/******************************************************************************* * Open Behavioral Health Information Technology Architecture (OBHITA.org) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************/ package gov.samhsa.acs.xdsb.registry.wsclient.adapter; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.exception.DS4PException; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.log.AcsLogger; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.log.AcsLoggerFactory; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.tool.DocumentAccessor; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.tool.DocumentXmlConverter; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.tool.SimpleMarshaller; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.tool.exception.DocumentAccessorException; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.tool.exception.DocumentXmlConverterException; import gov.samhsa.acs.common.tool.exception.SimpleMarshallerException; import gov.samhsa.acs.xdsb.common.XdsbDocumentReference; import gov.samhsa.acs.xdsb.common.XdsbDocumentType; import gov.samhsa.acs.xdsb.registry.wsclient.XdsbRegistryWebServiceClient; import gov.samhsa.acs.xdsb.registry.wsclient.exception.XdsbRegistryAdapterException; import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.RetrieveDocumentSetRequest; import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.RetrieveDocumentSetRequest.DocumentRequest; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import oasis.names.tc.ebxml_regrep.xsd.query._3.AdhocQueryRequest; import oasis.names.tc.ebxml_regrep.xsd.query._3.AdhocQueryResponse; import oasis.names.tc.ebxml_regrep.xsd.query._3.ResponseOptionType; import oasis.names.tc.ebxml_regrep.xsd.rim._3.AdhocQueryType; import oasis.names.tc.ebxml_regrep.xsd.rim._3.SlotType1; import oasis.names.tc.ebxml_regrep.xsd.rim._3.ValueListType; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * The Class XdsbRegistryAdapter. */ public class XdsbRegistryAdapter { /** The logger. */ private final AcsLogger logger = AcsLoggerFactory .getLogger(this.getClass()); // Services /** The xdsb registry. */ private XdsbRegistryWebServiceClient xdsbRegistry; /** The response filter. */ private AdhocQueryResponseFilter responseFilter; /** The marshaller. */ private SimpleMarshaller marshaller; /** The document xml converter. */ private DocumentXmlConverter documentXmlConverter; /** The document accessor. */ private DocumentAccessor documentAccessor; // Supported XDS.b Format Codes /** The Constant FORMAT_CODE_CLINICAL_DOCUMENT. */ public static final String FORMAT_CODE_CLINICAL_DOCUMENT = "'2.16.840.1.113883.10.20.1^^HITSP'"; /** The Constant FORMAT_CODE_PRIVACY_CONSENT. */ public static final String FORMAT_CODE_PRIVACY_CONSENT = "'^^IHE BPPC'"; // AdhocQuery Slot Names /** The Constant SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_FORMAT_CODE. */ public static final String SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_FORMAT_CODE = "$XDSDocumentEntryFormatCode"; /** The Constant SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_PATIENT_ID. */ public static final String SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_PATIENT_ID = "$XDSDocumentEntryPatientId"; /** The Constant SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRYSTATUS. */ public static final String SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_STATUS = "$XDSDocumentEntryStatus"; // UUIDs /** The Constant UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY. */ public static final String UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY = "urn:uuid:7edca82f-054d-47f2-a032-9b2a5b5186c1"; /** The Constant UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY_UNIQUEID. */ public static final String UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY_UNIQUEID = "urn:uuid:2e82c1f6-a085-4c72-9da3-8640a32e42ab"; /** The Constant UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY_AUTHOR. */ public static final String UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY_AUTHOR = "urn:uuid:93606bcf-9494-43ec-9b4e-a7748d1a838d"; /** The Constant UUID_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_UNIQUEID. */ public static final String UUID_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_UNIQUEID = "urn:uuid:96fdda7c-d067-4183-912e-bf5ee74998a8"; // Stored Queries // Find Submission Sets /** The Constant STORED_QUERY_FIND_SUBMISSION_SETS. */ private static final String