package com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database; import; import com.intellectualcrafters.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PS; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Settings; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Storage; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.Flag; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.FlagManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.StringFlag; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.BlockLoc; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotArea; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotCluster; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotId; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotSettings; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.RunnableVal; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.comment.PlotComment; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.MainUtil; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.StringMan; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.TaskManager; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; @SuppressWarnings("SqlDialectInspection") public class SQLManager implements AbstractDB { // Public final public final String SET_OWNER; public final String GET_ALL_PLOTS; public final String CREATE_PLOTS; public final String CREATE_SETTINGS; public final String CREATE_TIERS; public final String CREATE_PLOT; public final String CREATE_PLOT_SAFE; public final String CREATE_CLUSTER; private final String prefix; // Private Final private final Database database; private final boolean mySQL; /** * important tasks */ public volatile Queue<Runnable> globalTasks; /** * Notify tasks */ public volatile Queue<Runnable> notifyTasks; /** * plot * plot_denied * plot_helpers * plot_trusted * plot_comments * plot_settings * plot_rating */ public volatile ConcurrentHashMap<Plot, Queue<UniqueStatement>> plotTasks; /** * player_meta */ public volatile ConcurrentHashMap<UUID, Queue<UniqueStatement>> playerTasks; /** * cluster * cluster_helpers * cluster_invited * cluster_settings */ public volatile ConcurrentHashMap<PlotCluster, Queue<UniqueStatement>> clusterTasks; // Private private Connection connection; private boolean closed = false; /** * Constructor * * @param database * @param p prefix * @throws SQLException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public SQLManager(final Database database, String p, boolean debug) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { // Private final this.database = database; this.connection = database.openConnection(); this.mySQL = database instanceof MySQL; this.globalTasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.notifyTasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.plotTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.playerTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.clusterTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.prefix = p; this.SET_OWNER = "UPDATE `" + this.prefix + "plot` SET `owner` = ? WHERE `plot_id_x` = ? AND `plot_id_z` = ? AND `world` = ?"; this.GET_ALL_PLOTS = "SELECT `id`, `plot_id_x`, `plot_id_z`, `world` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot`"; this.CREATE_PLOTS = "INSERT INTO `" + this.prefix + "plot`(`plot_id_x`, `plot_id_z`, `owner`, `world`, `timestamp`) values "; this.CREATE_SETTINGS = "INSERT INTO `" + this.prefix + "plot_settings` (`plot_plot_id`) values "; this.CREATE_TIERS = "INSERT INTO `" + this.prefix + "plot_%tier%` (`plot_plot_id`, `user_uuid`) values "; this.CREATE_PLOT = "INSERT INTO `" + this.prefix + "plot`(`plot_id_x`, `plot_id_z`, `owner`, `world`, `timestamp`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; if (mySQL) { this.CREATE_PLOT_SAFE = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `" + this.prefix + "plot`(`plot_id_x`, `plot_id_z`, `owner`, `world`, `timestamp`) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ? FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT null FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot` WHERE `world` = ? AND `plot_id_x` = ? AND `plot_id_z` = ?)"; } else { this.CREATE_PLOT_SAFE = "INSERT INTO `" + this.prefix + "plot`(`plot_id_x`, `plot_id_z`, `owner`, `world`, `timestamp`) SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ? WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT null FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot` WHERE `world` = ? AND `plot_id_x` = ? AND `plot_id_z` = ?)"; } this.CREATE_CLUSTER = "INSERT INTO `" + this.prefix + "cluster`(`pos1_x`, `pos1_z`, `pos2_x`, `pos2_z`, `owner`, `world`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; try { createTables(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } TaskManager.runTaskAsync(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { long last = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { if (SQLManager.this.closed) { break; } boolean hasTask = !globalTasks.isEmpty() || !playerTasks.isEmpty() || !plotTasks.isEmpty() || !clusterTasks.isEmpty(); if (hasTask) { if (SQLManager.this.mySQL && System.currentTimeMillis() - last > 550000 || !isValid()) { last = System.currentTimeMillis(); reconnect(); } if (!sendBatch()) { try { if (!getNotifyTasks().isEmpty()) { for (Runnable task : getNotifyTasks()) { TaskManager.runTask(task); } getNotifyTasks().clear(); } Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }); } public boolean isValid() { try { if (connection.isClosed()) { return false; } } catch (SQLException e) { return false; } try (PreparedStatement stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 1")) { stmt.executeQuery(); return true; } catch (Throwable e) { return false; } } public void reconnect() { try { close(); SQLManager.this.closed = false; SQLManager.this.connection = database.forceConnection(); } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public synchronized Queue<Runnable> getGlobalTasks() { return this.globalTasks; } public synchronized Queue<Runnable> getNotifyTasks() { return this.notifyTasks; } public synchronized void addPlotTask(Plot plot, UniqueStatement task) { if (plot == null) { plot = new Plot(null, new PlotId(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } Queue<UniqueStatement> tasks = this.plotTasks.get(plot); if (tasks == null) { tasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.plotTasks.put(plot, tasks); } if (task == null) { task = new UniqueStatement(String.valueOf(plot.hashCode())) { @Override public PreparedStatement get() { return null; } @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) {} @Override public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) {} @Override public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) {} }; } tasks.add(task); } public synchronized void addPlayerTask(UUID uuid, UniqueStatement task) { if (uuid == null) { return; } Queue<UniqueStatement> tasks = this.playerTasks.get(uuid); if (tasks == null) { tasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.playerTasks.put(uuid, tasks); } if (task == null) { task = new UniqueStatement(String.valueOf(uuid.hashCode())) { @Override public PreparedStatement get() { return null; } @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) {} @Override public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) {} @Override public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) {} }; } tasks.add(task); } public synchronized void addClusterTask(PlotCluster cluster, UniqueStatement task) { Queue<UniqueStatement> tasks = this.clusterTasks.get(cluster); if (tasks == null) { tasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.clusterTasks.put(cluster, tasks); } if (task == null) { task = new UniqueStatement(String.valueOf(cluster.hashCode())) { @Override public PreparedStatement get() { return null; } @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) {} @Override public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) {} @Override public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) {} }; } tasks.add(task); } public synchronized void addGlobalTask(Runnable task) { getGlobalTasks().add(task); } public synchronized void addNotifyTask(Runnable task) { if (task != null) { getNotifyTasks().add(task); } } public boolean sendBatch() { try { if (!getGlobalTasks().isEmpty()) { if (this.connection.getAutoCommit()) { this.connection.setAutoCommit(false); } Runnable task = getGlobalTasks().remove(); if (task != null) { try {; } catch (Throwable e) { PS.debug("============ DATABASE ERROR ============"); PS.debug("There was an error updating the database."); PS.debug(" - It will be correct on shutdown"); PS.debug("========================================"); e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("========================================"); } } commit(); return true; } int count = -1; if (!this.plotTasks.isEmpty()) { count = 0; if (this.connection.getAutoCommit()) { this.connection.setAutoCommit(false); } String method = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; UniqueStatement task = null; UniqueStatement lastTask = null; Iterator<Entry<Plot, Queue<UniqueStatement>>> iter = this.plotTasks.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { try { Entry<Plot, Queue<UniqueStatement>> entry =; Plot plot = entry.getKey(); Queue<UniqueStatement> tasks = entry.getValue(); if (tasks.isEmpty()) { iter.remove(); continue; } task = tasks.remove(); count++; if (task != null) { if (task.method == null || !task.method.equals(method)) { if (statement != null) { lastTask.execute(statement); statement.close(); } method = task.method; statement = task.get(); } task.set(statement); task.addBatch(statement); } lastTask = task; } catch (Throwable e) { PS.debug("============ DATABASE ERROR ============"); PS.debug("There was an error updating the database."); PS.debug(" - It will be correct on shutdown"); PS.debug("========================================"); e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("========================================"); } } if (statement != null && task != null) { task.execute(statement); statement.close(); } } if (!this.playerTasks.isEmpty()) { count = 0; if (this.connection.getAutoCommit()) { this.connection.setAutoCommit(false); } String method = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; UniqueStatement task = null; UniqueStatement lastTask = null; for (Entry<UUID, Queue<UniqueStatement>> entry : this.playerTasks.entrySet()) { try { UUID uuid = entry.getKey(); if (this.playerTasks.get(uuid).isEmpty()) { this.playerTasks.remove(uuid); continue; } task = this.playerTasks.get(uuid).remove(); count++; if (task != null) { if (task.method == null || !task.method.equals(method)) { if (statement != null) { lastTask.execute(statement); statement.close(); } method = task.method; statement = task.get(); } task.set(statement); task.addBatch(statement); } lastTask = task; } catch (Throwable e) { PS.debug("============ DATABASE ERROR ============"); PS.debug("There was an error updating the database."); PS.debug(" - It will be correct on shutdown"); PS.debug("========================================"); e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("========================================"); } } if (statement != null && task != null) { task.execute(statement); statement.close(); } } if (!this.clusterTasks.isEmpty()) { count = 0; if (this.connection.getAutoCommit()) { this.connection.setAutoCommit(false); } String method = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; UniqueStatement task = null; UniqueStatement lastTask = null; for (Entry<PlotCluster, Queue<UniqueStatement>> entry : this.clusterTasks.entrySet()) { try { PlotCluster cluster = entry.getKey(); if (this.clusterTasks.get(cluster).isEmpty()) { this.clusterTasks.remove(cluster); continue; } task = this.clusterTasks.get(cluster).remove(); count++; if (task != null) { if (task.method == null || !task.method.equals(method)) { if (statement != null) { lastTask.execute(statement); statement.close(); } method = task.method; statement = task.get(); } task.set(statement); task.addBatch(statement); } lastTask = task; } catch (Throwable e) { PS.debug("============ DATABASE ERROR ============"); PS.debug("There was an error updating the database."); PS.debug(" - It will be correct on shutdown"); PS.debug("========================================"); e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("========================================"); } } if (statement != null && task != null) { task.execute(statement); statement.close(); } } if (count > 0) { commit(); return true; } if (count != -1) { if (!this.connection.getAutoCommit()) { this.connection.setAutoCommit(true); } } if (!this.clusterTasks.isEmpty()) { this.clusterTasks.clear(); } if (!this.plotTasks.isEmpty()) { this.plotTasks.clear(); } } catch (Throwable e) { PS.debug("============ DATABASE ERROR ============"); PS.debug("There was an error updating the database."); PS.debug(" - It will be correct on shutdown"); PS.debug("========================================"); e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("========================================"); } return false; } public Connection getConnection() { return this.connection; } /** * Set Plot owner * * @param plot Plot Object * @param uuid Owner UUID */ @Override public void setOwner(final Plot plot, final UUID uuid) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setOwner") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setString(1, uuid.toString()); statement.setInt(2, plot.getId().x); statement.setInt(3, plot.getId().y); statement.setString(4, plot.getArea().toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement(SQLManager.this.SET_OWNER); } }); } @Override public void createPlotsAndData(final List<Plot> myList, final Runnable whenDone) { addGlobalTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { // Create the plots createPlots(myList, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { // Creating datastructures HashMap<PlotId, Plot> plotMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Plot plot : myList) { plotMap.put(plot.getId(), plot); } ArrayList<SettingsPair> settings = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayList<UUIDPair> helpers = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayList<UUIDPair> trusted = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayList<UUIDPair> denied = new ArrayList<>(); // Populating structures try (PreparedStatement stmt = SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement(SQLManager.this.GET_ALL_PLOTS); ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery()) { while ( { int id = result.getInt("id"); int x = result.getInt("plot_id_x"); int y = result.getInt("plot_id_z"); PlotId plotId = new PlotId(x, y); Plot plot = plotMap.get(plotId); if (plot != null) { settings.add(new SettingsPair(id, plot.getSettings())); for (UUID uuid : plot.getDenied()) { denied.add(new UUIDPair(id, uuid)); } for (UUID uuid : plot.getMembers()) { trusted.add(new UUIDPair(id, uuid)); } for (UUID uuid : plot.getTrusted()) { helpers.add(new UUIDPair(id, uuid)); } } } } createSettings(settings, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { createTiers(helpers, "helpers", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { createTiers(trusted, "trusted", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { createTiers(denied, "denied", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { SQLManager.this.connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (whenDone != null) {; } } }); } }); } }); } }); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("&7[WARN] Failed to set all helpers for plots"); try { SQLManager.this.connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("&7[WARN] Failed to set all helpers for plots"); try { SQLManager.this.connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } /** * Create a plot * * @param myList list of plots to be created */ public void createTiers(ArrayList<UUIDPair> myList, final String tier, Runnable whenDone) { StmtMod<UUIDPair> mod = new StmtMod<UUIDPair>() { @Override public String getCreateMySQL(int size) { return getCreateMySQL(size, SQLManager.this.CREATE_TIERS.replaceAll("%tier%", tier), 2); } @Override public String getCreateSQLite(int size) { return getCreateSQLite(size, "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_" + tier + "` SELECT ? AS `plot_plot_id`, ? AS `user_uuid`", 2); } @Override public String getCreateSQL() { return "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_" + tier + "` (`plot_plot_id`, `user_uuid`) VALUES(?,?)"; } @Override public void setMySQL(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, UUIDPair pair) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(i * 2 + 1,; stmt.setString(i * 2 + 2, pair.uuid.toString()); } @Override public void setSQLite(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, UUIDPair pair) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(i * 2 + 1,; stmt.setString(i * 2 + 2, pair.uuid.toString()); } @Override public void setSQL(PreparedStatement stmt, UUIDPair pair) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1,; stmt.setString(2, pair.uuid.toString()); } }; setBulk(myList, mod, whenDone); } /** * Create a plot * * @param myList list of plots to be created */ public void createPlots(List<Plot> myList, Runnable whenDone) { StmtMod<Plot> mod = new StmtMod<Plot>() { @Override public String getCreateMySQL(int size) { return getCreateMySQL(size, SQLManager.this.CREATE_PLOTS, 5); } @Override public String getCreateSQLite(int size) { return getCreateSQLite(size, "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` SELECT ? AS `id`, ? AS `plot_id_x`, ? AS `plot_id_z`, ? AS `owner`, ? AS `world`, ? AS `timestamp` ", 6); } @Override public String getCreateSQL() { return SQLManager.this.CREATE_PLOT; } @Override public void setMySQL(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, Plot plot) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(i * 5 + 1, plot.getId().x); stmt.setInt(i * 5 + 2, plot.getId().y); try { stmt.setString(i * 5 + 3, plot.owner.toString()); } catch (SQLException ignored) { stmt.setString(i * 5 + 3, AbstractDB.everyone.toString()); } stmt.setString(i * 5 + 4, plot.getArea().toString()); stmt.setTimestamp(i * 5 + 5, new Timestamp(plot.getTimestamp())); } @Override public void setSQLite(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, Plot plot) throws SQLException { stmt.setNull(i * 6 + 1, 4); stmt.setInt(i * 6 + 2, plot.getId().x); stmt.setInt(i * 6 + 3, plot.getId().y); try { stmt.setString(i * 6 + 4, plot.owner.toString()); } catch (SQLException ignored) { stmt.setString(i * 6 + 4, AbstractDB.everyone.toString()); } stmt.setString(i * 6 + 5, plot.getArea().toString()); stmt.setTimestamp(i * 6 + 6, new Timestamp(plot.getTimestamp())); } @Override public void setSQL(PreparedStatement stmt, Plot plot) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, plot.getId().x); stmt.setInt(2, plot.getId().y); stmt.setString(3, plot.owner.toString()); stmt.setString(4, plot.getArea().toString()); stmt.setTimestamp(5, new Timestamp(plot.getTimestamp())); } }; setBulk(myList, mod, whenDone); } public <T> void setBulk(List<T> objList, StmtMod<T> mod, Runnable whenDone) { int size = objList.size(); if (size == 0) { if (whenDone != null) {; } return; } int packet; if (this.mySQL) { packet = Math.min(size, 5000); } else { packet = Math.min(size, 50); } int amount = size / packet; try { int count = 0; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; int last = -1; for (int j = 0; j <= amount; j++) { List<T> subList = objList.subList(j * packet, Math.min(size, (j + 1) * packet)); if (subList.isEmpty()) { break; } String statement; if (last == -1) { last = subList.size(); statement = mod.getCreateMySQL(subList.size()); preparedStmt = this.connection.prepareStatement(statement); } if (subList.size() != last || count % 5000 == 0 && count > 0) { preparedStmt.executeBatch(); preparedStmt.close(); statement = mod.getCreateMySQL(subList.size()); preparedStmt = this.connection.prepareStatement(statement); } for (int i = 0; i < subList.size(); i++) { count++; T obj = subList.get(i); mod.setMySQL(preparedStmt, i, obj); } last = subList.size(); preparedStmt.addBatch(); } PS.debug("&aBatch 1: " + count + " | " + objList.get(0).getClass().getCanonicalName()); preparedStmt.executeBatch(); preparedStmt.clearParameters(); preparedStmt.close(); if (whenDone != null) {; } return; } catch (SQLException e) { if (this.mySQL) { e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("&cERROR 1: | " + objList.get(0).getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } try { int count = 0; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; int last = -1; for (int j = 0; j <= amount; j++) { List<T> subList = objList.subList(j * packet, Math.min(size, (j + 1) * packet)); if (subList.isEmpty()) { break; } String statement; if (last == -1) { last = subList.size(); statement = mod.getCreateSQLite(subList.size()); preparedStmt = this.connection.prepareStatement(statement); } if (subList.size() != last || count % 5000 == 0 && count > 0) { preparedStmt.executeBatch(); preparedStmt.clearParameters(); statement = mod.getCreateSQLite(subList.size()); preparedStmt = this.connection.prepareStatement(statement); } for (int i = 0; i < subList.size(); i++) { count++; T obj = subList.get(i); mod.setSQLite(preparedStmt, i, obj); } last = subList.size(); preparedStmt.addBatch(); } PS.debug("&aBatch 2: " + count + " | " + objList.get(0).getClass().getCanonicalName()); preparedStmt.executeBatch(); preparedStmt.clearParameters(); preparedStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("&cERROR 2: | " + objList.get(0).getClass().getCanonicalName()); PS.debug("&6[WARN] Could not bulk save!"); try (PreparedStatement preparedStmt = this.connection.prepareStatement(mod.getCreateSQL())) { for (T obj : objList) { mod.setSQL(preparedStmt, obj); preparedStmt.addBatch(); } PS.debug("&aBatch 3"); preparedStmt.executeBatch(); } catch (SQLException e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("&c[ERROR] Failed to save all!"); } } if (whenDone != null) {; } } public void createSettings(final ArrayList<SettingsPair> myList, final Runnable whenDone) { final StmtMod<SettingsPair> mod = new StmtMod<SettingsPair>() { @Override public String getCreateMySQL(int size) { return getCreateMySQL(size, "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings`(`plot_plot_id`,`biome`,`rain`,`custom_time`,`time`,`deny_entry`,`alias`,`flags`,`merged`," + "`position`) VALUES ", 10); } @Override public String getCreateSQLite(int size) { return getCreateSQLite( size, "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings` SELECT ? AS `plot_plot_id`, ? AS `biome`, ? AS `rain`, ? AS `custom_time`, ? AS `time`, ? AS " + "`deny_entry`, ? AS `alias`, ? AS `flags`, ? AS `merged`, ? AS `position`", 10); } @Override public String getCreateSQL() { return "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings`(`plot_plot_id`) VALUES(?)"; } @Override public void setMySQL(PreparedStatement statement, int i, SettingsPair pair) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(i * 10 + 1,; // id statement.setNull(i * 10 + 2, 4); // biome statement.setNull(i * 10 + 3, 4); // rain statement.setNull(i * 10 + 4, 4); // custom_time statement.setNull(i * 10 + 5, 4); // time statement.setNull(i * 10 + 6, 4); // deny_entry if (pair.settings.getAlias().isEmpty()) { statement.setNull(i * 10 + 7, 4); } else { statement.setString(i * 10 + 7, pair.settings.getAlias()); } StringBuilder flag_string = new StringBuilder(); int k = 0; for (Entry<Flag<?