package echosign.api.proxy; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A BufferedHttpStreamReader reads an HTTP stream and can take special care for the Host header * and the content length tracking. */ public class BufferedHttpStreamReader extends InputStreamReader { public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; /** * This is the official EchoSign domain name for the secure API calls. */ public static final String ECHOSIGN_DOMAIN_NAME = ""; /** * Use this environment variable if you want to make the secure API calls other than the * offical domain name ''. */ public static final String ECHOSIGN_DOMAIN_NAME_ENV_NAME = "ECHOSIGN_DOMAIN_NAME"; private static final String HOST_HEADER = "Host: "; private static final String HOST_HEADER_REGEXP = HOST_HEADER + "\\s*[^\\r\\n]+"; private static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER = "Content-Length: "; private char[] buffer; private int offset; private int remainder; private int numRead; private boolean eof; private boolean readingContent; private int contentLength; private int blankLinePos; private String bufferString; private String hostHeaderEchoSign; public BufferedHttpStreamReader(String serverHost, InputStream in) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this(serverHost, in, "UTF-8", DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); } public BufferedHttpStreamReader(String serverHost, InputStream in, String charsetName, int bufferSize) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { super(in, charsetName); buffer = new char[bufferSize]; eof = false; readingContent = false; contentLength = 0; // Use the specified domain name for the Host header. Look for it in the environment variable, // the argument serverHost, or the default one in this order. String echoSignDomainName = System.getenv(ECHOSIGN_DOMAIN_NAME_ENV_NAME); hostHeaderEchoSign = HOST_HEADER + ((echoSignDomainName != null) ? echoSignDomainName : ((serverHost != null) ? serverHost : ECHOSIGN_DOMAIN_NAME)); reset(); } public void reset() { offset = 0; remainder = buffer.length; numRead = 0; blankLinePos = -1; bufferString = null; } public int read() throws IOException { if (eof()) return -1; if (remainder <= 0) { System.err.println("WARNING: BufferedHttpStreamReader: reset due to out of buffer space"); reset(); } int n =, offset, remainder); if (n < 0) eof = true; else if (0 < n) { numRead = n; offset += numRead; remainder -= numRead; // the order is important here readingContent = (0 < contentLength); contentLength -= numRead; } return n; } public boolean eof() { return eof; } public boolean empty() { return (offset == 0); } public boolean isReadingContent() { return readingContent; } public boolean hasBlankLine() { // look for CRLFCRLF from the last data position for (int i = offset - numRead; i < offset; i++) { if (buffer[i] == '\r' && i + 4 <= offset && buffer[i + 1] == '\n' && buffer[i + 2] == '\r' && buffer[i + 3] == '\n') { // remember the position for later use blankLinePos = i + 2; return true; } } return false; } private void convertBytesToString() { if (bufferString == null) bufferString = new String(buffer, 0, offset); } public String getBufferString() { convertBytesToString(); return bufferString; } // start tracking the content length public void trackContentLength() { if (0 < blankLinePos) { convertBytesToString(); // find the location of the content length string int beg = bufferString.indexOf(CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER); if (0 <= beg) { beg += CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER.length(); // skip whitespace and find the end of the string char c = bufferString.charAt(beg); while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') c = bufferString.charAt(++beg); int end = beg; while ('0' <= c && c <= '9') c = bufferString.charAt(++end); if (beg < end) { contentLength = Integer.parseInt(bufferString.substring(beg, end)); // some part of the content may be read already contentLength -= bufferString.length() - (blankLinePos + 2); // 2 := CRLF } } } } // coerce the Host header to have the EchoSign domain name public void coerceHostHeader() { if (0 < blankLinePos) { convertBytesToString(); bufferString = bufferString.replaceFirst(HOST_HEADER_REGEXP, hostHeaderEchoSign); } } public byte[] toByteArray() throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException { ByteArrayOutputStream baostrm = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter oswtr = new OutputStreamWriter(baostrm, getEncoding()); if (bufferString != null) oswtr.write(bufferString, 0, bufferString.length()); else oswtr.write(buffer, 0, offset); oswtr.close(); return baostrm.toByteArray(); } }