package com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands; import; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.C; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotPlayer; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.RunnableVal; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.comment.CommentInbox; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.comment.PlotComment; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.CommentManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.MainUtil; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.StringMan; import com.plotsquared.general.commands.CommandDeclaration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @CommandDeclaration( command = "inbox", description = "Review the comments for a plot", usage = "/plot inbox [inbox] [delete <index>|clear|page]", permission = "plots.inbox", category = CommandCategory.CHAT, requiredType = RequiredType.NONE) public class Inbox extends SubCommand { public void displayComments(PlotPlayer player, List<PlotComment> oldComments, int page) { if (oldComments == null || oldComments.isEmpty()) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.INBOX_EMPTY); return; } PlotComment[] comments = oldComments.toArray(new PlotComment[oldComments.size()]); if (page < 0) { page = 0; } // Get the total pages // int totalPages = ((int) Math.ceil(12 * int totalPages = (int) Math.ceil(comments.length / 12); if (page > totalPages) { page = totalPages; } // Only display 12 per page int max = page * 12 + 12; if (max > comments.length) { max = comments.length; } StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder(); string.append(StringMan .replaceAll(C.COMMENT_LIST_HEADER_PAGED.s(), "%amount%", comments.length, "%cur", page + 1, "%max", totalPages + 1, "%word", "all") + '\n'); // This might work xD for (int x = page * 12; x < max; x++) { PlotComment comment = comments[x]; String color; if (player.getName().equals(comment.senderName)) { color = "&a"; } else { color = "&7"; } string.append("&8[&7#").append(x + 1).append("&8][&7").append(';').append("&8][&6") .append(comment.senderName).append("&8]").append(color).append(comment.comment).append('\n'); } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, string.toString()); } @Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer player, String[] args) { final Plot plot = player.getCurrentPlot(); if (plot == null) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_IN_PLOT); return false; } if (!plot.hasOwner()) { sendMessage(player, C.PLOT_UNOWNED); return false; } if (args.length == 0) { sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot inbox [inbox] [delete <index>|clear|page]"); for (final CommentInbox inbox : CommentManager.inboxes.values()) { if (inbox.canRead(plot, player)) { if (!inbox.getComments(plot, new RunnableVal<List<PlotComment>>() { @Override public void run(List<PlotComment> value) { if (value != null) { int total = 0; int unread = 0; for (PlotComment comment : value) { total++; if (comment.timestamp > CommentManager.getTimestamp(player, inbox.toString())) { unread++; } } if (total != 0) { String color; if (unread > 0) { color = "&c"; } else { color = ""; } sendMessage(player, C.INBOX_ITEM, color + inbox.toString() + " (" + total + '/' + unread + ')'); return; } } sendMessage(player, C.INBOX_ITEM, inbox.toString()); } })) { sendMessage(player, C.INBOX_ITEM, inbox.toString()); } } } return false; } final CommentInbox inbox = CommentManager.inboxes.get(args[0].toLowerCase()); if (inbox == null) { sendMessage(player, C.INVALID_INBOX, StringMan.join(CommentManager.inboxes.keySet(), ", ")); return false; } player.setMeta("inbox:" + inbox.toString(), System.currentTimeMillis()); final int page; if (args.length > 1) { switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) { case "delete": if (!inbox.canModify(plot, player)) { sendMessage(player, C.NO_PERM_INBOX_MODIFY); return false; } if (args.length != 3) { sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot inbox " + inbox.toString() + " delete <index>"); } final int index; try { index = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); if (index < 1) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_INBOX_INDEX, index + ""); return false; } } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot inbox " + inbox.toString() + " delete <index>"); return false; } if (!inbox.getComments(plot, new RunnableVal<List<PlotComment>>() { @Override public void run(List<PlotComment> value) { if (index > value.size()) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_INBOX_INDEX, index + ""); return; } PlotComment comment = value.get(index - 1); inbox.removeComment(plot, comment); plot.getSettings().removeComment(comment); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMENT_REMOVED, comment.comment); } })) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_IN_PLOT); return false; } return true; case "clear": if (!inbox.canModify(plot, player)) { sendMessage(player, C.NO_PERM_INBOX_MODIFY); } inbox.clearInbox(plot); Optional<ArrayList<PlotComment>> comments = plot.getSettings().getComments(inbox.toString()); if (comments.isPresent()) { plot.getSettings().removeComments(comments.get()); } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMENT_REMOVED, "*"); return true; default: try { page = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot inbox [inbox] [delete <index>|clear|page]"); return false; } } } else { page = 1; } if (!inbox.canRead(plot, player)) { sendMessage(player, C.NO_PERM_INBOX); return false; } if (!inbox.getComments(plot, new RunnableVal<List<PlotComment>>() { @Override public void run(List<PlotComment> value) { displayComments(player, value, page); } })) { sendMessage(player, C.PLOT_UNOWNED); return false; } return true; } }