package com.firefly.codec.http2.decode; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import com.firefly.codec.http2.frame.ErrorCode; import com.firefly.codec.http2.frame.PriorityFrame; public class PriorityBodyParser extends BodyParser { private State state = State.PREPARE; private int cursor; private boolean exclusive; private int parentStreamId; public PriorityBodyParser(HeaderParser headerParser, Parser.Listener listener) { super(headerParser, listener); } private void reset() { state = State.PREPARE; cursor = 0; exclusive = false; parentStreamId = 0; } @Override public boolean parse(ByteBuffer buffer) { while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { switch (state) { case PREPARE: { // SPEC: wrong streamId is treated as connection error. if (getStreamId() == 0) return connectionFailure(buffer, ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR.code, "invalid_priority_frame"); int length = getBodyLength(); if (length != 5) return connectionFailure(buffer, ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR.code, "invalid_priority_frame"); state = State.EXCLUSIVE; break; } case EXCLUSIVE: { // We must only peek the first byte and not advance the buffer // because the 31 least significant bits represent the stream // id. int currByte = buffer.get(buffer.position()); exclusive = (currByte & 0x80) == 0x80; state = State.PARENT_STREAM_ID; break; } case PARENT_STREAM_ID: { if (buffer.remaining() >= 4) { parentStreamId = buffer.getInt(); parentStreamId &= 0x7F_FF_FF_FF; state = State.WEIGHT; } else { state = State.PARENT_STREAM_ID_BYTES; cursor = 4; } break; } case PARENT_STREAM_ID_BYTES: { int currByte = buffer.get() & 0xFF; --cursor; parentStreamId += currByte << (8 * cursor); if (cursor == 0) { parentStreamId &= 0x7F_FF_FF_FF; state = State.WEIGHT; } break; } case WEIGHT: { // SPEC: stream cannot depend on itself. if (getStreamId() == parentStreamId) return connectionFailure(buffer, ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR.code, "invalid_priority_frame"); int weight = (buffer.get() & 0xFF) + 1; return onPriority(parentStreamId, weight, exclusive); } default: { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } return false; } private boolean onPriority(int parentStreamId, int weight, boolean exclusive) { PriorityFrame frame = new PriorityFrame(getStreamId(), parentStreamId, weight, exclusive); reset(); notifyPriority(frame); return true; } private enum State { PREPARE, EXCLUSIVE, PARENT_STREAM_ID, PARENT_STREAM_ID_BYTES, WEIGHT } }