package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.JPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** Implementation of the {@link MapRenderInterface} */ public class MapRenderer extends JPanel implements MapRendererInterface { /** * Serialization id. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2854272641217795283L; /** * Initialize MapController (to null). */ private transient MapController controller = null; /** * Path_size used for scaling. */ private static final int PATH_SIZE = 1; /** * Constructor. * * @param controller * MapController */ public MapRenderer(MapController controller) { this.setController(controller); } public MapController getController() { return controller; } /** * Set controller and update minimum size. * * @param controller * MapController */ public void setController(MapController controller) { if (this.controller != null) { this.controller.removeRenderer(this); } this.controller = controller; this.controller.addRenderer(this); updateMinimumSize(); } /** * Update minimum size based on controller. */ private void updateMinimumSize() { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); Dimension size = new Dimension(set.scale(set.getWorldWidth()), set.scale(set.getWorldHeight()) + set.getSequenceBlockSize()); this.setMinimumSize(size); this.setPreferredSize(size); this.setMaximumSize(size); } /** * Processes all objects to display them on the panel * * @param g * the graphics object */ @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); updateMinimumSize(); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; drawChargingZones(g2d); drawRooms(g2d); drawBlockades(g2d); drawLabels(g2d); drawDropZone(g2d); drawBlocks(g2d); drawEntity(g2d); drawSequence(g2d); drawEPartners(g2d); drawPaths(g2d); } /** * Display the goal sequence * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawSequence(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); final int size = set.getSequenceBlockSize(); final int wh = set.scale(set.getWorldHeight()); int startPosX = 0; for (BlockColor color : getController().getSequence()) { g2d.setColor(color.getColor()); g2d.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(startPosX, set.scale(set .getWorldHeight()), size, size)); if (getController().getSequenceIndex() > (startPosX / size)) { g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); int[] xpoints = new int[] { startPosX, startPosX, startPosX + size }; int[] ypoints = new int[] { wh, wh + size, wh + (size / 2) }; g2d.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3); } startPosX += size; } } /** * Process all rooms and their connected doors, and display them in the * panel with an outline * * @param g2d * t Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawRooms(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); for (Zone room : getController().getRooms()) { boolean occupied = getController().isOccupied(room); for (Door door : room.getDoors()) { drawDoor(g2d, door, occupied); } // paint the room g2d.setColor(Color.GRAY); Shape roomDisplayCoordinates = set.transformRectangle(room .getBoundingbox().getRectangle()); g2d.fill(roomDisplayCoordinates); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2d.draw(roomDisplayCoordinates); } } /** * Draw charging zones in transpart green (color predefined in Zone). * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawChargingZones(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); for (Zone chargingzone : getController().getChargingZones()) { // paint the charging zone in transparent green g2d.setColor(Zone.CHARGING_ZONE_COLOR); Shape roomDisplayCoordinates = set.transformRectangle(chargingzone .getBoundingbox().getRectangle()); g2d.fill(roomDisplayCoordinates); } } /** * Draw blockades in transparent green (color predefined in Zone). * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawBlockades(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); for (Zone blockade : getController().getBlockades()) { // paint the blockades in transparent green g2d.setColor(Zone.BLOCKADE_COLOR); Shape roomDisplayCoordinates = set.transformRectangle(blockade .getBoundingbox().getRectangle()); g2d.fill(roomDisplayCoordinates); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2d.draw(roomDisplayCoordinates); } } /** * Draw door, color depends on status of door (open or close). * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn * @param door * Door that needs to be drawn * @param closed * based on if the door is closed or not, the color will be * determined */ public void drawDoor(Graphics2D g2d, Door door, boolean closed) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); if (closed) { g2d.setColor(Door.COLOR_CLOSED); } else { g2d.setColor(Door.COLOR_OPEN); } g2d.fill(set.transformCenterRectangle(new Rectangle2D.Double(door .getPosition().getX(), door.getPosition().getY(), door .getWidth(), door.getHeight()))); } /** * Process the labels for the different areas * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawLabels(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); g2d.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); g2d.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10)); for (Zone zone : getController().getZones()) { Rectangle2D bbox = zone.getBoundingbox().getRectangle(); g2d.drawString(zone.getName(), (int) (set.scale(bbox.getCenterX()) - (g2d.getFontMetrics() .stringWidth(zone.getName()) / 2.0)), (int) set .scale(bbox.getCenterY())); } } /** * Process the drop zone and connected doors and display them in the panel * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawDropZone(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); Zone dropZone = getController().getDropZone(); if (dropZone == null) { return; } g2d.setColor(Color.getHSBColor(0.0639f, 0.58f, 0.5f)); // brown Rectangle2D rect = set.transformRectangle(dropZone.getBoundingbox() .getRectangle()); g2d.fill(rect); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2d.draw(rect); boolean occupied = getController().isOccupied(dropZone); for (Door door : dropZone.getDoors()) { drawDoor(g2d, door, occupied); } } /** * Process all blocks that are visible and display them with their color * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawBlocks(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); // HACK to alleviate #3292. controller is not thread safe! Set<ViewBlock> blocks = new HashSet<>(getController().getVisibleBlocks()); for (ViewBlock box : blocks) { g2d.setColor(box.getColor().getColor()); g2d.fill(set.transformCenterRectangle(new Rectangle2D.Double(box .getPosition().getX(), box.getPosition().getY(), ViewBlock.BLOCK_SIZE, ViewBlock.BLOCK_SIZE))); } } /** * Display the robot this panel represents. The color is adapted depending * on whether it holds a block or not. * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawEntity(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); for (ViewEntity e : getController().getVisibleEntities()) { g2d.setColor(e.getColor()); Point2D loc = e.getLocation(); g2d.fill(set.transformCenterRectangle(new Rectangle2D.Double(loc .getX(), loc.getY(), e.getRobotSize(), e.getRobotSize()))); if (set.isRenderEntityName()) { g2d.setColor(Color.RED); g2d.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 16)); g2d.drawString(e.getName(), (int) set.scale(e.getLocation().getX()) - g2d.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(e.getName()) / 2, (int) set.scale(e.getLocation().getY()) + set.getEntityNameOffset()); } } } /** * Display the EPartners in black. * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawEPartners(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); for (ViewEPartner eP : getController().getVisibleEPartners()) { g2d.setColor(eP.getColor()); Point2D loc = eP.getLocation(); int x = (int) set.scale(loc.getX()); int y = (int) set.scale(loc.getY()); final int size = set.scale(eP.getSize()); int[] xpoints = new int[] { x, x - size, x + size }; int[] ypoints = new int[] { y + size, y - size, y - size }; g2d.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2d.drawPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3); } } /** * Display the paths. * * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn */ public void drawPaths(Graphics2D g2d) { MapRenderSettings set = getController().getRenderSettings(); for (Path p : controller.getPaths()) { Point previous = null; for (Point point : p.getPath()) { int x = (int) set.scale(point.getX()); int y = (int) set.scale(point.getY()); int scale = set.scale(PATH_SIZE); g2d.setColor(p.getColor()); drawCenteredCircle(g2d, x, y, scale); if (previous != null) { int px = (int) set.scale(previous.getX()); int py = (int) set.scale(previous.getY()); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2d.drawLine(px, py, x, y); } previous = point; } } } /** * @param g2d * Graphics2D where will be drawn * @param x * x coordinate of center * @param y * y coordinate of center * @param r * radius of circle */ private void drawCenteredCircle(Graphics2D g2d, int x, int y, int r) { int newX = x - (r / 2); int newY = y - (r / 2); g2d.fillOval(newX, newY, r, r); } }