package; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyFactory; import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Indexed; import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Unindexed; import com.googlecode.objectify.condition.Always; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.TypeUtils; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.TypeUtils.FieldMetadata; /** * <p>Save which discovers how to save a class, either root pojo or embedded.</p> */ public class ClassSaver implements Saver { /** Classes are composed of fields, each of which could be a LeafSaver or an EmbeddedArraySaver etc */ List<Saver> fieldSavers = new ArrayList<Saver>(); /** If this is non-null, it means we have a value that should override the current save mode */ Boolean indexed; /** * Creates a ClassSaver for a root entity pojo class. If nothing is specified otherwise, all * fields default to indexed */ public ClassSaver(ObjectifyFactory factory, Class<?> rootClazz) { this(factory, null, rootClazz, false, false); } /** * @param pathPrefix is the entity path to this class, ie "field1.field2" for an embedded field1 containing a field2 * of the type of this class. The root pathPrefix is null. * @param clazz is the class we want to save. * @param ignoreIndexingAnnotations will cause the saver to ignore the @Indexed or @Unindexed annotations on the class * @param collectionize causes all leaf setters to create and append to a simple list of * values rather than to set the value directly. After we hit an embedded array or * an embedded collection, all subsequent savers are collectionized. */ public ClassSaver(ObjectifyFactory factory, String pathPrefix, Class<?> clazz, boolean ignoreIndexingAnnotations, boolean collectionize) { Indexed indexedAnn = clazz.getAnnotation(Indexed.class); Unindexed unindexedAnn = clazz.getAnnotation(Unindexed.class); if (indexedAnn != null && unindexedAnn != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot have @Indexed and @Unindexed on the same class: " + clazz.getName()); if (indexedAnn != null && (indexedAnn.value().length != 1 || indexedAnn.value()[0] != Always.class) || unindexedAnn != null && (unindexedAnn.value().length != 1 || unindexedAnn.value()[0] != Always.class)) throw new IllegalStateException("Class-level @Indexed and @Unindexed annotations cannot have If conditions: " + clazz.getName()); // If we aren't ignoring our annotations we're an embedded class and the // field had an indexing annotation, we can look at our own indexing annotations. if (!ignoreIndexingAnnotations) { if (indexedAnn != null) this.indexed = true; else if (unindexedAnn != null) this.indexed = false; } List<FieldMetadata> fields = TypeUtils.getPesistentFields(clazz); for (FieldMetadata metadata: fields) { Field field = metadata.field; if (TypeUtils.isEmbedded(field)) { if (field.getType().isArray()) { Saver saver = new EmbeddedArrayFieldSaver(factory, pathPrefix, clazz, field, collectionize); this.fieldSavers.add(saver); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) { Saver saver = new EmbeddedCollectionFieldSaver(factory, pathPrefix, clazz, field, collectionize); this.fieldSavers.add(saver); } else // basic class { Saver saver = new EmbeddedClassFieldSaver(factory, pathPrefix, clazz, field, collectionize); this.fieldSavers.add(saver); } } else // not embedded, so we're at a leaf object (including arrays and collections of basic types) { // Add a leaf saver Saver saver = new LeafFieldSaver(factory, pathPrefix, clazz, field, collectionize); this.fieldSavers.add(saver); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.googlecode.objectify.impl.Saver#save(java.lang.Object, */ @Override public void save(Object pojo, Entity entity, boolean index) { if (this.indexed != null) index = this.indexed; for (Saver fieldSaver: this.fieldSavers), entity, index); } }