package com.firefly.utils.json.parser; import com.firefly.utils.exception.CommonRuntimeException; import com.firefly.utils.json.JsonReader; import com.firefly.utils.json.Parser; import com.firefly.utils.json.compiler.DecodeCompiler; import com.firefly.utils.json.exception.JsonException; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class ObjectParser implements Parser { private ParserMetaInfo[] parserMetaInfos; private int max; private Map<String, ParserMetaInfo> map; private boolean useMap; public void init(Class<?> clazz) { parserMetaInfos = DecodeCompiler.compile(clazz); max = parserMetaInfos.length - 1; if (max >= 8) { map = new HashMap<String, ParserMetaInfo>(); for (ParserMetaInfo parserMetaInfo : parserMetaInfos) { map.put(parserMetaInfo.getPropertyNameString(), parserMetaInfo); } useMap = true; } } @Override public Object convertTo(JsonReader reader, Class<?> clazz) { if (reader.isNull()) return null; if (!reader.isObject()) throw new JsonException("json string is not object format"); Object obj = null; try { obj = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new CommonRuntimeException(e); } if (reader.isEmptyObject()) return obj; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { ParserMetaInfo parser = parserMetaInfos[i]; char[] field = reader.readField(parser.getPropertyName()); if (!reader.isColon()) throw new JsonException("missing ':'"); if (field == null) { // the same order,skip parser.invoke(obj, reader); } else { ParserMetaInfo np = find(field); if (np != null) np.invoke(obj, reader); else reader.skipValue(); } if (i == max) break; char ch = reader.readAndSkipBlank(); if (ch == '}') // if JSON string fields is less than the meta information,end reading return obj; if (ch != ',') throw new JsonException("missing ','"); } char ch = reader.readAndSkipBlank(); if (ch == '}') return obj; if (ch != ',') throw new JsonException("json string is not object format"); for (; ; ) { // if JSON string fields is more than the meta information, continue reading char[] field = reader.readChars(); if (!reader.isColon()) throw new JsonException("missing ':'"); ParserMetaInfo np = find(field); if (np != null) np.invoke(obj, reader); else reader.skipValue(); char c = reader.readAndSkipBlank(); if (c == '}') // the object end symbol return obj; if (c != ',') throw new JsonException("missing ','"); } } private ParserMetaInfo find(char[] field) { if (useMap) { return map.get(new String(field)); } else { for (ParserMetaInfo parserMetaInfo : parserMetaInfos) { if (parserMetaInfo.equals(field)) return parserMetaInfo; } } return null; } }