STORED_QUERY_FIND_SUBMISSION_SETS = "<ns3:AdhocQueryRequest xmlns:ns2=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0\" xmlns:ns3=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:query:3.0\" xmlns:ns4=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rs:3.0\"><ns3:ResponseOption returnComposedObjects=\"true\" returnType=\"LeafClass\"/><ns2:AdhocQuery id=\"urn:uuid:f26abbcb-ac74-4422-8a30-edb644bbc1a9\"><ns2:Slot name=\"$XDSSubmissionSetPatientId\"><ns2:ValueList><ns2:Value>@XDSSubmissionSetPatientId</ns2:Value></ns2:ValueList></ns2:Slot><ns2:Slot name=\"$XDSSubmissionSetAuthorPerson\"><ns2:ValueList><ns2:Value>@XDSSubmissionSetAuthorPerson</ns2:Value></ns2:ValueList></ns2:Slot><ns2:Slot name=\"$XDSSubmissionSetStatus\"><ns2:ValueList><ns2:Value>('urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:StatusType:Approved')</ns2:Value></ns2:ValueList></ns2:Slot></ns2:AdhocQuery></ns3:AdhocQueryRequest>"; /** The Constant PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_PATIENT_ID. */ private static final String PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_PATIENT_ID = "@XDSSubmissionSetPatientId"; /** The Constant PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_AUTHOR_PERSON. */ private static final String PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_AUTHOR_PERSON = "@XDSSubmissionSetAuthorPerson"; // Get Submission Set and Contents /** The Constant STORED_QUERY_GET_SUBMISSION_SET_AND_CONTENTS. */ private static final String STORED_QUERY_GET_SUBMISSION_SET_AND_CONTENTS = "<ns3:AdhocQueryRequest xmlns:ns2=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0\" xmlns:ns3=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:query:3.0\" xmlns:ns4=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rs:3.0\"><ns3:ResponseOption returnComposedObjects=\"true\" returnType=\"LeafClass\"/><ns2:AdhocQuery id=\"urn:uuid:e8e3cb2c-e39c-46b9-99e4-c12f57260b83\"><ns2:Slot name=\"$XDSSubmissionSetUniqueId\"><ns2:ValueList><!-- This operation only works for the first value, do not pass multiple values here.--><ns2:Value>'@XDSSubmissionSetUniqueId'</ns2:Value></ns2:ValueList></ns2:Slot></ns2:AdhocQuery></ns3:AdhocQueryRequest>"; /** The Constant PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_UNIQUEID. */ private static final String PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_UNIQUEID = "@XDSSubmissionSetUniqueId"; /** The Constant SUBMISSION_SET_STATUS_DEPRECATED. */ private static final String SUBMISSION_SET_STATUS_DEPRECATED = "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:StatusType:Deprecated"; /** * Instantiates a new xdsb registry adapter. * * @param xdsbRegistry * the xdsb registry * @param responseFilter * the response filter * @param marshaller * the marshaller * @param documentXmlConverter * the document xml converter * @param documentAccessor * the document accessor */ public XdsbRegistryAdapter(XdsbRegistryWebServiceClient xdsbRegistry, AdhocQueryResponseFilter responseFilter, SimpleMarshaller marshaller, DocumentXmlConverter documentXmlConverter, DocumentAccessor documentAccessor) { this.xdsbRegistry = xdsbRegistry; this.responseFilter = responseFilter; this.marshaller = marshaller; this.documentXmlConverter = documentXmlConverter; this.documentAccessor = documentAccessor; } /** * Registry stored query (direct call to the XDS.b registry service). * * @param adhocQueryRequest * the adhoc query request * @return the adhoc query response */ public AdhocQueryResponse registryStoredQuery( AdhocQueryRequest adhocQueryRequest) { return xdsbRegistry.registryStoredQuery(adhocQueryRequest); } /** * Registry stored query (indirect call to the XDS.b registry service with a * simplified interface). * * @param patientId * the patient id * @param domainId * the domain id * @param authorId * the author id * @param xdsbDocumentType * the xdsb document type * @param serviceTimeAware * the service time aware * @param messageId * the message id * @return the adhoc query response * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public AdhocQueryResponse registryStoredQuery(String patientId, String domainId, String authorId, XdsbDocumentType xdsbDocumentType, boolean serviceTimeAware, String messageId) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { String patientUniqueId = getPatientUniqueId(patientId, domainId); return registryStoredQuery(patientUniqueId, authorId, xdsbDocumentType, serviceTimeAware, messageId); } /** * Registry stored query. * * @param patientUniqueId * the patient unique id * @param authorNPI * the author npi * @param xdsbDocumentType * the xdsb document type * @param serviceTimeAware * the service time aware * @param messageId * the message id * @return the adhoc query response * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public AdhocQueryResponse registryStoredQuery(String patientUniqueId, String authorNPI, XdsbDocumentType xdsbDocumentType, boolean serviceTimeAware, String messageId) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { // Create a query request to search by patient unique id AdhocQueryRequest registryStoredQuery = createRegistryStoredQueryByPatientId( patientUniqueId, xdsbDocumentType, serviceTimeAware, messageId); return registryStoredQueryFilterByAuthorNPI(registryStoredQuery, authorNPI, messageId); } /** * Registry stored query. * * @param req * the req * @param authorNPI * the author npi * @param messageId * the message id * @return the adhoc query response * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public AdhocQueryResponse registryStoredQuery(AdhocQueryRequest req, String authorNPI, String messageId) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { try { return registryStoredQueryFilterByAuthorNPI(req, authorNPI, messageId); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new XdsbRegistryAdapterException(t); } } /** * Find deprecated document unique ids. * * @param submissionSetPatientId * the submission set patient id * @param submissionSetAuthorPerson * the submission set author person * @param messageId * the message id * @return the list * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public List<String> findDeprecatedDocumentUniqueIds( String submissionSetPatientId, String submissionSetAuthorPerson, String messageId) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { submissionSetPatientId = submissionSetPatientId.replaceAll("&(?!amp;)", "&"); submissionSetAuthorPerson = submissionSetAuthorPerson.replaceAll( "&(?!amp;)", "&"); List<String> deprecatedDocumentUniqueIds = new LinkedList<String>(); AdhocQueryResponse findSubmissionSetsResponse = findSubmissionSets( submissionSetPatientId, submissionSetAuthorPerson); List<String> submissionSetUniqueIds = extractSubmissionSetUniqueIds(findSubmissionSetsResponse); for (String submissionSetUniqueId : submissionSetUniqueIds) { AdhocQueryResponse getSubmissionSetAndContentsResponse = getSubmissionSetAndContents( submissionSetUniqueId, messageId); String deprecatedDocumentUniqueId = extractDeprecatedDocumentUniqueId( getSubmissionSetAndContentsResponse, messageId); if (deprecatedDocumentUniqueId != null) { deprecatedDocumentUniqueIds.add(deprecatedDocumentUniqueId); } } return deprecatedDocumentUniqueIds; } /** * Find submission sets. * * @param submissionSetPatientId * the submission set patient id * @param submissionSetAuthorPerson * the submission set author person * @return the adhoc query response * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public AdhocQueryResponse findSubmissionSets(String submissionSetPatientId, String submissionSetAuthorPerson) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { Assert.notNull(submissionSetPatientId); Assert.notNull(submissionSetAuthorPerson); AdhocQueryRequest findSubmissionSetsRequest = createFindSubmissionSetsRequest( submissionSetPatientId, submissionSetAuthorPerson); return registryStoredQuery(findSubmissionSetsRequest); } /** * Gets the submission set and contents. * * @param submissionSetUniqueId * the submission set unique id * @param messageId * the message id * @return the gets the submission set and contents * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public AdhocQueryResponse getSubmissionSetAndContents( String submissionSetUniqueId, String messageId) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { // Invoke this method for each submissionSetId at a time. This stored // query doesn't support retrieval of multiple submission sets, do not // try to implement it. Assert.notNull(submissionSetUniqueId); AdhocQueryRequest getSubmissionSetAndContentsRequest = createGetSubmissionSetAndContentsRequest( submissionSetUniqueId, messageId); return registryStoredQuery(getSubmissionSetAndContentsRequest); } /** * Extract submission set unique ids. * * @param response * the response * @return the list * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public List<String> extractSubmissionSetUniqueIds( AdhocQueryResponse response) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { