package com.firefly.core; import com.firefly.annotation.Component; import com.firefly.annotation.Inject; import com.firefly.annotation.Proxies; import com.firefly.annotation.Proxy; import; import; import; import*; import com.firefly.utils.ConvertUtils; import com.firefly.utils.ReflectUtils; import com.firefly.utils.StringUtils; import com.firefly.utils.VerifyUtils; import com.firefly.utils.classproxy.ClassProxy; import com.firefly.utils.classproxy.JavassistClassProxyFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import; /** * The core application context mixed XML and annotation bean management */ public class XmlApplicationContext extends AbstractApplicationContext { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("firefly-system"); public XmlApplicationContext() { this(null); } public XmlApplicationContext(String file) { super(file); } @Override protected List<BeanDefinition> getBeanDefinitions(String file) { List<BeanDefinition> annotationBeanDefs = new AnnotationBeanReader(file).loadBeanDefinitions(); List<BeanDefinition> xmlBeanDefs = new XmlBeanReader(file).loadBeanDefinitions(); if (annotationBeanDefs != null && xmlBeanDefs != null) { log.debug("mixed bean"); annotationBeanDefs.addAll(xmlBeanDefs); return annotationBeanDefs; } else if (annotationBeanDefs != null) { log.debug("annotation bean"); return annotationBeanDefs; } else if (xmlBeanDefs != null) { log.debug("xml bean"); return xmlBeanDefs; } return null; } @Override protected Object inject(BeanDefinition beanDef) { if (beanDef instanceof XmlBeanDefinition) return xmlInject(beanDef); else if (beanDef instanceof AnnotationBeanDefinition) return annotationInject(beanDef); else return null; } private Object getInstance(BeanDefinition beanDef) { if (StringUtils.hasText(beanDef.getId())) { return map.get(beanDef.getId()); } else { Object instance = map.get(beanDef.getClassName()); if (instance != null) { return instance; } String[] keys = beanDef.getInterfaceNames(); for (String k : keys) { instance = map.get(k); if (instance != null) { return instance; } } return null; } } private Object xmlInject(BeanDefinition beanDef) { Object instance = getInstance(beanDef); if (instance == null) { final XmlBeanDefinition beanDefinition = (XmlBeanDefinition) beanDef; Class<?> clazz = null; try { clazz = XmlApplicationContext.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(beanDefinition.getClassName()); if (beanDefinition.getContructorParameters().size() <= 0) { instance = clazz.newInstance(); } else { List<Object> constructorParameters = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < beanDefinition.getContructorParameters().size(); i++) { Object p = getInjectArg(beanDefinition.getContructorParameters().get(i), beanDefinition.getConstructor().getParameterTypes()[i]); constructorParameters.add(p); } instance = beanDefinition.getConstructor().newInstance(constructorParameters.toArray()); } instance = createProxy(clazz, instance); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("object initiate error", t); } if (instance != null) { final Object obj = instance; ReflectUtils.getSetterMethods(clazz, (propertyName, method) -> { XmlManagedNode value = beanDefinition.getProperties().get(propertyName); if (value != null) { try { method.invoke(obj, getInjectArg(value, method.getParameterTypes()[0])); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("xml inject error", t); } } return false; }); } else { error("initialize XML bean exception, the instance is null"); } fieldInject(beanDefinition, instance); methodInject(beanDefinition, instance); addObjectToContext(beanDefinition, instance); return instance; } else { return instance; } } private Object createProxy(Class<?> clazz, Object srcObject) throws Throwable { Object instance = srcObject; List<Proxy> proxies = new ArrayList<>(); for (Annotation annotation : clazz.getAnnotations()) { if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Proxy.class)) { proxies.add((Proxy) annotation); } else if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Proxies.class)) { proxies.addAll(Arrays.asList(((Proxies) annotation).value())); } else { Proxy[] p = annotation.annotationType().getAnnotationsByType(Proxy.class); if (p != null && p.length > 0) { proxies.addAll(Arrays.asList(annotation.annotationType().getAnnotationsByType(Proxy.class))); } } } if (!proxies.isEmpty()) { for (Proxy p : proxies) { if (!Arrays.asList(p.proxyClass().getInterfaces()).contains(ClassProxy.class)) { continue; } String key; if (p.proxyClass().getAnnotation(Component.class) != null) { String id = p.proxyClass().getAnnotation(Component.class).value(); if (StringUtils.hasText(id)) { key = id; } else { key = p.proxyClass().getName(); } } else { key = p.proxyClass().getName(); } BeanDefinition b = findBeanDefinition(key); if (b != null) { instance = JavassistClassProxyFactory.INSTANCE.createProxy(instance, (ClassProxy) inject(b), null); } } } return instance; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object getInjectArg(XmlManagedNode value, Class<?