>, ?> flag : pair.settings.flags.entrySet()) { if (k != 0) { flag_string.append(','); } flag_string.append(flag.getKey().getName()).append(':').append(flag.getKey().valueToString(flag.getValue()).replaceAll(":", "¯") .replaceAll(",", "´")); k++; } statement.setString(i * 10 + 8, flag_string.toString()); boolean[] merged = pair.settings.getMerged(); int hash = MainUtil.hash(merged); statement.setInt(i * 10 + 9, hash); BlockLoc loc = pair.settings.getPosition(); String position; if (loc.y == 0) { position = "DEFAULT"; } else { position = loc.x + "," + loc.y + ',' + loc.z; } statement.setString(i * 10 + 10, position); } @Override public void setSQLite(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, SettingsPair pair) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(i * 10 + 1,; // id stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 2, 4); // biome stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 3, 4); // rain stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 4, 4); // custom_time stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 5, 4); // time stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 6, 4); // deny_entry if (pair.settings.getAlias().isEmpty()) { stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 7, 4); } else { stmt.setString(i * 10 + 7, pair.settings.getAlias()); } StringBuilder flag_string = new StringBuilder(); int k = 0; for (Entry<Flag<?>, ?> flag : pair.settings.flags.entrySet()) { if (k != 0) { flag_string.append(','); } flag_string.append(flag.getKey().getName()).append(':').append(flag.getKey().valueToString(flag.getValue()).replaceAll(":", "¯") .replaceAll(",", "´")); k++; } stmt.setString(i * 10 + 8, flag_string.toString()); boolean[] merged = pair.settings.getMerged(); int n = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { n = (n << 1) + (merged[j] ? 1 : 0); } stmt.setInt(i * 10 + 9, n); BlockLoc loc = pair.settings.getPosition(); String position; if (loc.y == 0) { position = "DEFAULT"; } else { position = loc.x + "," + loc.y + ',' + loc.z; } stmt.setString(i * 10 + 10, position); } @Override public void setSQL(PreparedStatement stmt, SettingsPair pair) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1,; } }; addGlobalTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setBulk(myList, mod, whenDone); } }); } public void createEmptySettings(final ArrayList<Integer> myList, final Runnable whenDone) { final StmtMod<Integer> mod = new StmtMod<Integer>() { @Override public String getCreateMySQL(int size) { return getCreateMySQL(size, SQLManager.this.CREATE_SETTINGS, 1); } @Override public String getCreateSQLite(int size) { return getCreateSQLite( size, "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings` SELECT ? AS `plot_plot_id`, ? AS `biome`, ? AS `rain`, ? AS `custom_time`, ? AS `time`, ? AS " + "`deny_entry`, ? AS `alias`, ? AS `flags`, ? AS `merged`, ? AS `position` ", 10); } @Override public String getCreateSQL() { return "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings`(`plot_plot_id`) VALUES(?)"; } @Override public void setMySQL(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, Integer id) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(i + 1, id); } @Override public void setSQLite(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, Integer id) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(i * 10 + 1, id); stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 2, 4); stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 3, 4); stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 4, 4); stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 5, 4); stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 6, 4); stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 7, 4); stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 8, 4); stmt.setNull(i * 10 + 9, 4); stmt.setString(i * 10 + 10, "DEFAULT"); } @Override public void setSQL(PreparedStatement stmt, Integer id) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, id); } }; addGlobalTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setBulk(myList, mod, whenDone); } }); } public void createPlotSafe(final Plot plot, final Runnable success, final Runnable failure) { final long timestamp = plot.getTimestamp(); addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("createPlotSafe_" + plot.hashCode()) { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, plot.getId().x); stmt.setInt(2, plot.getId().y); stmt.setString(3, plot.owner.toString()); stmt.setString(4, plot.getArea().toString()); stmt.setTimestamp(5, new Timestamp(plot.getTimestamp())); stmt.setString(6, plot.getArea().toString()); stmt.setInt(7, plot.getId().x); stmt.setInt(8, plot.getId().y); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement(SQLManager.this.CREATE_PLOT_SAFE, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS ); } @Override public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) { } @Override public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { int inserted = statement.executeUpdate(); if (inserted > 0) { try (ResultSet keys = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) { if ( { plot.temp = keys.getInt(1); addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("createPlotAndSettings_settings_" + plot.hashCode()) { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings`(`plot_plot_id`) VALUES(?)"); } }); if (success != null) addNotifyTask(success); return; } } } if (failure != null); } }); } public void commit() { if (this.closed) { return; } try { if (!this.connection.getAutoCommit()) { this.connection.commit(); this.connection.setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void createPlotAndSettings(final Plot plot, Runnable whenDone) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("createPlotAndSettings_" + plot.hashCode()) { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, plot.getId().x); stmt.setInt(2, plot.getId().y); stmt.setString(3, plot.owner.toString()); stmt.setString(4, plot.getArea().toString()); stmt.setTimestamp(5, new Timestamp(plot.getTimestamp())); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement(SQLManager.this.CREATE_PLOT, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } @Override public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) {} @Override public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.executeUpdate(); try (ResultSet keys = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) { if ( { plot.temp = keys.getInt(1); } } } }); addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("createPlotAndSettings_settings_" + plot.hashCode()) { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings`(`plot_plot_id`) VALUES(?)"); } }); addNotifyTask(whenDone); } /** * Create tables. * * @throws SQLException */ @Override public void createTables() throws SQLException { String[] tables = new String[]{"plot", "plot_denied", "plot_helpers", "plot_comments", "plot_trusted", "plot_rating", "plot_settings", "cluster", "player_meta"}; DatabaseMetaData meta = this.connection.getMetaData(); int create = 0; for (String s : tables) { ResultSet set = meta.getTables(null, null, this.prefix + s, new String[]{"TABLE"}); // ResultSet set = meta.getTables(null, null, prefix + s, null); if (! { create++; } set.close(); } if (create == 0) { return; } boolean addConstraint = create == tables.length; PS.debug("Creating tables"); try (Statement stmt = this.connection.createStatement()) { if (this.mySQL) { stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot` (" + "`id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + "`plot_id_x` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`plot_id_z` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`owner` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`world` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL," + "`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP," + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=0"); stmt .addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_denied` (`plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_helpers` (" + "`plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_comments` (" + "`world` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `hashcode` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`comment` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`inbox` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`timestamp` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`sender` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_trusted` (" + "`plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_settings` (" + " `plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + " `biome` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT 'FOREST'," + " `rain` INT(1) DEFAULT 0," + " `custom_time` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'," + " `time` INT(11) DEFAULT '8000'," + " `deny_entry` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'," + " `alias` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL," + " `flags` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL," + " `merged` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL," + " `position` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEFAULT'," + " PRIMARY KEY (`plot_plot_id`)" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_rating` ( `plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `rating` INT(2) NOT NULL, `player` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB " + "DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); if (addConstraint) { stmt.addBatch("ALTER TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_settings` ADD CONSTRAINT `" + this.prefix + "plot_settings_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`plot_plot_id`) REFERENCES `" + this.prefix + "plot` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE"); } stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "cluster` (" + "`id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + "`pos1_x` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`pos1_z` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`pos2_x` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`pos2_z` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`owner` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`world` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL," + "`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP," + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=0"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "cluster_helpers` (" + "`cluster_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "cluster_invited` (" + "`cluster_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "cluster_settings` (" + " `cluster_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + " `biome` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT 'FOREST'," + " `rain` INT(1) DEFAULT 0," + " `custom_time` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'," + " `time` INT(11) DEFAULT '8000'," + " `deny_entry` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'," + " `alias` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL," + " `flags` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL," + " `merged` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL," + " `position` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEFAULT'," + " PRIMARY KEY (`cluster_id`)" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "player_meta` (" + " `meta_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + " `uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + " `key` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL," + " `value` blob NOT NULL," + " PRIMARY KEY (`meta_id`)" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); } else { stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot` (" + "`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + "`plot_id_x` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`plot_id_z` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`owner` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL," + "`world` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL," + "`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_denied` (`plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_helpers` (`plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_trusted` (`plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_comments` (" + "`world` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `hashcode` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`comment` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`inbox` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `timestamp` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`sender` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL" + ')'); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_settings` (" + " `plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + " `biome` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT 'FOREST'," + " `rain` INT(1) DEFAULT 0," + " `custom_time` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'," + " `time` INT(11) DEFAULT '8000'," + " `deny_entry` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'," + " `alias` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL," + " `flags` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL," + " `merged` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL," + " `position` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEFAULT'," + " PRIMARY KEY (`plot_plot_id`)" + ')'); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_rating` (`plot_plot_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `rating` INT(2) NOT NULL, `player` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "cluster` (" + "`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + "`pos1_x` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`pos1_z` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`pos2_x` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`pos2_z` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`owner` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`world` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL," + "`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" + ')'); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "cluster_helpers` (`cluster_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "cluster_invited` (`cluster_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`user_uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)"); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "cluster_settings` (" + " `cluster_id` INT(11) NOT NULL," + " `biome` VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT 'FOREST'," + " `rain` INT(1) DEFAULT 0," + " `custom_time` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'," + " `time` INT(11) DEFAULT '8000'," + " `deny_entry` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'," + " `alias` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL," + " `flags` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL," + " `merged` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL," + " `position` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEFAULT'," + " PRIMARY KEY (`cluster_id`)" + ')'); stmt.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "player_meta` (" + " `meta_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + " `uuid` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + " `key` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL," + " `value` blob NOT NULL" + ')'); } stmt.executeBatch(); stmt.clearBatch(); } } @Override public void deleteSettings(final Plot plot) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("delete_plot_settings") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void deleteHelpers(final Plot plot) { if (plot.getTrusted().isEmpty()) { return; } addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("delete_plot_helpers") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_helpers` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void deleteTrusted(final Plot plot) { if (plot.getMembers().isEmpty()) { return; } addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("delete_plot_trusted") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_trusted` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void deleteDenied(final Plot plot) { if (plot.getDenied().isEmpty()) { return; } addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("delete_plot_denied") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_denied` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void deleteComments(final Plot plot) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("delete_plot_comments") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, plot.getArea().toString()); stmt.setInt(2, plot.hashCode()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_comments` WHERE `world` = ? AND `hashcode` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void deleteRatings(final Plot plot) { if (Settings.Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE && plot.getSettings().getRatings().isEmpty()) { return; } addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("delete_plot_ratings") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_rating` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } /** * Delete a plot. * * @param plot */ @Override public void delete(final Plot plot) { PS.debug("Deleting plot... Id: " + plot.getId() + " World: " + plot.getWorldName() + " Owner: " + plot.owner + " Index: " + plot.temp); deleteSettings(plot); deleteDenied(plot); deleteHelpers(plot); deleteTrusted(plot); deleteComments(plot); deleteRatings(plot); addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("delete_plot") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` WHERE `id` = ?"); } }); } /** * Create plot settings * * @param id * @param plot */ @Override public void createPlotSettings(final int id, Plot plot) { PS.debug("Creating plot... Id: " + plot.getId() + " World: " + plot.getWorldName() + " Owner: " + plot.owner + " Index: " + id); addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("createPlotSettings") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, id); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings`(`plot_plot_id`) VALUES(?)"); } }); } @Override public int getClusterId(PlotCluster cluster) { if (cluster.temp > 0) { return cluster.temp; } try { commit(); if (cluster.temp > 0) { return cluster.temp; } int c_id; try (PreparedStatement stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT `id` FROM `" + this.prefix + "cluster` WHERE `pos1_x` = ? AND `pos1_z` = ? AND `pos2_x` = ? AND `pos2_z` = ? AND `world` = ? ORDER BY `timestamp` ASC")) { stmt.setInt(1, cluster.getP1().x); stmt.setInt(2, cluster.getP1().y); stmt.setInt(3, cluster.getP2().x); stmt.setInt(4, cluster.getP2().y); stmt.setString(5, cluster.area.toString()); try (ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery()) { c_id = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while ( { c_id = resultSet.getInt("id"); } } } if (c_id == Integer.MAX_VALUE || c_id == 0) { if (cluster.temp > 0) { return cluster.temp; } throw new SQLException("Cluster does not exist in database"); } cluster.temp = c_id; return c_id; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public int getId(Plot plot) { if (plot.temp > 0) { return plot.temp; } try { commit(); if (plot.temp > 0) { return plot.temp; } int id; try (PreparedStatement statement = this.connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT `id` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot` WHERE `plot_id_x` = ? AND `plot_id_z` = ? AND world = ? ORDER BY `timestamp` ASC")) { statement.setInt(1, plot.getId().x); statement.setInt(2, plot.getId().y); statement.setString(3, plot.getArea().toString()); try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) { id = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while ( { id = resultSet.getInt("id"); } } } if (id == Integer.MAX_VALUE || id == 0) { if (plot.temp > 0) { return plot.temp; } throw new SQLException("Plot does not exist in database"); } plot.temp = id; return id; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public void updateTables(int[] oldVersion) { try { if (this.mySQL && !PS.get().checkVersion(oldVersion, 3, 3, 2)) { try (Statement stmt = this.connection.createStatement()) { stmt.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plots` DROP INDEX `unique_alias`"); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } DatabaseMetaData data = this.connection.getMetaData(); ResultSet rs = data.getColumns(null, null, this.prefix + "plot_comments", "plot_plot_id"); if ( { rs.close(); rs = data.getColumns(null, null, this.prefix + "plot_comments", "hashcode"); if (! { rs.close(); try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) { statement.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_comments`"); if (Storage.MySQL.USE) { statement.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_comments` (" + "`world` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `hashcode` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`comment` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`inbox` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`timestamp` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`sender` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); } else { statement.addBatch("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + this.prefix + "plot_comments` (" + "`world` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `hashcode` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`comment` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," + "`inbox` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `timestamp` INT(11) NOT NULL," + "`sender` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL" + ')'); } statement.executeBatch(); } catch (SQLException ignored) { try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) { statement.addBatch("ALTER IGNORE TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_comments` ADD `inbox` VARCHAR(11) DEFAULT `public`"); statement.addBatch("ALTER IGNORE TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_comments` ADD `timestamp` INT(11) DEFAULT 0"); statement.addBatch("ALTER TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot` DROP `tier`"); statement.executeBatch(); } } } } rs.close(); rs = data.getColumns(null, null, this.prefix + "plot_denied", "plot_plot_id"); if ( { try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) { statement.executeUpdate( "DELETE FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot_denied` WHERE `plot_plot_id` NOT IN (SELECT `id` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot`)"); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } rs.close(); try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) { for (String table : new String[]{"plot_denied", "plot_helpers", "plot_trusted"}) { ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT plot_plot_id, user_uuid, COUNT(*) FROM " + this.prefix + table + " GROUP BY plot_plot_id, user_uuid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1"); if ( { PS.debug("BACKING UP: " + this.prefix + table); result.close(); statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + this.prefix + table + "_tmp AS SELECT * FROM " + this.prefix + table + " GROUP BY plot_plot_id, user_uuid"); statement.