package com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object; import com.intellectualcrafters.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PS; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Configuration; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.ConfigurationNode; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Settings; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.Flag; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.FlagManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.Flags; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.GridPlotWorld; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.IndependentPlotGenerator; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.EconHandler; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.EventUtil; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.MainUtil; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.MathMan; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.PlotGameMode; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.StringMan; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.area.QuadMap; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.block.GlobalBlockQueue; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.block.LocalBlockQueue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * @author Jesse Boyd */ public abstract class PlotArea { public final String worldname; public final String id; public final PlotManager manager; public final int worldhash; private final PlotId min; private final PlotId max; protected final ConcurrentHashMap<PlotId, Plot> plots = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final IndependentPlotGenerator generator; public int MAX_PLOT_MEMBERS = 128; public boolean AUTO_MERGE = false; public boolean ALLOW_SIGNS = true; public boolean MISC_SPAWN_UNOWNED = false; public boolean MOB_SPAWNING = false; public boolean MOB_SPAWNER_SPAWNING = false; public String PLOT_BIOME = "FOREST"; public boolean PLOT_CHAT = false; public boolean SCHEMATIC_CLAIM_SPECIFY = false; public boolean SCHEMATIC_ON_CLAIM = false; public String SCHEMATIC_FILE = "null"; public List<String> SCHEMATICS = null; public Map<Flag<?>, Object> DEFAULT_FLAGS; public boolean USE_ECONOMY = false; public Map<String, Expression<Double>> PRICES = new HashMap<>(); public boolean SPAWN_EGGS = false; public boolean SPAWN_CUSTOM = true; public boolean SPAWN_BREEDING = false; public boolean WORLD_BORDER = false; public int TYPE = 0; public int TERRAIN = 0; public boolean HOME_ALLOW_NONMEMBER = false; public PlotLoc DEFAULT_HOME; public int MAX_BUILD_HEIGHT = 256; public int MIN_BUILD_HEIGHT = 1; public PlotGameMode GAMEMODE = PlotGameMode.CREATIVE; private int hash; private RegionWrapper region; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> meta; private QuadMap<PlotCluster> clusters; public PlotArea(String worldName, String id, IndependentPlotGenerator generator, PlotId min, PlotId max) { this.worldname = worldName; = id; this.manager = generator != null ? generator.getNewPlotManager() : null; this.generator = generator; if (min == null || max == null) { if (min != max) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("None of the ids can be null for this constructor"); } this.min = null; this.max = null; } else { this.min = min; this.max = max; } this.worldhash = worldName.hashCode(); } /** * Create a new PlotArea object with no functionality/information. * - Mainly used during startup before worlds are created as a temporary object * @param world * @return */ public static PlotArea createGeneric(String world) { return new PlotArea(world, null, null, null, null) { @Override public void loadConfiguration(ConfigurationSection config) {} @Override public ConfigurationNode[] getSettingNodes() { return null; } }; } public LocalBlockQueue getQueue(boolean autoQueue) { return GlobalBlockQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(worldname, autoQueue); } /** * Returns the region for this PlotArea or a RegionWrapper encompassing * the whole world if none exists. * * @return RegionWrapper */ public RegionWrapper getRegion() { this.region = getRegionAbs(); if (this.region == null) { return new