try { List<String> submissionSetUniqueIdList = new LinkedList<String>(); String responseXml = this.marshaller.marshal(response); Document responseDoc = this.documentXmlConverter .loadDocument(responseXml); String xPathExpr = "//rim:ExternalIdentifier[@identificationScheme='$']/@value"; NodeList nodeList = this.documentAccessor.getNodeList(responseDoc, xPathExpr.replace("$", UUID_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_UNIQUEID)); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { submissionSetUniqueIdList.add(nodeList.item(i).getNodeValue()); } return submissionSetUniqueIdList; } catch (SimpleMarshallerException | DocumentAccessorException e) { throw new XdsbRegistryAdapterException(e); } } /** * Extract deprecated document unique id. * * @param response * the response * @param messageId * the message id * @return the string * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public String extractDeprecatedDocumentUniqueId( AdhocQueryResponse response, String messageId) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { try { String responseXml = this.marshaller.marshal(response); Document responseDoc = this.documentXmlConverter .loadDocument(responseXml); // Extract documentUniqueId if there is an association in the // submission // set with a NewStatus slot having SUBMISSION_SET_STATUS_DEPRECATED // value. Return null, if there is not any. StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("//rim:Association[descendant::rim:Slot[@name='NewStatus']][descendant::rim:Value[.='"); builder.append(SUBMISSION_SET_STATUS_DEPRECATED); builder.append("']]/preceding-sibling::rim:ExtrinsicObject[@objectType='"); builder.append(UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY); builder.append("']/descendant::rim:ExternalIdentifier[@identificationScheme='"); builder.append(UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY_UNIQUEID); builder.append("']/@value"); String xPathExpr = builder.toString(); Node node = this.documentAccessor.getNode(responseDoc, xPathExpr); if (node == null) { return null; } else { return node.getNodeValue(); } } catch (SimpleMarshallerException | DocumentAccessorException e) { logger.error(messageId, e.getMessage()); throw new XdsbRegistryAdapterException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Extract XDS.b document reference list. * * @param adhocQueryResponse * the adhoc query response * @return the list of XdsbDocumentReference objects having documentUniqueId * and repositoryId pairs to retrieve the documents * @throws Exception * the exception * @throws Throwable * the throwable */ public List<XdsbDocumentReference> extractXdsbDocumentReferenceList( AdhocQueryResponse adhocQueryResponse) throws Exception, Throwable { String adhocQueryResponseXmlString = marshaller .marshal(adhocQueryResponse); Document doc = documentXmlConverter .loadDocument(adhocQueryResponseXmlString); // Scan the document ExtrinsicObject elements NodeList extrinsicObjects = doc.getElementsByTagName("ExtrinsicObject"); // Temporary storage for documentUniqueIds and repositryIds Map<Integer, String> documentUniqueIdMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); Map<Integer, String> repositoryUniqueIdMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // For each ExtrinsicObject for (int i = 0; i < extrinsicObjects.getLength(); i++) { Node extrinsicObject = extrinsicObjects.item(i); NodeList extrinsicObjectItems = extrinsicObject.getChildNodes(); // For each element of ExtrinsicObject for (int j = 0; j < extrinsicObjectItems.getLength(); j++) { Node extrinsicObjectItem = extrinsicObjectItems.item(j); // If the element is ExternalIdentifier with // a XDSDocumentEntry UniqueId if ("ExternalIdentifier".equals(extrinsicObjectItem .getNodeName()) && UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY_UNIQUEID .equals(extrinsicObjectItem.