation()); } return retVal; } /** * Creates or returns the already created <CODE>CommandlineJava</CODE>. */ protected CommandlineJava getJavaCommand() { if(null == m_javaCommand) { m_javaCommand = new CommandlineJava(); } return m_javaCommand; } /** * @return <tt>null</tt> if there is no timeout value, otherwise the * watchdog instance. * * @throws BuildException under unspecified circumstances * @since Ant 1.2 */ protected ExecuteWatchdog createWatchdog() /*throws BuildException*/ { if(m_timeout == null) { return null; } return new ExecuteWatchdog(m_timeout.longValue()); } protected void validateOptions() throws BuildException { if (m_xmlFilesets.size() == 0 && m_classFilesets.size() == 0 && Utils.isStringEmpty(m_methods) && ((null == m_testjar) || !m_testjar.isFile())) { throw new BuildException("No suites, classes, methods or jar file was specified."); } if((null != m_includedGroups) && (m_classFilesets.size() == 0 && m_xmlFilesets.size() == 0)) { throw new BuildException("No class filesets or xml file sets specified while using groups"); } if(m_onHaltTarget != null) { if(!getProject().getTargets().containsKey(m_onHaltTarget)) { throw new BuildException("Target " + m_onHaltTarget + " not found in this project"); } } } private FileSet createFileSet(Reference ref) { FileSet fs= new FileSet(); fs.setRefid(ref); fs.setProject(getProject()); return fs; } private FileSet appendClassSelector(FileSet fs) { FilenameSelector selector= new FilenameSelector(); selector.setName("**/*.class"); selector.setProject(getProject()); fs.appendSelector(selector); return fs; } private File findJar() { Class thisClass= getClass(); String resource= thisClass.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL url= thisClass.getClassLoader().getResource(resource); if(null != url) { String u= url.toString(); if(u.startsWith("jar:file:")) { int pling= u.indexOf("!"); String jarName= u.substring(4, pling); return new File(fromURI(jarName)); } else if(u.startsWith("file:")) { int tail= u.indexOf(resource); String dirName= u.substring(0, tail); return new File(fromURI(dirName)); } } return null; } private String fromURI(String uri) { URL url= null; try { url= new URL(uri); } catch(MalformedURLException murle) { } if((null == url) || !("file".equals(url.getProtocol()))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only handle valid file: URIs"); } StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer(url.getHost()); if(buf.length() > 0) { buf.insert(0, File.separatorChar).insert(0, File.separatorChar); } String file= url.getFile(); int queryPos= file.indexOf('?'); buf.append((queryPos < 0) ? file : file.substring(0, queryPos)); uri= buf.toString().replace('/', File.separatorChar); if((File.pathSeparatorChar == ';') && uri.startsWith("\\") && (uri.length() > 2) && Character.isLetter(uri.charAt(1)) && (uri.lastIndexOf(':') > -1)) { uri= uri.substring(1); } StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer(); CharacterIterator iter= new StringCharacterIterator(uri); for(char c= iter.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c= { if(c == '%') { char c1=; if(c1 != CharacterIterator.DONE) { int i1= Character.digit(c1, 16); char c2=; if(c2 != CharacterIterator.DONE) { int i2= Character.digit(c2, 16); sb.append((char) ((i1 << 4) + i2)); } } } else { sb.append(c); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns the list of files corresponding to the filesets * * @param filesets * @return the list of files corresponding to the filesets * @throws BuildException */ private List<String> fileset(List<FileSet> filesets) throws BuildException { List<String> files= Lists.newArrayList(); for(Iterator<FileSet> iterator= filesets.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { FileSet fileset=; DirectoryScanner ds= fileset.getDirectoryScanner(getProject()); for(String file : ds.getIncludedFiles()) { files.add(ds.getBasedir() + File.separator + file); } } return files; } /** * Adds double quotes to the command line argument if it contains spaces. * @param pCommandLineArg the command line argument * @return pCommandLineArg in double quotes if it contains space. * */ private static String doubleQuote(String pCommandLineArg) { if(pCommandLineArg.indexOf(" ") != -1 && !(pCommandLineArg.startsWith("\"") && pCommandLineArg.endsWith("\""))) { return "\"" + pCommandLineArg + '\"'; } return pCommandLineArg; } /** * Creates a string representation of the path. */ private String createPathString(Path path, String sep) { if(path == null) { return null; } final StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer(); for(int i= 0; i < path.list().length; i++) { File file= getProject().resolveFile(path.list()[i]); if(!file.exists()) { log("Classpath entry not found: " + file, Project.MSG_WARN); } buf.append(file.getAbsolutePath()).append(sep); } if(path.list().length > 0) { // cut the last ; buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); } return buf.toString(); } private void dumpCommand(String fileName) { ppp("TESTNG PASSED @" + fileName + " WHICH CONTAINS:"); readAndPrintFile(fileName); } private void readAndPrintFile(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { System.out.println(" " + line); line = br.readLine(); } } catch(IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void addConfiguredReporter(ReporterConfig reporterConfig) { reporterConfigs.add(reporterConfig); } public void setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(boolean skip) { m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = Boolean.valueOf(skip); } /** * Add the referenced property set as system properties for the TestNG JVM. * * @param sysPropertySet A PropertySet of system properties. */ public void addConfiguredPropertySet(PropertySet sysPropertySet) { Properties properties = sysPropertySet.getProperties(); log(properties.keySet().size() + " properties found in nested propertyset", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); for (Object propKeyObj : properties.keySet()) { String propKey = (String) propKeyObj; Environment.Variable sysProp = new Environment.Variable(); sysProp.setKey(propKey); if (properties.get(propKey) instanceof String) { String propVal = (String) properties.get(propKey); sysProp.setValue(propVal); getJavaCommand().addSysproperty(sysProp); log("Added system property " + propKey + " with value " + propVal, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } else { log("Ignoring non-String property " + propKey, Project.MSG_WARN); } } } }