package com.firefly.codec.http2.model; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import com.firefly.codec.http2.encode.UrlEncoded; import com.firefly.utils.collection.MultiMap; import com.firefly.utils.lang.TypeUtils; import com.firefly.utils.lang.URIUtils; /** * Http URI. Parse a HTTP URI from a string or byte array. Given a URI * <code>http://user@host:port/path/info;param?query#fragment</code> this class * will split it into the following undecoded optional elements: * <ul> * <li>{@link #getScheme()} - http:</li> * <li>{@link #getAuthority()} - //name@host:port</li> * <li>{@link #getHost()} - host</li> * <li>{@link #getPort()} - port</li> * <li>{@link #getPath()} - /path/info</li> * <li>{@link #getParam()} - param</li> * <li>{@link #getQuery()} - query</li> * <li>{@link #getFragment()} - fragment</li> * </ul> * * <p> * Any parameters will be returned from {@link #getPath()}, but are excluded * from the return value of {@link #getDecodedPath()}. If there are multiple * parameters, the {@link #getParam()} method returns only the last one. */ public class HttpURI { private enum State { START, HOST_OR_PATH, SCHEME_OR_PATH, HOST, IPV6, PORT, PATH, PARAM, QUERY, FRAGMENT, ASTERISK }; private String _scheme; private String _user; private String _host; private int _port; private String _path; private String _param; private String _query; private String _fragment; String _uri; String _decodedPath; /** * Construct a normalized URI. Port is not set if it is the default port. * * @param scheme * the URI scheme * @param host * the URI hose * @param port * the URI port * @param path * the URI path * @param param * the URI param * @param query * the URI query * @param fragment * the URI fragment * @return the normalized URI */ public static HttpURI createHttpURI(String scheme, String host, int port, String path, String param, String query, String fragment) { if (port == 80 && port = 0; if (port == 443 && port = 0; return new HttpURI(scheme, host, port, path, param, query, fragment); } public HttpURI() { } public HttpURI(String scheme, String host, int port, String path, String param, String query, String fragment) { _scheme = scheme; _host = host; _port = port; _path = path; _param = param; _query = query; _fragment = fragment; } public HttpURI(HttpURI uri) { this(uri._scheme, uri._host, uri._port, uri._path, uri._param, uri._query, uri._fragment); _uri = uri._uri; } public HttpURI(String uri) { _port = -1; parse(State.START, uri); } public HttpURI(URI uri) { _uri = null; _scheme = uri.getScheme(); _host = uri.getHost(); if (_host == null && uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart().startsWith("//")) _host = ""; _port = uri.getPort(); _user = uri.getUserInfo(); _path = uri.getRawPath(); _decodedPath = uri.getPath(); if (_decodedPath != null) { int p = _decodedPath.lastIndexOf(';'); if (p >= 0) _param = _decodedPath.substring(p + 1); } _query = uri.getRawQuery(); _fragment = uri.getFragment(); _decodedPath = null; } public HttpURI(String scheme, String host, int port, String pathQuery) { _uri = null; _scheme = scheme; _host = host; _port = port; parse(State.PATH, pathQuery); } public void parse(String uri) { clear(); _uri = uri; parse(State.START, uri); } /** * Parse according to * * @param method * the request method * @param uri * the request uri */ public void parseRequestTarget(String method, String uri) { clear(); _uri = uri; if ( _path = uri; else parse(uri.startsWith("/") ? State.PATH : State.START, uri); } @Deprecated public void parseConnect(String uri) { clear(); _uri = uri; _path = uri; } public void parse(String uri, int offset, int length) { clear(); int end = offset + length; _uri = uri.substring(offset, end); parse(State.START, uri); } private void parse(State state, final String uri) { boolean encoded = false; int end = uri.length(); int mark = 0; int path_mark = 0; char last = '/'; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { char c = uri.charAt(i); switch (state) { case START: { switch (c) { case '/': mark = i; state = State.HOST_OR_PATH; break; case ';': mark = i + 1; state = State.PARAM; break; case '?': // assume empty path (if seen at start) _path = ""; mark = i + 1; state = State.QUERY; break; case '#': mark = i + 1; state = State.FRAGMENT; break; case '*': _path = "*"; state = State.ASTERISK; break; case '.': path_mark = i; state = State.PATH; encoded = true; break; default: mark = i; if (_scheme == null) state = State.SCHEME_OR_PATH; else { path_mark = i; state = State.PATH; } break; } continue; } case SCHEME_OR_PATH: { switch (c) { case ':': // must have been a scheme _scheme = uri.substring(mark, i); // Start again with scheme set state = State.START; break; case '/': // must have been in a path and still are state = State.PATH; break; case ';': // must have been in a path mark = i + 1; state = State.PARAM; break; case '?': // must have been in a path _path = uri.substring(mark, i); mark = i + 1; state = State.QUERY; break; case '%': // must have be in an encoded path encoded = true; state = State.PATH; break; case '#': // must have been in a path _path = uri.substring(mark, i); state = State.FRAGMENT; break; } continue; } case HOST_OR_PATH: { switch (c) { case '/': _host = ""; mark = i + 1; state = State.HOST; break; case '@': case ';': case '?': case '#': // was a path, look again i--; path_mark = mark; state = State.PATH; break; case '.': // it is a path encoded = true; path_mark = mark; state = State.PATH; break; default: // it is a path path_mark = mark; state = State.PATH; } continue; } case HOST: { switch (c) { case '/': _host = uri.substring(mark, i); path_mark = mark = i; state = State.PATH; break; case ':': if (i > mark) _host = uri.substring(mark, i); mark = i + 1; state = State.PORT; break; case '@': if (_user != