package nl.tudelft.bw4t.server.repast; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.server.environment.BW4TEnvironment; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.server.environment.Launcher; import repast.simphony.context.Context; import repast.simphony.dataLoader.ContextBuilder; /** * This builds the BW4T environment, by calling {@link MapLoader#loadMap(String, Context)}. It also listens to runmode * changes in the Repast environment. Finally the created new {@link Context} is passed to the {@link BW4TEnvironment}. * BW4TBuilder is called by repast, as it is referred to as the dataLoader in the xml files. This class then loads the * map and starts up the renderer. */ public class BW4TBuilder implements ContextBuilder<Object> { /** * Matches the ID in context.xml and scenario.xml */ private static final String CONTEXT_ID = "BW4T"; /** * Build the Context in which to run the repast simulation. */ public BW4TBuilder() { } @Override public Context<Object> build(Context<Object> context) { context.setId(CONTEXT_ID); Launcher.getInstance().getEnvironment().getServerMap().setContext(context); return context; } }