package gov.samhsa.spirit.wsclient.adapter; import gov.samhsa.spirit.wsclient.dto.EhrPatientClientListDto; import gov.samhsa.spirit.wsclient.exception.SpiritAdapterException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Scanner; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; public class DocumentCleaner { public static void main(String[] args) { String id = "C2S.PG-DEV.RmETWp:&2.16.840.1.113883.3.704. Health:XM2UoY"; String[] tokens = id.split("&"); String nId = StringUtils.join(tokens, "&"); System.out.println(nId); id.replaceAll("&", "&"); System.out.println(id); /* * String[] tokens = id.split(":"); int tokenCount = tokens.length; * //assert the no of elements as 5 for(String s : tokens){ * System.out.println(s); } String consentTo = tokens[tokenCount-3]; * String consentFrom = tokens[tokenCount-2]; * tokens[tokenCount-3]=consentFrom; tokens[tokenCount-2] = * "C2S Health"; String joined = StringUtils.join(tokens, ":"); * System.out.println("joined" + joined); for(String s : tokens){ * System.out.println(s); } */ } public static void main1(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException, IOException, SpiritAdapterException, EhrException_Exception { ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader(); URL resource = classloader.getResource(""); File file = new File(resource.toURI()); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(fis); // reading proeprty String endpointAddress = props .getProperty("spirit.client.endpointAddress"); String org = props.getProperty(""); String pwd = props.getProperty("spirit.client.pwd"); String rol = props.getProperty("spirit.client.rol"); String user = props.getProperty("spirit.client.user"); final String domain = props.getProperty("spirit.client.domainId"); final String c2sDomain = props .getProperty("spirit.client.c2s.domainId"); final String c2sDomainType = props .getProperty("spirit.client.c2s.domainType"); final String c2sEnvType = props.getProperty(""); // SpiritEhrWsClientRqRspInterface webService = // InterfaceFactory.createEhrWsRqRspInterface(endpointAddress); // SpiritWebServiceClient client = new // SpiritWebServiceClient(endpointAddress); SpiritAdapter adapter = new SpiritAdapterImpl(endpointAddress, org, pwd, rol, user, domain, c2sDomain, c2sDomainType, c2sEnvType); String stateid = adapter.login(); Scanner s = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Please enter Local Patient Identifier"); String pid = s.nextLine(); s.close(); EhrPatientClientListDto patientResponse = adapter .queryPatientsWithPids(pid, stateid); boolean allDeleted = false; String deleteStatus = null; int deleteCounter = 0; while (!allDeleted) { EhrXdsQRsp contentResponse = adapter.queryPatientContent( patientResponse.getEhrPatientClientListDto().get(0), stateid); allDeleted = contentResponse.getResponseData().getDocuments() == null || contentResponse.getResponseData().getDocuments().size() == 0; if (allDeleted) break; deleteStatus = adapter.deleteDocuments(null, contentResponse .getResponseData().getDocuments(), patientResponse .getEhrPatientClientListDto().get(0), stateid); deleteCounter += contentResponse.getResponseData().getDocuments() .size(); } if (deleteCounter == 0 || deleteStatus.equals("Success")) System.out .println("All the documents under patient " + pid + " are now removed. The total number of deleted documents: " + deleteCounter + "."); // logout adapter.logout(stateid); } }