package nl.tudelft.bw4t.client.environment; import; import; import; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import eis.AgentListener; import eis.EnvironmentInterfaceStandard; import eis.EnvironmentListener; import eis.exceptions.ActException; import eis.exceptions.AgentException; import eis.exceptions.EntityException; import eis.exceptions.ManagementException; import eis.exceptions.NoEnvironmentException; import eis.exceptions.PerceiveException; import eis.exceptions.QueryException; import eis.exceptions.RelationException; import eis.iilang.Action; import eis.iilang.EnvironmentState; import eis.iilang.Identifier; import eis.iilang.Parameter; import eis.iilang.Percept; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.client.BW4TClient; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.client.agent.BW4TAgent; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.client.agent.HumanAgent; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.client.controller.ClientController; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.client.startup.InitParam; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.eis.MapParameter; import; /** * A remote BW4TEnvironment is an EIS environment * {@link EnvironmentInterfaceStandard}. Instead of executing actions directly, * it delegates all actions towards the central BW4TEnvironment, through RMI. * This is the "Client", the connector for goal. This object lives on the * client, and is a singleton (so one per JVM). * <p> * You can launch a stand-alone BW4TRemoteEnvironment (via {@link #main}. * Typical args are: <code> * -clientip localhost -serverip localhost -clientport 2000 * -serverport 8000 -launchgui true -map * BW4TClient/environments/maps/ColorTestScenario -agentcount 0 -humancount 2 * </code> to run 2 HumanGUIs. Note though that these agents will not be coupled * to GOAL, and will not appear to GOAL as entities. So you can not communicate * with them from GOAL by using the GOAL send action. * <p> * This RemoteEnvironment functions multiple roles * <ul> * <li>as stand-alone client. It just requests the entities as specified in the * launch parameters and launches one HumanGUI connecting with the server that * connects with this entity. The new-entity calls are just used to check if a * humanGUI needs to be connected. * <li>as plugin for GOAL. New-entity calls from the server are now also * forwarded to GOAL. * </ul> */ public class RemoteEnvironment implements EnvironmentInterfaceStandard, EnvironmentListener { /** * The log4j Logger which displays logs on console */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RemoteEnvironment.class); private BW4TClient client = null; private final List<EnvironmentListener> environmentListeners = new LinkedList<>(); private final Map<String, ClientController> entityToGUI = new HashMap<>(); /** * Stores for each agent (represented by a string) a set of listeners. */ private final Map<String, HashSet<AgentListener>> agentsToAgentListeners = new HashMap<>(); /** * List of all active agents. */ private final Map<String, BW4TAgent> runningAgents = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, List<Percept>> storedPercepts = new HashMap<>(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void init(Map<String, Parameter> parameters) throws ManagementException { InitParam.setParameters(parameters); try {"Connecting to BW4T Server."); client = new BW4TClient(this); getClient().connectServer(); sendServerParams(); getClient().register(); } catch (RemoteException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to access the remote environment.", e); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOGGER.error("The URL provided to connect to the remote environment is invalid."); } catch (NotBoundException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to bind to the remote environment."); } } /** * Send the extra parameters to the server. * * @throws ManagementException * if we fail to load a local map or there is an error in the * communication with the server. */ private void sendServerParams() throws ManagementException { Map<String, Parameter> serverparams = InitParam.getServerParameters(); final boolean mapPresent = !InitParam.MAP.getValue().isEmpty(); if (!serverparams.isEmpty() || mapPresent) {"Sending extra parameters to server: %s", serverparams)); if (mapPresent) { File mapfile = new File(InitParam.MAP.getValue()); if (mapfile.exists() && !mapfile.isDirectory()) { try { serverparams.put(InitParam.MAP.nameLower(), new MapParameter(mapfile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException | JAXBException e) { throw new ManagementException("Could not load local Map to send to the server.", e); } } else { serverparams.put(InitParam.MAP.nameLower(), new Identifier(mapfile.getName())); } } getClient().initServer(serverparams); } } /** * Resets the environment(-interface) with a set of key-value-pairs. to * combine properly with BatchRunner, this reset does not entirely reset the * env, it does not disconnect the entities. Note that this is NOT the reset * attached to the reset button in the {@link ServerContextDisplay}. */ @Override public void reset(Map<String, Parameter> params) throws ManagementException { getClient().resetServer(params); } /** * We detected that environment suddenly died. Notify our listeners and * return {@link NoEnvironmentException} reporting the problem. * * @param