package com.aspose.words.examples.rendering_printing; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.Printable; import javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet; import javax.print.attribute.standard.PageRanges; import com.aspose.words.Document; public class MultipagePrintDocument implements Printable { private Document mDocument; private int mPagesPerSheet; private boolean mPrintPageBorders; private AttributeSet mAttributeSet; public MultipagePrintDocument(Document document, int pagesPerSheet, boolean printPageBorders, AttributeSet attributes) { if (document == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("document"); mDocument = document; mPagesPerSheet = pagesPerSheet; mPrintPageBorders = printPageBorders; mAttributeSet = attributes; } public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int page) { // The page start and end indices as defined in the attribute set. int[][] pageRanges = ((PageRanges) mAttributeSet.get(PageRanges.class)).getMembers(); int fromPage = pageRanges[0][0] - 1; int toPage = pageRanges[0][1] - 1; Dimension thumbCount = getThumbCount(mPagesPerSheet, pf); // Calculate the page index which is to be rendered next. int pagesOnCurrentSheet = (int) (page * (thumbCount.getWidth() * thumbCount.getHeight())); // If the page index is more than the total page range then there is nothing more to render. if (pagesOnCurrentSheet > (toPage - fromPage)) return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE; // Calculate the size of each thumbnail placeholder in points. Point2D.Float thumbSize = new Point2D.Float((float) (pf.getImageableWidth() / thumbCount.getWidth()), (float) (pf.getImageableHeight() / thumbCount.getHeight())); // Calculate the number of the first page to be printed on this sheet of paper. int startPage = pagesOnCurrentSheet + fromPage; // Select the number of the last page to be printed on this sheet of paper. int pageTo = Math.max(startPage + mPagesPerSheet - 1, toPage); // Loop through the selected pages from the stored current page to calculated last page. for (int pageIndex = startPage; pageIndex <= pageTo; pageIndex++) { // Calculate the column and row indices. int rowIdx = (int) Math.floor((pageIndex - startPage) / thumbCount.getWidth()); int columnIdx = (int) Math.floor((pageIndex - startPage) % thumbCount.getWidth()); // Define the thumbnail location in world coordinates (points in this case). float thumbLeft = columnIdx * thumbSize.x; float thumbTop = rowIdx * thumbSize.y; try { // Calculate the left and top starting positions. int leftPos = (int) (thumbLeft + pf.getImageableX()); int topPos = (int) (thumbTop + pf.getImageableY()); // Render the document page to the Graphics object using calculated coordinates and thumbnail placeholder size. // The useful return value is the scale at which the page was rendered. float scale = mDocument.renderToSize(pageIndex, (Graphics2D) g, leftPos, topPos, (int) thumbSize.x, (int) thumbSize.y); // Draw the page borders (the page thumbnail could be smaller than the thumbnail placeholder size). if (mPrintPageBorders) { // Get the real 100% size of the page in points. Point2D.Float pageSize = mDocument.getPageInfo(pageIndex).getSizeInPoints(); // Draw the border around the scaled page using the known scale factor. g.setColor(; g.drawRect(leftPos, topPos, (int) (pageSize.x * scale), (int) (pageSize.y * scale)); // Draw the border around the thumbnail placeholder. g.setColor(; g.drawRect(leftPos, topPos, (int) thumbSize.x, (int) thumbSize.y); } } catch (Exception e) { // If there are any errors that occur during rendering then do nothing. // This will draw a blank page if there are any errors during rendering. } } return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS; } private Dimension getThumbCount(int pagesPerSheet, PageFormat pf) { Dimension size; // Define the number of the columns and rows on the sheet for the Landscape-oriented paper. switch (pagesPerSheet) { case 16: size = new Dimension(4, 4); break; case 9: size = new Dimension(3, 3); break; case 8: size = new Dimension(4, 2); break; case 6: size = new Dimension(3, 2); break; case 4: size = new Dimension(2, 2); break; case 2: size = new Dimension(2, 1); break; default: size = new Dimension(1, 1); break; } // Swap the width and height if the paper is in the Portrait orientation. if ((pf.getWidth() - pf.getImageableX()) < (pf.getHeight() - pf.getImageableY())) return new Dimension((int) size.getHeight(), (int) size.getWidth()); return size; } }