RegionWrapper(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } return this.region; } /** * Returns the region for this PlotArea. * * @return RegionWrapper or null if no applicable region */ public RegionWrapper getRegionAbs() { if (this.region == null) { if (this.min != null) { Location bot = getPlotManager().getPlotBottomLocAbs(this, this.min); Location top = getPlotManager().getPlotTopLocAbs(this, this.max); this.region = new RegionWrapper(bot.getX() - 1, top.getX() + 1, bot.getZ() - 1, top.getZ() + 1); } } return this.region; } /** * Returns the minimum value of a {@link PlotId}. * @return the minimum value for a {@link PlotId} */ public PlotId getMin() { return this.min == null ? new PlotId(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE) : this.min; } /** * Returns the max PlotId. * @return the maximum value for a {@link PlotId} */ public PlotId getMax() { return this.max == null ? new PlotId(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE) : this.max; } /** * Get the implementation independent generator for this area. * * @return the {@link IndependentPlotGenerator} */ public IndependentPlotGenerator getGenerator() { return this.generator; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } PlotArea plotarea = (PlotArea) obj; return this.worldhash == plotarea.worldhash && this.worldname.equals(plotarea.worldname) && StringMan.isEqual(,; } public Set<PlotCluster> getClusters() { return this.clusters == null ? new HashSet<PlotCluster>() : this.clusters.getAll(); } /** * Check if a PlotArea is compatible (move/copy etc). * @param plotArea the {@code PlotArea} to compare * @return true if both areas are compatible */ public boolean isCompatible(PlotArea plotArea) { ConfigurationSection section = PS.get().worlds.getConfigurationSection("worlds"); for (ConfigurationNode setting : plotArea.getSettingNodes()) { Object constant = section.get(plotArea.worldname + '.' + setting.getConstant()); if (constant == null || !constant.equals(section.get(this.worldname + '.' + setting.getConstant()))) { return false; } } return true; } /** * When a world is created, the following method will be called for each. * * @param config Configuration Section */ public void loadDefaultConfiguration(ConfigurationSection config) { if ((this.min != null || this.max != null) && !(this instanceof GridPlotWorld)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must extend GridPlotWorld to provide"); } if (config.contains("generator.terrain")) { this.TERRAIN = config.getInt("generator.terrain"); this.TYPE = config.getInt("generator.type"); } this.MOB_SPAWNING = config.getBoolean("natural_mob_spawning"); this.MISC_SPAWN_UNOWNED = config.getBoolean("misc_spawn_unowned"); this.MOB_SPAWNER_SPAWNING = config.getBoolean("mob_spawner_spawning"); this.AUTO_MERGE = config.getBoolean("plot.auto_merge"); this.MAX_PLOT_MEMBERS = config.getInt("limits.max-members"); this.ALLOW_SIGNS = config.getBoolean("plot.create_signs"); this.PLOT_BIOME = Configuration.BIOME.parseString(config.getString("plot.biome")); this.SCHEMATIC_ON_CLAIM = config.getBoolean("schematic.on_claim"); this.SCHEMATIC_FILE = config.getString("schematic.file"); this.SCHEMATIC_CLAIM_SPECIFY = config.getBoolean("schematic.specify_on_claim"); this.SCHEMATICS = config.getStringList("schematic.schematics"); this.USE_ECONOMY = config.getBoolean("economy.use") && EconHandler.getEconHandler() != null; ConfigurationSection priceSection = config.getConfigurationSection("economy.prices"); if (this.USE_ECONOMY) { this.PRICES = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : priceSection.getKeys(false)) { this.PRICES.put(key, Expression.doubleExpression(priceSection.getString(key))); } } this.PLOT_CHAT = config.getBoolean("chat.enabled"); this.WORLD_BORDER = config.getBoolean("world.border"); this.MAX_BUILD_HEIGHT = config.getInt("world.max_height"); this.MIN_BUILD_HEIGHT = config.getInt("world.min_height"); switch (config.getString("world.gamemode").toLowerCase()) { case "survival": case "s": case "0": this.GAMEMODE = PlotGameMode.SURVIVAL; break; case "creative": case "c": case "1": this.GAMEMODE = PlotGameMode.CREATIVE; break; case "adventure": case "a": case "2": this.GAMEMODE = PlotGameMode.ADVENTURE; break; case "spectator": case "3": this.GAMEMODE = PlotGameMode.SPECTATOR; break; default: this.GAMEMODE = PlotGameMode.NOT_SET; break; } this.HOME_ALLOW_NONMEMBER = config.getBoolean("home.allow-nonmembers"); String homeDefault = config.getString("home.default"); if ("side".equalsIgnoreCase(homeDefault)) { this.DEFAULT_HOME = null; } else if (StringMan.isEqualIgnoreCaseToAny(homeDefault, "center", "middle")) { this.DEFAULT_HOME = new PlotLoc(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else { try { String[] split = homeDefault.split(","); this.DEFAULT_HOME = new PlotLoc(Integer.parseInt(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { this.DEFAULT_HOME = null; } } List<String> flags = config.getStringList("flags.default"); if (flags.isEmpty()) { flags = config.getStringList("flags"); if (flags.isEmpty()) { flags = new ArrayList<>(); ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("flags"); Set<String> keys = section.getKeys(false); for (String key : keys) { if (!"default".equals(key)) { flags.add(key + ';' + section.get(key)); } } } } try { this.DEFAULT_FLAGS = FlagManager.parseFlags(flags); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("&cInvalid default flags for " + this.worldname + ": " + StringMan.join(flags, ",")); this.DEFAULT_FLAGS = new HashMap<>(); } this.SPAWN_EGGS = config.getBoolean("event.spawn.egg"); this.SPAWN_CUSTOM = config.getBoolean("event.spawn.custom"); this.SPAWN_BREEDING = config.getBoolean("event.spawn.breeding"); loadConfiguration(config); } public abstract void loadConfiguration(ConfigurationSection config); /** * Saving core PlotArea settings. * * @param config Configuration Section */ public void saveConfiguration(ConfigurationSection config) { HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("natural_mob_spawning", this.MOB_SPAWNING); options.put("misc_spawn_unowned", this.MISC_SPAWN_UNOWNED); options.put("mob_spawner_spawning", this.MOB_SPAWNER_SPAWNING); options.put("plot.auto_merge", this.AUTO_MERGE); options.put("plot.create_signs", this.ALLOW_SIGNS); options.put("plot.biome", "FOREST"); options.put("schematic.on_claim", this.SCHEMATIC_ON_CLAIM); options.put("schematic.file", this.SCHEMATIC_FILE); options.put("schematic.specify_on_claim", this.SCHEMATIC_CLAIM_SPECIFY); options.put("schematic.schematics", this.SCHEMATICS); options.put("economy.use", this.USE_ECONOMY); options.put("economy.prices.claim", 100); options.put("economy.prices.merge", 100); options.put("economy.prices.sell", 100); options.put("chat.enabled", this.PLOT_CHAT); options.put("flags.default", null); options.put("event.spawn.egg", this.SPAWN_EGGS); options.put("event.spawn.custom", this.SPAWN_CUSTOM); options.put("event.spawn.breeding", this.SPAWN_BREEDING); options.put("world.border", this.WORLD_BORDER); options.put("limits.max-members", this.MAX_PLOT_MEMBERS); options.put("home.default", "side"); options.put("home.allow-nonmembers", false); options.put("world.max_height", this.MAX_BUILD_HEIGHT); options.put("world.min_height", this.MIN_BUILD_HEIGHT); options.put("world.gamemode",; if (this.TYPE != 0) { options.put("generator.terrain", this.TERRAIN); options.put("generator.type", this.TYPE); } ConfigurationNode[] settings = getSettingNodes(); /* * Saving generator specific settings */ for (ConfigurationNode setting : settings) { options.put(setting.getConstant(), setting.getValue()); } for (Entry<String, Object> stringObjectEntry : options.entrySet()) { if (!config.contains(stringObjectEntry.getKey())) { config.set(stringObjectEntry.getKey(), stringObjectEntry.getValue()); } } if (!config.contains("flags")) { config.set("flags.use", "63,64,68,69,71,77,96,143,167,193,194,195,196,197,77,143,69,70,72,147,148,107,183,184,185,186,187,132"); } } @Override public String toString() { if ( == null) { return this.worldname; } else { return this.worldname + ";" +; } } @Override public int hashCode() { if (this.hash != 0) { return this.hash; } return this.hash = toString().hashCode(); } /** * Used for the <b>/plot setup</b> command Return null if you do not want to support this feature * * @return ConfigurationNode[] */ public abstract ConfigurationNode[] getSettingNodes(); /** * Gets the {@code Plot} at a location. * @param location