package com.googlecode.objectify.impl; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyFactory; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.TypeUtils.FieldMetadata; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.TypeUtils.MethodMetadata; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.load.EmbeddedArraySetter; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.load.EmbeddedClassSetter; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.load.EmbeddedCollectionSetter; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.load.EmbeddedMultivalueSetter; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.load.EmbeddedNullIndexSetter; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.load.LeafSetter; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.load.RootSetter; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.load.Setter; import; /** * <p>Class which knows how to load data from Entity to POJO and save data from POJO to Entity.</p> * * <p>Note that this class completely ignores @Id and @Parent fields.</p> * * <p>To understand this code, you must first understand that a "leaf" value is anything that * can be put into the datastore in a single property. Simple types like String, and Enum, * and Key are leaf nodes, but so are Collections and arrays of these basic types. @Embedded * values are nonleaf - they branch the persistance graph, producing multiple properties in a * datastore Entity.</p> * * <p>Also realize that there are two separate dimensions to understand. Misunderstanding * the two related graphs will make this code very confusing:</p> * <ul> * <li>There is a class graph, which branches at @Embedded classes (either simple fields * or array/collection fields). The static analysis code that builds Setters and Savers * must traverse this graph.</li> * <li>There is an object graph, which branches at @Embedded arrays. The runtime execution * code must traverse this graph when setting and saving entities.</li> * </ul> * * <p>The core structures that operate at runtime are Setters (for loading datastore Entities into * typed pojos) and Savers (for saving the fields of typed pojos into datastore Entities). They are * NOT parallel hierarchies, and they work very differently:</p> * <ul> * <li>When loading, Transmog <em>iterates</em> through the properties of an Entity and for each one calls a Setter * that knows how to set this property somewhere deep in the object graph of a typed pojo. In the case * of @Embedded arrays and collections, this single collection datastore value will set multipel * values in the pojo. The core data structure is {@code rootSetters}, a map of entity property * name to a Setter which knows what to do with that data.</li> * <li>When saving, Transmog <em>recurses</em> through the class structure of a pojo (and any embedded objects), calling * all relevant Savers to populate the datastore Entity. The core data structure is {@code rootSaver}, which * understands the whole pojo object graph and knows how to translate it into a number of properties * on the Entity.</li> * </ul> * * @author Jeff Schnitzer <> */ public class Transmog<T> { /** Needed to convert Key types */ ObjectifyFactory factory; /** Useful to have around for error logging purposes */ Class<T> clazz; /** Maps full "blah.blah.blah" property name to a particular Setter implementation */ Map<String, Setter> rootSetters = new HashMap<String, Setter>(); /** The root saver that knows how to persist an object of type T */ ClassSaver rootSaver; /** * <p>Object which visits various levels of the pojo class graph does two things: * <ol> * <li>Builds up the rootSetters map in {@code rootSetters}.</li> * <li>Validates the structure of the pojo.</li> * </ol> * * <p>This visitor does not have *anything* to do with Savers, which are built up * separately in a different pass. This is the inherent nature of the beast.</p> */ class Visitor { Setter setterChain; String prefix; // starts null for root boolean embedded; Set<String> fieldPathsUsed; Set<String> methodPathsUsed; /** Constructs a visitor for a top-level entity */ public Visitor() { this.setterChain = new RootSetter(); this.fieldPathsUsed = new HashSet<String>(); this.methodPathsUsed = new HashSet<String>(); } /** * Constructs a visitor for an embedded object. * @param setterChain is the root of the setter chain */ public Visitor(Setter setterChain, String prefix, Set<String> fieldPathsUsed, Set<String> methodPathsUsed) { this.setterChain = setterChain; this.prefix = prefix; this.embedded = true; this.fieldPathsUsed = fieldPathsUsed; this.methodPathsUsed = methodPathsUsed; } /** * Creates a set of Setters for the class (and parent/embedded classes) in the * Transmog.rootSetters collection * * @param clazz is the class to inspect */ public void visitClass(Class<?> clazz) { // Only good fields come back from this method call List<FieldMetadata> fields = TypeUtils.getPesistentFields(clazz); for (FieldMetadata meta: fields) this.visitField(meta.field, meta.names); // Only good methods come back from this method call List<MethodMetadata> methods = TypeUtils.getAlsoLoadMethods(clazz); for (MethodMetadata meta: methods) this.visitMethod(meta.method, meta.names); } /** * @param method must be a proper @AlsoLoad method. * @param names are all the property names which should be used to call the method */ void visitMethod(Method method, Collection<String> names) { List<String> paths = this.namesToPaths(names); for (String path: paths) { List<String> collisions = makeCollisions(paths, path); LeafSetter setter = new LeafSetter(factory, new MethodWrapper(method), collisions); this.addRootSetter(path, setter, true); } } /** * Check out a field. Note that only leaf fields (ie, non-embedded) complete a Setter * chain and thus result in one getting added to the rootSetters. Until then all Setter * chains are in limbo. * * @param field must be a proper persistable field. */ void visitField(Field field, Collection<String> names) { List<String> paths = this.namesToPaths(names); if (TypeUtils.isEmbedded(field)) { if (field.getType().isArray()) { Class<?