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE " + this.prefix + table); statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + this.prefix + table + " AS SELECT * FROM " + this.prefix + table + "_tmp"); statement.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE " + this.prefix + table + "_tmp"); PS.debug("RESTORING: " + this.prefix + table); } } } catch (SQLException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void deleteRows(ArrayList<Integer> rowIds, final String table, final String column) { setBulk(rowIds, new StmtMod<Integer>() { @Override public String getCreateMySQL(int size) { return getCreateMySQL(1, "DELETE FROM `" + table + "` WHERE `" + column + "` IN ", size); } @Override public String getCreateSQLite(int size) { return getCreateMySQL(1, "DELETE FROM `" + table + "` WHERE `" + column + "` IN ", size); } @Override public String getCreateSQL() { return "DELETE FROM `" + table + "` WHERE `" + column + "` = ?"; } @Override public void setMySQL(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, Integer obj) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(i + 1, obj); } @Override public void setSQLite(PreparedStatement stmt, int i, Integer obj) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(i + 1, obj); } @Override public void setSQL(PreparedStatement stmt, Integer obj) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, obj); } }, null); } /** * Load all plots, helpers, denied, trusted, and every setting from DB into a {@link HashMap}. */ @Override public HashMap<String, HashMap<PlotId, Plot>> getPlots() { HashMap<String, HashMap<PlotId, Plot>> newPlots = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, Plot> plots = new HashMap<>(); try { HashSet<String> areas = new HashSet<>(); if (PS.get().worlds.contains("worlds")) { ConfigurationSection worldSection = PS.get().worlds.getConfigurationSection("worlds"); if (worldSection != null) { for (String worldKey : worldSection.getKeys(false)) { areas.add(worldKey); ConfigurationSection areaSection = worldSection.getConfigurationSection(worldKey + ".areas"); if (areaSection != null) { for (String areaKey : areaSection.getKeys(false)) { String[] split = areaKey.split("(?<![;])-"); if (split.length == 3) { areas.add(worldKey + ';' + split[0]); } } } } } } HashMap<String, UUID> uuids = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, AtomicInteger> noExist = new HashMap<>(); /* * Getting plots */ try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) { int id; String o; UUID user; try (ResultSet resultSet = statement .executeQuery("SELECT `id`, `plot_id_x`, `plot_id_z`, `owner`, `world`, `timestamp` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot`")) { ArrayList<Integer> toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { PlotId plot_id = new PlotId(resultSet.getInt("plot_id_x"), resultSet.getInt("plot_id_z")); id = resultSet.getInt("id"); String areaid = resultSet.getString("world"); if (!areas.contains(areaid)) { if (Settings.Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER) { toDelete.add(id); continue; } else { AtomicInteger value = noExist.get(areaid); if (value != null) { value.incrementAndGet(); } else { noExist.put(areaid, new AtomicInteger(1)); } } } o = resultSet.getString("owner"); user = uuids.get(o); if (user == null) { try { user = UUID.fromString(o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (Settings.UUID.FORCE_LOWERCASE) { user = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + o.toLowerCase()).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); } else { user = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + o).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); } } uuids.put(o, user); } long time; try { Timestamp timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp("timestamp"); time = timestamp.getTime(); } catch (SQLException exception) { String parsable = resultSet.getString("timestamp"); try { time = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(parsable).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { PS.debug("Could not parse date for plot: #" + id + "(" + areaid + ";" + plot_id + ") (" + parsable + ")"); time = System.currentTimeMillis() + id; } } Plot p = new Plot(plot_id, user, new HashSet<UUID>(), new HashSet<UUID>(), new HashSet<UUID>(), "", null, null, null, new boolean[]{false, false, false, false}, time, id); HashMap<PlotId, Plot> map = newPlots.get(areaid); if (map != null) { Plot last = map.put(p.getId(), p); if (last != null) { if (Settings.Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER) { toDelete.add(last.temp); } else { PS.debug("&cPLOT #" + id + "(" + last + ") in `" + this.prefix + "plot` is a duplicate. Delete this plot or set `database-purger: true` in the settings.yml."); } } } else { map = new HashMap<>(); newPlots.put(areaid, map); map.put(p.getId(), p); } plots.put(id, p); } deleteRows(toDelete, this.prefix + "plot", "id"); } if (Settings.Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE) { try (ResultSet r = statement.executeQuery("SELECT `plot_plot_id`, `player`, `rating` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot_rating`")) { ArrayList<Integer> toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { id = r.getInt("plot_plot_id"); o = r.getString("player"); user = uuids.get(o); if (user == null) { user = UUID.fromString(o); uuids.put(o, user); } Plot plot = plots.get(id); if (plot != null) { plot.getSettings().getRatings().put(user, r.getInt("rating")); } else if (Settings.Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER) { toDelete.add(id); } else { PS.debug("&cENTRY #" + id + "(" + plot + ") in `plot_rating` does not exist. Create this plot or set `database-purger: true` in the " + "settings.yml."); } } deleteRows(toDelete, this.prefix + "plot_rating", "plot_plot_id"); } } /* * Getting helpers */ try (ResultSet r = statement.executeQuery("SELECT `user_uuid`, `plot_plot_id` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot_helpers`")) { ArrayList<Integer> toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { id = r.getInt("plot_plot_id"); o = r.getString("user_uuid"); user = uuids.get(o); if (user == null) { user = UUID.fromString(o); uuids.put(o, user); } Plot plot = plots.get(id); if (plot != null) { plot.getTrusted().add(user); } else if (Settings.Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER) { toDelete.add(id); } else { PS.debug("&cENTRY #" + id + "(" + plot + ") in `plot_helpers` does not exist. Create this plot or set `database-purger: true` in the settings" + ".yml."); } } deleteRows(toDelete, this.prefix + "plot_helpers", "plot_plot_id"); } /* * Getting trusted */ try (ResultSet r = statement.executeQuery("SELECT `user_uuid`, `plot_plot_id` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot_trusted`")) { ArrayList<Integer> toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { id = r.getInt("plot_plot_id"); o = r.getString("user_uuid"); user = uuids.get(o); if (user == null) { user = UUID.fromString(o); uuids.put(o, user); } Plot plot = plots.get(id); if (plot != null) { plot.getMembers().add(user); } else if (Settings.Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER) { toDelete.add(id); } else { PS.debug("&cENTRY #" + id + "(" + plot + ") in `plot_trusted` does not exist. Create this plot or set `database-purger: true` in the settings" + ".yml."); } } deleteRows(toDelete, this.prefix + "plot_trusted", "plot_plot_id"); } /* * Getting denied */ try (ResultSet r = statement.executeQuery("SELECT `user_uuid`, `plot_plot_id` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot_denied`")) { ArrayList<Integer> toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { id = r.getInt("plot_plot_id"); o = r.getString("user_uuid"); user = uuids.get(o); if (user == null) { user = UUID.fromString(o); uuids.put(o, user); } Plot plot = plots.get(id); if (plot != null) { plot.getDenied().add(user); } else if (Settings.Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER) { toDelete.add(id); } else { PS.debug("&cENTRY " + id + " in `plot_denied` does not exist. Create this plot or set `database-purger: true` in the settings.yml."); } } deleteRows(toDelete, this.prefix + "plot_denied", "plot_plot_id"); } try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot_settings`")) { ArrayList<Integer> toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { id = resultSet.getInt("plot_plot_id"); Plot plot = plots.get(id); if (plot != null) { plots.remove(id); String alias = resultSet.getString("alias"); if (alias != null) { plot.getSettings().setAlias(alias); } String pos = resultSet.getString("position"); switch (pos.toLowerCase()) { case "": case "default": case "0,0,0": case "center": break; default: try { plot.getSettings().setPosition(BlockLoc.fromString(pos)); } catch (Exception ignored) {} } Integer m = resultSet.getInt("merged"); boolean[] merged = new boolean[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { merged[3 - i] = (m & 1 << i) != 0; } plot.getSettings().setMerged(merged); String[] flags_string; String myflags = resultSet.getString("flags"); if (myflags == null || myflags.isEmpty()) { flags_string = new String[]{}; } else { flags_string = myflags.split(","); } HashMap<Flag<?>, Object> flags = new HashMap<>(); boolean exception = false; for (String element : flags_string) { if (element.contains(":")) { String[] split = element.split(":"); try { String flag_str = split[1].replaceAll("¯", ":").replaceAll("\u00B4", ","); Flag<?> flag = FlagManager.getOrCreateFlag(split[0]); flags.put(flag, flag.parseValue(flag_str)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exception = true; } } else { element = element.replaceAll("\u00AF", ":").replaceAll("\u00B4", ","); if (StringMan.isAlpha(element.replaceAll("_", "").replaceAll("-", ""))) { Flag flag = FlagManager.getOrCreateFlag(element); if (flag == null) { flag = new StringFlag(element) { @Override public String getValueDescription() { return "Generic Filler Flag"; } }; } flags.put(flag, flag.parseValue("")); } else { PS.debug("INVALID FLAG: " + element); } } } if (exception) { PS.debug("&cPlot #" + id + "(" + plot + ") | " + plot + " had an invalid flag. A fix has been attempted."); PS.debug("&c" + myflags); this.setFlags(plot, flags); } plot.getSettings().flags = flags; } else if (Settings.Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER) { toDelete.add(id); } else { PS.debug( "&cENTRY #" + id + "(" + plot + ") in `plot_settings` does not exist. Create this plot or set `database-purger: true` in the settings" + ".yml."); } } deleteRows(toDelete, this.prefix + "plot_settings", "plot_plot_id"); } } if (!plots.entrySet().isEmpty()) { createEmptySettings(new ArrayList<>(plots.keySet()), null); for (Entry<Integer, Plot> entry : plots.