package nl.tudelft.bw4t.server.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.jgrapht.WeightedGraph; import org.jgrapht.alg.DijkstraShortestPath; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge; import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleWeightedGraph; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.server.environment.BW4TEnvironment; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.server.model.BoundedMoveableObject; import; import; import; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.server.repast.MapLoader; import repast.simphony.context.Context; import; import; import; /** * Path planner that uses the Zones. */ public final class PathPlanner { private PathPlanner() { } /** * find a path from start to end point given a graph of all Zones. * * @param allZones set of all Zones in the map, or at least the ones involved in the search * @param start is strat Zone * @param end is target Zone * @return List of subsequent Zones from start to end, or null if no path exists. */ public static List<NdPoint> findPath(Collection<Zone> allZones, Zone start, Zone end) { WeightedGraph<NdPoint, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph = GraphHelper.generateZoneGraph(allZones); return findPath(graph, start.getLocation(), end.getLocation()); } /** * find a path from start to end point given a list of obstacles. * * @param obstacles set of all obstacles involved in the search. * @return List of subsequent NdPoints from start to finish. */ public static List<NdPoint> findPath(List<Zone> allZones, List<BoundedMoveableObject> obstacles, NdPoint startPoint, NdPoint endPoint, int botSize) { SimpleWeightedGraph<NdPoint, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph = generateNdPointGraph(startPoint, allZones, obstacles, botSize); try { NdPoint start = findNearestRoundedPoint(startPoint, graph); NdPoint end = findNearestRoundedPoint(endPoint, graph); return findPath(graph, start, end); } catch (SpatialException ex) { return new ArrayList<>(0); } } private static NdPoint findNearestRoundedPoint(NdPoint point, SimpleWeightedGraph<NdPoint, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph) throws SpatialException { NdPoint roundedPoint; Set<NdPoint> vertices = graph.vertexSet(); // Find the floored point first. double x = Math.floor(point.getX()); double y = Math.floor(point.getY()); roundedPoint = new NdPoint(x, y); if(vertices.contains(roundedPoint)) { return roundedPoint; } // floor x, ceil y. y = Math.ceil(point.getY()); roundedPoint = new NdPoint(x, y); if(vertices.contains(roundedPoint)) { return roundedPoint; } // ceil x, ceil y x = Math.ceil(point.getX()); roundedPoint = new NdPoint(x, y); if(vertices.contains(roundedPoint)) { return roundedPoint; } // ceil x, floor y y = Math.floor(point.getY()); roundedPoint = new NdPoint(x, y); if(vertices.contains(roundedPoint)) { return roundedPoint; } throw new SpatialException("Start vertex not on pathfinding graph."); } /** * Find the list of point to be traversed from the start to the end using the DijkstraShortestPath algorithm. * * @param graph * the graph upon which we need to find the path * @param start * the start node from which to navigate * @param end * the end node to which to navigate to * @return the succession of node to traverse from start to end, empty if no path was found */ public static List<NdPoint> findPath(WeightedGraph<NdPoint, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph, NdPoint start, NdPoint end) { List<DefaultWeightedEdge> edgeList = DijkstraShortestPath.findPathBetween(graph, start, end); if (edgeList == null) { return new ArrayList<>(0); } List<NdPoint> path = new LinkedList<>(); NdPoint current = start; path.add(current); // Add each path node, but also check for the order of the edges so that // the correct point (source or target) is added. for (DefaultWeightedEdge edge : edgeList) { current = GraphHelper.getOpposite(graph, edge, current); if (current != null) { path.add(current); } } return path; } private static