package com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config; import com.intellectualcrafters.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class Settings extends Config { /* START OF CONFIGURATION SECTION: NOTE: Fields are saved in declaration order, classes in reverse order */ @Comment("These first 4 aren't configurable") // This is a comment @Final // Indicates that this value isn't configurable public static final String ISSUES = ""; @Final public static final String WIKI = ""; @Final public static String VERSION = null; // These values are set from PS before loading @Final public static String PLATFORM = null; // These values are set from PS before loading @Comment("Show additional information in console") public static boolean DEBUG = true; @Comment({"The big annoying text that appears when you enter a plot", "For a single plot: `/plot flag set titles false`", "For just you: `/plot toggle titles`"}) public static boolean TITLES = true; @Create // This value will be generated automatically public static ConfigBlock<Auto_Clear> AUTO_CLEAR = null; // A ConfigBlock is a section that can have multiple instances e.g. multiple expiry tasks public static void save(File file) { save(file, Settings.class); } public static void load(File file) { load(file, Settings.class); } public static boolean convertLegacy(File file) { if (!file.exists()) { return false; } YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); // Protection Redstone.DISABLE_OFFLINE = config.getBoolean(""); Redstone.DISABLE_UNOCCUPIED = config.getBoolean("", Redstone.DISABLE_UNOCCUPIED); // PlotMe Enabled_Components.PLOTME_CONVERTER = config.getBoolean("plotme-convert.enabled", Enabled_Components.PLOTME_CONVERTER); PlotMe.CACHE_UUDS = config.getBoolean("plotme-convert.cache-uuids", PlotMe.CACHE_UUDS); // UUID UUID.USE_SQLUUIDHANDLER = config.getBoolean("uuid.use_sqluuidhandler", UUID.USE_SQLUUIDHANDLER); UUID.OFFLINE = config.getBoolean("UUID.offline", UUID.OFFLINE); UUID.FORCE_LOWERCASE = config.getBoolean("UUID.force-lowercase", UUID.FORCE_LOWERCASE); // Mob stuff Enabled_Components.KILL_ROAD_MOBS = config.getBoolean("kill_road_mobs", Enabled_Components.KILL_ROAD_MOBS); Enabled_Components.KILL_ROAD_VEHICLES = config.getBoolean("kill_road_vehicles", Enabled_Components.KILL_ROAD_VEHICLES); // Clearing + Expiry //FAST_CLEAR = config.getBoolean("clear.fastmode"); Enabled_Components.PLOT_EXPIRY = config.getBoolean("", Enabled_Components.PLOT_EXPIRY); if (Enabled_Components.PLOT_EXPIRY) { Enabled_Components.BAN_DELETER = config.getBoolean("clear.on.ban"); AUTO_CLEAR = new ConfigBlock<>(); AUTO_CLEAR.put("task1", new Auto_Clear()); Auto_Clear task = AUTO_CLEAR.get("task1"); task.CALIBRATION = new Auto_Clear.CALIBRATION(); task.DAYS = config.getInt("", task.DAYS); task.THRESHOLD = config.getInt("", task.THRESHOLD); task.CONFIRMATION = config.getBoolean("", task.CONFIRMATION); task.CALIBRATION.CHANGES = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.CHANGES); task.CALIBRATION.FACES = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.FACES); task.CALIBRATION.DATA = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.DATA); task.CALIBRATION.AIR = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.AIR); task.CALIBRATION.VARIETY = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.VARIETY); task.CALIBRATION.CHANGES_SD = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.CHANGES_SD); task.CALIBRATION.FACES_SD = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.FACES_SD); task.CALIBRATION.DATA_SD = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.DATA_SD); task.CALIBRATION.AIR_SD = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.AIR_SD); task.CALIBRATION.VARIETY_SD = config.getInt("", task.CALIBRATION.VARIETY_SD); } // Done Done.REQUIRED_FOR_RATINGS = config.getBoolean("approval.ratings.check-done", Done.REQUIRED_FOR_RATINGS); Done.COUNTS_TOWARDS_LIMIT = config.getBoolean("approval.done.counts-towards-limit", Done.COUNTS_TOWARDS_LIMIT); Done.RESTRICT_BUILDING = config.getBoolean("approval.done.restrict-building", Done.RESTRICT_BUILDING); Done.REQUIRED_FOR_DOWNLOAD = config.getBoolean("approval.done.required-for-download", Done.REQUIRED_FOR_DOWNLOAD); // Schematics Paths.SCHEMATICS = config.getString("schematics.save_path", Paths.SCHEMATICS); Paths.BO3 = config.getString("bo3.save_path", Paths.BO3); // Web Web.URL = config.getString("web.url", Web.URL); // Caching Enabled_Components.PERMISSION_CACHE = config.getBoolean("cache.permissions", Enabled_Components.PERMISSION_CACHE); Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE = config.getBoolean("cache.ratings", Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE); // Rating system Ratings.CATEGORIES = config.contains("ratings.categories") ? config.getStringList("ratings.categories") : Ratings.CATEGORIES; // Titles TITLES = config.getBoolean("titles", TITLES); // Teleportation Teleport.DELAY = config.getInt("teleport.delay", Teleport.DELAY); Teleport.ON_LOGIN = config.getBoolean("teleport.on_login", Teleport.ON_LOGIN); Teleport.ON_DEATH = config.getBoolean("teleport.on_death", Teleport.ON_DEATH); // WorldEdit //WE_ALLOW_HELPER = config.getBoolean("worldedit.enable-for-helpers"); // Chunk processor Enabled_Components.CHUNK_PROCESSOR = config.getBoolean("chunk-processor.enabled", Enabled_Components.CHUNK_PROCESSOR); Chunk_Processor.AUTO_TRIM = config.getBoolean("", Chunk_Processor.AUTO_TRIM); Chunk_Processor.MAX_TILES = config.getInt("chunk-processor.max-blockstates", Chunk_Processor.MAX_TILES); Chunk_Processor.MAX_ENTITIES = config.getInt("chunk-processor.max-entities", Chunk_Processor.MAX_ENTITIES); Chunk_Processor.DISABLE_PHYSICS = config.getBoolean("chunk-processor.disable-physics", Chunk_Processor.DISABLE_PHYSICS); // Comments Enabled_Components.COMMENT_NOTIFIER = config.getBoolean("comments.notifications.enabled", Enabled_Components.COMMENT_NOTIFIER); // Plot limits Claim.MAX_AUTO_AREA = config.getInt("claim.max-auto-area", Claim.MAX_AUTO_AREA); Limit.MAX_PLOTS = config.getInt("max_plots", Limit.MAX_PLOTS); Limit.GLOBAL = config.getBoolean("global_limit", Limit.GLOBAL); // Misc DEBUG = config.getBoolean("debug", DEBUG); Chat.CONSOLE_COLOR = config.getBoolean("console.color", Chat.CONSOLE_COLOR); Chat.INTERACTIVE = config.getBoolean("chat.fancy", Chat.INTERACTIVE); Enabled_Components.METRICS = config.getBoolean("metrics", Enabled_Components.METRICS); Enabled_Components.UPDATER = config.getBoolean("update-notifications", Enabled_Components.UPDATER); Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER = config.getBoolean("auto-purge", Enabled_Components.DATABASE_PURGER); return true; } @Comment("This is an auto clearing task called `task1`") @BlockName("task1") // The name for the default block public static final class Auto_Clear extends ConfigBlock { @Create // This value has to be generated since an instance isn't static public CALIBRATION CALIBRATION = null; public int THRESHOLD = 1; public int REQUIRED_PLOTS = -1; public boolean CONFIRMATION = true; public int DAYS = 7; public List<String> WORLDS = new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList("*")); @Comment("See:") public static final class CALIBRATION { public int VARIETY = 0; public int VARIETY_SD = 0; public int CHANGES = 0; public int CHANGES_SD = 1; public int FACES = 0; public int FACES_SD = 0; public int DATA_SD = 0; public int AIR = 0; public int AIR_SD = 0; public int DATA = 0; } } public static class Chunk_Processor { @Comment("Auto trim will not save chunks which aren't claimed") public static boolean AUTO_TRIM = false; @Comment("Max tile entities per chunk") public static int MAX_TILES = 4096; @Comment("Max entities per chunk") public static int MAX_ENTITIES = 512; @Comment("Disable block physics") public static boolean DISABLE_PHYSICS = false; } public static class UUID { @Comment("Force using offline UUIDs (it usually detects the right mode)") public static boolean OFFLINE = false; @Comment("Force using lowercase UUIDs") public static boolean FORCE_LOWERCASE = false; @Comment("Use a database to store UUID/name info") public static boolean USE_SQLUUIDHANDLER = false; @Ignore public static boolean NATIVE_UUID_PROVIDER = false; } @Comment("Configure the paths that will be used") public static final class Paths { public static String SCHEMATICS = "schematics"; public static String BO3 = "bo3"; public static String SCRIPTS = "scripts"; public static String TEMPLATES = "templates"; public static String TRANSLATIONS = "translations"; } public static class Web { @Comment({ "The web interface for schematics", " - All schematics are anonymous and private", " - Downloads can be deleted by the user", " - Supports plot uploads, downloads and saves", }) public static String URL = ""; @Comment({ "The web interface for assets", " - All schematics are organized and public", " - Assets can be searched, selected and downloaded", }) public static String ASSETS = ""; } public static final class Done { @Comment("Require a done plot to download") public static boolean REQUIRED_FOR_DOWNLOAD = false; @Comment("Only done plots can be rated") public static boolean REQUIRED_FOR_RATINGS = false; @Comment("Restrict building when a plot is done") public static boolean RESTRICT_BUILDING = false; @Comment("The limit being how many plots a player can claim") public static boolean COUNTS_TOWARDS_LIMIT = true; } public static final class Chat { @Comment("Sometimes console color doesn't work, you can disable it here") public static boolean CONSOLE_COLOR = true; @Comment("Should chat be interactive") public static boolean INTERACTIVE = true; } @Comment("Relating to how many plots someone can claim ") public static final class Limit { @Comment("Should the limit be global (over multiple worlds)") public static boolean GLOBAL = false; @Comment("The range of permissions to check e.g. plots.plot.127") public static int MAX_PLOTS = 127; } @Comment("Switching from PlotMe?") public static final class PlotMe { @Comment("Cache the uuids from the PlotMe database") public static boolean CACHE_UUDS = false; } public static final class Teleport { @Comment("Teleport to your plot on death") public static boolean ON_DEATH = false; @Comment("Teleport to your plot on login") public static boolean ON_LOGIN = false; @Comment("Add a teleportation delay to all commands") public static int DELAY = 0; @Comment("The visit command is ordered by world instead of globally") public static boolean PER_WORLD_VISIT = false; } public static final class Redstone { @Comment("Disable redstone in unoccupied plots") public static boolean DISABLE_UNOCCUPIED = false; @Comment("Disable redstone when all owners/trusted/members are offline") public static boolean DISABLE_OFFLINE = false; } public static final class Claim { @Comment("The max plots claimed in a single `/plot auto <size>` command") public static int MAX_AUTO_AREA = 4; } public static final class Ratings { public static List<String> CATEGORIES = new ArrayList<>(); } @Comment({"Enable or disable part of the plugin","Note: A cache will use some memory if enabled"}) public static final class Enabled_Components { // Group the following values into a new config section @Comment("The database stores all the plots") public static boolean DATABASE = true; @Comment("Events are needed to track a lot of things") public static boolean EVENTS = true; @Comment("Commands are used to interact with the plugin") public static boolean COMMANDS = true; @Comment("The UUID cacher is used to resolve player names") public static boolean UUID_CACHE = true; @Comment("Notify players of updates") public static boolean UPDATER = true; @Comment("Stores user metadata in a database") public static boolean PERSISTENT_META = true; @Comment("Optimizes permission checks") public static boolean PERMISSION_CACHE = true; @Comment("Optimizes block changing code") public static boolean BLOCK_CACHE = true; @Comment("Getting a rating won't need the database") public static boolean RATING_CACHE = true; @Comment("The converter will attempt to convert the PlotMe database") public static boolean PLOTME_CONVERTER = true; @Comment("Allow WorldEdit to be restricted to plots") public static boolean WORLDEDIT_RESTRICTIONS = true; @Comment("Allow economy to be used") public static boolean ECONOMY = true; @Comment("Send anonymous usage statistics. Bukkit only setting.") public static boolean METRICS = true; @Comment("Expiry will clear old or simplistic plots") public static boolean PLOT_EXPIRY = false; @Comment("Processes chunks (trimming, or entity/tile limits) ") public static boolean CHUNK_PROCESSOR = false; @Comment("Kill mobs or vehicles on roads") public static boolean KILL_ROAD_MOBS = false; public static boolean KILL_ROAD_VEHICLES = false; @Comment("Notify a player of any missed comments upon plot entry") public static boolean COMMENT_NOTIFIER = false; @Comment("Let player's claim entire worlds with PlotSquared") public static boolean WORLDS = false; @Comment("Actively purge invalid database entries") public static boolean DATABASE_PURGER = false; @Comment("Delete plots when a player is banned") public static boolean BAN_DELETER = false; } }