e * is the exception from which we detected the death. * @return {@link NoEnvironmentException} */ public NoEnvironmentException environmentSuddenDeath(Exception e) { client = null; LOGGER.error("The BW4T Server disconnected unexpectedly. Client set to null:" + client); handleStateChange(EnvironmentState.KILLED); if (e instanceof NoEnvironmentException) { return (NoEnvironmentException) e; } return new NoEnvironmentException("Unable to access environment.", e); } /* * Listener functionality. Attaching, detaching, notifying listeners. */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void attachEnvironmentListener(EnvironmentListener listener) { if (!getEnvironmentListeners().contains(listener) || listener == this) { getEnvironmentListeners().add(listener); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void detachEnvironmentListener(EnvironmentListener listener) { if (getEnvironmentListeners().contains(listener)) { getEnvironmentListeners().remove(listener); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void attachAgentListener(String agent, AgentListener listener) { if (!getLocalAgents().contains(agent)) { return; } Set<AgentListener> listeners = agentsToAgentListeners.get(agent); if (listeners == null) { listeners = new HashSet<>(); } listeners.add(listener); agentsToAgentListeners.put(agent, (HashSet<AgentListener>) listeners); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void detachAgentListener(String agent, AgentListener listener) { if (!getLocalAgents().contains(agent)) { return; } Set<AgentListener> listeners = agentsToAgentListeners.get(agent); if (listeners == null) { return; } listeners.remove(listener); } /** * Method required for GOAL to work * * @param entity * the name of the entity to check * @return the type of entity * @throws EntityException * thrown if an error occured while getting the type */ @Override public String getType(String entity) throws EntityException { try { return getClient().getType(entity); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Register an agent to the environment, is passed towards the server * * @param agentId * the agent that should be registered * @throws AgentException * failed to register the agent */ @Override public void registerAgent(String agentId) throws AgentException { LOGGER.debug("Registering new agent:" + agentId + "."); try { getClient().registerAgent(agentId); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Used to unregister an agent on the server side * * @param agent * , the agent to unregister * @throws AgentException * if the attempt failed */ @Override public void unregisterAgent(String agent) throws AgentException { try { LOGGER.debug("Unregistering agent: " + agent); removeRunningAgent(agent); getClient().unregisterAgent(agent); if (getLocalAgents().isEmpty() && !isConnectedToGoal()) {"Last local agent was removed. Closing the client."); try { kill(); } catch (ManagementException e) { LOGGER.error("failed to stop the RemoteEnvironment", e); } } } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Used to free an agent * * @param agent * , the agent to free * @throws RelationException * , if an attempt to manipulate the agents-entities-relation * has failed. */ @Override public void freeAgent(String agent) throws RelationException { try { getClient().freeAgent(agent); // agent is just freed, not removed. Keep it in #localAgents. } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } @Override public List<String> getAgents() { try { return getClient().getAgents(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Gets all associated agents for a certain entity * * @param entity * , the entity * @return a list of agents * @throws EntityException * , if something unexpected happens when attempting to add or * remove an entity. */ @Override public Collection<String> getAssociatedAgents(String entity) throws EntityException { try { return getClient().getAssociatedAgents(entity); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } @Override public Set<String> getAssociatedEntities(String agent) throws AgentException { try { return getClient().getAssociatedEntities(agent); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Gets all the entities that exist on the server * * @return the list of entity names */ @Override public Collection<String> getEntities() { try { return getClient().getEntities(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void associateEntity(String agentId, String entityId) throws RelationException { LOGGER.debug("Associating Agent " + agentId + " with Entity " + entityId + "."); try { getClient().associateEntity(agentId, entityId); startEntityGUI(agentId, entityId); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RelationException("failed to associate entity", e); } } /** * Startup the GUI by instantiating a {@link ClientController}. * * @param agentId * the agent to attach the controller to * @param entityId * the entity displayed by the controller * @throws EntityException * if we fail to create the controller or agent * @throws AgentException * if we fail to register the new human agent * @throws RelationException * if we fail to associate the new human agent */ private void startEntityGUI(String agentId, String entityId) throws EntityException, AgentException, RelationException { if (hasEntityGUI(entityId)) { ClientController control = null; if ("human".equals(getType(entityId))) { HumanAgent