package com.mtx.scene2dactors; import; public class Key extends TestActor{ public boolean visible; public static float width =64/2 * World.WORLD_UNIT; public static float height = 31/2 * World.WORLD_UNIT; //VARIABLES FOR TRACKING THE LIFE TIME OF THE EGGS private float startTime = System.nanoTime(); public static float SECONDS_TIME = 0; public Key(float width, float height, boolean DIPActive) { super(width, height, DIPActive); // Make the Egg Visible visible =true; setLifeTime(0); } public void update(float delta){ if (System.nanoTime() - startTime >= 1000000000) { SECONDS_TIME++; startTime = System.nanoTime(); } } public float getLifeTime() { return SECONDS_TIME; } public void setLifeTime(float secondsTime) { SECONDS_TIME = secondsTime; } }