package com.plotsquared.bukkit.titles; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; public class HackTitleManager extends TitleManager { /** * Create a new 1.8 title. * * @param title Title text * @param subtitle Subtitle text * @param fadeInTime Fade in time * @param stayTime Stay on screen time * @param fadeOutTime Fade out time */ HackTitleManager(String title, String subtitle, int fadeInTime, int stayTime, int fadeOutTime) { super(title, subtitle, fadeInTime, stayTime, fadeOutTime); } /** * Load spigot and NMS classes. */ @Override void loadClasses() { this.packetTitle = getClass("org.spigotmc.ProtocolInjector$PacketTitle"); this.packetActions = getClass("org.spigotmc.ProtocolInjector$PacketTitle$Action"); this.nmsChatSerializer = Reflection.getNMSClass("ChatSerializer"); } @Override public void send(Player player) throws IllegalArgumentException, ReflectiveOperationException, SecurityException { if ((getProtocolVersion(player) >= 47) && isSpigot() && (this.packetTitle != null)) { // First reset previous settings resetTitle(player); // Send timings first Object handle = getHandle(player); Object connection = getField(handle.getClass(), "playerConnection").get(handle); Object[] actions = this.packetActions.getEnumConstants(); Method sendPacket = getMethod(connection.getClass(), "sendPacket"); Object packet = this.packetTitle.getConstructor(this.packetActions, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE).newInstance(actions[2], this.fadeInTime * (this.ticks ? 1 : 20), this.stayTime * (this.ticks ? 1 : 20), this.fadeOutTime * (this.ticks ? 1 : 20)); // Send if set if ((this.fadeInTime != -1) && (this.fadeOutTime != -1) && (this.stayTime != -1)) { sendPacket.invoke(connection, packet); } // Send title Object serialized = getMethod(this.nmsChatSerializer, "a", String.class).invoke(null, "{text:\"" + ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', this.getTitle()) + "\",color:" + + "}"); packet = this.packetTitle.getConstructor(this.packetActions, Reflection.getNMSClass("IChatBaseComponent")) .newInstance(actions[0], serialized); sendPacket.invoke(connection, packet); if (!this.getSubtitle().isEmpty()) { // Send subtitle if present serialized = getMethod(this.nmsChatSerializer, "a", String.class).invoke(null, "{text:\"" + ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', this.getSubtitle()) + "\",color:" + .toLowerCase() + "}"); packet = this.packetTitle.getConstructor(this.packetActions, Reflection.getNMSClass("IChatBaseComponent")) .newInstance(actions[1], serialized); sendPacket.invoke(connection, packet); } } } @Override public void clearTitle(Player player) throws IllegalArgumentException, ReflectiveOperationException, SecurityException { if ((getProtocolVersion(player) >= 47) && isSpigot()) { // Send timings first Object handle = getHandle(player); Object connection = getField(handle.getClass(), "playerConnection").get(handle); Object[] actions = this.packetActions.getEnumConstants(); Method sendPacket = getMethod(connection.getClass(), "sendPacket"); Object packet = this.packetTitle.getConstructor(this.packetActions).newInstance(actions[3]); sendPacket.invoke(connection, packet); } } @Override public void resetTitle(Player player) throws IllegalArgumentException, ReflectiveOperationException, SecurityException { if ((getProtocolVersion(player) >= 47) && isSpigot()) { // Send timings first Object handle = getHandle(player); Object connection = getField(handle.getClass(), "playerConnection").get(handle); Object[] actions = this.packetActions.getEnumConstants(); Method sendPacket = getMethod(connection.getClass(), "sendPacket"); Object packet = this.packetTitle.getConstructor(this.packetActions).newInstance(actions[4]); sendPacket.invoke(connection, packet); } } /** * Get the protocol version of the player. * * @param player Player * @return Protocol version * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws ReflectiveOperationException * @throws SecurityException */ private int getProtocolVersion(Player player) throws IllegalArgumentException, ReflectiveOperationException, SecurityException { Object handle = getHandle(player); Object connection = getField(handle.getClass(), "playerConnection").get(handle); Object networkManager = getValue("networkManager", connection); return (Integer) getMethod("getVersion", networkManager.getClass()).invoke(networkManager); } /** * Check if running spigot. * * @return Spigot */ private boolean isSpigot() { return Bukkit.getVersion().contains("Spigot"); } /** * Get class by url. * * @param namespace Namespace url * @return Class */ private Class<?> getClass(String namespace) { try { return Class.forName(namespace); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {} return null; } private Field getField(String name, Class<?> clazz) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException { return clazz.getDeclaredField(name); } private Object getValue(String name, Object obj) throws ReflectiveOperationException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException { Field f = getField(name, obj.getClass()); f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(obj); } private Field getField(Class<?> clazz, String name) { try { Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(name); field.setAccessible(true); return field; } catch (SecurityException | NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private Method getMethod(Class<?> clazz, String name, Class<?>... args) { for (Method m : clazz.getMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(name) && ((args.length == 0) || classListEqual(args, m.getParameterTypes()))) { m.setAccessible(true); return m; } } return null; } }