List<NdPoint> returnVacantPoints(Collection<Zone> zones, Collection<BoundedMoveableObject> obstacles, int botSize) { // First generate the points occupied by the obstacles. List<NdPoint> obstaclePoints = new LinkedList<>(); for (BoundedMoveableObject obstacle : obstacles) { // Navigate around obstacles with a margin of 1 unit. obstaclePoints.addAll(obstacle.getPointsOccupiedByObject(2)); } // Now for the zone points. List<NdPoint> zonePoints = new LinkedList<>(); for (Zone zone : zones) { // -botSize to allow the bot to move alone walls, etc. zonePoints.addAll(zone.getPointsOccupiedByObject(0)); } // Remove all obstacles points from the list. The remaining list if the one we'll use for pathfinding. zonePoints.removeAll(obstaclePoints); // Remove duplicates by copying the collection to a set, then recreating the list from // the duplicate-less set. zonePoints = new ArrayList<>(new HashSet<>(zonePoints)); return zonePoints; } private static SimpleWeightedGraph<NdPoint, DefaultWeightedEdge> generateNdPointGraph(NdPoint start, Collection<Zone> allZones, Collection<BoundedMoveableObject> obstacles, int botSize) { SimpleWeightedGraph<NdPoint, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph = new SimpleWeightedGraph<NdPoint, DefaultWeightedEdge>( DefaultWeightedEdge.class); List<NdPoint> vertices = returnVacantPoints(allZones, obstacles, botSize / 2); vertices.add(start); // Margin is botsize / 2, since the points move under the center of the bot. sanitizeVertices(allZones, vertices, obstacles, botSize / 2); // Add all the vertices. for (NdPoint p : vertices) { graph.addVertex(p); } /* Create the edges Each vertex can have 4 edges in GRID space. Since we won't be considering diagonal travel. */ for (NdPoint vertex : vertices) { NdPoint[] neighbours = { new NdPoint(vertex.getX(), vertex.getY() + 1), new NdPoint(vertex.getX(), vertex.getY() - 1), new NdPoint(vertex.getX() - 1, vertex.getY()), new NdPoint(vertex.getX() + 1, vertex.getY()) }; for (NdPoint neighbour : neighbours) { if (vertices.contains(neighbour)) { // Default edge distance is 1. So we're good. graph.addEdge(vertex, neighbour); } } } return graph; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void sanitizeVertices(Collection<Zone> zones, Collection<NdPoint> vertices, Collection<BoundedMoveableObject> obstacles, int margin) { Context<Object> context = BW4TEnvironment.getInstance().getContext(); ContinuousSpace<Object> space = (ContinuousSpace<Object>) context.getProjection(MapLoader.PROJECTION_ID); double width = space.getDimensions().getWidth(); double height = space.getDimensions().getHeight(); Set<NdPoint> invalidPoints = new HashSet<>(); for(Zone zone : zones) { if(zone instanceof Room || zone instanceof DropZone) { // Disallow a band 'margin' thick around rooms. double zx = zone.getBoundingBox().getX(); double zy = zone.getBoundingBox().getY(); double zwidth = zone.getBoundingBox().getWidth(); double zheight = zone.getBoundingBox().getHeight(); // Top bar invalidPoints.addAll( generateBlock(zx - margin, zy + margin, zx + zwidth + margin, zy) ); // Lower bar invalidPoints.addAll( generateBlock(zx - margin, zy - zheight, zx + zwidth + margin, zy - zheight - margin) ); // Left bar invalidPoints.addAll( generateBlock(zx - margin, zy, zx, zy - zheight) ); // Right bar invalidPoints.addAll( generateBlock(zx + zwidth, zy, zx + zwidth + margin, zy - zheight) ); } } // And now for the points around the map border. // Top bar. invalidPoints.addAll( generateBlock(0, margin, width, 0) ); // Bottom bar invalidPoints.addAll( generateBlock(0, height, width, height - margin) ); // Left bar invalidPoints.addAll( generateBlock(0, height - margin, margin, margin) ); // Right bar invalidPoints.addAll( generateBlock(width - margin, height - margin, width, margin) ); vertices.removeAll(invalidPoints); } private static Set<NdPoint> generateBlock(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { Set<NdPoint> points = new HashSet<>(); for(double i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { for(double j = y1; j >= y2; j--) { points.add(new NdPoint(i, j)); } } return points; } }