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("identificationScheme") .getNodeValue())) { // Get the value of UniqueId and store in temporary map documentUniqueIdMap.put(i, extrinsicObjectItem .getAttributes().getNamedItem("value") .getNodeValue()); } // If the element is a Slot with repositoryUniqueId if ("Slot".equals(extrinsicObjectItem.getNodeName()) && "repositoryUniqueId".equals(extrinsicObjectItem .getAttributes().getNamedItem("name") .getNodeValue())) { // Get the value of repositoryUniqueId and store in // temporary map repositoryUniqueIdMap.put(i, extrinsicObjectItem .getChildNodes().item(0).getChildNodes().item(0) .getTextContent()); } } } // Combine the maps into a list of XdsbDocumentReference Set<Integer> keys = documentUniqueIdMap.keySet(); List<XdsbDocumentReference> repositoryAndDocumentUniqueIdList = new LinkedList<XdsbDocumentReference>(); for (Integer key : keys) { XdsbDocumentReference xdsbDocumentReference = new XdsbDocumentReference( documentUniqueIdMap.get(key), repositoryUniqueIdMap.get(key)); repositoryAndDocumentUniqueIdList.add(xdsbDocumentReference); } return repositoryAndDocumentUniqueIdList; } /** * Extract xdsb document reference list as retrieve document set request. * * @param adhocQueryResponse * the adhoc query response * @return the retrieve document set request * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ public RetrieveDocumentSetRequest extractXdsbDocumentReferenceListAsRetrieveDocumentSetRequest( AdhocQueryResponse adhocQueryResponse) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { String adhocQueryResponseXmlString; try { adhocQueryResponseXmlString = marshaller .marshal(adhocQueryResponse); Document doc = documentXmlConverter .loadDocument(adhocQueryResponseXmlString); // Scan the document ExtrinsicObject elements NodeList extrinsicObjects = doc .getElementsByTagName("ExtrinsicObject"); // Temporary storage for documentUniqueIds and repositryIds Map<Integer, String> documentUniqueIdMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); Map<Integer, String> repositoryUniqueIdMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // For each ExtrinsicObject for (int i = 0; i < extrinsicObjects.getLength(); i++) { Node extrinsicObject = extrinsicObjects.item(i); NodeList extrinsicObjectItems = extrinsicObject.getChildNodes(); // For each element of ExtrinsicObject for (int j = 0; j < extrinsicObjectItems.getLength(); j++) { Node extrinsicObjectItem = extrinsicObjectItems.item(j); // If the element is ExternalIdentifier with // a XDSDocumentEntry UniqueId if ("ExternalIdentifier".equals(extrinsicObjectItem .getNodeName()) && UUID_XDS_DOCUMENTENTRY_UNIQUEID .equals(extrinsicObjectItem .getAttributes() .getNamedItem( "identificationScheme") .getNodeValue())) { // Get the value of UniqueId and store in temporary map documentUniqueIdMap.put(i, extrinsicObjectItem .getAttributes().getNamedItem("value") .getNodeValue()); } // If the element is a Slot with repositoryUniqueId if ("Slot".equals(extrinsicObjectItem.getNodeName()) && "repositoryUniqueId".equals(extrinsicObjectItem .getAttributes().getNamedItem("name") .getNodeValue())) { // Get the value of repositoryUniqueId and store in // temporary map repositoryUniqueIdMap.put(i, extrinsicObjectItem .getChildNodes().item(0).getChildNodes() .item(0).getTextContent()); } } } // Combine the maps into a list of XdsbDocumentReference Set<Integer> keys = documentUniqueIdMap.keySet(); RetrieveDocumentSetRequest retrieveDocumentSetRequest = new RetrieveDocumentSetRequest(); List<DocumentRequest> documentRequestList = retrieveDocumentSetRequest .getDocumentRequest(); for (Integer key : keys) { XdsbDocumentReference xdsbDocumentReference = new XdsbDocumentReference( documentUniqueIdMap.get(key), repositoryUniqueIdMap.get(key)); documentRequestList.add(xdsbDocumentReference); } return retrieveDocumentSetRequest; } catch (SimpleMarshallerException | DocumentXmlConverterException e) { throw new XdsbRegistryAdapterException(e); } } /** * Extract patient id. * * @param req * the req * @return the string */ public String extractPatientId(AdhocQueryRequest req) { return extractSlotValue(req, SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_PATIENT_ID); } /** * Extract format code. * * @param req * the req * @return the string */ public String extractFormatCode(AdhocQueryRequest req) { return extractSlotValue(req, SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_FORMAT_CODE); } /** * Extract response option return type. * * @param req * the req * @return the string */ public String extractResponseOptionReturnType(AdhocQueryRequest req) { return req.getResponseOption().getReturnType(); } /** * Extract document entry status. * * @param req * the req * @return the string */ public String extractDocumentEntryStatus(AdhocQueryRequest req) { return extractSlotValue(req, SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_STATUS); } /** * Gets the patient unique id. * * @param patientId * the patient id * @param domainId * the domain id * @return the patient unique id */ public String getPatientUniqueId(String patientId, String