package nl.tudelft.bw4t.scenariogui.editor.controller; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.scenariogui.BW4TClientConfig; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.scenariogui.ScenarioEditor; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.scenariogui.editor.gui.ConfigurationPanel; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.scenariogui.editor.gui.EntityPanel; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.scenariogui.editor.gui.MainPanel; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.scenariogui.editor.gui.MenuBar; import nl.tudelft.bw4t.scenariogui.util.FileFilters; /** * Handles the event to open a file. * * * @version 0.1 * @since 12-05-2014 */ class MenuOptionOpen extends AbstractMenuOption { /** * Constructs a new menu option open object. * * @param view * The view. * @param mainView * The controlling main view. * @param model * The model. */ public MenuOptionOpen(final MenuBar view, final ScenarioEditorController mainView, BW4TClientConfig model) { super(view, mainView, model); } /** * Gets called when the menu option open button is pressed. * * @param e * The action event. */ public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { ScenarioEditorController controller = getController(); MainPanel mainPanel = controller.getMainView().getMainPanel(); ConfigurationPanel configPanel = mainPanel.getConfigurationPanel(); EntityPanel entityPanel = mainPanel.getEntityPanel(); // Check if current config is different from last saved config if (controller.hasConfigBeenModified()) { if (controller.promptUserToSave()) { saveFile(); updateOldConfig(); } } openFile(configPanel, entityPanel); updateOldConfig(); } /** * Updates the old config values. */ private void updateOldConfig() { ScenarioEditor mainView = getController().getMainView(); MainPanel mainPanel = mainView.getMainPanel(); ConfigurationPanel configurationPanel = mainPanel.getConfigurationPanel(); configurationPanel.updateOldValues(); BW4TClientConfig model = getController().getModel(); model.updateOldBotConfigs(); model.updateOldEpartnerConfigs(); } /** * Shows an open dialogue and proceeds with loading the file chosen * into the GUI if the user confirmed to load in their chosen file. * @param configPanel The configuration panel of the GUI. * @param entityPanel The entity panel of the GUI. */ private void openFile(ConfigurationPanel configPanel, EntityPanel entityPanel) { // Open configuration file JFileChooser fileChooser = getCurrentFileChooser(); fileChooser.setFileFilter(FileFilters.xmlFilter()); ScenarioEditor mainView = getController().getMainView(); if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(mainView) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); String openedFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile().toString(); parseXMLFileIntoGUI(configPanel, entityPanel, file); // set last file location to the opened file so that the previous // saved file won't get // overwritten when the new config is saved. getMenuView().setLastFileLocation(openedFile); mainView.setWindowTitle(file.getName()); } } /** * Loads an XML file into the GUI. * @param configPanel The configuration panel of the GUI. * @param entityPanel The entity panel of the GUI. * @param file The XML file to load into the GUI. */ private void parseXMLFileIntoGUI(ConfigurationPanel configPanel, EntityPanel entityPanel, File file) { try { BW4TClientConfig configuration = BW4TClientConfig.fromXML(file .getAbsolutePath()); updateConfigurationInModel(configuration); // Fill the configuration panel from the panel reloadConfiguration(configPanel); // clear bots/epartners from the previous config resetBotTable(entityPanel); resetEpartnerTable(entityPanel); getModel().clearBotsAndEpartners(); fillPanelWithBots(entityPanel, configuration); fillPanelWithEPartners(entityPanel, configuration); } catch (JAXBException e1) { ScenarioEditor.handleException(e1, "Error: Opening the XML has failed."); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { ScenarioEditor.handleException(e1, "Error: No file has been found. "); } } /** * Fills the bot panel with bots that are in the configuration * to load in. * @param entityPanel The entity panel. * @param configuration The configuration to load in. */ private void fillPanelWithBots(EntityPanel entityPanel, BW4TClientConfig configuration) { // Fill the bot panel int botRows = configuration.getBots().size(); for (int i = 0; i < botRows; i++) { String botName = configuration.getBot(i).getBotName(); EntityType botController = configuration.getBot(i) .getBotController(); String agentFileName = configuration.getBot(i).getFileName(); String botAmount = Integer.toString(configuration.getBot(i) .getBotAmount()); entityPanel.getBotTableModel().update(); getModel().getBots().add(configuration.getBot(i)); } } /** * Fills the entity panel with e-partners that are in the configuration * to load in. * @param entityPanel The entity panel. * @param configuration The configuration to load in. */ private void fillPanelWithEPartners(EntityPanel entityPanel, BW4TClientConfig configuration) { // Fill the epartner panel int epartnerRows = configuration.getEpartners().size(); for (int i = 0; i < epartnerRows; i++) { String epartnerName = configuration.getEpartner(i).getEpartnerName(); String epartnerAmount = Integer.toString(configuration.getEpartner(i) .getEpartnerAmount()); String epartnerFileName = configuration.getEpartner(i).getFileName(); Object[] epartnerObject = {epartnerName, epartnerFileName, epartnerAmount }; entityPanel.getEPartnerTableModel().addRow(epartnerObject); getModel().getEpartners().add(configuration.getEpartner(i)); } } /** * Reset the list with bots. * * @param entityPanel * The EntityPanel which contains the bot list. */ public void resetBotTable(EntityPanel entityPanel) { entityPanel.getBotTableModel().update(); } /** * Reset the list with epartners. * * @param entityPanel * The EntityPanel which contains the epartner list. */ public void resetEpartnerTable(EntityPanel entityPanel) { DefaultTableModel epartnerTable = entityPanel.getEPartnerTableModel(); int rows = epartnerTable.getRowCount(); if (rows > 0) { for (int i = rows - 1; i >= 0; i--) { epartnerTable.removeRow(i); } } } private void updateConfigurationInModel(BW4TClientConfig loadedModel) { getModel().setClientIp(loadedModel.getClientIp()); getModel().setClientPort(loadedModel.getClientPort()); getModel().setServerIp(loadedModel.getServerIp()); getModel().setServerPort(loadedModel.getServerPort()); getModel().setLaunchGui(loadedModel.isLaunchGui()); getModel().setVisualizePaths(loadedModel.isVisualizePaths()); getModel().setCollisionEnabled(loadedModel.isCollisionEnabled()); getModel().setMapFile(loadedModel.getMapFile()); } private void reloadConfiguration(ConfigurationPanel configPanel) { configPanel.setClientIP(getModel().getClientIp()); configPanel.setClientPort(getModel().getClientPort() + ""); configPanel.setServerIP(getModel().getServerIp()); configPanel.setServerPort(getModel().getServerPort() + ""); configPanel.setUseGui(getModel().isLaunchGui()); configPanel.setVisualizePaths(getModel().isVisualizePaths()); configPanel.setEnableCollisions(getModel().isCollisionEnabled()); configPanel.setMapFile(getModel().getMapFile()); } }