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().getSettings(); } } boolean invalidPlot = false; for (Entry<String, AtomicInteger> entry : noExist.entrySet()) { String worldName = entry.getKey(); invalidPlot = true; PS.debug("&c[WARNING] Found " + entry.getValue().intValue() + " plots in DB for non existent world; '" + worldName + "'."); } if (invalidPlot) { PS.debug("&c[WARNING] - Please create the world/s or remove the plots using the purge command"); } } catch (SQLException e) { PS.debug("&7[WARN] Failed to load plots."); e.printStackTrace(); } return newPlots; } @Override public void setMerged(final Plot plot, final boolean[] merged) { plot.getSettings().setMerged(merged); addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setMerged") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { int hash = MainUtil.hash(merged); stmt.setInt(1, hash); stmt.setInt(2, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings` SET `merged` = ? WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void swapPlots(Plot plot1, Plot plot2) { final int id1 = getId(plot1); final int id2 = getId(plot2); final PlotId pos1 = plot1.getId(); final PlotId pos2 = plot2.getId(); addPlotTask(plot1, new UniqueStatement("swapPlots") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, pos2.x); stmt.setInt(2, pos2.y); stmt.setInt(3, id1); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` SET `plot_id_x` = ?, `plot_id_z` = ? WHERE `id` = ?"); } }); addPlotTask(plot2, new UniqueStatement("swapPlots") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, pos1.x); stmt.setInt(2, pos1.y); stmt.setInt(3, id2); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` SET `plot_id_x` = ?, `plot_id_z` = ? WHERE `id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void movePlot(final Plot original, final Plot newPlot) { addPlotTask(original, new UniqueStatement("movePlot") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, newPlot.getId().x); stmt.setInt(2, newPlot.getId().y); stmt.setString(3, newPlot.getArea().toString()); stmt.setInt(4, getId(original)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` SET `plot_id_x` = ?, `plot_id_z` = ?, `world` = ? WHERE `id` = ?"); } }); addPlotTask(newPlot, null); } @Override public void setFlags(final Plot plot, HashMap<Flag<?>, Object> flags) { final String flag_string = FlagManager.toString(flags); addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setFlags") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, flag_string); stmt.setInt(2, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings` SET `flags` = ? WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void setAlias(final Plot plot, final String alias) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setAlias") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, alias); stmt.setInt(2, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings` SET `alias` = ? WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } /** * Purge all plots with the following database IDs */ @Override public void purgeIds(final Set<Integer> uniqueIds) { addGlobalTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!uniqueIds.isEmpty()) { try { ArrayList<Integer> uniqueIdsList = new ArrayList<Integer>(uniqueIds); String stmt_prefix = ""; int size = uniqueIdsList.size(); int packet = 990; int amount = size / packet; int count = 0; int last = -1; for (int j = 0; j <= amount; j++) { PS.debug("Purging " + (j * packet) + " / " + size); List<Integer> subList = uniqueIdsList.subList(j * packet, Math.min(size, (j + 1) * packet)); if (subList.isEmpty()) { break; } StringBuilder idstr2 = new StringBuilder(""); stmt_prefix = ""; for (Integer id : subList) { idstr2.append(stmt_prefix).append(id); stmt_prefix = " OR `id` = "; } stmt_prefix = ""; StringBuilder idstr = new StringBuilder(); for (Integer id : subList) { idstr.append(stmt_prefix).append(id); stmt_prefix = " OR `plot_plot_id` = "; } PreparedStatement stmt = SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_helpers` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = " + idstr); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); stmt = SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_denied` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = " + idstr); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); stmt = SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = " + idstr); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); stmt = SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_trusted` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = " + idstr); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); stmt = SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` WHERE `id` = " + idstr2); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("&c[ERROR] FAILED TO PURGE PLOTS!"); return; } } PS.debug("&6[INFO] SUCCESSFULLY PURGED " + uniqueIds.size() + " PLOTS!"); } }); } @Override public void purge(final PlotArea area, final Set<PlotId> plots) { addGlobalTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try (PreparedStatement stmt = SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("SELECT `id`, `plot_id_x`, `plot_id_z` FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` WHERE `world` = ?")) { stmt.setString(1, area.toString()); Set<Integer> ids; try (ResultSet r = stmt.executeQuery()) { ids = new HashSet<>(); while ( { PlotId plot_id = new PlotId(r.getInt("plot_id_x"), r.getInt("plot_id_z")); if (plots.contains(plot_id)) { ids.add(r.getInt("id")); } } } purgeIds(ids); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); PS.debug("&c[ERROR] FAILED TO PURGE AREA '" + area + "'!"); } for (Iterator<PlotId> iterator = plots.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { PlotId plotId =; iterator.remove(); PlotId id = new PlotId(plotId.x, plotId.y); area.removePlot(id); } } }); } @Override public void setPosition(final Plot plot, final String position) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setPosition") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, position == null ? "" : position); stmt.setInt(2, getId(plot)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_settings` SET `position` = ? WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void removeComment(final Plot plot, final PlotComment comment) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("removeComment") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { if (plot != null) { statement.setString(1, plot.getArea().toString()); statement.setInt(2, plot.getId().hashCode()); statement.setString(3, comment.comment); statement.setString(4, comment.inbox); statement.setString(5, comment.senderName); } else { statement.setString(1, comment.comment); statement.setString(2, comment.inbox); statement.setString(3, comment.senderName); } } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { if (plot != null) { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_comments` WHERE `world` = ? AND `hashcode` = ? AND `comment` = ? AND `inbox` = ? AND `sender` = ?"); } return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_comments` WHERE `comment` = ? AND `inbox` = ? AND `sender` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void clearInbox(final Plot plot, final String inbox) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("clearInbox") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { if (plot != null) { statement.setString(1, plot.getArea().toString()); statement.setInt(2, plot.getId().hashCode()); statement.setString(3, inbox); } else { statement.setString(1, inbox); } } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { if (plot != null) { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_comments` WHERE `world` = ? AND `hashcode` = ? AND `inbox` = ?"); } return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_comments` `inbox` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void getComments(final Plot plot, final String inbox, final RunnableVal<List<PlotComment>> whenDone) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("getComments_" + plot) { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { if (plot != null) { statement.setString(1, plot.getArea().toString()); statement.setInt(2, plot.getId().hashCode()); statement.setString(3, inbox); } else { statement.setString(1, inbox); } } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { if (plot != null) { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_comments` WHERE `world` = ? AND `hashcode` = ? AND `inbox` = ?"); } return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_comments` WHERE `inbox` = ?"); } @Override public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) {} @Override public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { ArrayList<PlotComment> comments = new ArrayList<>(); try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { String sender = set.getString("sender"); String world = set.getString("world"); int hash = set.getInt("hashcode"); PlotId id; if (hash != 0) { id = PlotId.unpair(hash); } else { id = null; } String msg = set.getString("comment"); long timestamp = set.getInt("timestamp") * 1000; PlotComment comment = new PlotComment(world, id, msg, sender, inbox, timestamp); comments.add(comment); whenDone.value = comments; } } TaskManager.runTask(whenDone); } }); } @Override public void setComment(final Plot plot, final PlotComment comment) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setComment") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setString(1, plot.getArea().toString()); statement.setInt(2, plot.getId().hashCode()); statement.setString(3, comment.comment); statement.setString(4, comment.inbox); statement.setInt(5, (int) (comment.timestamp / 1000)); statement.setString(6, comment.senderName); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_comments` (`world`, `hashcode`, `comment`, `inbox`, `timestamp`, `sender`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)"); } }); } @Override public void removeTrusted(final Plot plot, final UUID uuid) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("removeTrusted") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getId(plot)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_helpers` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ? AND `user_uuid` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void removeMember(final Plot plot, final UUID uuid) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("removeMember") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getId(plot)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_trusted` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ? AND `user_uuid` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void setTrusted(final Plot plot, final UUID uuid) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setTrusted") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getId(plot)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_helpers` (`plot_plot_id`, `user_uuid`) VALUES(?,?)"); } }); } @Override public void setMember(final Plot plot, final UUID uuid) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setMember") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getId(plot)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_trusted` (`plot_plot_id`, `user_uuid`) VALUES(?,?)"); } }); } @Override public void removeDenied(final Plot plot, final UUID uuid) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("removeDenied") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getId(plot)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_denied` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ? AND `user_uuid` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void setDenied(final Plot plot, final UUID uuid) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setDenied") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getId(plot)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_denied` (`plot_plot_id`, `user_uuid`) VALUES(?,?)"); } }); } @Override public HashMap<UUID, Integer> getRatings(Plot plot) { HashMap<UUID, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); try (PreparedStatement statement = this.connection .prepareStatement("SELECT `rating`, `player` FROM `" + this.prefix + "plot_rating` WHERE `plot_plot_id` = ? ")) { statement.setInt(1, getId(plot)); try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(resultSet.getString("player")); int rating = resultSet.getInt("rating"); map.put(uuid, rating); } } } catch (SQLException e) { PS.debug("&7[WARN] Failed to fetch rating for plot " + plot.getId().toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } return map; } @Override public void setRating(final Plot plot, final UUID rater, final int value) { addPlotTask(plot, new UniqueStatement("setRating") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getId(plot)); statement.setInt(2, value); statement.setString(3, rater.