package com.feisystems.polrep.util; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import com.feisystems.polrep.domain.Policy; import com.feisystems.polrep.service.dto.PolicyDto; import com.feisystems.polrep.service.exception.ConflictingRequestException; import com.feisystems.polrep.service.exception.PolicyAlreadyExistsException; import com.feisystems.polrep.service.exception.PolicyIdNotFoundException; import com.feisystems.polrep.service.exception.PolicyNotFoundException; public class AssertionUtils { public static void assertNotExistsInPolicyRepository( List<PolicyDto> policyDtos, Function<String, Policy> policyFindFunction) { policyDtos .stream() .map(PolicyDto::getId) .forEach( policyId -> assertNotExistsInPolicyRepository(policyId, policyFindFunction)); } public static void assertNotExistsInPolicyRepository(String policyId, Function<String, Policy> policyFindFunction) { final Policy policy = policyFindFunction.apply(policyId); if (policy != null) { final StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); errorBuilder .append("There is already a policy/policySet in the repository with the given id: ") .append(policyId) .append(". Consider using force=true request parameter to force-update the content of existing policy."); throw new PolicyAlreadyExistsException(errorBuilder.toString()); } } public static void assertPoliciesNotEmpty(final List<Policy> policies, final String policyId, final String wildcard) { if (policies == null || policies.size() == 0) { final StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); errorBuilder.append( "Policy/PolicySet cannot be found with given ID: ").append( policyId); if (StringUtils.hasText(wildcard)) { errorBuilder.append("; wildcard: ").append(wildcard); } throw new PolicyNotFoundException(errorBuilder.toString()); } } public static void assertPolicyId(String policyId) { if (!StringUtils.hasText(policyId)) { throw new PolicyIdNotFoundException("Policy ID must have a text!"); } } public static void assertPolicyIdConsistency(String requestPolicyId, final String policyContentPolicyId) { if (!requestPolicyId.equals(policyContentPolicyId)) { final StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder() .append("Policy/PolicySet IDs in the request (") .append(requestPolicyId) .append(") and the policy content (") .append(policyContentPolicyId).append(") do not match! "); throw new ConflictingRequestException(errorBuilder.toString()); } } public static void assertPolicyNotNull(final Policy policy, final String policyId) { if (policy == null) { final StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); errorBuilder.append( "Policy/PolicySet cannot be found with given ID: ").append( policyId); throw new PolicyNotFoundException(errorBuilder.toString()); } } public static void assertUniqueIds(List<PolicyDto> policyDtos) { final long countDistinctIds = .distinct().count(); if (countDistinctIds != policyDtos.size()) { throw new ConflictingRequestException( "Policy IDs are not unique in the request."); } } }