agent = (HumanAgent) getRunningAgent(agentId); if (agent == null) { agent = new HumanAgent("Human" + getAgents().size(), this); agent.registerEntity(entityId); addRunningAgent(agent); associateEntity(agent.getAgentId(), entityId); agent.start(); return; } control = new ClientController(this, entityId, agent); } else { control = new ClientController(this, entityId); } control.startupGUI(); putEntityController(entityId, control); } } /** * Used to free an entity * * @param entity * , the entity to free * @throws RelationException * , if an attempt to manipulate the agents-entities-relation * has failed. * @throws EntityException * , if something unexpected happens when attempting to add or * remove an entity. */ @Override public void freeEntity(String entity) throws RelationException, EntityException { try { getClient().freeEntity(entity); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Used to free an agent-entity pair. * * @param agent * , the agent * @param entity * , the entity * @throws RelationException * , if an attempt to manipulate the agents-entities-relation * has failed. */ @Override public void freePair(String agent, String entity) throws RelationException { try { removeEntityController(entity); getClient().freePair(agent, entity); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Check whether the given entity has a gui attached or will have one * attached. * * @param entity * the entity to check * @return true iff the entity can have a gui */ public boolean hasEntityGUI(String entity) { if (entityToGUI.containsKey(entity) || storedPercepts.containsKey(entity)) { return true; } try { String type = getType(entity); if ("human".equals(type)) { return true; } else if ("bot".equals(type)) { return !isConnectedToGoal() || InitParam.LAUNCHGUI.getBoolValue(); } } catch (EntityException e) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Could not retrieve the type of entity %s!", entity), e); } return false; } /** * Perform an entity action, is passed towards the server * * @param entity * , the entity that should perform the action * @param action * , the action that should be performed * @return the percept resulting from the action, null if an error occurred. * @throws ActException * @throws RemoteException */ public Percept performEntityAction(String entity, Action action) throws RemoteException, ActException { if (isConnectedToGoal() && "sendToGUI".equals(action.getName())) { final ClientController entityGUI = getEntityController(entity); if (entityGUI == null) { ActException e = new ActException("sendToGUI failed:" + entity + " is not connected to a GUI."); e.setType(ActException.FAILURE); throw e; } return entityGUI.sendToGUI(action.getParameters()); } else { return getClient().performEntityAction(entity, action); } } /** * Unfortunately goal requires the main class to be implementing the * {@link EnvironmentInterfaceStandard}, that is why we had to reroute the * main method through here. * * @see Launcher#launch(String[]) * @param args * the commandline arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { Launcher.launch(args); } /** * Check whether an action is supported by this environment. * * @param arg0 * The action to be checked * @return true if the Action is supported by the environment * @throws ActException */ public boolean isSupportedByEnvironment(Action arg0) throws ActException { try { return getClient().isSupportedByEnvironment(arg0); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Check whether an action is supported by a type, for now always returns * false as it should not be used * * @return the result */ public boolean isSupportedByType(Action arg0, String arg1) { return true; } /** * Get the required version of EIS * * @return the required version of EIS */ @Override public String requiredVersion() { return "0.5"; } /** * Gets all percepts for a certain agent for a specified list of entities * * @param agent * the agent's id * @param entities * the list of entities * @return a list of Percepts for every entity * @throws PerceiveException * if an attempt to perform an action or to retrieve percepts * has failed. * @throws NoEnvironmentException * if an attempt to perform an action or to retrieve percepts * has failed. */ @Override public Map<String, Collection<Percept>> getAllPercepts(String agent, String... entities) throws PerceiveException, NoEnvironmentException { /** fail if the environment does not run */ EnvironmentState state = getState(); if (state == EnvironmentState.KILLED) { throw new NoEnvironmentException("Environment is dead."); } if (!