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_rating` (`plot_plot_id`, `rating`, `player`) VALUES(?,?,?)"); } }); } @Override public void delete(PlotCluster cluster) { final int id = getClusterId(cluster); addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("delete_cluster_settings") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, id); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_settings` WHERE `cluster_id` = ?"); } }); addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("delete_cluster_helpers") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, id); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_helpers` WHERE `cluster_id` = ?"); } }); addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("delete_cluster_invited") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, id); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_invited` WHERE `cluster_id` = ?"); } }); addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("delete_cluster") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, id); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster` WHERE `id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void addPersistentMeta(final UUID uuid, final String key, final byte[] meta, final boolean replace) { addPlayerTask(uuid, new UniqueStatement("addPersistentMeta") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { if (replace) { stmt.setBytes(1, meta); stmt.setString(2, uuid.toString()); stmt.setString(3, key); } else { stmt.setString(1, uuid.toString()); stmt.setString(2, key); stmt.setBytes(3, meta); } } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { if (replace) { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "player_meta` SET `value` = ? WHERE `uuid` = ? AND `key` = ?"); } else { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "player_meta`(`uuid`, `key`, `value`) VALUES(?, ? ,?)"); } } }); } @Override public void removePersistentMeta(final UUID uuid, final String key) { addPlayerTask(uuid, new UniqueStatement("removePersistentMeta") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, uuid.toString()); stmt.setString(2, key); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "player_meta` WHERE `uuid` = ? AND `key` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void getPersistentMeta(final UUID uuid, final RunnableVal<Map<String, byte[]>> result) { addPlayerTask(uuid, new UniqueStatement("getPersistentMeta") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "player_meta` WHERE `uuid` = ?"); } @Override public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) {} @Override public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); Map<String, byte[]> metaMap = new HashMap<>(); while ( { String key = resultSet.getString("key"); byte[] bytes = resultSet.getBytes("value"); metaMap.put(key, bytes); } resultSet.close();; } }); } @Override public HashMap<String, Set<PlotCluster>> getClusters() { LinkedHashMap<String, Set<PlotCluster>> newClusters = new LinkedHashMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, PlotCluster> clusters = new HashMap<>(); try { HashSet<String> areas = new HashSet<>(); if (PS.get().worlds.contains("worlds")) { ConfigurationSection worldSection = PS.get().worlds.getConfigurationSection("worlds"); if (worldSection != null) { for (String worldKey : worldSection.getKeys(false)) { areas.add(worldKey); ConfigurationSection areaSection = worldSection.getConfigurationSection(worldKey + ".areas"); if (areaSection != null) { for (String areaKey : areaSection.getKeys(false)) { String[] split = areaKey.split("(?<![;])-"); if (split.length == 3) { areas.add(worldKey + ';' + split[0]); } } } } } } HashMap<String, UUID> uuids = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> noExist = new HashMap<>(); /* * Getting clusters */ try (Statement stmt = this.connection.createStatement()) { ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM `" + this.prefix + "cluster`"); PlotCluster cluster; String owner; UUID user; int id; while ( { PlotId pos1 = new PlotId(resultSet.getInt("pos1_x"), resultSet.getInt("pos1_z")); PlotId pos2 = new PlotId(resultSet.getInt("pos2_x"), resultSet.getInt("pos2_z")); id = resultSet.getInt("id"); String areaid = resultSet.getString("world"); if (!areas.contains(areaid)) { if (noExist.containsKey(areaid)) { noExist.put(areaid, noExist.get(areaid) + 1); } else { noExist.put(areaid, 1); } } owner = resultSet.getString("owner"); user = uuids.get(owner); if (user == null) { user = UUID.fromString(owner); uuids.put(owner, user); } cluster = new PlotCluster(null, pos1, pos2, user, id); clusters.put(id, cluster); Set<PlotCluster> set = newClusters.get(areaid); if (set == null) { set = new HashSet<>(); newClusters.put(areaid, set); } set.add(cluster); } //Getting helpers resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT `user_uuid`, `cluster_id` FROM `" + this.prefix + "cluster_helpers`"); while ( { id = resultSet.getInt("cluster_id"); owner = resultSet.getString("user_uuid"); user = uuids.get(owner); if (user == null) { user = UUID.fromString(owner); uuids.put(owner, user); } cluster = clusters.get(id); if (cluster != null) { cluster.helpers.add(user); } else { PS.debug("&cCluster #" + id + "(" + cluster + ") in cluster_helpers does not exist. Please create the cluster or remove this entry."); } } // Getting invited resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT `user_uuid`, `cluster_id` FROM `" + this.prefix + "cluster_invited`"); while ( { id = resultSet.getInt("cluster_id"); owner = resultSet.getString("user_uuid"); user = uuids.get(owner); if (user == null) { user = UUID.fromString(owner); uuids.put(owner, user); } cluster = clusters.get(id); if (cluster != null) { cluster.invited.add(user); } else { PS.debug("&cCluster #" + id + "(" + cluster + ") in cluster_invited does not exist. Please create the cluster or remove this entry."); } } resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM `" + this.prefix + "cluster_settings`"); while ( { id = resultSet.getInt("cluster_id"); cluster = clusters.get(id); if (cluster != null) { String alias = resultSet.getString("alias"); if (alias != null) { cluster.settings.setAlias(alias); } String pos = resultSet.getString("position"); switch (pos.toLowerCase()) { case "": case "default": case "0,0,0": case "center": break; default: try { BlockLoc loc = BlockLoc.fromString(pos); cluster.settings.setPosition(loc); } catch (Exception ignored) {} } Integer m = resultSet.getInt("merged"); boolean[] merged = new boolean[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { merged[3 - i] = (m & 1 << i) != 0; } cluster.settings.setMerged(merged); String[] flags_string; String myflags = resultSet.getString("flags"); if (myflags == null || myflags.isEmpty()) { flags_string = new String[]{}; } else { flags_string = myflags.split(","); } HashMap<Flag<?>, Object> flags = new HashMap<>(); for (String element : flags_string) { if (element.contains(":")) { String[] split = element.split(":"); String flag_str = split[1].replaceAll("\u00AF", ":").replaceAll("´", ","); Flag flag = FlagManager.getOrCreateFlag(split[0]); if (flag == null) { flag = new StringFlag(split[0]) { @Override public String getValueDescription() { return "Generic Filler Flag"; } }; } flags.put(flag, flag.parseValue(flag_str)); } else { Flag flag = FlagManager.getOrCreateFlag(element); if (flag == null) { flag = new StringFlag(element) { @Override public String getValueDescription() { return "Generic Filler Flag"; } }; } flags.put(flag, flag.parseValue("")); } } cluster.settings.flags = flags; } else { PS.debug("&cCluster #" + id + "(" + cluster + ") in cluster_settings does not exist. Please create the cluster or remove this entry."); } } resultSet.close(); } boolean invalidPlot = false; for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : noExist.entrySet()) { String a = entry.getKey(); invalidPlot = true; PS.debug("&c[WARNING] Found " + noExist.get(a) + " clusters in DB for non existent area; '" + a + "'."); } if (invalidPlot) { PS.debug("&c[WARNING] - Please create the world/s or remove the clusters using the purge command"); } } catch (SQLException e) { PS.debug("&7[WARN] Failed to load clusters."); e.printStackTrace(); } return newClusters; } @Override public void setFlags(final PlotCluster cluster, HashMap<Flag<?>, Object> flags) { final StringBuilder flag_string = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (Entry<Flag<?>, Object> flag : flags.entrySet()) { if (i != 0) { flag_string.append(','); } flag_string.append(flag.getKey().getName()).append(':') .append(flag.getKey().valueToString(flag.getValue()).replaceAll(":", "\u00AF").replaceAll(",", "´")); i++; } addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("setFlags") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, flag_string.toString()); stmt.setInt(2, getClusterId(cluster)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_settings` SET `flags` = ? WHERE `cluster_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void setClusterName(final PlotCluster cluster, final String name) { addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("setClusterName") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, name); stmt.setInt(2, getClusterId(cluster)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_settings` SET `alias` = ? WHERE `cluster_id` = ?"); } }); cluster.settings.setAlias(name); } @Override public void removeHelper(final PlotCluster cluster, final UUID uuid) { addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("removeHelper") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getClusterId(cluster)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_helpers` WHERE `cluster_id` = ? AND `user_uuid` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void setHelper(final PlotCluster cluster, final UUID uuid) { addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("setHelper") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getClusterId(cluster)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_helpers` (`cluster_id`, `user_uuid`) VALUES(?,?)"); } }); } @Override public void createCluster(final PlotCluster cluster) { addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("createCluster_" + cluster.hashCode()) { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, cluster.getP1().x); stmt.setInt(2, cluster.getP1().y); stmt.setInt(3, cluster.getP2().x); stmt.setInt(4, cluster.getP2().y); stmt.setString(5, cluster.owner.toString()); stmt.setString(6, cluster.area.