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad authority"); _user = uri.substring(mark, i); mark = i + 1; break; case '[': state = State.IPV6; break; } break; } case IPV6: { switch (c) { case '/': throw new IllegalArgumentException("No closing ']' for ipv6 in " + uri); case ']': c = uri.charAt(++i); _host = uri.substring(mark, i); if (c == ':') { mark = i + 1; state = State.PORT; } else { path_mark = mark = i; state = State.PATH; } break; } break; } case PORT: { if (c == '@') { if (_user != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad authority"); // It wasn't a port, but a password! _user = _host + ":" + uri.substring(mark, i); mark = i + 1; state = State.HOST; } else if (c == '/') { _port = TypeUtils.parseInt(uri, mark, i - mark, 10); path_mark = mark = i; state = State.PATH; } break; } case PATH: { switch (c) { case ';': mark = i + 1; state = State.PARAM; break; case '?': _path = uri.substring(path_mark, i); mark = i + 1; state = State.QUERY; break; case '#': _path = uri.substring(path_mark, i); mark = i + 1; state = State.FRAGMENT; break; case '%': encoded = true; break; case '.': if ('/' == last) encoded = true; } break; } case PARAM: { switch (c) { case '?': _path = uri.substring(path_mark, i); _param = uri.substring(mark, i); mark = i + 1; state = State.QUERY; break; case '#': _path = uri.substring(path_mark, i); _param = uri.substring(mark, i); mark = i + 1; state = State.FRAGMENT; break; case '/': encoded = true; // ignore internal params state = State.PATH; break; case ';': // multiple parameters mark = i + 1; break; } break; } case QUERY: { if (c == '#') { _query = uri.substring(mark, i); mark = i + 1; state = State.FRAGMENT; } break; } case ASTERISK: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad character '*'"); } case FRAGMENT: { _fragment = uri.substring(mark, end); i = end; break; } } last = c; } switch (state) { case START: break; case SCHEME_OR_PATH: _path = uri.substring(mark, end); break; case HOST_OR_PATH: _path = uri.substring(mark, end); break; case HOST: if (end > mark) _host = uri.substring(mark, end); break; case IPV6: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No closing ']' for ipv6 in " + uri); case PORT: _port = TypeUtils.parseInt(uri, mark, end - mark, 10); break; case ASTERISK: break; case FRAGMENT: _fragment = uri.substring(mark, end); break; case PARAM: _path = uri.substring(path_mark, end); _param = uri.substring(mark, end); break; case PATH: _path = uri.substring(path_mark, end); break; case QUERY: _query = uri.substring(mark, end); break; } if (!encoded) { if (_param == null) _decodedPath = _path; else _decodedPath = _path.substring(0, _path.length() - _param.length() - 1); } } public String getScheme() { return _scheme; } public String getHost() { // Return null for empty host to retain compatibility with if (_host != null && _host.length() == 0) return null; return _host; } public int getPort() { return _port; } /** * The parsed Path. * * @return the path as parsed on valid URI. null for invalid URI. */ public String getPath() { return _path; } public String getDecodedPath() { if (_decodedPath == null && _path != null) _decodedPath = URIUtils.canonicalPath(URIUtils.decodePath(_path)); return _decodedPath; } public String getParam() { return _param; } public String getQuery() { return _query; } public boolean hasQuery() { return _query != null && _query.length() > 0; } public String getFragment() { return _fragment; } public void decodeQueryTo(MultiMap<String> parameters) { if (_query == _fragment) return; UrlEncoded.decodeUtf8To(_query, parameters); } public void decodeQueryTo(MultiMap<String> parameters, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { decodeQueryTo(parameters, Charset.forName(encoding)); } public void decodeQueryTo(MultiMap<String> parameters, Charset encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (_query == _fragment) return; if (encoding == null || StandardCharsets.UTF_8.equals(encoding)) UrlEncoded.decodeUtf8To(_query, parameters); else UrlEncoded.decodeTo(_query, parameters, encoding); } public void clear() { _uri = null; _scheme = null; _host = null; _port = -1; _path = null; _param = null; _query = null; _fragment = null; _decodedPath = null; } public boolean isAbsolute() { return _scheme != null && _scheme.length() > 0; } @Override public String toString() { if (_uri == null) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); if (_scheme != null) out.append(_scheme).append(':'); if (_host != null) { out.append("//"); if (_user != null) out.append(_user).append('@'); out.append(_host); } if (_port > 0) out.append(':').append(_port); if (_path != null) out.append(_path); if (_query != null) out.append('?').append(_query); if (_fragment != null) out.append('#').append(_fragment); if (out.length() > 0) _uri = out.toString(); else _uri = ""; } return _uri; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof HttpURI)) return false; return toString().equals(o.toString()); } public void setScheme(String scheme) { _scheme = scheme; _uri = null; } /** * @param host * the host * @param port * the port */ public void setAuthority(String host, int port) { _host = host; _port = port; _uri = null; } /** * @param path * the path */ public void setPath(String path) { _uri = null; _path = path; _decodedPath = null; } /** * @param path * the decoded path */ public void setDecodedPath(String path) { _uri = null; _path = URIUtils.encodePath(path); _decodedPath = path; } public void setPathQuery(String path) { _uri = null; _path = null; _decodedPath = null; _param = null; _fragment = null; if (path != null) parse(State.PATH, path); } public void setQuery(String query) { _query = query; _uri = null; } public URI toURI() throws URISyntaxException { return new URI(_scheme, null, _host, _port, _path, _query == null ? null : UrlEncoded.decodeString(_query), _fragment); } public String getPathQuery() { if (_query == null) return _path; return _path + "?" + _query; } public boolean hasAuthority() { return _host != null; } public String getAuthority() { if (_port > 0) return _host + ":" + _port; return _host; } public String getUser() { return _user; } }