(state == EnvironmentState.RUNNING || state == EnvironmentState.PAUSED)) { throw new PerceiveException("Environment is not running/paused"); } /** fail if the agent is not registered */ if (!getAgents().contains(agent)) { throw new PerceiveException("Agent \"" + agent + "\" is not registered."); } /** get the associated entities */ Set<String> associatedEntities; try { associatedEntities = getAssociatedEntities(agent); } catch (AgentException e) { throw new PerceiveException("can't get associated entities of agent " + agent, e); } // fail if there are no associated entities */ if ((associatedEntities == null) || associatedEntities.isEmpty()) { throw new PerceiveException("Agent \"" + agent + "\" has no associated entities."); } final Map<String, Collection<Percept>> percepts = gatherPercepts(agent, associatedEntities, entities); try { // allow other threads to be processed Thread.sleep(2); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore being interupted } return percepts; } /** * Gets all percepts for a certain agent for a specified list of entities * * @param agent * the agent's name * @param associatedEntities * the set of attached entities * @param entities * the entities we want percepts for * @return Returns a map with all percepts * @throws PerceiveException * unable to get percepts because the entity does not belong to * this agent */ Map<String, Collection<Percept>> gatherPercepts(String agent, Set<String> associatedEntities, String... entities) throws PerceiveException { if (entities.length == 0) { // No entities selected, get percepts for all associated entities entities = associatedEntities.toArray(new String[associatedEntities.size()]); } Map<String, Collection<Percept>> perceptsMap = new HashMap<>(entities.length); for (String entity : entities) { if (!associatedEntities.contains(entity)) { throw new PerceiveException( "Entity \"" + entity + "\" has not been associated with the agent \"" + agent + "\"."); } perceptsMap.put(entity, gatherPercepts(entity)); } return perceptsMap; } /** * Gather all the new percepts for the given entity from the environment * * @param name * name of the entity * @return the percepts for the given entity * @throws PerceiveException * if we failed to get the entity */ public List<Percept> gatherPercepts(String name) throws PerceiveException { List<Percept> all = PerceptsHandler.getAllPerceptsFromEntity(name, this); for (Percept p : all) { p.setSource(name); } saveAndSendPercepts(name, all); return all; } /** * Tries to send the percepts to the given entity, if it is not yet present * we will store the percepts in a map. * * @param entity * the entity name * @param percepts * the percepts for the entity */ protected void saveAndSendPercepts(String entity, Collection<Percept> percepts) { if (!hasEntityGUI(entity)) { return; } ClientController cc = this.getEntityController(entity); if (cc != null) { if (isConnectedToGoal() && storedPercepts.containsKey(entity)) { cc.handlePercepts(storedPercepts.get(entity)); storedPercepts.remove(entity); } cc.handlePercepts(percepts); } else { storePercepts(entity, percepts); } } /** * Store the current concatenated with the given percepts to the list of * stored percepts * * @param entity * the entity to whom the percepts belong * @param percepts * the percepts to be used */ public void storePercepts(String entity, Collection<Percept> percepts) { List<Percept> tpercepts = new LinkedList<>(); if (storedPercepts.containsKey(entity)) { tpercepts.addAll(storedPercepts.get(entity)); } tpercepts.addAll(percepts); storedPercepts.put(entity, tpercepts); } /** * Check if an action is supported by an entity, is not used so returns true * * @param action * the action * @param entity * the entity */ public boolean isSupportedByEntity(Action action, String entity) { return true; } /** * Check if a certain state transition is valid, always returns true for * now. * * @param oldState * , the old state of the environment * @param newState * , the new state of the environment */ @Override public boolean isStateTransitionValid(EnvironmentState oldState, EnvironmentState newState) { return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void start() throws ManagementException { getClient().start(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void pause() throws ManagementException { getClient().pause(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void kill() throws ManagementException { disposeAllAgents(); try { getClient().kill(); client = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ManagementException("problem while killing client", e); } } private Set<String> getLocalAgents() { try { return getClient().getLocalAgents(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Remove all agents that are local to this RemoteEnvironment. * * @throws ManagementException */ private void disposeAllAgents() throws ManagementException { Set<String> remainingLocalAgents = getLocalAgents(); for (String agentname : remainingLocalAgents) { try { for (String entity : getAssociatedEntities(agentname)) { freePair(agentname, entity); } unregisterAgent(agentname); } catch (AgentException | RelationException e) { throw new ManagementException("kill failed because agent could not be freed", e); } } } /** * Used to kill a human entity. When a GUI is closed, the other GUI's will * remain open and the environment will not be killed. * * @param entity * The entity to free * @throws ManagementException */ public void killHumanEntity(String entity) throws ManagementException { try { freeEntity(entity); // for (String agent : getAssociatedAgents(entity)) { // // // #3335 if GOAL is attached, we have an agent // // but even then, it seems not clear why the entity would // // persist // // It only will leave a dead entity in the maps. // // if (agent.isEmpty()) { // // freeEntity(entity); // Why free multiple times? // // } else { // // freePair(agent, entity); // // unregisterAgent(agent); // // } // } } catch (RelationException | EntityException e) { throw new ManagementException("kill failed because agent could not be freed", e); } } public void addRunningAgent(BW4TAgent agent) throws AgentException { registerAgent(agent.getAgentId()); runningAgents.put(agent.getAgentId(), agent); } /** * Removes the given agent object from the running agents list. If this was * the last running agent, and we are not connected with GOAL, then we close * this client * * @param agent * the name of the agent to remove */ public void removeRunningAgent(String agent) { try { for (String entity : getAssociatedEntities(agent)) { removeEntityController(entity); } } catch (AgentException e) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to get associated entities.", e); } runningAgents.remove(agent); } public void removeRunningAgent(BW4TAgent agent) { removeRunningAgent(agent.getAgentId()); } public BW4TAgent getRunningAgent(String name) { return runningAgents.get(name); } /** * Gets all free entities * * @return a list of free entities */ @Override public Collection<String> getFreeEntities() { if (client == null) { return new HashSet<>(0); } try { return getClient().getFreeEntities(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Used to let one or more entities perform an action * * @param agent * , the agent that should be connected to the entity * @param action * , the action that should be performed * @param entities * , the entities that should perform the action * @return a map of entityname->percept that was the result of the action * @throws ActException * , if an attempt to perform an action has failed. */ @Override public Map<String, Percept> performAction(String agent, Action action, String... entities) throws ActException { try { return ActionHandler.performActionDelegated(agent, action, this, entities); } catch (ActException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { ActException e1 = new ActException("failed to perform action", ActException.FAILURE); e1.initCause(e); throw e1; } } /** * Used to get the current state of the environment * * @return the current state of the environment */ @Override public EnvironmentState getState() { if (getClient() != null) { try { final EnvironmentState state = getClient().getState(); LOGGER.debug("Getting the environment state: " + state); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore interruptions } return state; } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } return EnvironmentState.KILLED; } public NewMap getMap() { return getClient().getMap(); } public BW4TClient getClient() { return client; } public boolean isConnectedToGoal() { return InitParam.GOAL.getBoolValue(); } @Override public boolean isInitSupported() { return true; } @Override public boolean isStartSupported() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPauseSupported() { return true; } @Override public boolean isKillSupported() { return true; } /** * Get a property from the environment * * @param property * , the property to query * @return the property * @throws QueryException * when the query fails */ @Override public String queryProperty(String property) throws QueryException { try { return getClient().queryProperty(property); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * Get a property from a certain entity * * @param entity * , the entity * @param property * , the property to query * @return the property * @throws QueryException * when the query fails */ @Override public String queryEntityProperty(String entity, String property) throws QueryException { try { return getClient().queryEntityProperty(entity, property); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw environmentSuddenDeath(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void handleNewEntity(String entity) { EntityNotifiers.notifyNewEntity(entity, this); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void handleFreeEntity(String entity, Collection<String> agents) { EntityNotifiers.notifyFreeEntity(entity, agents, this); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void handleDeletedEntity(String entity, Collection<String> agents) { EntityNotifiers.notifyDeletedEntity(entity, agents, this); } /** * This is called from the server, via the BW4T Client. * * @param newState */ @Override public void handleStateChange(EnvironmentState newState) { for (EnvironmentListener listener : getEnvironmentListeners()) { listener.handleStateChange(newState); } } /** * Get the gui controller associated with the given entity. * * @param entity * the name of the entity * @return the gui controller */ public ClientController getEntityController(String entity) { return entityToGUI.get(entity); } /** * Add or remove a gui controller to/from the system. * * @param entity * the name of the entity * @param control * the gui controller */ public void putEntityController(String entity, ClientController control) { if (control == null) { entityToGUI.remove(entity); } else { entityToGUI.put(entity, control); } } /** * Stops any associated gui from this client connected to the given entity. * * @param entity * the name of the entity to be disconnected */ public void removeEntityController(String entity) { ClientController control = getEntityController(entity); if (control != null) { control.stop(); putEntityController(entity, null); try { // Take some time to let the thread stop itself Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore interruptions } } } List<EnvironmentListener> getEnvironmentListeners() { return environmentListeners; } public List<Percept> getStoredPercepts(String selectedEntity) { return storedPercepts.get(selectedEntity); } }