> parameterType) { if (value instanceof ManagedValue) { ManagedValue managedValue = (ManagedValue) value; String typeName; if (parameterType == null) { typeName = VerifyUtils.isEmpty(managedValue.getTypeName()) ? null : managedValue.getTypeName(); } else { typeName = VerifyUtils.isEmpty(managedValue.getTypeName()) ? parameterType.getName() : managedValue.getTypeName(); } log.debug("value type [{}]", typeName); return getValueArg(managedValue, typeName); } else if (value instanceof ManagedRef) { return getRefArg((ManagedRef) value); } else if (value instanceof ManagedList) { return getListArg((ManagedList<XmlManagedNode>) value, parameterType); } else if (value instanceof ManagedArray) { return getArrayArg((ManagedArray<XmlManagedNode>) value, parameterType); } else if (value instanceof ManagedMap) { return getMapArg((ManagedMap<XmlManagedNode, XmlManagedNode>) value, parameterType); } else return null; } private Object getValueArg(ManagedValue managedValue, String typeName) { return ConvertUtils.convert(managedValue.getValue(), typeName); } private Object getRefArg(ManagedRef ref) { Object instance = map.get(ref.getBeanName()); if (instance == null) { BeanDefinition b = findBeanDefinition(ref.getBeanName()); if (b != null) instance = inject(b); } return instance; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object getListArg(ManagedList<XmlManagedNode> values, Class<?> setterParamType) { Collection<Object> collection = null; if (VerifyUtils.isNotEmpty(values.getTypeName())) { try { collection = (Collection<Object>) XmlApplicationContext.class .getClassLoader() .loadClass(values.getTypeName()) .newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("list inject error", t); } } else { collection = (setterParamType == null ? new ArrayList<>() : ConvertUtils.getCollectionObj(setterParamType)); } if (collection != null) { for (XmlManagedNode item : values) { Object listValue = getInjectArg(item, null); collection.add(listValue); } } return collection; } private Object getArrayArg(ManagedArray<XmlManagedNode> values, Class<?> setterParamType) { Collection<Object> collection = new ArrayList<>(); for (XmlManagedNode item : values) { Object listValue = getInjectArg(item, null); collection.add(listValue); } return ConvertUtils.convert(collection, setterParamType); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object getMapArg(ManagedMap<XmlManagedNode, XmlManagedNode> values, Class<?> setterParamType) { Map<Object, Object> m = null; if (VerifyUtils.isNotEmpty(values.getTypeName())) { try { m = (Map<Object, Object>) XmlApplicationContext.class.getClassLoader() .loadClass(values.getTypeName()) .newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("map inject error", t); } } else { m = (setterParamType == null ? new HashMap<>() : ConvertUtils.getMapObj(setterParamType)); if (m != null && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("map ret [{}]", m.getClass().getName()); } } if (m != null) { for (XmlManagedNode o : values.keySet()) { Object k = getInjectArg(o, null); Object v = getInjectArg(values.get(o), null); m.put(k, v); } } return m; } private Object annotationInject(BeanDefinition beanDef) { Object instance = getInstance(beanDef); if (instance == null) { AnnotationBeanDefinition beanDefinition = (AnnotationBeanDefinition) beanDef; // constructor injecting instance = constructorInject(beanDefinition); try { instance = createProxy(instance.getClass(), instance); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("create proxy exception", t); } fieldInject(beanDefinition, instance); methodInject(beanDefinition, instance); addObjectToContext(beanDefinition, instance); return instance; } else { return instance; } } private Object constructorInject(AnnotationBeanDefinition beanDefinition) { Class<?>[] params = beanDefinition.getConstructor().getParameterTypes(); Object[] p = new Object[params.length]; injectObject(params, p); Object instance = null; try { instance = beanDefinition.getConstructor().newInstance(p); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("constructor injecting error", t); } return instance; } private void injectObject(Class<?>[] params, Object[] p) { for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { String key = params[i].getName(); Object instance = map.get(key); if (instance != null) { p[i] = instance; } else { BeanDefinition b = findBeanDefinition(key); if (b != null) p[i] = inject(b); } } } private void fieldInject(AnnotationBeanDefinition beanDefinition, final Object object) { for (Field field : beanDefinition.getInjectFields()) { field.setAccessible(true); Class<?> clazz = field.getType(); String id = field.getAnnotation(Inject.class).value(); String key = VerifyUtils.isNotEmpty(id) ? id : clazz.getName(); Object instance = map.get(key); if (instance == null) { BeanDefinition b = findBeanDefinition(key); if (b != null) instance = inject(b); } if (instance != null) { try { field.set(object, instance); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("field injecting error", t); } } } } private void methodInject(AnnotationBeanDefinition beanDefinition, final Object object) { for (Method method : beanDefinition.getInjectMethods()) { method.setAccessible(true); Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); Object[] p = new Object[params.length]; injectObject(params, p); try { method.invoke(object, p); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("method injecting error", t); } } } }