the location * @return the {@code Plot} or null if none exists */ public Plot getPlotAbs(Location location) { PlotId pid = this.manager.getPlotId(this, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ()); if (pid == null) { return null; } return getPlotAbs(pid); } /** * Gets the base plot at a location. * @param location the location * @return base Plot */ public Plot getPlot(Location location) { PlotId pid = this.manager.getPlotId(this, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ()); if (pid == null) { return null; } return getPlot(pid); } /** * Get the owned base plot at a location. * @param location the location * @return the base plot or null */ public Plot getOwnedPlot(Location location) { PlotId pid = this.manager.getPlotId(this, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ()); if (pid == null) { return null; } Plot plot = this.plots.get(pid); return plot == null ? null : plot.getBasePlot(false); } /** * Get the owned plot at a location. * @param location the location * @return Plot or null */ public Plot getOwnedPlotAbs(Location location) { PlotId pid = this.manager.getPlotId(this, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ()); if (pid == null) { return null; } return this.plots.get(pid); } /** * Get the owned Plot at a PlotId. * @param id the {@code PlotId} * @return the plot or null */ public Plot getOwnedPlotAbs(PlotId id) { return this.plots.get(id); } public Plot getOwnedPlot(PlotId id) { Plot plot = this.plots.get(id); return plot == null ? null : plot.getBasePlot(false); } public boolean contains(int x, int z) { return this.TYPE != 2 || getRegionAbs().isIn(x, z); } public boolean contains(PlotId id) { return this.min == null || (id.x >= this.min.x && id.x <= this.max.x && id.y >= this.min.y && id.y <= this.max.y); } public boolean contains(Location location) { return StringMan.isEqual(location.getWorld(), this.worldname) && (getRegionAbs() == null || this.region .isIn(location.getX(), location.getZ())); } public Set<Plot> getPlotsAbs(final UUID uuid) { if (uuid == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } final HashSet<Plot> myPlots = new HashSet<>(); foreachPlotAbs(new RunnableVal<Plot>() { @Override public void run(Plot value) { if (uuid.equals(value.owner)) { myPlots.add(value); } } }); return myPlots; } public Set<Plot> getPlots(UUID uuid) { HashSet<Plot> myplots = new HashSet<>(); for (Plot plot : getPlots()) { if (plot.isBasePlot()) { if (plot.isOwner(uuid)) { myplots.add(plot); } } } return myplots; } public Set<Plot> getPlots(PlotPlayer player) { return getPlots(player.getUUID()); } /** * A collection of the claimed plots in this {@code PlotArea}. * @return a collection of claimed plots */ public Collection<Plot> getPlots() { return this.plots.values(); } public Set<Plot> getPlotsAbs(PlotPlayer player) { return player != null ? getPlotsAbs(player.getUUID()) : new HashSet<Plot>(); } public int getPlotCount(UUID uuid) { if (!Settings.Done.COUNTS_TOWARDS_LIMIT) { int count = 0; for (Plot plot : getPlotsAbs(uuid)) { if (!plot.hasFlag(Flags.DONE)) { count++; } } return count; } return getPlotsAbs(uuid).size(); } public int getPlotCount(PlotPlayer player) { return player != null ? getPlotCount(player.getUUID()) : 0; } public Plot getPlotAbs(PlotId id) { Plot plot = getOwnedPlotAbs(id); if (plot == null) { if (this.min != null && (id.x < this.min.x || id.x > this.max.x || id.y < this.min.y || id.y > this.max.y)) { return null; } return new Plot(this, id); } return plot; } public Plot getPlot(PlotId id) { Plot plot = getOwnedPlotAbs(id); if (plot == null) { if (this.min != null && (id.x < this.min.x || id.x > this.max.x || id.y < this.min.y || id.y > this.max.y)) { return null; } return new Plot(this, id); } return plot.getBasePlot(false); } /** * Retrieves the number of claimed plot in the {@code PlotArea}. * * @return the number of claimed plots */ public int getPlotCount() { return this.plots.size(); } public PlotCluster getCluster(Location location) { Plot plot = getPlot(location); if (plot == null) { return null; } return this.clusters != null ? this.clusters.get(plot.getId().x, plot.getId().y) : null; } public PlotCluster getFirstIntersectingCluster(PlotId pos1, PlotId pos2) { if (this.clusters == null) { return null; } for (PlotCluster cluster : this.clusters.getAll()) { if (cluster.intersects(pos1, pos2)) { return cluster; } } return null; } public PlotCluster getCluster(PlotId id) { return this.clusters != null ? this.clusters.get(id.x, id.y) : null; } public PlotManager getPlotManager() { return this.manager; } /** * Session only plot metadata (session is until the server stops). * <br> * For persistent metadata use the flag system * @see FlagManager * @param key * @param value */ public void setMeta(String key, Object value) { if (this.meta == null) { this.meta = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } this.meta.put(key, value); } public <T> T getMeta(String key, T def) { Object v = getMeta(key); return v == null ? def : (T) v; } /** * Get the metadata for a key<br> * <br> * For persistent metadata use the flag system * @param key * @return */ public Object getMeta(String key) { if (this.meta != null) { return this.meta.get(key); } return null; } public Set<Plot> getBasePlots() { HashSet<Plot> myPlots = new HashSet<>(getPlots()); Iterator<Plot> iterator = myPlots.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (! { iterator.remove(); } } return myPlots; } public void foreachPlotAbs(RunnableVal<Plot> run) { for (Entry<PlotId, Plot> entry : this.plots.entrySet()) {; } } public void foreachBasePlot(RunnableVal<Plot> run) { for (Plot plot : getPlots()) { if (plot.isBasePlot()) {; } } } public Map<PlotId, Plot> getPlotsRaw() { return this.plots; } public Set<Entry<PlotId, Plot>> getPlotEntries() { return this.plots.entrySet(); } public boolean addPlot(Plot plot) { for (PlotPlayer pp : plot.getPlayersInPlot()) { pp.setMeta("lastplot", plot); } return this.plots.put(plot.getId(), plot) == null; } public Plot getNextFreePlot(PlotPlayer player, @Nullable PlotId start) { int plots; PlotId center; PlotId min = getMin(); PlotId max = getMax(); if (TYPE == 2) { center = new PlotId(MathMan.average(min.x, max.x), MathMan.average(min.y, max.y)); plots = Math.max(max.x - min.x, max.y - min.y) + 1; if (start != null) start = new PlotId(start.x - center.x, start.y - center.y); } else { center = new PlotId(0, 0); plots = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } PlotId currentId = new PlotId(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < plots; i++) { if (start == null) { start = getMeta("lastPlot", new PlotId(0, 0)); } else { start = start.getNextId(1); } currentId = new PlotId(center.x + start.x, center.y + start.y); Plot plot = getPlotAbs(currentId); if (plot != null && plot.canClaim(player)) { setMeta("lastPlot", currentId); return plot; } } return null; } public boolean addPlotIfAbsent(Plot plot) { if (this.plots.putIfAbsent(plot.getId(), plot) == null) { for (PlotPlayer pp : plot.getPlayersInPlot()) { pp.setMeta("lastplot", plot); } return true; } return false; } public boolean addPlotAbs(Plot plot) { return this.plots.put(plot.getId(), plot) == null; } /** * Check if the plots in a selection are unowned. * @param pos1 first corner of selection * @param pos2 second corner of selection * @return are plots in selection unowned */ public boolean isUnowned(PlotId pos1, PlotId pos2) { int area = (pos2.x - pos1.x + 1) * (pos2.y - pos1.y + 1); if (area > getPlotCount()) { for (Plot plot : getPlots()) { if (plot.getId().x >= pos1.x && plot.getId().x <= pos2.x && plot.getId().y >= pos1.y && plot.getId().y <= pos2.y) { return false; } } } else { for (int x = pos1.x; x <= pos2.x; x++) { for (int y = pos1.y; y <= pos2.y; y++) { PlotId id = new PlotId(x, y); if (this.plots.get(id) != null) { return false; } } } } return true; } /** * Get the plot border distance for a world<br> * @return The border distance or Integer.MAX_VALUE if no border is set */ public int getBorder() { Integer meta = (Integer) getMeta("worldBorder"); if (meta != null) { int border = meta + 1; if (border == 0) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { return border; } } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } /** * Setup the plot border for a world (usually done when the world is created). */ public void setupBorder() { if (!this.WORLD_BORDER) { return; } Integer meta = (Integer) getMeta("worldBorder"); if (meta == null) { setMeta("worldBorder", 1); } for (Plot plot : getPlots()) { plot.updateWorldBorder(); } } /** * Delete the metadata for a key. * - metadata is session only * - deleting other plugin's metadata may cause issues * @param key */ public void deleteMeta(String key) { if (this.meta != null) { this.meta.remove(key); } } public boolean canClaim(PlotPlayer player, PlotId pos1, PlotId pos2) { if (pos1.x == pos2.x && pos1.y == pos2.y) { if (getOwnedPlot(pos1) != null) { return false; } Plot plot = getPlotAbs(pos1); if (plot == null) return false; return plot.canClaim(player); } for (int x = pos1.x; x <= pos2.x; x++) { for (int y = pos1.y; y <= pos2.y; y++) { PlotId id = new PlotId(x, y); Plot plot = getPlotAbs(id); if (plot == null) return false; if (!plot.canClaim(player)) { return false; } } } return true; } public boolean removePlot(PlotId id) { return this.plots.remove(id) != null; } public boolean mergePlots(ArrayList<PlotId> plotIds, boolean removeRoads, boolean updateDatabase) { if (plotIds.size() < 2) { return false; } PlotId pos1 = plotIds.get(0); PlotId pos2 = plotIds.get(plotIds.size() - 1); PlotManager manager = getPlotManager(); boolean result = EventUtil.manager.callMerge(getPlotAbs(pos1), plotIds); if (!result) { return false; } HashSet<UUID> trusted = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<UUID> members = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<UUID> denied = new HashSet<>(); manager.startPlotMerge(this, plotIds); for (int x = pos1.x; x <= pos2.x; x++) { for (int y = pos1.y; y <= pos2.y; y++) { PlotId id = new PlotId(x, y); Plot plot = getPlotAbs(id); trusted.addAll(plot.getTrusted()); members.addAll(plot.getMembers()); denied.addAll(plot.getDenied()); if (removeRoads) { plot.removeSign(); } } } members.removeAll(trusted); denied.removeAll(trusted); denied.removeAll(members); for (int x = pos1.x; x <= pos2.x; x++) { for (int y = pos1.y; y <= pos2.y; y++) { boolean lx = x < pos2.x; boolean ly = y < pos2.y; PlotId id = new PlotId(x, y); Plot plot = getPlotAbs(id); plot.setTrusted(trusted); plot.setMembers(members); plot.setDenied(denied); Plot plot2; if (lx) { if (ly) { if (!plot.getMerged(1) || !plot.getMerged(2)) { if (removeRoads) { plot.removeRoadSouthEast(); } } } if (!plot.getMerged(1)) { plot2 = plot.getRelative(1, 0); plot.mergePlot(plot2, removeRoads); } } if (ly) { if (!plot.getMerged(2)) { plot2 = plot.getRelative(0, 1); plot.mergePlot(plot2, removeRoads); } } } } manager.finishPlotMerge(this, plotIds); return true; } /** * Get a set of owned plots within a selection (chooses the best algorithm based on selection size. * i.e. A selection of billions of plots will work fine * @param pos1 first corner of selection * @param pos2 second corner of selection * @return the plots in the selection which are owned */ public HashSet<Plot> getPlotSelectionOwned(PlotId pos1, PlotId pos2) { int size = (1 + pos2.x - pos1.x) * (1 + pos2.y - pos1.y); HashSet<Plot> result = new HashSet<>(); if (size < 16 || size < getPlotCount()) { for (PlotId pid : MainUtil.getPlotSelectionIds(pos1, pos2)) { Plot plot = getPlotAbs(pid); if (plot.hasOwner()) { if (plot.getId().x > pos1.x || plot.getId().y > pos1.y || plot.getId().x < pos2.x || plot.getId().y < pos2.y) { result.add(plot); } } } } else { for (Plot plot : getPlots()) { if (plot.getId().x > pos1.x || plot.getId().y > pos1.y || plot.getId().x < pos2.x || plot.getId().y < pos2.y) { result.add(plot); } } } return result; } public void removeCluster(PlotCluster plotCluster) { if (this.clusters == null) { throw new IllegalAccessError("Clusters not enabled!"); } this.clusters.remove(plotCluster); } public void addCluster(PlotCluster plotCluster) { if (this.clusters == null) { this.clusters = new QuadMap<PlotCluster>(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0, 64) { @Override public RegionWrapper getRegion(PlotCluster value) { return new RegionWrapper(value.getP1().x, value.getP2().x, value.getP1().y, value.getP2().y); } }; } this.clusters.add(plotCluster); } public PlotCluster getCluster(String string) { for (PlotCluster cluster : getClusters()) { if (cluster.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(string)) { return cluster; } } return null; } }