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement(SQLManager.this.CREATE_CLUSTER, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } @Override public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) {} @Override public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.executeUpdate(); try (ResultSet keys = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) { if ( { cluster.temp = keys.getInt(1); } } } }); addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("createCluster_settings_" + cluster.hashCode()) { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, getClusterId(cluster)); stmt.setString(2, cluster.settings.getAlias()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_settings`(`cluster_id`, `alias`) VALUES(?, ?)"); } }); } @Override public void resizeCluster(final PlotCluster current, PlotId min, PlotId max) { final PlotId pos1 = new PlotId(current.getP1().x, current.getP1().y); final PlotId pos2 = new PlotId(current.getP2().x, current.getP2().y); current.setP1(min); current.setP2(max); addClusterTask(current, new UniqueStatement("resizeCluster") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, pos1.x); stmt.setInt(2, pos1.y); stmt.setInt(3, pos2.x); stmt.setInt(4, pos2.y); stmt.setInt(5, getClusterId(current)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster` SET `pos1_x` = ?, `pos1_z` = ?, `pos2_x` = ?, `pos2_z` = ? WHERE `id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void setPosition(final PlotCluster cluster, final String position) { addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("setPosition") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, position); stmt.setInt(2, getClusterId(cluster)); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_settings` SET `position` = ? WHERE `cluster_id` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void removeInvited(final PlotCluster cluster, final UUID uuid) { addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("removeInvited") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getClusterId(cluster)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_invited` WHERE `cluster_id` = ? AND `user_uuid` = ?"); } }); } @Override public void setInvited(final PlotCluster cluster, final UUID uuid) { addClusterTask(cluster, new UniqueStatement("setInvited") { @Override public void set(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.setInt(1, getClusterId(cluster)); statement.setString(2, uuid.toString()); } @Override public PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException { return SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_invited` (`cluster_id`, `user_uuid`) VALUES(?,?)"); } }); } @Override public boolean deleteTables() { try (Statement stmt = this.connection.createStatement(); PreparedStatement statement = this.connection.prepareStatement("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot`")) { close(); this.closed = false; SQLManager.this.connection = this.database.forceConnection(); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "cluster_invited`"); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "cluster_helpers`"); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "cluster`"); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_rating`"); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_settings`"); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_comments`"); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_trusted`"); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_helpers`"); stmt.addBatch("DROP TABLE `" + this.prefix + "plot_denied`"); stmt.executeBatch(); stmt.clearBatch(); statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } @Override public void validateAllPlots(Set<Plot> toValidate) { if (!isValid()) { reconnect(); } PS.debug("$1All DB transactions during this session are being validated (This may take a while if corrections need to be made)"); commit(); while (true) { if (!sendBatch()) { break; } } try { if (this.connection.getAutoCommit()) { this.connection.setAutoCommit(false); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } HashMap<String, HashMap<PlotId, Plot>> database = getPlots(); ArrayList<Plot> toCreate = new ArrayList<>(); for (Plot plot : toValidate) { if (plot.temp == -1) { continue; } HashMap<PlotId, Plot> worldPlots = database.get(plot.getArea().toString()); if (worldPlots == null) { PS.debug("&8 - &7Creating plot (1): " + plot); toCreate.add(plot); continue; } Plot dataPlot = worldPlots.remove(plot.getId()); if (dataPlot == null) { PS.debug("&8 - &7Creating plot (2): " + plot); toCreate.add(plot); continue; } // owner if (!plot.owner.equals(dataPlot.owner)) { PS.debug("&8 - &7Setting owner: " + plot + " -> " + MainUtil.getName(plot.owner)); setOwner(plot, plot.owner); } // trusted if (!plot.getTrusted().equals(dataPlot.getTrusted())) { HashSet<UUID> toAdd = (HashSet<UUID>) plot.getTrusted().clone(); HashSet<UUID> toRemove = (HashSet<UUID>) dataPlot.getTrusted().clone(); toRemove.removeAll(plot.getTrusted()); toAdd.removeAll(dataPlot.getTrusted()); PS.debug("&8 - &7Correcting " + (toAdd.size() + toRemove.size()) + " trusted for: " + plot); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { for (UUID uuid : toRemove) { removeTrusted(plot, uuid); } } if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) { for (UUID uuid : toAdd) { setTrusted(plot, uuid); } } } if (!plot.getMembers().equals(dataPlot.getMembers())) { HashSet<UUID> toAdd = (HashSet<UUID>) plot.getMembers().clone(); HashSet<UUID> toRemove = (HashSet<UUID>) dataPlot.getMembers().clone(); toRemove.removeAll(plot.getMembers()); toAdd.removeAll(dataPlot.getMembers()); PS.debug("&8 - &7Correcting " + (toAdd.size() + toRemove.size()) + " members for: " + plot); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { for (UUID uuid : toRemove) { removeMember(plot, uuid); } } if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) { for (UUID uuid : toAdd) { setMember(plot, uuid); } } } if (!plot.getDenied().equals(dataPlot.getDenied())) { HashSet<UUID> toAdd = (HashSet<UUID>) plot.getDenied().clone(); HashSet<UUID> toRemove = (HashSet<UUID>) dataPlot.getDenied().clone(); toRemove.removeAll(plot.getDenied()); toAdd.removeAll(dataPlot.getDenied()); PS.debug("&8 - &7Correcting " + (toAdd.size() + toRemove.size()) + " denied for: " + plot); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { for (UUID uuid : toRemove) { removeDenied(plot, uuid); } } if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) { for (UUID uuid : toAdd) { setDenied(plot, uuid); } } } boolean[] pm = plot.getMerged(); boolean[] dm = dataPlot.getMerged(); if (pm[0] != dm[0] || pm[1] != dm[1]) { PS.debug("&8 - &7Correcting merge for: " + plot); setMerged(dataPlot, plot.getMerged()); } HashMap<Flag<?>, Object> pf = plot.getFlags(); HashMap<Flag<?>, Object> df = dataPlot.getFlags(); if (!pf.isEmpty() && !df.isEmpty()) { if (pf.size() != df.size() || !StringMan.isEqual(StringMan.joinOrdered(pf.values(), ","), StringMan.joinOrdered(df.values(), ","))) { PS.debug("&8 - &7Correcting flags for: " + plot); setFlags(plot, pf); } } } for (Entry<String, HashMap<PlotId, Plot>> entry : database.entrySet()) { HashMap<PlotId, Plot> map = entry.getValue(); if (!map.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<PlotId, Plot> entry2 : map.entrySet()) { PS.debug("$1Plot was deleted: " + entry2.getValue().toString() + "// TODO implement this when sure safe"); } } } commit(); } @Override public void replaceWorld(final String oldWorld, final String newWorld, final PlotId min, final PlotId max) { addGlobalTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (min == null) { try (PreparedStatement stmt = SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` SET `world` = ? WHERE `world` = ?")) { stmt.setString(1, newWorld); stmt.setString(2, oldWorld); stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try (PreparedStatement stmt = SQLManager.this.connection .prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster` SET `world` = ? WHERE `world` = ?")) { stmt.setString(1, newWorld); stmt.setString(2, oldWorld); stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try (PreparedStatement stmt = SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` SET `world` = ? WHERE `world` = ? AND `plot_id_x` BETWEEN ? AND ? AND `plot_id_z` BETWEEN ? AND ?")) { stmt.setString(1, newWorld); stmt.setString(2, oldWorld); stmt.setInt(3, min.x); stmt.setInt(4, max.x); stmt.setInt(5, min.y); stmt.setInt(6, max.y); stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try (PreparedStatement stmt = SQLManager.this.connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster` SET `world` = ? WHERE `world` = ? AND `pos1_x` <= ? AND `pos1_z` <= ? AND `pos2_x` >= ? AND `pos2_z` >= ?")) { stmt.setString(1, newWorld); stmt.setString(2, oldWorld); stmt.setInt(3, max.x); stmt.setInt(4, max.y); stmt.setInt(5, min.x); stmt.setInt(6, min.y); stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } @Override public void replaceUUID(final UUID old, final UUID now) { addGlobalTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try (Statement stmt = SQLManager.this.connection.createStatement()) { stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster` SET `owner` = '" + now.toString() + "' WHERE `owner` = '" + old.toString() + '\''); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_helpers` SET `user_uuid` = '" + now.toString() + "' WHERE `user_uuid` = '" + old.toString() + '\''); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "cluster_invited` SET `user_uuid` = '" + now.toString() + "' WHERE `user_uuid` = '" + old.toString() + '\''); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot` SET `owner` = '" + now.toString() + "' WHERE `owner` = '" + old.toString() + '\''); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_denied` SET `user_uuid` = '" + now.toString() + "' WHERE `user_uuid` = '" + old.toString() + '\''); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_helpers` SET `user_uuid` = '" + now.toString() + "' WHERE `user_uuid` = '" + old.toString() + '\''); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE `" + SQLManager.this.prefix + "plot_trusted` SET `user_uuid` = '" + now.toString() + "' WHERE `user_uuid` = '" + old.toString() + '\''); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } @Override public void close() { try { this.closed = true; this.connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public abstract class UniqueStatement { public final String method; public UniqueStatement(String method) { this.method = method; } public void addBatch(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.addBatch(); } public void execute(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { statement.executeBatch(); } public abstract PreparedStatement get() throws SQLException; public abstract void set(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException; } private class UUIDPair { public final int id; public final UUID uuid; public UUIDPair(int id, UUID uuid) { = id; this.uuid = uuid; } } private class SettingsPair { public final int id; public final PlotSettings settings; public SettingsPair(int id, PlotSettings settings) { = id; this.settings = settings; } } }