> visitType = field.getType().getComponentType(); for (String path: paths) { List<String> collisions = makeCollisions(paths, path); EmbeddedMultivalueSetter setter = new EmbeddedArraySetter(field, path, collisions); this.addNullIndexSetter(setter, path, collisions); Visitor visitor = new Visitor(this.setterChain.extend(setter), path, this.fieldPathsUsed, this.methodPathsUsed); visitor.visitClass(visitType); } } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) { Class<?> visitType = TypeUtils.getComponentType(field.getType(), field.getGenericType()); for (String path: paths) { List<String> collisions = makeCollisions(paths, path); EmbeddedMultivalueSetter setter = new EmbeddedCollectionSetter(field, path, collisions); this.addNullIndexSetter(setter, path, collisions); Visitor visitor = new Visitor(this.setterChain.extend(setter), path, this.fieldPathsUsed, this.methodPathsUsed); visitor.visitClass(visitType); } } else // basic class { Class<?> visitType = field.getType(); for (String path: paths) { List<String> collisions = makeCollisions(paths, path); Setter setter = new EmbeddedClassSetter(field, collisions); Visitor visitor = new Visitor(this.setterChain.extend(setter), path, this.fieldPathsUsed, this.methodPathsUsed); visitor.visitClass(visitType); } } } else // not embedded, so we're at a leaf object (including arrays and collections of basic types) { for (String path: paths) { List<String> collisions = makeCollisions(paths, path); LeafSetter setter = new LeafSetter(factory, new FieldWrapper(field), collisions); this.addRootSetter(path, setter, false); } } } /** * Translates names to paths based on the current path prefix. */ private List<String> namesToPaths(Collection<String> names) { List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String name: names) paths.add(TypeUtils.extendPropertyPath(this.prefix, name)); return paths; } /** * Make the list of collisions given the paths without the path; return null * if there is only one path (no collisions). Note that the return type * is always a list because at runtime we want fast iteration. */ private List<String> makeCollisions(Collection<String> paths, String forPath) { if (paths.size() > 1) { List<String> collisions = new ArrayList<String>(paths.size()-1); for (String path: paths) if (!path.equals(forPath)) collisions.add(path); return collisions; } else { return null; } } /** * Embedded collections need a null index setter to handle the case of an all-null * collection. */ void addNullIndexSetter(EmbeddedMultivalueSetter setter, String path, Collection<String> collisionPaths) { EmbeddedNullIndexSetter nes = new EmbeddedNullIndexSetter(setter, path, collisionPaths); this.addRootSetter(TypeUtils.getNullIndexPath(path), nes, false); } /** * Takes a final leaf setter, extends the setter chain so far, and * Adds a final leaf setter to the setters collection. * @param fullPath is the whole "blah.blah.blah" path for this property * @param method is true if this is setting a method, false if setting a field */ void addRootSetter(String fullPath, Setter setter, boolean method) { if (method) { if (this.methodPathsUsed.contains(fullPath)) throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to create multiple associations on " + clazz + " for " + fullPath); else this.methodPathsUsed.add(fullPath); } else { if (this.fieldPathsUsed.contains(fullPath) || this.methodPathsUsed.contains(fullPath)) throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to create multiple associations on " + clazz + " for " + fullPath); else this.fieldPathsUsed.add(fullPath); } // Extend and strip off the unnecessary (at runtime) SetterRoot Setter chain = this.setterChain.extend(setter).getNext(); rootSetters.put(fullPath, chain); } } /** * Creats a transmog for the specified class, introspecting it and discovering * how to load/save its properties. */ public Transmog(ObjectifyFactory fact, Class<T> clazz) { this.factory = fact; this.clazz = clazz; // This creates the setters in the rootSetters collection and validates the pojo new Visitor().visitClass(clazz); // Construction of the savers is relatively straighforward this.rootSaver = new ClassSaver(fact, clazz); } /** * Loads the property data in an Entity into a POJO. Does not affect id/parent * (ie key) fields; those are assumed to already have been set. * * @param fromEntity is a raw datastore entity * @param toPojo is your typed entity */ public void load(Entity fromEntity, T toPojo) { LoadContext context = new LoadContext(toPojo, fromEntity); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> property: fromEntity.getProperties().entrySet()) { Setter setter = this.rootSetters.get(property.getKey()); if (setter != null) setter.set(toPojo, property.getValue(), context); } context.done(); } /** * Saves the fields of a POJO into the properties of an Entity. Does not affect id/parent * (ie key) fields; those are assumed to already have been set. * * @param fromPojo is your typed entity * @param toEntity is a raw datastore entity */ public void save(T fromPojo, Entity toEntity) { // The default is to index all fields, toEntity, true); } }