package; import com.firefly.utils.StringUtils; import; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.BufferOverflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class TestBufferUtils { @Test public void testToInt() throws Exception { ByteBuffer buf[] = { BufferUtils.toBuffer("0"), BufferUtils.toBuffer(" 42 "), BufferUtils.toBuffer(" 43abc"), BufferUtils.toBuffer("-44"), BufferUtils.toBuffer(" - 45;"), BufferUtils.toBuffer("-2147483648"), BufferUtils.toBuffer("2147483647"), }; int val[] = { 0, 42, 43, -44, -45, -2147483648, 2147483647 }; for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) assertEquals("t" + i, val[i], BufferUtils.toInt(buf[i])); } @Test public void testPutInt() throws Exception { int val[] = { 0, 42, 43, -44, -45, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE }; String str[] = { "0", "42", "43", "-44", "-45", "" + Integer.MIN_VALUE, "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE }; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(24); for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { BufferUtils.clearToFill(buffer); BufferUtils.putDecInt(buffer, val[i]); BufferUtils.flipToFlush(buffer, 0); assertEquals("t" + i, str[i], BufferUtils.toString(buffer)); } } @Test public void testPutLong() throws Exception { long val[] = { 0L, 42L, 43L, -44L, -45L, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE }; String str[] = { "0", "42", "43", "-44", "-45", "" + Long.MIN_VALUE, "" + Long.MAX_VALUE }; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(50); for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { BufferUtils.clearToFill(buffer); BufferUtils.putDecLong(buffer, val[i]); BufferUtils.flipToFlush(buffer, 0); assertEquals("t" + i, str[i], BufferUtils.toString(buffer)); } } @Test public void testPutHexInt() throws Exception { int val[] = { 0, 42, 43, -44, -45, -2147483648, 2147483647 }; String str[] = { "0", "2A", "2B", "-2C", "-2D", "-80000000", "7FFFFFFF" }; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(50); for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { BufferUtils.clearToFill(buffer); BufferUtils.putHexInt(buffer, val[i]); BufferUtils.flipToFlush(buffer, 0); assertEquals("t" + i, str[i], BufferUtils.toString(buffer)); } } @Test public void testPut() throws Exception { ByteBuffer to = BufferUtils.allocate(10); ByteBuffer from = BufferUtils.toBuffer("12345"); BufferUtils.clear(to); assertEquals(5, BufferUtils.append(to, from)); assertTrue(BufferUtils.isEmpty(from)); assertEquals("12345", BufferUtils.toString(to)); from = BufferUtils.toBuffer("XX67890ZZ"); from.position(2); assertEquals(5, BufferUtils.append(to, from)); assertEquals(2, from.remaining()); assertEquals("1234567890", BufferUtils.toString(to)); } @Test public void testAppend() throws Exception { ByteBuffer to = BufferUtils.allocate(8); ByteBuffer from = BufferUtils.toBuffer("12345"); BufferUtils.append(to, from.array(), 0, 3); assertEquals("123", BufferUtils.toString(to)); BufferUtils.append(to, from.array(), 3, 2); assertEquals("12345", BufferUtils.toString(to)); try { BufferUtils.append(to, from.array(), 0, 5);; } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { } } @Test public void testPutDirect() throws Exception { ByteBuffer to = BufferUtils.allocateDirect(10); ByteBuffer from = BufferUtils.toBuffer("12345"); BufferUtils.clear(to); assertEquals(5, BufferUtils.append(to, from)); assertTrue(BufferUtils.isEmpty(from)); assertEquals("12345", BufferUtils.toString(to)); from = BufferUtils.toBuffer("XX67890ZZ"); from.position(2); assertEquals(5, BufferUtils.append(to, from)); assertEquals(2, from.remaining()); assertEquals("1234567890", BufferUtils.toString(to)); } @Test public void testToBuffer_Array() { byte arr[] = new byte[128]; Arrays.fill(arr, (byte) 0x44); ByteBuffer buf = BufferUtils.toBuffer(arr); int count = 0; while (buf.remaining() > 0) { byte b = buf.get(); Assert.assertEquals(b, 0x44); count++; } Assert.assertEquals("Count of bytes", arr.length, count); } @Test public void testToBuffer_ArrayOffsetLength() { byte arr[] = new byte[128]; Arrays.fill(arr, (byte) 0xFF); // fill whole thing with FF int offset = 10; int length = 100; Arrays.fill(arr, offset, offset + length, (byte) 0x77); // fill partial with 0x77 ByteBuffer buf = BufferUtils.toBuffer(arr, offset, length); int count = 0; while (buf.remaining() > 0) { byte b = buf.get(); Assert.assertEquals(b, 0x77); count++; } Assert.assertEquals("Count of bytes", length, count); } @Test @Ignore("Very simple microbenchmark to compare different writeTo implementations. Only for development thus " + "ignored.") public void testWriteToMicrobenchmark() throws IOException { int capacity = 1024 * 128; int iterations = 100; int testRuns = 10; byte[] bytes = new byte[capacity]; ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBytes(bytes); ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.allocate(capacity); BufferUtils.append(buffer, bytes, 0, capacity); long startTest = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < testRuns; i++) { long start = System.nanoTime(); for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); long startRun = System.nanoTime(); BufferUtils.writeTo(buffer.asReadOnlyBuffer(), out); long elapsedRun = System.nanoTime() - startRun; // LOG.warn("run elapsed={}ms", elapsedRun / 1000); assertThat("Bytes in out equal bytes in buffer", Arrays.equals(bytes, out.toByteArray()), is(true)); } long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start; System.out.println(StringUtils.replace("elapsed={}ms average={}ms", elapsed / 1000, elapsed / iterations / 1000)); } System.out.println(StringUtils.replace("overall average: {}ms", (System.nanoTime() - startTest) / testRuns / iterations / 1000)); } @Test public void testWriteToWithBufferThatDoesNotExposeArrayAndSmallContent() throws IOException { int capacity = BufferUtils.TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE / 4; testWriteToWithBufferThatDoesNotExposeArray(capacity); } @Test public void testWriteToWithBufferThatDoesNotExposeArrayAndContentLengthMatchingTempBufferSize() throws IOException { int capacity = BufferUtils.TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE; testWriteToWithBufferThatDoesNotExposeArray(capacity); } @Test public void testWriteToWithBufferThatDoesNotExposeArrayAndContentSlightlyBiggerThanTwoTimesTempBufferSize() throws IOException { int capacity = BufferUtils.TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 + 1024; testWriteToWithBufferThatDoesNotExposeArray(capacity); } @Test public void testEnsureCapacity() throws Exception { ByteBuffer b = BufferUtils.toBuffer("Goodbye Cruel World"); assertTrue(b == BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(b, 0)); assertTrue(b == BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(b, 10)); assertTrue(b == BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(b, b.capacity())); ByteBuffer b1 = BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(b, 64); assertTrue(b != b1); assertEquals(64, b1.capacity()); assertEquals("Goodbye Cruel World", BufferUtils.toString(b1)); b1.position(8); b1.limit(13); assertEquals("Cruel", BufferUtils.toString(b1)); ByteBuffer b2 = b1.slice(); assertEquals("Cruel", BufferUtils.toString(b2)); System.err.println(BufferUtils.toDetailString(b2)); assertEquals(8, b2.arrayOffset()); assertEquals(5, b2.capacity()); assertTrue(b2 == BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(b2, 5)); ByteBuffer b3 = BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(b2, 64); assertTrue(b2 != b3); assertEquals(64, b3.capacity()); assertEquals("Cruel", BufferUtils.toString(b3)); assertEquals(0, b3.arrayOffset()); } private void testWriteToWithBufferThatDoesNotExposeArray(int capacity) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] bytes = new byte[capacity]; ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBytes(bytes); ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.allocate(capacity); BufferUtils.append(buffer, bytes, 0, capacity); BufferUtils.writeTo(buffer.asReadOnlyBuffer(), out); assertThat("Bytes in out equal bytes in buffer", Arrays.equals(bytes, out.toByteArray()), is(true)); } @Test public void testMappedFile() throws Exception { String data = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party"; File file = File.createTempFile("test", ".txt"); file.deleteOnExit(); try (FileWriter out = new FileWriter(file);) { out.write(data); } ByteBuffer mapped = BufferUtils.toMappedBuffer(file); assertEquals(data, BufferUtils.toString(mapped)); assertTrue(BufferUtils.isMappedBuffer(mapped)); ByteBuffer direct = BufferUtils.allocateDirect(data.length()); BufferUtils.clearToFill(direct); direct.put(data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)); BufferUtils.flipToFlush(direct, 0); assertEquals(data, BufferUtils.toString(direct)); assertFalse(BufferUtils.isMappedBuffer(direct)); ByteBuffer slice = direct.slice(); assertEquals(data, BufferUtils.toString(slice)); assertFalse(BufferUtils.isMappedBuffer(slice)); ByteBuffer duplicate = direct.duplicate(); assertEquals(data, BufferUtils.toString(duplicate)); assertFalse(BufferUtils.isMappedBuffer(duplicate)); ByteBuffer readonly = direct.asReadOnlyBuffer(); assertEquals(data, BufferUtils.toString(readonly)); assertFalse(BufferUtils.isMappedBuffer(readonly)); } @Test public void testNormalizeCapacity() { Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(5), is(1024)); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(1023), is(1024)); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(1024), is(1024)); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(70), is(1024)); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(1025), is(1024 * 2)); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(1900), is(1024 * 2)); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(2048), is(1024 * 2)); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(2049), is(1024 * 3)); Assert.assertThat(BufferUtils.normalizeBufferSize(5000), is(1024 * 5)); } @Test public void testSplit() { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(35); for (byte i = 0; i < 35; i++) { buffer.put(i); } buffer.flip(); List<ByteBuffer> list = BufferUtils.split(buffer, 35); assertEquals(list.size(), 1); assertEquals(list.get(0), buffer); list = BufferUtils.split(buffer, 10); assertEquals(list.size(), 4); assertEquals(list.get(0).remaining(), 10); assertEquals(list.get(3).remaining(), 5); assertEquals(list.get(3).get(4), 34); assertEquals(buffer.position(), 0); } }