package gov.samhsa.acs.pep.saml; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.log.NO_LOG; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault; import; import org.apache.wss4j.common.saml.SamlAssertionWrapper; import org.opensaml.core.xml.XMLObject; import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Assertion; import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Attribute; import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.AttributeStatement; /* * This sample SOAP Protocol Handler for DoubleIt checks for X.509 authentication, * attribute of Math degree, and authorization to double even numbers. * * WARNING: No actual security being coded here, sample * just shows using OpenSAML to read a SAML token. */ public class SamlTokenParser { // change this to redirect output if desired // private static PrintStream out = System.out; // private static String WS_SECURITY_URI = // ""; @NO_LOG public String parse(SamlAssertionWrapper assertionWrapper, String urn) { try { Assertion samlAssertion = assertionWrapper.getSaml2(); // List<AttributeStatement> stmt = // samlAssertion.getAttributeStatements(); // String nameId = // samlAssertion.getSubject().getNameID().getValue(); /** * Below code works with OpenSAML API to check Authentication, * Authorization, and attributes. Using the XPath API with the * assertionElement above would probably be an easier and more * readable option. */ // Element assertionElement = assertionWrapper.getElement(); // Check if math degree, error otherwise List<AttributeStatement> asList = samlAssertion .getAttributeStatements(); if (asList == null || asList.size() == 0) { throw createSOAPFaultException("Attributes are missing.", true); } else { boolean hasValidAttribute = false; String additionalValue = ""; for (Iterator<AttributeStatement> it = asList.iterator(); it .hasNext();) { AttributeStatement as =; List<Attribute> attList = as.getAttributes(); if (attList == null || attList.size() == 0) { throw createSOAPFaultException( "Attributes are missing.", true); } else { for (Iterator<Attribute> it2 = attList.iterator(); it2 .hasNext();) { Attribute att =; if (!att.getName().equals(urn)) { continue; } else { List<XMLObject> xoList = att .getAttributeValues(); if (xoList == null || xoList.size() < 1 || xoList.size() > 1) { throw createSOAPFaultException( "Attributes are missing.", true); } else { XMLObject xmlObj = xoList.get(0); additionalValue = xmlObj.getDOM() .getFirstChild().getTextContent(); return xmlObj.getDOM().getFirstChild() .getTextContent(); // if (xmlObj.getDOM().getFirstChild() // .getTextContent() // .equals("Mathematics")) { // hasMathDegree = true; // } } } } } } if (hasValidAttribute == false) { System.out.println("No Valid Attribute."); System.out.println(additionalValue); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw createSOAPFaultException("Internal Error: " + e.getMessage(), false); } return null; } /* * Convenience function used to generate a generic SOAPFaultException */ private SOAPFaultException createSOAPFaultException(String faultString, Boolean clientFault) { try { String faultCode = clientFault ? "Client" : "Server"; SOAPFault fault = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createFault(); fault.setFaultString(faultString); fault.setFaultCode(new QName(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_ENVELOPE, faultCode)); return new SOAPFaultException(fault); } catch (SOAPException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error creating SOAP Fault message, faultString: " + faultString); } } }