domainId) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("'"); builder.append(patientId); builder.append("^^^&"); builder.append(domainId); builder.append("&ISO'"); return builder.toString(); } /** * Creates the find submission sets request. * * @param submissionSetPatientId * the submission set patient id * @param submissionSetAuthorPerson * the submission set author person * @return the adhoc query request * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ AdhocQueryRequest createFindSubmissionSetsRequest( String submissionSetPatientId, String submissionSetAuthorPerson) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { try { AdhocQueryRequest findSubmissionSetsRequest = this.marshaller .unmarshalFromXml( AdhocQueryRequest.class, STORED_QUERY_FIND_SUBMISSION_SETS.replace( PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_PATIENT_ID, submissionSetPatientId).replace( PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_AUTHOR_PERSON, submissionSetAuthorPerson)); return findSubmissionSetsRequest; } catch (SimpleMarshallerException e) { throw new XdsbRegistryAdapterException(e); } } /** * Creates the get submission set and contents request. * * @param submissionSetUniqueId * the submission set unique id * @param messageId * the message id * @return the adhoc query request * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ AdhocQueryRequest createGetSubmissionSetAndContentsRequest( String submissionSetUniqueId, String messageId) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { try { AdhocQueryRequest getSubmissionSetAndContentsRequest = this.marshaller .unmarshalFromXml(AdhocQueryRequest.class, STORED_QUERY_GET_SUBMISSION_SET_AND_CONTENTS .replace(PARAM_XDS_SUBMISSION_SET_UNIQUEID, submissionSetUniqueId)); return getSubmissionSetAndContentsRequest; } catch (SimpleMarshallerException e) { logger.error(messageId, e.getMessage()); throw new XdsbRegistryAdapterException(e); } } /** * Creates the registry stored query by patient id. * * @param patientUniqueId * the patient unique id * @param xdsbDocumentType * the xdsb document type * @param serviceTimeAware * the service time aware * @param messageId * the message id * @return the adhoc query request */ AdhocQueryRequest createRegistryStoredQueryByPatientId( String patientUniqueId, XdsbDocumentType xdsbDocumentType, boolean serviceTimeAware, String messageId) { // Create registryStoredQuery AdhocQueryRequest registryStoredQuery = new AdhocQueryRequest(); // Set response option to return all metadata of the documents in the // response setResponseOptionToGetAllMetadata(registryStoredQuery); // Create a query type that will find documents by given patient id AdhocQueryType adhocQueryType = createFindDocumentsByPatientIdQueryType(); registryStoredQuery.setAdhocQuery(adhocQueryType); // Modify query type // add patient id (will only return document references of the given // patient id) addPatientId(adhocQueryType, patientUniqueId); // add approved document entry status (will only return document // references with approved status) addEntryStatusApproved(adhocQueryType); // add format code (will only return document references for the given // supported document type) addFormatCode(adhocQueryType, xdsbDocumentType, messageId); if (serviceTimeAware) { // add service time constraint (will only return the document // references within valid service start/end time) addServiceTimeConstraint(adhocQueryType); } return registryStoredQuery; } /** * Creates the find documents by patient id query type. * * @return the adhoc query type */ AdhocQueryType createFindDocumentsByPatientIdQueryType() { AdhocQueryType adhocQueryType = new AdhocQueryType(); // FindDocuments by patientId adhocQueryType.setId("urn:uuid:14d4debf-8f97-4251-9a74-a90016b0af0d"); return adhocQueryType; } /** * Sets the response option to get all metadata. * * @param registryStoredQuery * the new response option to get all metadata */ void setResponseOptionToGetAllMetadata(AdhocQueryRequest registryStoredQuery) { ResponseOptionType responseOptionType = new ResponseOptionType(); responseOptionType.setReturnComposedObjects(true); responseOptionType.setReturnType("LeafClass"); registryStoredQuery.setResponseOption(responseOptionType); } /** * Adds the patient id. * * @param adhocQueryType * the adhoc query type * @param patientUniqueId * the patient unique id */ void addPatientId(AdhocQueryType adhocQueryType, String patientUniqueId) { if (!patientUniqueId.startsWith("'") || !patientUniqueId.endsWith("'")) { patientUniqueId = patientUniqueId.replace("'", ""); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("'"); builder.append(patientUniqueId); builder.append("'"); patientUniqueId = builder.toString(); } SlotType1 patientIdSlotType = new SlotType1(); patientIdSlotType.setName(SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_PATIENT_ID); ValueListType patientIdValueListType = new ValueListType(); patientIdValueListType.getValue().add(patientUniqueId); // PatientId patientIdSlotType.setValueList(patientIdValueListType); adhocQueryType.getSlot().add(patientIdSlotType); } /** * Adds the entry status approved. * * @param adhocQueryType * the adhoc query type */ void addEntryStatusApproved(AdhocQueryType adhocQueryType) { SlotType1 statusSlotType = new SlotType1(); statusSlotType.setName("$XDSDocumentEntryStatus"); ValueListType statusValueListType = new ValueListType(); statusValueListType.getValue().add( "('urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:StatusType:Approved')"); statusSlotType.setValueList(statusValueListType); adhocQueryType.getSlot().add(statusSlotType); } /** * Adds the format code. * * @param adhocQueryType * the adhoc query type * @param xdsbDocumentType * the xdsb document type * @param messageId * the message id */ void addFormatCode(AdhocQueryType adhocQueryType, XdsbDocumentType xdsbDocumentType, String messageId) { SlotType1 formatCodeSlotType = new SlotType1(); formatCodeSlotType.setName(SLOT_NAME_XDS_DOCUMENT_ENTRY_FORMAT_CODE); ValueListType formatCodeValueListType = new ValueListType(); if (xdsbDocumentType.equals(XdsbDocumentType.CLINICAL_DOCUMENT)) { formatCodeValueListType.getValue().add( FORMAT_CODE_CLINICAL_DOCUMENT); } else if (xdsbDocumentType.equals(XdsbDocumentType.PRIVACY_CONSENT)) { formatCodeValueListType.getValue().add(FORMAT_CODE_PRIVACY_CONSENT); } else { logger.error(messageId, "Unsupported XDS.b document format code"); throw new DS4PException("Unsupported XDS.b document format code"); } formatCodeSlotType.setValueList(formatCodeValueListType); adhocQueryType.getSlot().add(formatCodeSlotType); } /** * Adds the service time constraint. * * @param adhocQueryType * the adhoc query type */ void addServiceTimeConstraint(AdhocQueryType adhocQueryType) { String currentTime = getCurrentTime(); // Set upper value of XDSDocumentEntry serviceStartTime SlotType1 serviceStartSlotType = new SlotType1(); serviceStartSlotType.setName("$XDSDocumentEntryServiceStartTimeTo"); ValueListType serviceStartValueListType = new ValueListType(); serviceStartValueListType.getValue().add(currentTime); serviceStartSlotType.setValueList(serviceStartValueListType); adhocQueryType.getSlot().add(serviceStartSlotType); // Set lower value of XDSDocumentEntry serviceStopTime SlotType1 serviceStopSlotType = new SlotType1(); serviceStopSlotType.setName("$XDSDocumentEntryServiceStopTimeFrom"); ValueListType serviceStopValueListType = new ValueListType(); serviceStopValueListType.getValue().add(currentTime); serviceStopSlotType.setValueList(serviceStopValueListType); adhocQueryType.getSlot().add(serviceStopSlotType); } /** * Registry stored query filter by author npi. * * @param req * the req * @param authorNPI * the author npi * @param messageId * the message id * @return the adhoc query response * @throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException * the xdsb registry adapter exception */ private AdhocQueryResponse registryStoredQueryFilterByAuthorNPI( AdhocQueryRequest req, String authorNPI, String messageId) throws XdsbRegistryAdapterException { try { // Query Response AdhocQueryResponse adhocQueryResponse = registryStoredQuery(req); if (authorNPI != null && !"".equals(authorNPI)) { adhocQueryResponse = responseFilter.filterByAuthor( adhocQueryResponse, authorNPI); } logger.debug(messageId, marshaller.marshal(adhocQueryResponse)); return adhocQueryResponse; } catch (SimpleMarshallerException e) { throw new XdsbRegistryAdapterException(e); } } /** * Gets the current time. * * @return the current time */ private String getCurrentTime() { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); return sdf.format(new Date()); } /** * Extract slot value. * * @param req * the req * @param slotName * the slot name * @return the string */ private String extractSlotValue(AdhocQueryRequest req, String slotName) { List<SlotType1> slots = req.getAdhocQuery().getSlot(); for (SlotType1 slot : slots) { if (slotName.equals(slot.getName())) { return slot.getValueList().getValue().get(0); } } return null; } }