package nl.tudelft.bw4t.environmentstore.editor.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; /** * A utility class containing a BFS algorithm to verify if * a created map is solvable or not. */ public final class SolvabilityAlgorithm { /** * Store the frequency of the sequence colors here. */ private static HashMap<BlockColor, Integer> sequenceFreq; /** * Flag to check if the start zone has been reached. */ private static boolean startZoneReachable = false; /** * A private constructor. */ private SolvabilityAlgorithm() { } /** * First call to the BFS solvability algorithm, starts at the dropzone. * @param map The map to check sovability for. * @return Whether or not the map is solvable. */ public static String mapIsSolvable(NewMap map) { sequenceFreq = new HashMap<BlockColor, Integer>(); startZoneReachable = false; List<BlockColor> seq = map.getSequence(); for (BlockColor bc : seq) { addToMap(sequenceFreq, bc); } HashMap<Zone, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<Zone, Boolean>(); HashMap<BlockColor, Integer> frequencies = new HashMap<BlockColor, Integer>(); Zone dropZone = map.getZone(Zone.DROP_ZONE_NAME); if (dropZone == null) { return "There is no drop zone."; } List<Zone> neighbours = dropZone.getNeighbours(); visited.put(dropZone, true); return mapIsSolvable(visited, frequencies, neighbours); } /** * The recursive call, checks a new level. * @param visited Keeps track of the nodes that have been visited. * @param freq Keeps track of the frequency of the found colors. * @param level The level to search in. * @return Whether or not the map is solvable. */ private static String mapIsSolvable(HashMap<Zone, Boolean> visited, HashMap<BlockColor, Integer> freq, List<Zone> level) { if (level.size() == 0) { return checkAccesibleBlocks(freq); } List<Zone> newLevel = new ArrayList<Zone>(); for (Zone z : level) { if (z.getName().matches("StartZone.*")) { startZoneReachable = true; } visited.put(z, true); for (BlockColor bc : z.getBlocks()) { addToMap(freq, bc); } for (Zone neigh : z.getNeighbours()) { if (visited.get(neigh) == null) { visited.put(neigh, true); newLevel.add(neigh); } } } return mapIsSolvable(visited, freq, newLevel); } /** * Compare the frequencies of the accessible blocks with those of * the block sequence. * @param map The hashmap with found frequencies. * @return true iff the given map indicates that there are at least * as many blocks in the map, as well as accessible, as in the frequency map * of the color sequence. */ private static String checkAccesibleBlocks(HashMap<BlockColor, Integer> map) { for (BlockColor bc : sequenceFreq.keySet()) { if ((map.get(bc) == null && sequenceFreq.get(bc) != null) || sequenceFreq.get(bc) > map.get(bc)) { return "Not all necessary blocks can be reached from the drop zone."; } } if (!startZoneReachable) { return "The start zone isn't reachable"; } return null; } /** * Adds a new value to the map. * @param map The hashmap to add the value to. * @param bc The color. */ private static void addToMap(HashMap<BlockColor, Integer> map, BlockColor bc) { if (map.get(bc) == null) { map.put(bc, 1); } else { map.put(bc, map.get(bc) + 1); } } }