package; import com.firefly.codec.http2.frame.Frame; import com.firefly.codec.http2.frame.WindowUpdateFrame; import com.firefly.utils.concurrent.Callback; public class SimpleFlowControlStrategy extends AbstractFlowControlStrategy { public SimpleFlowControlStrategy() { this(DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE); } public SimpleFlowControlStrategy(int initialStreamSendWindow) { super(initialStreamSendWindow); } @Override public void onDataConsumed(SessionSPI session, StreamSPI stream, int length) { if (length <= 0) return; // This is the simple algorithm for flow control. // This method is called when a whole flow controlled frame has been // consumed. // We send a WindowUpdate every time, even if the frame was very small. WindowUpdateFrame sessionFrame = new WindowUpdateFrame(0, length); session.updateRecvWindow(length); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Data consumed, increased session recv window by {} for {}", length, session); Frame[] streamFrame = Frame.EMPTY_ARRAY; if (stream != null) { if (stream.isClosed()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Data consumed, ignoring update stream recv window by {} for closed {}", length, stream); } else { streamFrame = new Frame[1]; streamFrame[0] = new WindowUpdateFrame(stream.getId(), length); stream.updateRecvWindow(length); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Data consumed, increased stream recv window by {} for {}", length, stream); } } session.frames(stream, Callback.NOOP, sessionFrame, streamFrame); } }