package; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyFactory; import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Indexed; import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Unindexed; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.TypeUtils; /** * <p>Base class for EmbeddedArrayFieldSaver and EmbeddedCollectionFieldSaver * that handles most of the logic. The subclasses need only understand how to * get the component type and how to make an iterator.</p> */ abstract public class EmbeddedMultivalueFieldSaver extends FieldSaver { /** Used to actually save the object in the field */ ClassSaver classSaver; /** * @param field must be an array type * @param collectionize must always be false because we cannot nest embedded arrays * or collections. This parameter is here so that it is always passed in the code, * never forgotten, and will always generate the appropriate runtime error. */ public EmbeddedMultivalueFieldSaver(ObjectifyFactory fact, String pathPrefix, Class<?> examinedClass, Field field, boolean collectionize) { super(pathPrefix, examinedClass, field, collectionize); if (collectionize) throw new IllegalStateException("You cannot nest multiple @Embedded arrays or collections. A second was found at " + field); boolean ignoreClassIndexingAnnotations = this.field.isAnnotationPresent(Indexed.class) || this.field.isAnnotationPresent(Unindexed.class); // Now we collectionize everything on down // We use our indexed state to define everything below us this.classSaver = new ClassSaver(fact, this.path, this.getComponentType(), ignoreClassIndexingAnnotations, true); } /** Gets the component type of the field */ abstract protected Class<?> getComponentType(); /** Gets an iterator from the array or collection passed in */ abstract protected Collection<Object> asCollection(Object arrayOrCollection); /* (non-Javadoc) * @see,, boolean) */ @Override final public void saveValue(Object value, Entity entity, boolean index) { Object arrayOrCollection = value; if (arrayOrCollection == null) { // We currently ignore null arrays or collections // COLLECTION STATE TRACKING: We could track this state in an out-of-band property. // TypeUtils.saveStateProperty(entity, this.path, null); } else { Collection<Object> pojos = this.asCollection(arrayOrCollection); if (pojos.isEmpty()) { // We currently ignore empty arrays or collections // COLLECTION STATE TRACKING: We could track this state in an out-of-band property. // TypeUtils.saveStateProperty(entity, this.path, 0); } else { // We track any nulls and store their indexes. We put this list of indexes // into a collection and store it in an out-of-band property. List<Integer> nullIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int which = 0; for (Object embeddedPojo: pojos) { if (embeddedPojo == null) { nullIndexes.add(which); } else {, entity, index); } which++; } if (!nullIndexes.isEmpty()) TypeUtils.setNullIndexes(entity, this.path, nullIndexes); } } } }