package gov.samhsa.consent2share.domain.reference; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable; import; import org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:/META-INF/spring/applicationContext*.xml") @ActiveProfiles("test") @Transactional @Configurable public class ProductFormCodeIntegrationTest { @Test public void testMarkerMethod() { } @Autowired ProductFormCodeDataOnDemand dod; @Autowired ProductFormCodeRepository productFormCodeRepository; @Test public void testCountAllProductFormCodes() { Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to initialize correctly", dod.getRandomProductFormCode()); long count = productFormCodeRepository.count(); Assert.assertTrue("Counter for 'ProductFormCode' incorrectly reported there were no entries", count > 0); } @Test public void testFindProductFormCode() { ProductFormCode obj = dod.getRandomProductFormCode(); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to initialize correctly", obj); Long id = obj.getId(); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to provide an identifier", id); obj = productFormCodeRepository.findOne(id); Assert.assertNotNull("Find method for 'ProductFormCode' illegally returned null for id '" + id + "'", obj); Assert.assertEquals("Find method for 'ProductFormCode' returned the incorrect identifier", id, obj.getId()); } @Test public void testFindAllProductFormCodes() { Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to initialize correctly", dod.getRandomProductFormCode()); long count = productFormCodeRepository.count(); Assert.assertTrue("Too expensive to perform a find all test for 'ProductFormCode', as there are " + count + " entries; set the findAllMaximum to exceed this value or set findAll=false on the integration test annotation to disable the test", count < 250); List<ProductFormCode> result = productFormCodeRepository.findAll(); Assert.assertNotNull("Find all method for 'ProductFormCode' illegally returned null", result); Assert.assertTrue("Find all method for 'ProductFormCode' failed to return any data", result.size() > 0); } @Test public void testFindProductFormCodeEntries() { Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to initialize correctly", dod.getRandomProductFormCode()); long count = productFormCodeRepository.count(); if (count > 20) count = 20; int pageNumber = 0; int pageSize = (int) count; List<ProductFormCode> result = productFormCodeRepository.findAll( new PageRequest(pageNumber, pageSize)).getContent(); Assert.assertNotNull("Find entries method for 'ProductFormCode' illegally returned null", result); Assert.assertEquals("Find entries method for 'ProductFormCode' returned an incorrect number of entries", count, result.size()); } @Test public void testFlush() { ProductFormCode obj = dod.getRandomProductFormCode(); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to initialize correctly", obj); Long id = obj.getId(); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to provide an identifier", id); obj = productFormCodeRepository.findOne(id); Assert.assertNotNull("Find method for 'ProductFormCode' illegally returned null for id '" + id + "'", obj); boolean modified = dod.modifyProductFormCode(obj); Integer currentVersion = obj.getVersion(); productFormCodeRepository.flush(); Assert.assertTrue("Version for 'ProductFormCode' failed to increment on flush directive", (currentVersion != null && obj.getVersion() > currentVersion) || !modified); } @Test public void testUpdateProductFormCodeUpdate() { ProductFormCode obj = dod.getRandomProductFormCode(); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to initialize correctly", obj); Long id = obj.getId(); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to provide an identifier", id); obj = productFormCodeRepository.findOne(id); boolean modified = dod.modifyProductFormCode(obj); Integer currentVersion = obj.getVersion(); ProductFormCode merged = (ProductFormCode); productFormCodeRepository.flush(); Assert.assertEquals("Identifier of merged object not the same as identifier of original object", merged.getId(), id); Assert.assertTrue("Version for 'ProductFormCode' failed to increment on merge and flush directive", (currentVersion != null && obj.getVersion() > currentVersion) || !modified); } @Test public void testSaveProductFormCode() { Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to initialize correctly", dod.getRandomProductFormCode()); ProductFormCode obj = dod.getNewTransientProductFormCode(Integer.MAX_VALUE); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to provide a new transient entity", obj); Assert.assertNull("Expected 'ProductFormCode' identifier to be null", obj.getId());; productFormCodeRepository.flush(); Assert.assertNotNull("Expected 'ProductFormCode' identifier to no longer be null", obj.getId()); } @Test public void testDeleteProductFormCode() { ProductFormCode obj = dod.getRandomProductFormCode(); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to initialize correctly", obj); Long id = obj.getId(); Assert.assertNotNull("Data on demand for 'ProductFormCode' failed to provide an identifier", id); obj = productFormCodeRepository.findOne(id); productFormCodeRepository.delete(obj); productFormCodeRepository.flush(); Assert.assertNull("Failed to remove 'ProductFormCode' with identifier '" + id + "'", productFormCodeRepository.findOne(id)); } }