package echosign.api.proxy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import echosign.api.proxy.SoapProxy.Direction; /** * A CopyStream is a runnable that copies an input stream to an output stream and a logging * stream. */ public class CopyStream implements Runnable { private Direction direction; private String message; private PrintStream logPrintStream; private BufferedHttpStreamReader inputReader; private OutputStream outputStream; private boolean prettyPrint; private DateFormat printableDateFormat; public CopyStream(Direction direction, String serverHost, InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, PrintStream logPrintStream, boolean prettyPrint) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this.direction = direction; this.message = (direction == Direction.CLIENT2SERVER) ? SoapProxy.FROM_CLIENT_TO_SERVER : SoapProxy.FROM_SERVER_TO_CLIENT; this.inputReader = new BufferedHttpStreamReader(serverHost, inputStream); this.outputStream = outputStream; this.logPrintStream = logPrintStream; this.prettyPrint = prettyPrint; this.printableDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(SoapProxy.PRINTABLE_DATE_FORMAT); } /** * Read data from an input stream and write it to an output stream and a logging stream until * any reason to stop reading occurs. */ public void run() { try { while (true) { if (!readDataFromInput()) return; writeDataToOutput(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SoapProxy.stopStreaming(); } private boolean readDataFromInput() throws IOException { inputReader.reset(); while (true) { if (!readData()) return false; // stop streaming // return if reading from the server or the request content if (direction == Direction.SERVER2CLIENT || inputReader.isReadingContent()) return true; // return if the blank line is found if (inputReader.hasBlankLine()) { // start tracking the content length inputReader.trackContentLength(); // coerce the Host header to have the EchoSign domain name inputReader.coerceHostHeader(); return true; } } } /** * Monitoring the two global states, straming and requesting, and making a decision to stop * streaming is centralized in this method. */ private boolean readData() throws IOException { do { try { if (!SoapProxy.isStreaming()) return false;; if (inputReader.eof()) { SoapProxy.stopStreaming(); return false; } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // continue reading unless the client says no more requests if (!SoapProxy.isRequesting()) { SoapProxy.stopStreaming(); return false; } } catch (SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); SoapProxy.stopStreaming(); return false; } } while (inputReader.empty()); return true; } private void writeDataToOutput() throws IOException, JDOMException { // print data System.out.println(">> " + printableDateFormat.format(new Date()) + " " + message); String data = inputReader.getBufferString(); if (prettyPrint) prettyPrint(data); else println(data); // write data to the output stream if (outputStream != null) { byte[] bytes = inputReader.toByteArray(); outputStream.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } } /** * Prints to both system.out and to the log if we are logging. */ private void print(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0 ; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t' && (c < 32 || c > 126)) { sb.append("\\" + (int) c); } else { sb.append(c); } } System.out.print(sb); if (logPrintStream != null) logPrintStream.print(s); } private void println(String s) { print(s); System.out.println(); } /** * Pretty-prints the soap stuff using jdom. */ private void prettyPrint(String string) throws JDOMException, IOException { int start = string.indexOf(SoapProxy.SOAP_ENVELOPE_START); int end = string.indexOf(SoapProxy.SOAP_ENVELOPE_END, start); if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) { end += SoapProxy.SOAP_ENVELOPE_END.length(); if (start != 0) print(string.substring(0, start)); StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(string.substring(start, end)); SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document =; XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); CharArrayWriter charArrayWriter = new CharArrayWriter(); xmlOutputter.output(document, charArrayWriter); String result = charArrayWriter.toString(); // the XMLOutputter adds an additional first line saying // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> // as this line is not in the input, we don't want it, so we remove it result = result.substring(result.indexOf("\n") + 1); println(result); if (end != string.length()) println(string.substring(end)); } else { println(string); } } }