package nl.tudelft.bw4t.environmentstore.main.controller; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.environmentstore.editor.controller.MapPanelController; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.environmentstore.main.view.EnvironmentStore; import; /** * The EnvironmentStoreController class serves as a controller for the EnvironmentStore * */ public class EnvironmentStoreController extends ComponentAdapter { /** The view of our Environment Store. */ private EnvironmentStore view; /** The controller for the Map Panel. */ private MapPanelController mapController; /** * The EnvironmentStoreController class takes care of all the ActionListeners. * * @param es is the JFrame from the environment store. * @param mc is the map we would like to edit. */ public EnvironmentStoreController(EnvironmentStore es, MapPanelController mc) { this.view = es; this.mapController = mc; getMainView().addComponentListener(this); final MenuBar bar = getMainView().getTopMenuBar(); /** Create all action listeners for the File Menu */ // New bar.getMenuItemFileNew().addActionListener( new MenuOptionNew(bar, this) ); // Open bar.getMenuItemFileOpen().addActionListener( new MenuOptionOpen(bar, this) ); // Save bar.getMenuItemFileSave().addActionListener( new MenuOptionSave(bar, this) ); // Save As bar.getMenuItemFileSaveAs().addActionListener( new MenuOptionSaveAs(bar, this) ); // Preview bar.getMenuItemPreview().addActionListener( new MenuOptionPreview(bar, this) ); // Exit bar.getMenuItemFileExit().addActionListener( new MenuOptionExit(bar, this) ); // Default Exit button on the right top of the window getMainView().addWindowListener( new WindowExit(getMainView()) ); /** Create all action listeners for the Tools Menu */ // Randomize Rooms in map bar.getMenuItemRandomizeZones().addActionListener( new MenuOptionRandomizeZones(bar, this) ); // Randomize Blocks distributions bar.getMenuItemRandomizeBlocks().addActionListener( new MenuOptionRandomizeBlocks(bar, this) ); // Randomize sequence bar.getMenuItemRandomizeSequence().addActionListener( new MenuOptionRandomizeSequence(bar, this) ); } @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent arg0) { mapController.getCSController().updatePosition(); } /** * Checks if the configuration has been changed. * @return returns true if either the configuration, the bot list of the epartners list has been changed. */ public boolean notAnEmptyMap() { // If the sequence is not empty, the map from scratch has been modified. if(!(mapController.getSequence().isEmpty())) { return true; } // If not all rooms are corridors, the map from scratch has been modified. for (int i = 0; i < mapController.getZoneControllers().length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mapController.getZoneControllers()[0].length; j++) { if(!(mapController.getZoneControllers()[i][j].getType() == Type.CORRIDOR)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Ask the user if (s)he wishes to save the Environment. * @return True if the user wishes to save the Environment. */ public boolean promptUserToSave() { // Check if user wants to save current configuration int response = EnvironmentStore.getOptionPrompt().showConfirmDialog( null, "Do you want to save the current configuration?", "", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); return response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; } /** * Ask the user if (s)he wishes to quit the program. * @return True if the user wishes to quit. */ public boolean promptUserToQuit() { int response = EnvironmentStore.getOptionPrompt().showConfirmDialog( null, "Are you sure you want to exit the program?", "", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); return response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; } /** * Return the view being controlled. * @return The JFrame being controlled. */ public final EnvironmentStore getMainView() { return view; } /** * Return the map being edited. * @return The Map being edited. */ public final MapPanelController getMapController() { return mapController; } }